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Maintenance Organisation PART 3




Жду 3.11. от Михеева

ISSUE No. 1 REV. 0

DATE March, 2007. PAGE 3-1
Maintenance Organisation PART 3

3.1. Quality audit of organisation procedures.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (c) 1, 2, PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to improve quality system, which has the
following primary objectives:
- delivery of a safe product;
- compliance with the PART-145, requirements.
The discipline required within each section of the maintenance organisation to comply with the
requirements, to detect and eliminate non-compliances, is the responsibility of the person in charge of
that section. In this respect the audit system must not be exploited for the purpose of disciplinary
action, as this would reduce the effectiveness of the audit system in the long terms. Hence, non-
compliances discovered during audits will be considered as section management system non-
compliances and in this respect must be resolved by the person responsible for the section.
There are two essential elements in the quality system: an independent audit system and the
management control follow up system.
The independent audit is an objective process to check all aspects of ORENAIR maintenance
organisation ability to carry out all maintenance in accordance with the required standards.
Quality audits are subdivided as internal and external.
The internal audits must cover all PART-145 subjects and all internal procedures (MOE, CP).
The purposes of the internal audits are:
- determination of conformity or nonconformity of quality system elements and procedures to the
PART-145 and approved MOE requirements;
- determination of the factors, which negatively influence on the quality;
- determination of preventive and corrective actions directed to prevent/eliminate nonconformities
and reasons of their occurrence;
- to assure the quality of the works.
The purpose of external audits is to evaluate and select the Supplier/Subcontractor as per section 2.1 of
The procedure is detailed within Company Procedure CP002-OA-005.
The QM is responsible for supervision of the maintenance system, implementation of the internal and
external quality audits. He interacts with the management personnel listed in the MOE (section 1.3)
and has straight access to the Accountable Manager.

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The objects of audit are checked every 12 months and must cover of all the PART-145 subjects. The
annual quality audit plan is prepared by the Quality assurance group leader . During the preparation,
determination of volume and dates of the audits, the following are considered:
- requirements of the PART-145, changes of requirements;
- analysis results of the previous audits and comments of Aviation Authority;
- policy and management system changes;
- eventual reasons of occurrence of non – conformity;
- approved MOE procedures.
The plan is available and may be sent to the Aviation Authority upon request.
Availability of the plan does not exclude the possibility to carry out non-planned audit on request of
the management personnel listed in the MOE (section 1.3), Aviation Authority and upon necessity.
Where findings are identified, the particular procedure should be rechecked against until the non-
conformities will be rectified. Then the independent audit of this procedure has to be reverted back to
12 months. The Quality assurance group leader may change the audit interval depending on discovered
discovered findings during next audit.
The Quality assurance group leader is responsible for audits preparation and works out Questionnaire
(Form OA032-02 ) for every audit as per CP002-OA-05 and informs the manager of the audited
department, about the date, time and audit volume. Form OA032-02 contains the description of
checked subjects and results of check.
The audit is performed by the QD personnel. It is admitted to attract the staff of others departments
when qualified to carry out the audit and not responsible for the function, procedure or products being
check. The auditors are assigned as per section 3.6 of MOE.
At the end of the audit a Audit Report (FORM OA033- 02) is issued containing the following:
- references to the audit (section, place, subject, date, names of the auditors and auditiee);
- observations and non-compliances;
- recommendations;
- proposed categorisation of non-compliances;
- corrective actions;
- period of time allocated to perform the corrective action;
- other information.
Each non-conformity is recorded in the report. Rectification date should be discussed with the
manager of relevant department(s) or may be demanded by auditor before confirmation such dates in

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the report. The auditor and the auditee should sign the audit report. The manager of the audited
department is responsible for the corrective and preventive actions control in a timely manner and for
the nonconformity rectification information. The auditor is responsible for evaluation of conformity,
identification of nonconformity, presentation of the report, monitoring and evaluation of corrective
action carried out. Implementation of corrective actions are monitored by Quality assurance group
leader via Corrective Actions Request (Form OA034- 02).
The audit system is failure prevention oriented and designed to analyze parts of the PART-145
Aircraft Maintenance System on a periodic basis, in order to assure a satisfactory level of confidence
in the compliance with the PART-145 standards.
The external audit is used for evaluation and selection of the Suppliers/Subcontractors before
including them into the List of Approved Suppliers. The external audit is performed, if the
Supplier/Subcontractor has no appropriate approval or collected data is not sufficient.
The procedure is detailed within Company Procedure CP002-OA-05.
The nonconformity reports are performed in two copies. One copy is remained in QD for monitoring.
Other copy is passed to the manager of the audited department/Supplier/ Subcontractor and is returned
to QD after accomplishment of corrective actions and nonconformity rectification.
The results of the internal/external audits are sent to the Accountable Manager of ORENAIR
maintenance organisation. If it is necessary, Quality assurance group leader transfers them to the other
Reports are to be retained by the QD at least 2 years after the date of clearance of the findings to which
they refer.
These reports are available for scrutiny by any appropriate Authority.

