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BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE - 641046 SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION FINAL YEAR EXAMINATION- JANUARY 2021 (May/December 2020) Register Number eae eae eae: Examination Centre Code SF B.A/BSe.B.Com,BBA/M.A.IM.Sc,/M.Com/MBA/DiplomalPG Diploma Degree Name of the Course fame of the Course | ‘Subject of the ¥F a od Examination fey hepadte logy and_menial bysiene Subject Cod ject Code tates a ‘Question Paper Code DoF APS oF Date of Examination f Number of Pages written at Name of the Candidate Signature of the Candidate Gov 1 PRSAEAY oS Ds Embertero process and Eee ie problerns in tee Aas essmonk Tniewiews prve ceas Tyres ef clinkel Interviews \) Indake a. shagnosate ndes Viewing F Case WiStory 4s srrwcpzed Mntervi es | Dnterviend process: | The clinical ltenvieso pre ceat \s dhe mesHy wed atsensmont gaol by psyeholepts; When evaluatiy a tient. An \nteriew 3S a cenvertation to ga nner View mind get) of glue CNend. There” are several chewokusvics amd Hoot Ar saa neds dus clinial desis dom A Seclal Conversation. | fist Vs Re difdenewt Seetjal of duce FOE partichpamts. O We psgclologina Oe CHend + send dhe seWingd ‘in wer diay Occ. eX) ate clinical ‘ntervieco vscaally ke Flace ‘wa profexshonal sings | Slead ts las Uni dive@onal mes ed dur ANme means, Ate \ntromation Ploco happens i Nes de psyolotogtsy always. ce 6) Isevyyeu S \\ Tnlatees | The Ket meetiy between Psycladofst and cient will be Ubaally- +0 terduch an Inteake— “inde vied {dun Interviews os [The primey purpose [ac deder mine the natoe of dha chents | _ pooblerssy The Second purpote 1S ope peycrologist hes dre sepource’ fo help dhe Aemb for ee do deteoming, wheter end Competences Client seeleing hd dor petonal problems, Hoe Ynielee — \nderviw TS parttcaearly mest importer. Sclutt suggest & auink yuleg' do guile que clintctans hetpiy chhents do define the pooblemns. é bh Think behaviour : seddiny tue Strege for change, he dinidian ond we cient define, ths problem and posible Solutions jn qerms$ oF action, ps inte Solutions pow MeropitS and clients tev ae feos upon problems Ay Tint _pesitive: ahenopy iS provided wolth Weng! PY Me vemalininy thamzth at dea Chents. As Wine grea! sAers) | we aerpisis ety Os Hane eb fur \ncrerwental Steps: ste tweatmend ouktome @ stempy Gan’ be viewed 23 a Series “jek arial amd envor experivert Vn wilde He | atueroiptst amd cijent etpenimant wth portematal — Solusiont. Ge Wank padurre” Minapia Sey Ne eee eye do au duet? Diagnostic Ianrerviewings eu wl = eee ee ot crastiginy he alent pooand Was| box problems. Se cee ee drat peyelrological dyswrderns mate avemtewes pore Seren y Beds of SKZAS and Symptom! TW MSS land of Interview, Hee eNinician observes duc chents behaviou: ‘iyuerte aout des chants! Symptomt In dads and ieee xelevamt pectoral ani dani Listory. Aso AS process hed Ho gated Informallon | odscnak Stelle per%orel ity Cleve cheaisics , joel meNat) gadiden, Whe Strertor aus pose AMiNity do demedtons- Tiere are meng retisle of: Burd eng dhegned te \ndesviass; dieae @ very in dele goals amd degree at Ser cde. | Qn We Hrdt seep | the Clinielan looks for draanegaic clued, WH te cheats 7 Uwelt tamylamt, behaviows amd Wisier aud pretenta Homt: eso ot te ee Hee eNiniedan esi exmte IHS ef possible. psgehiatic disorder, excluded diserdes, and Wexplordl dis oles. Tr ta seus: SP, Umiaan Wives He syeciete dyagnetsic erictesta: lspeelzic quemtions. relaiel do specie eveder, qua Mord Sep TS ao ger a reaatte Wied que fourth Bee TS do avdw at egy BS + @Q- care _Wistory! Zs w alse called a8 pecrologta! Wwery. The \ndormation