Listening - 2-1 - Test Practice - Exercises

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Questions 11 – 14 arganaz

Complete the sentences below, USING NO MORE THAN THREE

WORDS for each answer.

11. Dormouse numbers have fallen ______________ as well as in the UK.

12. Dormice are about as heavy as two ______________ .
13. You are most likely to have seen a dormouse in a ______________ .
14. In the UK, dormice probably live in hedges and woods, and next to ______________ .

Questions 15 - 17

Label the identification sheet below.

Write the correct letter A - E next to questions 15 - 17.

15. opened by wood mice ______________

16. opened by voles ______________
17. opened by dormice ______________

Questions 18 - 20

Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD in

each space.

If you find nuts opened by dormice 18 ______________ where you found them. Put them into
some kind of 19 ______________ and 20 ______________ them (name and address). Post
them to Action for Wildlife.

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