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3.2. Quality audit of aircraft.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (b)(c) (1), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to survey the carrying out of all maintenance as
per required standards including aircraft or aircraft component as result of the maintenance process.
QD is to establish the Quality Audit Plan that covers, on yearly basis, aircraft/aircraft component type
of approved scope. The audit program is designed to ensure that all maintenance tasks carried out on
the aircraft or aircraft component including documentation and qualification of personnel are in
compliance with PART-145 requirements.
Quality assurance group leader is responsible for quality audit of aircraft/aircraft component.
Quality audit of aircraft/aircraft component are carried out on a base of standard Questionnaire
(FORM OA032- 02).The procedure is detailed within Company Procedure CP011-OA-02.
The aircraft quality audits are carried out on the following subjects (not limited to):
- aircraft /on board documentation (C of A, Radio-license, AFM, MEL etc.);
- aircraft safety equipment;
- aircraft safety information;
- aircraft work package;
- aircraft/engine/APU logbook;
- AD/SB compliance;
The preparation of the audit is the responsibility of Quality assurance group lead engineer.
He defines aircraft tail number, date and team. Representatives of QD, ED and PD may be called in to
assist as required. The audits are carries out by personnel not responsible for the function, procedure or
products being check. The persons carrying out audits on type aircraft may in no case be those who are
authorized for issue the Certificate of Release to Service for the same type of aircraft/aircraft
component by tail number, work order number in process of being audited. Based on workload Quality
assurance group leader may request licensed engineers to be seconded to his department on loan basis.
During this period these seconded staff will have their certification privileges revoked.
Audit findings are made in report as per CP011-ОА-02.
Auditor(s) and auditee will sing audit report.
Report of the quality audit of the aircraft/aircraft component is reported to PD for corrective action.
The causes and effect of faulty processes and products are to be analysed and evaluated.
At the end of the audit a Audit Report (FORM OA033- 02) is issued that contains:
- references to the audit;

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- observations and non-compliances;

- proposed corrective actions;
- period of time allowed to perform the corrective actions.
Corresponding corrective action will be developed and performed in order to avoid a repetition of the
The audit report is sent to the Accountable Manager/General Director of ORENAIR maintenance
organisation and to the Production Manager.
Reports are to be retained by the QD at least 2 years after the date of clearance of the findings to which
they refer.
These reports are available for scrutiny by any appropriate Authority.

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Maintenance Organisation PART 3

3.3. Quality audit remedial action.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (c) (2), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the policy of the ORENAIR maintenance organisation to ensure that all findings resulting from
the independent audit are corrected in a timely manner and to enable the Accountable manager to be
properly informed.
The QM carries out feedback with Management person identified in section 1.3 of MOE. He has direct
access to the ORENAIR maintenance organisation Accountable manager for ensuring corrective and
preventive actions.
The managers of the relevant departments and Accountable Manager are responsible for the
implementation of the remedial actions resulting from the quality compliance monitoring. The
managers have to inform QD about disposition of nonconformity in a timely manner.
The procedure is detailed within Company Procedure CP011-OA-02.
It is the Quality assurance group leader responsibility to monitor that:
- the due date of corrective action is not exceeded;
- the corrective action taken is valid (This may require an on-site verification).
Each quality audit report is closed when the lead auditor is satisfied that the remedial actions have
been taken and are effective.
All corrective action requests must be checked by quality Assurance Manager.
Depending on the gravity of the non-compliance or when a corrective action due date is exceeded or
there is a disagreement with the auditee, the Quality assurance group leader may report to the
accountable manager to resolve the issue.
The audit records are kept as per section 3.1 of MOE.
Regularly, but not less than one time every 6 months, the Quality assurance group leader analyses the
materials of quality audits, prepares the report of results and meets with the Accountable Manager for
a review of the overall results. The results of those meeting are be specified in “Protocol of meeting”.
During the review the quantity of audits, results, nonconformity evaluation, conclusions and
recommendations, retention in compliance with PART-145 are considered and also the way for
continuation of supervision, if nonconformity was not eliminated. The quality audit results are the base
for improvement of quality system and preparation amendments in approved MOE and maintenance

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3.4. Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff qualification and
training procedures.
Reference PART 145.A.30 (f)1,2,(g),(h),(i)1,2,3,4,5,
PART 145.A.35 (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i),(j),
PART 145.A.65 (b), PART 145.A.70 (a) 6, 12;
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to grant certifying authorization to competent
personnel who meet the qualification requirements, receive initial and continuous training and is able
to determine when the aircraft or aircraft component is ready to release to service and when it should
not be released to service.
The Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for conformity of certifying staff with qualification
The QM is responsible for certifying authorization given.
ORENAIR maintenance organisation personnel are certified in accordance with PART-145.A.30 (j)(1)
(2) and Appendix IV of PART-145 requirements. ORENAIR maintenance organisation issue a
certificate of release to service for an aircraft when satisfied that all required maintenance has been
completed according to appropriate regulations.
The certifying staff must hold a licence issued under the Russian Civil Aviation regulations in
compliance with ICAO Annex 1.
Certifying staff shall not be less than 19 years old. Certifying staff, as a minimum requirement, must
have a secondary aeronautical educational level. Certifying staff must have a general knowledge of the
English language. The level of knowledge is such that the applicant is able to:
- read and understand the instructions and technical manuals in use within the organisation; ;
- make written technical and maintenance documentation entries, which can be understood by those
with whom he is normally required to communicate;
- read and understand the ORENAIR maintenance organization procedures;
- verbally communicate at such a level as to prevent any misunderstanding when exercising the
privileges of his authorization. In all cases, the level of understanding needs to be compatible with the
level of certification authority granted;
- must have technical qualification adapted to the category expected;
- must be able to perform functions applicable for the privileges to be granted, also their knowledge
of organisation procedures must be relevant to their particular role in the organisation.

