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[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y.

Christian Living Education 8


• Ministry is serving without counting the cost

• It is a vocation because being in a ministry entails
God’s calling
• Vocation came from the Word “Vocare” which means
call or calling
• Vocation does not pertain to Priesthood or being a
religious but also about sharing in God’s sacred
• We are called to share Christ’s mission on earth


• John the Baptist is the cousin of Jesus Christ. The son of Zechariah and
Elizabeth. His primary role is to prepare the good news of the Lord
• He is also known as the last prophet of Israel prior to the coming of the long
awaited Messiah. He keeps on shouting in the wilderness: “Prepare the way
of the Lord”
• His call was a call for repentance and change of heart
• He calls people to be baptized in the river of Jordan


• Read the Bible study below:

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried
to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”
[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y. 2021-2022
Christian Living Education 8

Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.”
Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At
that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove
and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with
him I am well pleased.” (-Matthew 3:13-17)

• Jesus began his public ministry by being baptized in the River Jordan
• When the Lord was baptized, the heavens opened up, the spirit descending
like a dove and a voice from the Father was heard.


1. The Heavens opened up- signifies that God came to visit his people. He
intervenes in all affairs the Son-made-man Jesus Christ.
2. The Descend of the Dove-represents the coming of the Holy Spirit. It signifies
God’s power resting in Christ and gives him the extra-ordinarypower to begin his
ministry. The dove symbolizes God’s gentleness and peace whose presence
characterizes the Divine joint mission Jesus and the spirit would accomplish for
the people of Israel and the whole world.
3. The proclamation of the voice from heaven- was God the Father’s affirmation
of Jesus as his own Son, the Messaiah who would save his people from sin

• Jesus’ baptism constitutes the start of His mission

• His Baptism was also known as his anointing


• We are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
• By Baptism, we share in the mission of Christ
• When we are baptized as infants, our parents claimed us for Christ and his
• Baptism is poring of water or by total immersion while saying the words: “I
baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
• By this action, the power of God by the Holy Spirit incorporates you in the
Church which is the Body of Christ on earth
• Through the waters of Baptism, we receive new life in grace
[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y. 2021-2022
Christian Living Education 8

• We are anointed to be like Christ

• In our Baptism, we were anointed with chrism oil and become sharers of Christ’s
triple mission as Prophet, Priest and King
• The commitment of Christ’s mission is symbolized by a lighted candle lighted
from the Paschal candle
• We are also known as other “Christ” because of our anointing. Christ means the
anointed one

THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS. The teacher recalls on the meaning of temptation by

asking the students the following questions:

• What is temptation?
• Is temptation a sin?

Then the teacher explains the meaning of temptation:

• In your Grade 7 you were given an idea that TEMPTATION IS NOT YET A SIN
• Temptation, though evil in nature is just an invitation for us to commit sins.
• It becomes a sin if the invitation is placed into action
• Jesus was tempted three times
[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y. 2021-2022
Christian Living Education 8


1. “Turn these stones into bread”

-Satan wants Jesus to make everything as quick as possible

(The teacher deepens the idea)

2. “Throw yourself down”

-The devil wants Jesus to convince the people that he is the Son of God, by doing
impossible and strange things.

(The teacher deepens the idea)

[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y. 2021-2022
Christian Living Education 8

3. “Prostrate and worship me”

-The devil asks Jesus to worship him and he will receive everything from him.

Notes to ponder upon:

• Jesus did not gave-in to any of these temptations

• Jesus reminds us that we always have the power to say “No”


• When Jesus started the ministry, he called his disciples

• Disciple came from the Latin word “discipulis” which means discipline
• Jesus called ordinary men with less worldly riches
• The disciples are not familiar with Jesus but they followed him
[2nd Quarter] Week 01 Handout A.Y. 2021-2022
Christian Living Education 8


• The calling of the Apostles are part of God’s plan

• Apostles are 12 men handpicked by Jesus
• Their names are: Peter, James the great, John, Simon the Zealot, Matthew,
Andrew, Bartholomew, Jude Thaddeus, Judas the Betrayer, Philip, James the
lesser, Thomas
• Jesus was a “Rabbi” so he needs to have his disciples
• Rabbi is a Hebrew word which means “Teacher”
• Their relationship differed from the usual Teacher-student relationship

-It was Jesus who chose and called his disciples

-Jesus calls his disciples to a lasting personal relationship Him

-The disciples were called not for their own benefit but for others

• The apostles are part of Jesus’ ministry

• He empowered them to his mission and share in Christ’s mission
• We are called also to share in Christ’s mission

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