gadinering in cose Wainy AS Includes He fellouoiny . @ edn avd development @ wy ek exrigw @ fdvoatren D erproy ment ze © recneation [leisure e @ wariaal relodtonsticip @ radicrion Vt on ®D physiol Wealth, also provides de Cliniclan wha aR opponent, te MAL slwevetion abo dur Gjents opeee pattem , tought preecess, ere Hons xeqpletovs, mene ae OFLad pero crs Q. simaoraed _wraresiendy : gare Cdere d Segceo al ches md Lomperheivins i ee ane prededdr minal. Ta wD ae ge tempore thn tan gne ante d “wrberiieed « yual due dottedly adverts b. pra ge sare cellabi ity \mprevamend - a.gendy do more Compernersive, , G Widens wre more Iitely te apply tes ogneshc csiperia Cosectty Arte provisea guidelines: bor mpseving see wehebilidy watinge OF psyetepatiolys 3:|ep-10 ae @ [sep Trrevnanonal classdétcadt on of piseases wes endorsed by 47 world healdn Tep-I0 aus lly « | yeas) beer) Wed ee Standod dragnesli © crasstgicatten fos atl geal epide mile gical ond mam) realty ramen eutnt popes + as ws wel do Classity diseates and odin health yooHlems rerorlel on mery ayees of Leal amd virtual yeeor Ls tnetbllly ade. GAs cont Ken tea. Jen-10 TS available in tue Ax offical lampeges Ob Who ot well ag in at} 3b lacpeape Sep: te. vender 2014. Kage Chap ee deolloud” Cleapter Es aa Weg Women pene certain ier we ae es as tormuertable er pram ivsebte. peep Arzed CLapier BT! Cluapter > exyleind drs nessplase | ga hag que coo Pas Codes ant explain dt te naliqramt neoplasms fewale and male ye nial organs ekey . @ | claper 3 at Eep le expaind due dtenter Jot dus beed and — letood dormning organs ond Peden Uikem@od \nvolviy, 1O= Stee oe metlanisrn chapter A of TeD lo explains Erdourine, pudriaroral and metabolic siseayes . clepier 5 of ICD jo Cx ons mental amd vehaviowral dividers et pydchotegtarl dovolop ret clropten b of tep 10 explains due diteages ek nerveur Syrttent) Such af TNERVEA, neve yoot and plored dgerdest eddy chapter F of TOD NO explains dua dbseotes ch He eye amd adnexa elaprer € et Tevlo Explains dus Mseases ek duc ear and mastoid prreeces cheprer 4 of Zep explaing dur diseases fet dhe civertatory syidend, Such ad oe Gonnedtre diisue Jtsoder. Chap ben jo @4 EeDio explain « tie Leecsey vob tHe wvespiratory Systems. [obetpren expiant duc. arsentes re! RG ‘venger Hn Jue digestive system. Jo explaing tHe ee ae Onapres 12 apa win and gu teekerme od ‘np ctiny Indo on PSS chapter \F of FED lo explains duc Meeates ok due musevlosteletal syston and Connective sss. Chopter wh ef Te? 10 explaing dus dtreates Dok gemtiouriinay SySdom . | chopra 1 ebi@r explains duz diseates ef [pregnancy , clald bith and puerperium, cloyprer Ib of FeO fo explalre due. DMeecdecer Coxtelin aondidiors orprating Wn due. perinatal pevied. [chapter (F ef Bed fo explains ve congen! (Aal malformations, dedormatient amd. loro mogorral abmnormalldes. Chuipter 18 of JeP Jo explaling He Sympten: | 290s ami abnormal orineal aul leboraloy Findings "not elgeolere Clem tied. @ claprer lq et TeDle explaing jue Fryers, poteningyy amd coreain Ober dongequentes ob external Carsed. Cuapter 2° of Tero explains Hie external Aegen oF. mace tver and mordaltay.. Crapten 9) ae Pepio explains Hike YORGE which influencing heath Sdadus and forteot wlth health sorvyees, rChoyrer oo of Ie dle Cxplaint fue Codex ck Special punpe ge Such as provivera auignment ef nero dhsenke of tuncecteln etiology OF Crmingercy ose aul alto rebstemce FO awtinvierobal and autines peti drugs, Ths due wey Depjo howe ) 22 clepies ani tore he dheakes Axserderd ant Comnrinals ot dormations Fond — deformations. @ 4° Post TWeUMAKe Pisorder; Te VS & psyeriatte difosdeu, thal ey OHA TM people, whe Gade