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The following categories are established in ORENAIR maintenance organisation for the certifying
maintenance personnel:
- Category А:
Category А1 – Mechanics;
Category А2 – Avionics.

- Category В:
Category В1Line – Line maintenance Mechanics;
Category В2Line – Line maintenance Avionics.

All categories of certifying staff must pass the examination to confirm the level of knowledge in
computerized, verbal or written manner or combination of them. Personnel Training Engineer keeps
the result of examination in personnel files.
Category A is given to technicians or engineers of corresponding specialization, who demonstrate 3
years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft (if the applicant has no previous
relevant technical training) , receive the special task training or complete type training, passed success
examination and after the Company Authorization Certificate OA012-02 is issued.
A category A certifying staff authorisation permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service
following minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification, as specified in PART–
145, within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed on the authorisation. The certification privileges
are restricted to work that the authorisation holder has personally performed.
Typical tasks permitted after appropriate task training to be carried out by the category A for the
purpose of the category A issuing a RART-145 certificate of release to service as part of minor
scheduled line maintenance or simple defect rectification are contained in the following list.
a) Replacement of wheel assemblies.
b) Replacement of wheel brake units.
c) Replacement of emergency equipment.
d) Replacement of ovens, boilers and beverage makers.
e) Replacement of internal and external lights, filaments and flash tubes.
f) Replacement of windscreen wiper blades.
g) Replacement of passenger and cabin crew seats, seat belts and harnesses.
h) Closing of cowlings and refitment of quick access inspection panels.

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i) Replacement of toilet system components but excluding gate valves.

j) Simple repairs and replacement of internal compartment doors and placards but excluding doors
forming part of a pressure structure.
k) Simple repairs and replacement of overhead storage compartment doors and cabin furnishing items.
l) Replacement of static wicks.
m) Replacement of aircraft main and APU aircraft batteries.
n) Replacement of in-flight entertainment system components but excluding public address.
o) Routine lubrication and replenishment of all system fluids and gases.
p) The de-activation only of sub-systems and aircraft components as permitted by the operator's
minimum equipment list where such de-activation is agreed by the competent authority as a simple

Category B (B1Line, B2Line,) - is given to technicians or engineers of corresponding specialization

,who demonstrate 5 years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft (if the applicant
has no previous relevant technical training) , receive complete type training at level corresponding to
ATA Specification 104 level 3, passed success examination and after the Company Authorization
Certificate OA012-02 is issued.
Category BLine (B1Line, B2Line) – means certifying staff that holds certification privileges
for line maintenance.
A category B1Line certifying staff authorization permits the holder to issue certificates of release to
service following line maintenance, including aircraft structure, powerplant and mechanical and
electrical systems. Replacement of avionic line replaceable units, requiring simple tests to prove their
serviceability, is also included in the privileges.
A category B2Line certifying staff authorization permits the holder to issue certificates of release to
service following line maintenance on avionic and electrical systems.
Certifying technicians and engineers have to hold type training provided by an approved PART-
147 organisation, Type certificate holder or DGAC\(EASA) recognised organisation (including On-
Job-Training) on each type of aircraft.
Task training for A category staff is performing by PART-145 approved organisations in accordance
to approved Training Programs.
On Job Trainings is performing in accordance to approved Training Programs.

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The abilities of applicant should be evaluated during the practical work under the supervision of a
certifying person of a sufficient duration. All applicants must demonstrate by examination a detailed
knowledge of company procedures, applicable a/c systems, their function and maintenance, the correct
use of all-technical literature and documents for the aircraft, abilities (including linguistic) to take the
functions of certifying staff.
The examination results are submitted in the Examination List.
Applicant that demonstrates an unacceptable level of competence during examination will not be
qualified as certifying person.
Training Program establishes the requirements for the training and qualification of maintenance
personnel. The Program was designed to meet the Part 145 requirements.
The training program will consist primarily of the following types:
a. Basic training, to establish personnel basic competencies;
b. Type training, to establish personnel Job competencies for those personnel require to have aircraft
and/or engine type training;
с On the Job Training, to establish personnel task competencies;
d. Continuation Training, to ensure personnel competencies are maintained and updated.
e. Season training, to ensure personnel competencies are maintained at autumn- winter term. Seasonal
training (2 times a year) is provided
All Certifying staff must receive the continuation training in each 2-year period to ensure that such
staff has up to date knowledge of technologies, ORENAIR maintenance organisation procedures and
human factor issues.
Basic Training is accomplished prior the employee is assigned to perform any duties. Basic training
will include company orientation, quality procedures, company rules, aviation regulations, and the
basic aviation (technical) knowledge. Basic course is given to any new technician coming in
maintenance organization.
Type Training is accomplished to give knowledge and skills for specific aircraft type, and/or A/C
components. This training is given to maintenance personnel who have passed the basic training.
On the Job Training is accomplished prior the employee is allowed to perform unsupervised work
for the specific tasks he has been assigned for, and before he has been assessed for competence. The
hours necessary to perform this training will vary according to the requirements of his assignment.
Continuation Training is accomplished to maintain the proficiency of the Certifying Staff (personal)
and specialized services. Training will be given when existing processes, methods and procedures

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are revised and/or new technologies of the products is introduced such as Service Bulletins and
Airworthiness Directives, etc. The hours necessary to perform this training will vary in accordance
with the requirements of their assignment. Training may be conducted from sources approved/accepted
by the Authorities.
The objective of the continuation training is to ensure that the certifying staff remain current in terms of
procedures, human factors, and technical knowledge and that there a feedback system on the adequacy
of the Quality Procedures, MOE and changes to aviation regulations/requirements.

