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Fact sheet 05 on “Double data entry”

There are two ways to do this in EpiData. We will concentrate on one of them, where you enter the data twice
into two different files, and then ask the software to compare the two sets of entries. The software will then
give you a report detailing any discrepancies.

You have two software programmes installed:

1. EpiData manager; and

2. EpiData entry client

For double data entry you start with manager, switch to entry, back to manager and so on; so you switch back
and forth (saving the project before switching).

Step 1: EpiData manager ….

Create your questionnaire and save it

Step 2: Epi Data entry client ….

Enter your data and then save the project again

Step3: EpiData manager ….

Load the project.
Go to Tools
Select “Prepare double entry”
EpiData will ask you to select your file from the menu.
Add the file that you want to have compared, e.g. “cancer.exp”.
EpiData will prepare a duplicate file and save it e.g. “cancer_double.exp”.

Step 4: Now return to EpiData entry client

Load your “double” file e.g. “cancer_double.exp”
Enter the data again, this time using the double file.
Save your project.

Step 5: Now return to EpiData manager

Select “Document” tab..
Select “Compare duplicate files”
EpiData asks you to “Add Files”:
Select the two files to compare, e.g. “cancer.exp” and “cancer_double.exp”
EpiData will add these two files.
Now select the key (study_id usually).
Now select the questionnaire items you want to compare (usually all of them)
Now exerfise any options if appropriate.
Then select “OK”. EpiData will immediately provide a report
Scroll down to the bottom of the report to find any discrepancies
Check the original record and correct any discrepancies and save.

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