Education Agents

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What is the most important educational agent in the formation of students?

Education comes from the word educate which means to maintain and form training, so
education is an effort made consciously and deliberately to change human behavior individually
or in groups to mature humans through teaching and training efforts.
Character education in schools aims to build the character of students so that they have traits
or characteristics that are inherent in a person in their daily behavior.
And of course this student character building cannot be done by the school itself, but also by
the environment and the closest people, including family and neighborhood. Even the family is
the first place of learning and character building for children.

The first time children get education is in the family. The role of parents in realizing children's
personality among others:
1. Both parents must love and care for their children.
2. Both parents must maintain the peace of the home environment
and provide peace of mind for the children
3. Mutual respect between parents and children
4. Establish trust
5. Organizing family gatherings and meetings (both parents
and children)
In addition, the family environment also introduces children to matters of faith and religious
law and teaches children to be responsible in daily life, for example teaching the habit of
getting up early, bathing and dressing clean, courtesy to elders, helping parents' work and so


Nowadays, children spend more time at school than with their families. Therefore, in this case
the teacher plays a very active role in the formation of student character. The teacher's way of
shaping student character is as follows:
1. teachers as role models, where teachers who are parents of students at school must always
behave well and be careful in every word or action so that they can be good examples for
2. giving awards or appreciation. This method not only makes students more confident,
students will also be more enthusiastic in learning because they feel recognized and
appreciated. For other students this can be an inspiration so that they will also try better during
the learning process.
3. Inserting moral messages in every lesson
4. Honest
5.Teaching good manners
6.Instilling the spirit of leadership
7.telling inspirational stories
Society also has a role that is no less important in efforts to build the character of the nation's
children. In this case what community here means older people who are "not close",
"unknown", "have no family ties" with the child but are in the child's environment or see the
child's behavior. children but at that time are in the child's environment or see the child's
behavior. behavior of the child. These people can set an example, invite, or prohibit children in
doing an action.
Community participation in education is very closely related to changing people's perspectives
on education. this is certainly not an easy thing to do. However, if it is not started and done
from now on, when will the sense of ownership, concern, involvement, and active participation
of the community with the maximum level can be achieved? active participation of the
community with the maximum level can be obtained the world of education.

Jito Subianto,2013. Peran Keluarga, sekolah dan Masyarakat dalam pembentukan karakter
berkualitas, LPPG (Lembaga Peningkatan Profesi Guru), Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Nita Oktiva, 2021. 8 cara membentuk karakter siswa.

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