Continuation training is provided by qualified instructors, whilst the equipment is modified or changed
and when the rules (PART-145, MOE, etc.) are revised.
Also the seasonal training (2 times a year) is provided.
Training will be prepared by the Personnel Training Engineer, Department Engineers, QD personnel
or by PART-145 approved organisations.
Current records will be maintained for each employee by Personnel Training Engineer in Individual
Files. The record will indicate the type of training (detailed), method, duration, date of completion,
location and include the name of the instructor who conducted the classroom and on the job training.
Copies of the certificates issued for factory training will be kept in Individual Files as well.
Continuation training in ORENAIR maintenance organisation being a part of general training process
is carried out on the continuously basis in order to ensure that high level of certifying staff
qualification is maintained in terms of technical knowledge and relevant procedures application. This
type of training covers the following subjects but not limited to:
- amendments to relevant requirements, guidance material such as PART-145, aviation regulations,
MOE etc;
- procedures and changes in Organisation structure and procedures;
- impact of human factor on aircraft/aircraft component maintenance;
- modification of aircraft/aircraft component and equipment maintained (AD/CN, SB);
- recurrent study of aircraft/aircraft component system functioning, maintenance and troubleshooting
procedures, safety, specific approaches to maintenance practices in spring-summer and autumn-winter
periods due to different weather conditions (so-called season maintenance);
- use of regulatory and special tools, equipment;
- human factor issues identified from any internal or external reviews of incidents and others sources
about errors of personnel;

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- instances where requirements of certain procedures/instructions are not followed by personnel and
analysis of the cause of these discrepancies. Such an analysis may result in the procedure(s)
modification if management deems or certifying staff can prove there is need for such a modification.
During continuation training maintenance staff is notified that if the discrepancies in working
procedures will be found by maintenance staff, they can not modify the procedures, but the
information feedback must be send to Quality Department as soon as possible.
Duration of continuation training is depending on the scope of activity and deviations/ in-house
dysfunction of the organisation.
Continuation training must be reviewed at least once every 24 months.
Continuation training syllabus of sufficient duration is prepared for each 2 year period to meet the
intent of PART-145.A.35(d) and may be split into a number of separate elements. Continuation
training syllabus is prepared by Personnel Training Engineer, confirmed by the QM and approved by
General Director/Accountable manager. This syllabus should cover subjects reflecting the latest
changes in aircraft/equipment maintenance procedures of the organisation/ regulatory evolution,
human factors/ relation with the analysis of in-house and outside incidents. Continuous training
syllabus contain:
-list of all the certifying staff and;
-dates of the intended training;
-training items;
-dates of fulfilment.
Elements, general content and duration of the continuation training consists in Continuation Training
Program, prepared by Personnel Training Engineer and approved by General Director/Accountable
Personnel Training Engineer must keep the QD informed about following to the schedule.
The Record of the continuous training in the certifying staff personal files are performing as per
section 3.5. of MOE.
Human factors training are performing as per section 3.13. of MOE.
Continuation training procedures and programs are audited as per internal audit plan under Quality
assurance group leader control.
Following to PART-145 requirements ORENAIR maintenance organisation issue Company
Authorization Certificate Form OA012-02 .This authorization is limited and valid for 2 years only.
The revalidation is possible after the person pass the examination .

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The scope of work of the person under this Company Authorization must not exceed the scope of work
defined by the Licence of State Civil Aviation Authority of Russia and scope of work under PART-
145 approval.
Qualification authorization of certifying staff is recorded in Certificate prescribed by State Civil
Aviation Authority of Russia and attached to the Licence.
QM is responsible for issuing the Company Authorization Certificate as soon as he will be satisfied
that person compliance with requirements, has needed qualification and knows maintenance
Certifying staffs hold a valid certification authorization. The validity of privileges is terminated if
certifying staff does not demonstrate at least 6 months of actual relevant aircraft or component
maintenance experience in any consecutive 2 years period for A/C release certifying staff. To control
of this maintenance experience the “Individual Booklets” are used.
Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for Continuous checking that the certifying staff has a
recent maintenance experience on the scopes of the certification involved. .
If this experience will be demonstrated, the validity will be extended if the holder passes an
examination (by the commission).
An authorization that has been expired for more than 1 year is renewed if the holder passes an
examination (by the commission) on essential subjects, provided that the on job training has been
An authorization that has been expired for more than 5 years is renewed if the holder passes the
complete examination (by the commission) provided that the type rating training and the on job
training has been completed.
The Certifying staff must present his licence and PART-145 Release Authorization, if it is demanded
by representative of the Authority and also by the personal appointed in section 1.3 of MOE within 24
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation provides the certifying staff with an original of their
Company Authorization Certificate in hard (paper) format. The scope of work is detailed, including
limitations when applicable. For category A staff, for each type of aircraft, an exhaustive list of the
authorised tasks has is defined.
The procedure of extension of the certifying authorisation is taking in to account the same principles
than the procedure of issue of certifying authorizations but limited to the certifying privileges intended
to be issued.

