Galang, Angela Kim A. (ACT 02)

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Name: Galang, Angela Kim A.

Schedule: Saturday (7:30am - 12:30pm)

1. Being in ROTC, what are the advantages to young people that employers will
appreciate later in life? and in times of pandemic or catastrophe?
- ROTC teaches students how to handle disasters and be prepared at all times, which is
why it is critical for students to participate in ROTC/NSTP classes in order to be
competent in dealing with circumstances such as catastrophes. Our advantage over young
people is that we are trained and disciplined in performing the jobs entrusted to us. Rest
assured that our outputs and works are the result of our passion and commitment to our
trade. Furthermore, students who take NSTP programs are expected to be honest with
their superiors, which may provide them an advantage over others. We are always open
for positive criticism that allow us to grow and prosper as an individual and a citizen of
the Republic of the Philippines. Nonetheless, the products of NSTP classes are ensured to
be quality-students and equipped to be a responsible citizen and worker for the
advancement of our country in the next generations.

2. What do you think is the significance of NSTP-ROTC to your chosen component/course

and to you as a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines. Explain.
- As a nursing student, I feel the importance of NSTP-ROTC to my education and my role
as a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines is to use my experience to assist and
encourage others to participate in this type of activity. This response is due to a lack of
encouragement for younger generations. This pandemic has changed our perspectives
and caused conflicts in our physical and mental states; therefore, we, the future nurses
and current students of this pandemic, must serve as an inspiration to the younger
generation that we can overcome these challenges and that no pandemic can prevent us
from achieving our dreams. become the finest version of oneself that we are capable of
applying. The NTSP will help us develop into the best versions of ourselves that we can
use when we become professionals in two to three years. One of CWTS's core values
refers to "quality service delivery," and as I mentioned in the first question, this means
that the hospitals and communities that we will serve in the future will be at ease
knowing that even though these students are enrolled in an online nursing program, they
can still deliver quality care to everyone. To end the statement, I then conclude that the
NTSP/ROTC classes enhances the student’s consciousness about the current happenings
in the country, this will enable us to utilized the knowledge and skills that we acquire in
the campus which we can apply while providing care and services to those people who
are in need.

3. Should NSTP-ROTC be mandatory to all students? Would you prefer Reserve Officer
Training Corps (ROTC) over Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) or Literacy
Training Service (LTS). Justify your answer.
- I believe that the ROTC should be required of all students because it is a certain kind of
class that simultaneously develops knowledge and abilities. Since CWTS is aligned with
the Nursing course I'm taking, I would unquestionably select it above ROTC, LTS, or
CWTS if I had to pick one. With the help of CWTS, I will be able to expand the range of
medical services I can offer, not only within the hospital setting but also within my own
nation. Enabling ROTC to be required will train kids to be ready for any disaster, which
will lead to a better emergency response in the future. No individual will be left behind
when handling an accident as they are trained to provide quality service without asking
for payment or gifts. Furthermore, requiring NSTP for all bachelor programs and 2-year
programs will improve the characteristics of students, especially their patriotism in our

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