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Yuwen essay(成长的作文…)

Once you taste curiosity there is no stopping

I was so confused as a little child

most of the times when my mother or siblings ask me what I want to do in the future I don’t
answer...i do not have an answer----even if i’ve said that I want to become a writer there are still
some doubts...i ask myself everyday if I walk down that path will It be a success?

I know I want to be a writer but they want me to study so that I will be successful in and my future,
an example is that my mother wants me to become a doctor

most of the time I just want to do what makes me happy and what makes me happy is using my
imagination to write
in my mind the want of happiness can get in the way of my studies sometimes and by that I mean
that I want to write all the time.

When I was in third grade I wanted to become a pilot, for someone who lived in the kind of place
that where I lived it would be impossible there was no chance of that ever happening
back home there are just a few options of works and jobs and in those you chose
but that’s not what I wanted well to be honest traveling around the world was of more interest to me
my parents----have worked hard for me and my siblings and for us to have the best future we could
ever have

my mother has worked really hard to raise us. I don’t want to be a disappointment to her neither do
I want to give up on my own dreams.
Just a few years ago I was eleven years old something tragic had happened my memories are very
fuzzy I forget a lot of things

time is flying by faster and faster and i’m growing up

I don’t think I can succeed in this path, but I do want to believe I can walk through it

I think other people are better than me, I don’t think i’m good enough…?

I am still just a child, I still want to think that I am a child but the time is going by so fast, maybe
there will be enough time for me to figure everything out and think of who and what kind of person
I might want to be

I’ve(have) grown a lot in my point of view. Maybe just a little

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