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Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for collect all Type Certificates, OJT documents and check
Continuation training, Maintenance experience records and up date the personal file.
After that Personnel Training Engineer transfers this personal file to QM. QM is responsible for
evaluation of the applicant ability to the pass examination for extension of certifying authorisation.
The extension is possible after the person pass the examination.
The certifying staff members are responsible for ensuring that their physical condition does not
adversely affect their ability to perform their duties.
The Quality Department personnel inspect the adequacy and fitness of certifying staff by periodical
checks. If there are finding during his inspection, the QM must perform investigation and submit to the
Accountable Manager/General Director a decision for revocation, suspension or limitation of
authorization. The Company Authorization Certificate can be revoked in following cases:
- a nonconformity in the process for keeping the competence is found;
- a nonconformity in the process of renewal of a CRS authorization.
The Quality Manager must notify the Certified person by writing about any decision made and
withdraw the Company Authorization Certificate immediately.
The List of Certified Staff must be modified as soon as Company Authorization Certificate is
renewed, revoked or suspended.
All information regarding revocation, suspension or limitation of authorization must be included in
Personal Files.
The certifying staff member will renew his privileges, only after time limit of their validity and after
passing the examination.

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3.5. Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff records.

Reference PART 145.A.35 (j) (k) (l), PART 145.A.70 (a) 6, 12;
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to have the records of all certifying staff, which
include the scope of authorization.
The Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for completing, review and updating the individual
files for each certifying staff member and to establish and update the List of Certifying staff according
in section 1.6. of MOE.
The Personnel Training Engineer completes individual file for each certifying person.
The following minimum information is kept on record in respect of each certifying person:
- Name;
- Date of Birth;
- Basic Training (diploma);
- National authorization (ICAO Annex I);
- Type Training;
- Continuation Training;
- On Job Training;
- Experience;
- Qualifications relevant to the approval;
- Scope of the authorization;
- Date of first issue of the authorization;
- Expiry date of the authorization;
- Identification Number of the authorization.
The Personnel Training Engineer constantly follows up the file and inserts necessary amendments and
additions into them. The record is valid in hard copy. It is allowed to have a soft copy.
The audits of records are accomplished as per internal audit plan under Quality assurance group leader
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation provides the certifying staff with an original of their
certification authorisation in documented (paper) format.

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The records are confidential information and access to them should be maintained to a minimum. A
direct access to files is granted to the personnel as per section 1.3. of MOE.
Each certifying person has the rights for access to his individual file, if there is a basis for that and
under the Personnel Training Engineer surveillance. Personnel Training Engineer r is responsible to
ensure that records cannot be altered in an unauthorized manner or that such confidential records
become accessible to unauthorized persons.
The individual files can be presented on request to Aviation Authority within 24 hours.
Maintenance staff leaving the organisation to gets a copy of their certifying authorisation file.
The files are constantly stored in ED by Personnel Training Engineer office during 2 years, after
authorization was revoked or after departure of the certifying person from the ORENAIR maintenance
The files are stored in a safe way with regard to theft. The Personnel Training Engineer is responsible
for preservation of certifying staff individual files.

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3.6. Quality audit personnel.

Reference PART 145.A.30 (c) (d), PART 145.A.65 (c), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12;
The supervision of the maintenance system by quality audits is under responsibility of Quality
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to carry out quality audits by independent
personnel who are able to monitor compliance with PART-145 and who have no responsibilities for
audited functions, procedures or product.
The Quality Manager is responsible to Accountable Manager/ General Director for selection, training,
evaluation, nomination and inspection of auditors.
Number of auditors must be sufficient to cover all activity of maintenance under PART-145
The Quality Manager is responsible for evaluation of the quality system workload and appropriate
available resources.
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation Quality auditors assigned by the manager shall meet the
following criteria:
- have completed at least higher education and qualification of engineer (technical university,
polytechnic, aviation institute) or equivalent knowledge and skills;
- have a knowledge and understanding of the standards against quality system audits may be
- have the experience of the certifying staff;
- have a training in PART-145 requirements;
- have a training in auditing process;
- be able to speak, read and write in the English language;
- have a minimum of four years-full time appropriate practical experience.
Auditor candidates should:
- be open-minded and mature;
- possess sound judgement;
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- have analytical skill and tenacity;

- be able to perceive situations realistically;
- understand complex operations from broad perspective;
- understand the role of individual unit within the whole organisation.
Before to be authorized auditors must pass the examination to confirm the level of knowledge in
computerized, verbal or written manner or combination of them. QM keeps the result of examination
in personnel files.
The training of the candidates performed either in external approved organizations.
Auditors should receive a Human factors’ training as per section 3.13. of MOE.
If necessary, the QD prepares a program in order to maintain and improve auditor qualification and
Need is established in basis:
- changes of the MOE procedures;
- changes of the EASA, CAA of Russia and other Aviation Authority;
- changes of the documentation concerning type of aircraft or aircraft component;
- remarks and offers of auditees and auditors;
- results of audits and monitoring of nonconformity rectification;
- additional questions determined of the QA Manager.
Each ORENAIR maintenance organisation auditor is provided with an individual file where
qualification and training details are maintained.
The QM draws up individual file for each auditor. This file is kept during 2 years after expired of
The following minimum information is kept on record in respect of each auditor:
- Name;
- Date of Birth;
- Basic Training;
- Type Training;
- Continuation Training;
- Experience;
- Qualifications relevant to the approval;
- Date of first issue of the authorization;
- Expiry date of the authorization;

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- Identification Number of the authorization.