experienced 6s Sainetiel 2 elena event guch at a natural disse % demerit adiack, wel Comlaat, a ‘ape OF wle have leeen cvveatend win death, comral violence. er gorrous sero aacident, a Vj. prsp Keown by mony 1% past duck ad “Slett Seocte” during fue Well esa, go an] “compete yoe, Se yocttd yon but pas does not dues Rapper do Combat veterans. _ Symptoms’ \ Turion mes Yo doe 2 WVeldance Bi Mdwatons Yn Cognition and meed At bleevraten jn anougal and seatirrty ©. Torsten Badr Sve duougnd surk os vepantel, Yrvolunjary memeviet, Adar ecsing | dveows, Hash bach OF the dmumatick. Hash back mon be So vivid that poeple dey are ve-liwi | AIT ee — expertouue ov "A Ue ae eed @ | ages: Sean’ We Veins Aas | {| Avoidance: | Aycldiyy weenrders od event ees imetude avpidiry pep’, activities, ebjeots orl shduahens Avot may algae absaress y prernorhel . peeled yey ge ave womenbony durango bate | dae afar ee agen. Seg 1 vest: | [oeteag, ole eS ee hagpertl or be o feal aboot 14 - @ mavratons iv Cegpaision noel” Babhity 4 ene bor ie ep Pee ye neged rouglS amd declings leadly 4 ongens, ard vorele velteke aba oneal on uh cee ae due darrrome! places bee tom sequence’ a wer! ble Sek or otter 7 ongeiny fear, howrot, ayers 7 Fonte rth Joss yntnesd jn aatividlts previoualll 205 opal. teeliy detacied ov CStrmnged ren wltedp ov beery unalle to experience postin | ero Honrs- Bomply sry a vord oF app meet or L gadis facsion + @- Ausnadlen {rn ssousel “amd seaeihp, reacd sym pers we dee Rees ear dn Ja a Sett: provsal ama berny. Veseda ble be having vrecklessy 08 ovelay waterdul Yrelule | oud bots #5» dosrmotive NOY> pads Lonel sosvoundings jn eabily arated ey Steephy. Con vomtraheg es psp _Treatenent! ys cognedive poorest Toast a. qrolorged exponen’ cleegero mo cdhatl on Henny ere py a Sas A Gsouy B medication b+ Compleneter] and ots, Hheragles, ©. Copnesive procestig Morr: Fob on moditeiers paindul seges Hue ernrotlornt aud Plyede @ go dors, qompisas helps dur such isis memories and due Con tromt Jornetions: Eo vee ea pics vepestel, depatlel jrrstnly posure Ga OF pogo ene’ of the Sgape.s controved ao Symptom egy" wey do help x peson fee an a dean aud a @ Sires Incetahor Tee 4 jo aim te yralvideal wrth necessary Copy suits te gucecestulty tetond eee Frum Pye eh wogesees of Streak, much [Mle vecei me. Wwtaction atte pix oe wl dex level Incoulated oto: preven in do on ‘Vleness exposuce ® dpoup Terps’ encourages euiuiven.s 6h. sain Gyausenne eNews te Vere chusc'r Crperieucs ami veattont In a Oreferdables aud rdgewer tal ~ Sede epee strese vy be ete, Hew selves Fo | who don't otn td * eke 61. Hadar 8 Nreween al Cee non 3 hetpdal’ dor people. @reticationt | fr Wann Wel. Corot tee ® Sproptomps oF OP. Te addteton dus Symptons font GO Gaaleasor, mntes I eas peepee te participate more oHeetively a psgehotunagg - ©: Coney lemon) cant dldernathe duewiph@ yee provides dreatyend pese custae dee conventional qerstal health atime amd 4 eye lew taheiy oud disclose Man pegehe seereery- Gy weeinen = duc akeve freatvenk mony geept do Slee dur oie Ce Ee ote a pee support grostp: colt «PISA Jind very henge! eypeni emer and teellys ou ee gree oo @ FE toot dysvrdecs, Thee are two moot disorda, mania, CAaractizel by Intese lug lavelvel Yn f * amd wnwealtStic fecling ef OXcidnent omd gegrersion, war irwelves eapteriay ans and dejertion: focliys of entwdinay Stweed Some peor'} exper eme® bod et deere inls gf rnoela, at One Ret ot Mothers gual other pecrle experiene only, de degreextion: quse recela Stated ane often Gondived do be ob ogpesire onda EF moa Continum . Ve eee ee deprextion Tene ateordig to PSTN WW caignestic and gaatiptes\ oF mented