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FERNANDA ARYATAMA JALASENA. Modification of Nugget Dishes With Alternative

Ingredients of Carp as a Source of Protein in Children. (Modified Nugget Dish With Alternative
Ingredients of Common Carp Fish a Source of Protein For Children). Supervised by FIRMAN

The general purpose of writing this final report is to develop nugget products to increase appetite in
children. The specific objectives are (1) to study the general description of carp nuggets (2) to make carp
nuggets which consist of preparation, processing and serving (3) to calculate the nutritional content of carp
nuggets(4) to analyze the hedonic test of the product to thirty-six panelists children. The total nutritional
content per serving of nuggets with alternative carp contains 106 cal of energy,7.45 grams of protein, 1.75
grams of fat and 13.3 grams of carbohydrates. The total cost for each production is Rp. 12,000 so the cost of
production is Rp. . 21,000. The hedonic test of nufine products was carried out by a panel of 36 children,
both male and female, with an age range of 7-12 years. The hedonic test assessment based on taste with a
blue mark as much as 44.4% or 16 panelists really liked the taste of carp nuggets and with a red mark as
much as 55.6% or 20 panelists said they liked the taste of carp nuggets. related to the texture of carp
nuggets with blue markings as much as 41.7% or 16 panelists really like the texture of carp nuggets with
red markings as much as 52.8% or 18 panelists like carp nuggets textures and with yellow marks by 5, 6%
or 2 panelists stated that they did not like the texture of carp nuggets. Regarding the color, the panelists
stated that with a blue mark of 47.2% or 17 panelists really liked the color of carp nuggets, with a red mark
of 47.2% or 17 panelists liked the color of carp nuggets and with a yellow sign it was 5 ,6% or 2 panelists
stated that they did not like the color of carp nuggets related to the appearance of carp nuggets products
stated with a blue mark of 58.3% or 21 panelists really liked the appearance of carp nuggets and with a red
mark of 41.7% or 15 panelists like the appearance of carp nuggets


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