The QM is responsible for drawing up, contents, updating and keeping of audit personnel records.
The files are accessible for the QM, auditor himself and personnel as per section 1.3. of MOE.

3.7. Qualifying inspectors.

Reference PART 145.A.30 (d), PART 145.A.65 (b), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organization policy to inspect the performance of the maintenance
aircraft to assure that the works are performed in accordance with the WO, the Manufacturer
instructions, the Aviation Regulations and MOE.
If aircraft maintenance program requires a duplicate inspection in addition to the one performed by the
person carrying out the task or in case of any complex defect rectification on the aircraft or mandatory
modification, this inspection is accomplished by Quality inspector. Quality inspector duties are
accomplished by Quality control group lead engineer according to qualification and in the scope of
his authorizations.
Quality control group lead engineers are employees of QD, directly subordinated to QM. The QM
performs the supervision for the activity of the Quality control group lead engineers .
Any person carrying out a quality inspection signs the task after satisfaction that the task has been
carried out as per approved maintenance instructions and procedures.
If the task was not carried out or cannot be performed, the Quality control group lead engineer must
report to the QM about the problems in order to perform corrective actions.
The QM is responsible for organizing and carrying out of aircraft / aircraft component maintenance
inspection, for selection, training, qualification, nomination and inspection of activity of Quality
control group lead engineers .
The authorization of Quality control group lead engineer can be delegated to experienced qualified
(not less than B category) personnel of PD in a case if Quality control group lead engineer is absent.
Quality Manager is responsible for this delegation procedure.
The requirements for recruitment, theoretical and practical training, qualification and qualification
licence of the Quality control group lead engineers are in compliance with section 3.4. of MOE.
Quality control group lead engineers are selected from the experienced and qualified personnel.
Quality control group lead engineers must have the valid licence at least B Category.

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Quality control group lead engineers are trained together with PD qualified staff as per the section 3.4.
of MOE. In addition they has training on the procedures of the Organisation regarding the inspections
according to special plan.
When there is need, a training program is initiated in order to maintain and improve competence of the
Quality control group lead engineers .
A need means:
- changes in the MOE procedures;
- changes in the Authority requirements;
- changes in documentation concerning aircraft or aircraft component approved scope of work;
- aircraft/airborne equipment improvements.
QM is responsible for the all type of training of Quality control group lead engineers .
Human factors training are performing as per section 3.13. of MOE.
Quality control group lead engineers are responsible for:
- performance and certification of work in accordance to required inspection items;
- inspections i.a.w. Inspection Programs;
- investigations of incidents and special events by order of QM;
- performance of spot checks with respect to correct application of appropriate procedures, work
orders, documentation, correct application of test equipment, tools and materials;
- performance of quality audits in accordance with the instructions given by QA engineer ;
- spot checks of all documentation with respect to completeness and incorporation of latest
- release to service tasks as Certified person.
Quality inspectors should ensure that maintenance tasks that have been checked are carried out and
where not completed or where it is evident that a particular maintenance task cannot be carried out to
the maintenance data, then such problems will be reported to the Quality Manager for appropriate
action. In addition, Quality inspectors who also carry out maintenance tasks should understand such
tasks should not be undertaken when incompatible with their management responsibilities.
QD performs, updates and controls records for each quality control inspector as per section 3.5 of
Record/ control system of the experience is acquired (individual record, electronic system…) as per
section 3.4. of MOE for certifying staff.

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3.8. Qualifying mechanics.

Reference PART 145.A.30 (d), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12;
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to perform the aircraft maintenance tasks by
competent technical personnel who possess the necessary abilities to carry out maintenance tasks to
any standard specified in the approved data and will notify about mistakes requiring rectification to re-
establish required maintenance standards.
As a minimum requirements for technical staff are the following: not less than 19 years old, common
secondary or secondary - technical education and understanding of English technical writing, be able
to use aviation terminology and English glossary, availability of practical experience less then 3 years
(including pre-examination practice in aviation school/university) on aircraft which have similar
technology according to section 3.4. of MOE.
The PD manager is responsible for training and qualification of technical staff.
If the applicant meets requirements indicated above he is engaged as a “Trainee mechanic”.
After one month of satisfactory employment as a “Trainee mechanic” under the responsibility of the
supervisor-in-charge (qualified person A, B category) the person is promoted to a Mechanic. During
this employment he passes the special tasks training and training of the procedures of the organisation.
After those trainings completing a “Trainee mechanic” must pass the examination to confirm the level
of knowledge in computerized, verbal or written manner or combination of them and can be approved
to perform the general tasks in aircraft maintenance, e.g.:
- Cleaning of aircraft, engines and components;
- Towing of aircraft;
- Panels removing/installation;
- Work area preparation;
- etc.

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Mechanic is permanently supervised by the qualified person no less then B Category and cannot sign
off any maintenance task performed.
As soon as a person, working as Mechanic, can demonstrate 3 years of maintenance experience, he can
pass the procedure in accordance to Part 3.4 of MOE to reach the Category A qualification.
Based on the training records, examination results and qualification commission decision, the
Mechanic qualification is granted and Russian State CAA as established in section 3.4 of this MOE
will issue a Russian State CAA licence in compliance with ICAO Annex 1.
QD will issue a Company Authorization Certificate OA012-02 with appropriate ratings.
QM is responsible for issuing, registration and control of Company Authorization Certificate.
Qualification is valid for 1 year. Before expire date, qualification must be confirmed by the
Continuation training for Mechanics is organized by the Personnel Training Engineer as per section
3.4. of MOE.
Human factors training are performing as per section 3.13. of MOE.
For each qualified Mechanic the individual file is kept by Personnel Training Engineer. Contents and
records control are performed as per section 3.5 of this MOE.
Training certificates, OJT records, qualification obtained and qualification commission decisions are
stored by Personnel Training Engineer.