dysordexs) ZT. Unypoler BSovdes erste ® magughrert WSorler mood © wasor Loyresshre Atvevde, manest usd degressed t. een DISorded @ eye totry ode depressed @© apolar I dksovde- doprets ef @© vYpolr B Asorte, deysorsel Ws odtr_ mood Bisordee, Ao Cuernecnl Medical Goudielony Poe ty mn Sdasar en Awd aad 2. unipolar _Bisevden : @ @ Byard ee one Pe..pren tek ee Teed Se er We ey, fox mean dys dram net, last 2 geod by adegrotsetmocd, and of feast dwo Pcie fem sy ptens, but rot Suditciew, posisence, Oy severity to need be Adee. Goo wafer lepretton, , THe peson [Gen mot have hal any nenic ex happormante | epito tes’, 2 © AMiusnannk Siserte, Wer _shegeseted cnoel. ie en reacts with, a maladapte ry depressed prod fo Semen Ween ificbla Be Mos (ot ae’ | pot qualthy, omer : Het pte mt =a ceuning writin due pase 2 wordy tsery tenenernt do tus Strexter had | gexrndrated, (oan brent Oe ee hs power hes one oF rere males deyrcatie @piSedats yn fue, larmence ef any meric ov Wypermenic ep\Soten Syraplernys ef nicer” depeoss! ee ep) sate Varelude gron iment and peti tdent cyerses mnced or less 0} preasue <& perk leo3¢ Dureels, ateortarined by 4 or see Sey rPIeeS. Suc ay pest aype tte, Peedawen Jing Py Cluometey Te tendedion, fetigee deeliys ob woordulessness os quit, tabi lay Ao Cet yade ont Hoses of death oY Sacide . EZ. Byler Disordea: | @oyeloww7> depeessel , | at (present ox lant 2yeark episodes tue peiger has expert erced GIR ore peamerbiy dysdiymda bal atte he eve pec eas, OF Myeotos Cher ether ree! by elevated, Cxparstre or jvradable raced pod oF poychottc Crepe stions O .wigolar 2 dtsorler deperssed . The peter eaperences a mor cleprstive ep tsole amd hag had one lox more mane episoles. | © Werle D Lsorive dpe. | TH pester expernnce a | major depressive efile and has bad one Or more Wykomariae episodes , |. orker fusale INS ofa th = 6 Orme te Gene TA person bs notably deprace! moot, Ymcludi y — Symgtemt associated wth nedleal coudialen : | major depremion whose Poimary case is tended dud to dus divect psyclolegter! ebfecd OF & feeral medical Condit ent Amctude degerernttive nerelogical coudtsien uel at parkington' disease, strrome, Yanions lfelete ade coreat “rece gen Wdactone , and Cerdaiin Camere. isl bee. Oy sursdemce, ind tected iz un pester het poem dwent 0d frsitiut depresion drat 15 judged do de duc fo due dreoe peqeoogreal etteci, "et Some dweg, La deep hp Jbe- = dyey these , oy a medication, nee degression mej ecu in asso datley, with Wntexication by fe dey er in | asseoeiation Hr ulithdrasal dren dur @ O.Wexspetve op SeWizephedia: ‘ ee Hsordeat nooo allel af ec tem one pees aga de 8 Agee Ot eerstal datertoration poring yn eonly tide. Getezonmns coarsest 3p cstvle pesgectve on Se zeplrewsta? er TS & tom bination pia Jeadliy te pot tenes. a TT die trardhegray hic, Context, esertd dente tee post ORI eur Covreh perk woe de! @. pages oF poductemees Cpt ee ja ee dolusieral Laliucd ratory ongreessiion af duc psyehoda See croracdecee! by du eapresslen ce pestirive Synptom: TAS notion teflecte que ere sete Demko eg te. londel de Sewireattective dhsotet acl certary dorms OF rrarta G he _eHopatnaserasls ot scrrrep mee ts Strongly \inced 40 rete devetgrertal ais ocders disorge seed | Copter, and negndre Sgorpews used de cleteet mie lessen eterna dlevalepuen ond Se aoe one - cf fall exon poaive! pryetotie Spon pes. i Cowes axe) nears een ee fede amd tommen Cato ds DiaWNbance ot Tho tomtent d. TiSaupaion af perception A: In apropriote emotion B Conputel geese Cf lh 6. DSvapred — ve ridiorn Fr pedveat 40 an Bane wool! &~ PiMerbed moder behavwn. Clinical ABSCr\ PA ions! 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