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Proyecto Ciencias Sociales

Tercer periodo || 2022 UEMS

7th UEMS

Theme and amusement park

Elaboration of a THEME PARK where the characteristics, history, and most

outstanding elements of some of the pre-Colombian cultures are shown in the
attractions of the park.

AZTEC Geographic Element

MAYA Social Element
INCA Religious element
MUISCA Architectural element
20 17 15 10 5
Project All project Almost all project Almost all Two or more One delivery
phases were phases were deliveries complied (less than 1) complied with
phase completed and completed and with instructions deliveries did instructions
compliment delivered. delivered. and content asked not comply and/or content
All deliveries for the project and with and were on
complied with were on time. instructions time.
the instructions and WAS
stablished for NOT on time. Or
the project.
No deliveries on
time and/or with
the instructions.
Quality of All content All content All content Two content Little relevant
elements clearly elements elements elements content and/or
information and correctly included and attempted but not omitted or message
covered. made sense. clearly and/or unclear. requires too
General logically much effort by
message communicated. the audience.

Use of The student The student The student The student There are no
presents an presents a good presents in a omits the use resources and
Resources excellent and and coherent and of resources communicative
communicative communicative appropriate way and coherent elements that
capacity for his capacity for his some of the elements allow
final work, final work, elements when understanding
recreating all the recreating the requested for the presenting the final project
elements elements final project their final
requested for requested for the project
the project project

Sources The student The student The student uses The student The student
applies his/her makes research some references doesn’t use
and research abilities sources for the sources/information information sources for the
research to find project (5) for the project researched project and/or
abilities appropriate (3) without clear doesn’t do any
sources, using sources for research
them correctly the project (0)
for the project (1)
Each park must have at least one geographic, one architectural, one social, and
one religious’ element from each one of the cultures the student have; highlighting
in each of the attractions the most outstanding characteristics of the elements
requested with a 100 words summary.

For this project there must be a union of creativity, imagination and the contents
learned during the period. It must be done from drawings and explanatory content
that allows understanding the attraction and how it works. The student can make a
virtual model and add the attractions as the project progresses.

Other elements can be added to bring the amusement park to life, such as trails,
food court, natural elements, visuals, or whatever the student wants to add.
This project will be done over six class sessions at the end of the third period with
delivery at the end of these sessions.

The project is going to be done in 5 phases using also autonomous time at home.

First class: Choice of culture for representation.

Second class: Search for academic information sources that allow the
development of the four elements of the recreational park.
Third Class: Crafting and creating the first two elements of the park.
Fourth class: Preparation and creation of the third and fourth element of the park.
Fifth class: Final creation details to finish the project.

Elements of the booklet that the student must deliver at the end of the project:

Page 1: Portrait> Name of the park, logo and pet

Page 2: Summary of the theme park
Page 3: First ride model
Page 4: Explanation of the first ride (100 words)
Page 5: Second Model
Page 6: Explanation of the second ride (100 words)
Page 7: Third ride
Page 8: Explanation of the third ride (100 words)
Page 9: Fourth ride
Page 10: Explanation of the fourth ride (100 words)
Page 11: Map of the park
Page 12: Other elements of the park (Shops, paths, food places, decorations)

8th UEMS
Staging of a Renaissance character

Each student will be given a historical character and they must represent them
through a simulation of what this person was like in real life.

1. Lorenzo di Medici

2. Nicolas Maquiavelo

3. Donatello

4. Dante Alighieri

5. Alberto Durero

6.Rafael Tiziano

7. Francis Xavier

8. Bernini

9. Michelangelo

10. Ignatius of Loyola

11. Thomas Moro

12. Francis I of France

13. Philip II of Spain

14. Francis Suarez

15. Erasmus of Rotterdam

16. Marco Polo

17. El Greco

18. Miguel de Cervantes

The student must elaborate all the characterization and the characteristic element
of each character in the lapse of 4 classes to be represented in the last two
sessions of the exam week.

First class: Elaboration of the character's characterization and choice of an

element that identifies the person through history (ppt with at least 5 slides).

Second class: Search for academic sources that allow the character's
history to be identified in a real and coherent way (at least seven).
Elaboration of the speech that the student must say.

Third class: Elaboration of the characteristic element of the character

during the class. You can bring the necessary elements to do it with the
supervision of the teacher. Elaboration of the speech that the student must

Fourth and fifth class: Presentation, characterization and staging of the

character where the elements and speech elaborated in the previous
classes are included.
20 17 15 10 5
Project All project Almost all project Almost all Two or more One delivery
phases were phases were deliveries complied (less than 1) complied with
phase completed and completed and with instructions deliveries did instructions
compliment delivered. delivered. and content asked not comply and/or content
All deliveries for the project and with and were on
complied with were on time. instructions time.
the instructions and WAS
stablished for NOT on time. Or
the project.
No deliveries on
time and/or with
the instructions.
Quality of All content All content All content Two content Little relevant
elements clearly elements elements elements content and/or
information and correctly included and attempted but not omitted or message
covered. made sense. clearly and/or unclear. requires too
General logically much effort by
message communicated. the audience.

Use of The student The student The student The student There are no
presents an presents a good presents in a omits the use resources and
Resources excellent and and coherent and of resources communicative
communicative communicative appropriate way and coherent elements that
capacity for his capacity for his some of the elements allow
final work, final work, elements when understanding
recreating all the recreating the requested for the presenting the final project
elements elements final project their final
requested for requested for the project
the project project

Sources The student The student The student uses The student The student
applies his/her makes research some references doesn’t use
and research abilities sources for the sources/information information sources for the
research to find project (5) for the project researched project and/or
abilities appropriate (3) without clear doesn’t do any
sources, using sources for research
them correctly the project (0)
for the project (1)

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