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3.9. Aircraft or aircraft component maintenance tasks exemption process control.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (b), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
In some cases, when the aircraft maintenance program cannot be complied with, a concession process
has to be initiated.
A concession is a one-time authorization granted by Authority (Country of aircraft registration) to
deviate from the approved Aircraft Maintenance Program or to defer a defect rectification.
A concession shall be:
- issued in exceptional circumstances;
- justified;
- restricted;
- accompanied by additional conditions where necessary.
Concessions are controlled by QD. When a concession is needed, the PPCG lead engineer
shall make a request to the QM who is responsible for ensuring that:
- there is no other alternative means of compliance;
- flight safety is not affected.
The concession is allocated a number, under which it is registered, and a concession request is
filled in by PPCG lead engineer .
Concession Request is maintained by the PPCG lead engineer . A copy kept by the QD.
When a concession has been granted, the PPCG lead engineer is responsible to plan the completion of
the deferred maintenance task, in accordance with granted concession.
The PPCG lead engineer must ensure that the task is carried out and feedback action is sent to QD.
After the completion of the deferred maintenance task in accordance with granted concession
certifying staff issue the CRS for the aircraft as per in section 2.16 of MOE.

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If the deferred maintenance task cannot be completed during current maintenance check, but within
limits, PPCG lead engineer includes approved Concession Request in aircraft WP and certifying staff
issue the CRS for the aircraft as per in section 2.16 of MOE .
The QD monitor that the completion of the deferred task is within limits given by the concession

3.10. Concession control for deviation from organization’s procedures.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (b), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy to use only approved deviations from
maintenance procedures.
Concession for deviation must satisfy the requirements of Authority and comes in force after been
approved by Authority. Authority may fix the conditions under which the ORENAIR maintenance
organisation will work before approval acceptance.
The Quality assurance group lead engineer is responsible for deviation control.
When it is necessary, Management personnel mentioned in section 1.3 of this MOE, complete the
Deviation request letter approved ORENAIR maintenance organisation procedures and forward it to
the QD.
Request letter shall contain:
-object/deviation description;
-procedures involved;
-proposed corrective action, if necessary, in order to avoid any reoccurrence;
-compensatory conditions/equivalent means of compliance, if necessary;
-period of validity/limitations;
-recommendation for change in procedure if justified.
Request letter for each deviation is performed separately.
QM must inspect that:
-deviation is justified;
-deviation allow to exclude non - conformity;

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-deviation do not contravene the PART-145 requirements, the regulations of National Aviation
Authority and Authority of country aircraft registration, standards, other valid documents and quality
assurance system;
-proposed corrective action for the mutual documents.
QM has a right to request letter all necessary information to review the deviation request and to assure
of compensatory conditions and corrective actions.
After positive review and the deviation significance confirmation, QM forwards the request letter to
the to the ORENAIR maintenance organisation Accountable Manager/General Director. The request
letter is forwarded to the Authority for review and approval.
The QD controls the approval receipt and the use of the deviation before its permission / approval and
implementation conditions defined by the Authority before approval.
The QM shall ensure inspection that any deviation are correctly implemented and not exceeded.
Concession forms are kept for two years after acceptance. They are available to the Aviation Authority
based on its request.

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3.11.ждем НДТ

3.12. Control of manufacturers’ and other maintenance teams.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12
Some works for example: major structural repair, important modifications etc. can be carried out only
by the Manufacturer or other Subcontractor. In such cases Orenair shall conclude the contracts with
the manufacturers or other Subcontractors which have PART-145 approval for the intended task to be
carried out.
A contract review is carried out to clearly specify the ORENAIR maintenance organisation
requirements and to determine the plan of action with the Manufacturer/Subcontractors working team.
A preliminary meeting with the Accountable manager, Quality Manager and responsible manager for
the working team will allow organisation of the intervention and ensure correct co-ordination between
the team and ORENAIR maintenance personnel.
After works completion the approved Manufacturer/Subcontractor team signs off the job cards and
issues the Certificate of Release to Service (CRS). Job cards and CRS are forwarded to PPCG and are
included in common WP .
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation will give the limited access for Manufacturer/Subcontractor
to its facilities, documentation, stores, computer system in part of service performed under control of
ORENAIR maintenance organisation representative as required.
The infrastructure and means made available to the outside team (facilities, general means…) are used
by them under ORENAIR maintenance organisation representatives control.
During the work performing, Production and Quality Departments perform the management of the
progress and quality of works in accordance to internal procedures by follow up meetings, receiving of
information feedback with the involved managers, information on the major defects, etc.

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3.13. Human factors training procedure.

