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Cristel: Good morning everybody! I guess everyone is excited for our district
orientation as we can see in the faces of our fellow JPIAns!

JP: Exactly partner! I think they are pleased to meet our officers and advisers. Aside
from that, I know that they are open to knowing the objectives of our district as well
as the activities to be conducted.

Cristel: That’s right, and we are glad to see that in our first JPIAn updates, many are
active, and may you all stay this way until the end.

JP: And now, may we request everybody to please settle down, and to those at the
back, kindly occupy the space here in front.

Cristel: Kindly switch off our phones or switch to silent mode to avoid any
disturbance because in a few minutes, we will start the program.


JP: “I can’t change the direction of the wind, that I can adjust my sails to always
reach my destination.”- Jimmy Dean

Cristel: Welcome to NC JPIA District Orientation with the theme,

JP: LAYAG: The return of JPIAns.

Cristel: Before anything else, we would like to acknowledge each and everyone of
you here today. To the ever-supportive Lead Adviser of this local chapter, Atty.
Jimmy Peru, sir. Together with the dedicated co-lead adviser, Atty. VJ De Leon, sir.

Jp: To our hardworking officers and passionate fellow JPIAns, a pleasant morning to

Cristel: To formally start our program, may we request everybody to please stand up.

JP: Let’s put ourselves in the presence of the Lord. Let us ask his forgiveness and
thank his goodness and mercy through a prayer. May I call on Mr. Joe Rivera, the
Vice President for Academics to lead us a prayer.

Cristel: Please remain standing as we sing the national anthem, to be followed by the
NC Hymn.

JP: Please be seated.

Cristel: Our event for today will build cooperation and camaraderie among students.
Also, we are looking forward that after this program, everyone will be informed about
the activities as well as the updates regarding this federation year 2023-2024.
JP: We have an exciting agenda ahead, packed with relevant information ,
inspirational messages coming from our advisers that will guide us through this
enriching experience.

Cristel: We encourage you all to participate actively, ask questions, and engage in
meaningful conversations.

JP: Right partner! And now, let’s take a moment and hear the opening remarks from
Atty. VJ De Leon.

Cristel: That’s a very heartfelt message. Thank you very much, Atty.

JP: At this juncture, may we have our Local chapter president for the presentation of
our advisers and officers.

Cristel: Finally, we are done in the introduction of our advisers and officers for this
federation year. Let’s now proceed to an inspirational message to be given by Atty.
Jimmy Peru. Let’s give him a round of applause.

JP: Thank you, Atty. I believe that many of us here today are inspired with the words
of wisdom we just heard.

Cristel: To make the event exhilerating, may we have here on stage Mr. Roland
Dumayas, our 2nd year Representative and Ms. Mikaella Sadural, our Associate
Secretary for an ice breaker.

*ice breaker

JP: That’s a very fun break! I think JPIAns are energized because of the game. Before
we proceed to the other half of our program, let’s hear some thoughts from our fellow

Cristel: That’s a great idea, partner. Let’s ask what are they looking forward for this
federation year.

*convo with the volunteer.

JP: What activities are you expecting to do and is there something you want to
experience to widen your knowledge and enhance your skills?

Cristel: We think we are ready for the next part of our program, the presentation of
our constitution and by-laws.

JP: Our constitution and by-laws are more than just a set of rules and regulations;
they are the embodiment of our collective vision, shared mission and our commitment
to excellence. Now, may we call on Mr. Joe Rivera, the Vice President for Academics
and Ms. Ann Julyn Co, the Executive Vice President to do the honor.

Cristel: We hope everyone are now informed about our by-laws as they are the
testament to our commitment to transparency, accountability, and democratic

JP: Now, let’s move on to the other highlight of this program, the presentation of plan
of action to be presented by the local chapter president, Ms. Daren Jane Cada.


Cristel: Finally, JPIans are apprised regarding the activities that will be held in the
next weeks and months of this federation year. I know everyone is excited for the
conduction of these events as we step into transformative odyssey. Stay engaged and
committed to growth, determination, and success.

JP: To know your concerns, we will be having a question and answer to elucidate
your queries. Feel free to ask some questions and our team will assist you all

*q and a

Cristel: To take the center stage, let’s have here with us our Vice President for Non
Academics, Ms. April Gamayo to unveil the announcements.

Cristel: Thank you, Ms. Gamayo for the updates!

JP: And for the last part of our program, let’s witness the closing remarks of Ms.
Daren Jane Cada, the Local Chapter President.

Cristel: Thank you very much, Ms. President for that inspiring words.

JP: There you have it ladies and gentlemen for our NC JPIA District Orientation

Cristel: Before we conclude our ending, we want to extend our gratitude to all the
individuals and organizations that made this event possible. Your support is deeply

JP: Under the banner of resilience and camaraderie, I am John Paul Caboteja,

Cristel: And I am Cristel Asuncion,

Both: Your masters of ceremony for today’s event, coveted with one goal marching
towards excellence.

JP: Thank you very much for you active participation in our District Orientation.
We are looking forward to see you in our next events.

Cristel: May we have our greatest and resounding victory ahead! Thank you and God
Bless, NC JPIAns!

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