Reference PART 145.A.30 (e), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
The aim of Human Factors training in the ORENAIR maintenance organisation is to increase safety,
quality and efficiency in aircraft maintenance operations by reducing human error and its impact in
maintenance activities. The objectives of Human Factors training are:
- to enhance maintenance personnel’s awareness of individual and organisational human factors issues,
both positive and negative, that may affect airworthiness,
- to develop human factors skills (such as communication, effective teamwork, task management,
situational awareness, writing of procedures) as appropriate to the job, in order to make a positive
impact on the safety and efficiency of maintenance operations.
- to encourage a positive attitude towards safety, and to discourage unsafe behaviour and practices.
It is the policy of the ORENAIR maintenance organisation to carry out human factors training for the
following organisation personnel:
- managers;
- certifying staff;
- technicians and mechanics;
- technical support personnel such as planners, engineers, technical record staff;
- quality control / assurance staff;
- human factors staff / human factors trainers;
- store department staff, purchasing department staff;
Human factors training is conducted by independent trainers or any training organisations acceptable
to the competent authority.
Initial or complete training performs in accordance with syllabus given in GM 145.A.30 (e) either as a
dedicated course or else integrated with other training. Initial training can be adjusted to reflect the
particular nature of the departments (size, scope of work).
Initial training is providing to personnel within 6 months of joining the maintenance organisation, but
temporary staff may need be trained shortly after joining the organisation to cope with the duration of
Initial training topics may be covered in several separate trainings depending on the subjects (health
and safety, management, supervisory skills, etc.)
The purpose of human factors continuation training is primarily to ensure that staff remains current in
terms of human factors and also to collect feedback on human factors issues.

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Human factors continuation training is conducted of a sufficient duration in each two-year period.
Human factors continuation training is conducted in relation to relevant quality audit findings and
other internal/external sources of information available to the ORENAIR maintenance organisation .
The internal sources of information the concerning human errors in maintenance is based on
procedures to detect and rectify maintenance errors as per section 2.25. of MOE.
The duration of training is vary depending on the category of personnel involved, for example a
typical training course duration would range from 1 day for managers and up to 2-3 days for certifying
Although training courses is tailored for certain categories of personnel, consideration also gives to the
benefits of having combination of personnel from different functional groups during training sessions.
Human Factors training is conducted by at least one Human Factors trainer nominated by the QM,
who may be assisted by experts in order to address specific areas.
Trainers should meet the following requirements:
-have attended an acceptable Human Factors training course that covers the PART-145 initial training
-have received additional instruction in training and facilitation techniques;
-have worked for at least 2 years for a maintenance organisation, in the case of continuation training;
Training could be provided by either a trainer employed by the ORENAIR maintenance organisation
The Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for provide and control the Human Factors training.
The Personnel Training Engineer prepares a training plan for year period of the Human Factors
training and must keep the QD informed about following to the schedule.
After Human Factors training was taking, the trained staff must fill up feedback and transferred it to
Personnel Training Engineer. Personnel Training Engineer must collect feedbacks and transfer it in to
QD for control the adequacy of the procedures and taking into account the remarks to change the
procedures in use.
The Personnel Training Engineer is responsible for records at Personal File of the Human Factors
training. The Human Factors training procedure is controlling by the quality QD as per internal audit

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3.14. Competence assessment of personnel.

Reference PART 145.A.30 (e), PART 145.A.70 (a) 12.
It is the policy of the ORENAIR maintenance organisation to carry out the competence assessment
of personnel involved into the organisation maintenance activity and particularly the staff and the
personnel working for the production support services (engineering, planning/preparation, reception
supervisors, store keepers, administrators and ect.). The department managers and Personal Training
Engineer are responsible for ensure that all personnel of their departments are trained and qualified
according with performing the job. The department managers and Personal Training Engineer must
prepare initial and recurrent training programmes and Accountable manager is responsible for approve
this programme and personnel requirements.
The department managers are responsible for requirements definition with taking in account
experience criteria, basic training, qualification and competence for the subordinate personnel.
If the applicant meets the requirements, he is engaged as a “Trainee-person”. A statement shall be
prepared and signed by Department Manager, to formally certify that the candidate to fulfils all initial
requirements. This statement shall be kept in the qualification records file of the candidate.
Initial training procedures must take into account the particular tasks in accordance to job function.
Department managers must designate the supervisor for the training period.
The evaluation of the competences of the personal is performing by designated supervisor. The
trainee-person shall carry out the function under the direct supervision of the supervisor.
During the training the trainee-person passes additionally training for the procedures of the
organisation in accordance with the job planed. The designated supervisor must satisfy that all items of
the training program were performing.
At the end of the successful initial training period, the designated supervisor will certify that the
trainee-person is ready for the job by statement.
The statement shall formally indicate training period and certify that “The trainee-person has received
all training and instruction needed to perform his particular function in accordance with requirements
to position, and can be qualified to perform the job without supervision” (e.g. work cards preparation).
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It is the conditions of permitting to the personnel to do unsupervised job and therefore to sign
associated work documents.
This statement shall be kept in the personal qualification records in the individual files.
All staff must receive the recurrent training in each 2-year period to ensure that such staff has up to
date knowledge of technologies, ORENAIR maintenance organisation procedures and human factor
issues in accordance with the particular job role.
The recurrent training is conducted by qualified personnel of maintenance organization, independent
trainers or any training accepted organisations .
Department Manager and Personal Training Engineer are responsible for preparation, update and
controls of records and completion of Individual filesfor each subordinate person. The Personal
Training Engineer constantly keep the files during 1 year, after departure of the person from the
ORENAIR maintenance organisation .
The files are stored in a safe way. The Personal Training Engineer are responsible for preservation of
staff individual files.
Human factors training is performed as per section 3.13. of MOE.
The contracted personnel pass the same procedure as permanent personnel but may need be trained
shortly after joining the organisation to cope with the duration of employment.

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