5 - Sisomicin

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Jodhpur, India

SUMMARY over other aminoglycosides in some respects,5-8 its phar­

Sisomicin sulphate is a new-generation aminoglycoside macokinetic behaviour in the eye remains unexplored.
with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity that The present paper aims at determining the aqueous pen­
includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is superior to gen­ etration of sisomicin following a standard dose of 20
tamicin against indole-negativeProteus and some mg/O.4 ml injected subconjunctivally in human eyes.
resistant strains of Pseudomonas. The ocular
pharmacokinetics of sisomicin have not been explored. MATERIALS AND METHODS
We used the agar diffusion technique of microbial assay Twenty patients with normal anterior segments, under­
to determine the aqueous penetration and bioavailability going elective cataract surgery, were enrolled in the study
of a subconjunctivally placed standard dose of 20 mg/O.4 after informed consent was obtained. Any topical, oral or
ml of sisomicin sulphate in 20 human volunteers under­
parenteral antibiotics/chemotherapeutics being given
going elective cataract surgery. A peak concentration of
were withdrawn 24 hours before surgery. Each patient
16.4 mg/I was found in the aqueous humour 78 minutes
received 20 mg sisomicin sulphate (Ensamycin injection,
after injection, which is 65 times the minimum inhibitory
Fulford, India) in 0.4 ml solution as a subconjunctival
concentration for Pseudomonas. The antibiotic was bio­
injection in the inferotemporal quadrant, at varying inter­
available up to 1203 minutes after injection in a concen­
vals before cataract surgery.
tration of 0.9 mg/I, which easily covers the minimum
The subconjunctival dose chosen in the present study is
inhibitory concentration of Staphylococcus aureus and
equivalent to that of gentamicin, since the pharmacoki­
Pseudomonas. The antibiotic disappears from the aque­
ous humour at the 1434 minute interval (approximately netic features of both drugs are similar after parenteral

24 hours). The elimination half-life (t, of sisomicin was administration.l-3 At the time of surgery, at least 0.1 ml of
the aqueous humour was aspirated transcomeally through
determined to be 5.16 hours (K = 0.134/hour) and the
aqueous clearance was 2.87�I1min. a 2S-gauge disposable needle mounted on a tuberculin
syringe. The aqueous samples were transferred to sterile
Sisomicin sulphate is a new aminoglycoside elaborated by polypropylene bottles and stored at -20°C in a deep freeze
Micromonospora inyoensis. It acts by inhibiting normal unit and later assayed by the agar diffusion techniquell
protein synthesis in susceptible organisms. Its chemical using Bacillus subtilis NCIM 2061 strain as the assay
structure and pharmacodynamics closely resemble those organism.
of gentamicin.l-3 However, the bacterial uptake of the anti­ The elimination half-life (t,) of sisomicin was esti­
biotic is consistently greater and more rapid than that of its mated by the best straight-line fit by eye to the log concen­
sister drug gentamicin.4 In vitro studies have shown that tration (aqueous) versus time data obtained in this study.
the drug has a potent bactericidal activity against a broad The elimination constant, K, which is the rate constant for
spectrum of microbes including staphylococci (penicillin­ elimination of the drug from the aqueous, was determined
and methicillin-resistant strains) and Pseudomonas aeru­ by the equation:l2
ginosa.5 It has been found to be superior to tobramycin
against Serratia and indole-positive Proteus, and also to
gentamicin against indole-negative Proteus and some
resistant strains of Pseudomonas.&--8 In sight-threatening
The clearance of sisomicin from aqueous humour was cal­
eye infections caused by resistant organisms, in which
culated from the equation: 13
prognosis is poor,9,10 sisomicin could be of therapeutic
importance. Although sisomicin has a distinctive edge FXo
Clearance ----=,-�
f; Cdt

Correspondence to: Dr. Sanjiv Desai, MS, Director, Rupal Gajjar

Low Vision Aid Center, Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital, E-22, Shastri
Nagar, Jodphur 342 003 (Rajasthan), India. where F is the fraction of the administered dose Xo that is

Eye (1992) 6, 469-472


absorbed following subconjunctival injection (peak 18

aqueous concentration in Ilg), J; Cdt is the area under the

aqueous concentration versus time curve from time zero to

infinity (calculated by the trapezoidal rule) and K is the

elimination rate constant.

An attempt was made to determine the time course of sis­ � 10

omicin accumulation in the aqueous humour by varying

the time at which the samples were obtained, after a single (J B

subconjunctival injection of the drug was administered. (J
Sisomicin could be assayed in the aqueous humour in a ::>
concentration of 1 .3 mg/l as early as 1 8 minutes after sub­
conjunctival delivery (Table I and Fig. 1 ). A peak aqueous I 4

concentration of 16.4 mg/l was assayed at 78 minutes

(approximately 1 .1 5 hours) after injection. At peak level,
the antibiotic concentration was 65 times the minimum
inhibitory concentration against Pseudomonas (Table II). 15 30 45 60 120 240 360 600 840 lOBO 1320 1560
Thereafter, the aqueous concentration of the drug decayed
until none was recoverable from the aqueous after 1 434 Fig. 1. Aqueous penetration of sisomicin (20 mg/0.4 ml) after
minutes (approximately 24 hours). It was observed during subconjunctival injection.
the study that after adequate topical anaesthesia (xylo­
of a drug in the cornea and anterior chamber in the pres­
caine), a subconjunctival injection of sisomicin produced
ence of an epithelial corneal defect: topical administration
mild discomfort in some patients but no pain, conjunctival
of a forte preparation and subconjunctival injection. Sub­
congestion or chemosis, which shows that the antibiotic is
conjunctival antibiotics circumvent the tissue barrier pre­
well tolerated by the eye.
sented by the conjunctival and corneal epithelia and effect
The aqueous concentration versus time curve after sub­
conjunctival injection of sisomicin can be described by a rapid entry of the drug into the aqueous humour and longer

one-compartment model with first-order input and output, bioavailability.'4-'5 This is mainly because antibiotics

as in the case of orally or intramuscularly administered delivered by other routes do not attain therapeutically

drugs. In such a model the t ' i.e. time taken for aqueous effective concentrations in the aqueous humour, either due
concentration to be decreased by 50%, stands at 5.1 6 to inadequate penetration of the blood-aqueous barrier as
hours (K = 0.1 34/hour). The clearance of sisomicin from when given systemicallyl6- 18 or, when the corneal epi­
the aqueous humour is calculated to be 2.87 Ill/min. This is thelium is intact, as when they are given in the form of top­
the rate at which the aqueous becomes freed of sisomicin ical drops.'9- o The aqueous penetration of several
2 -2
after peak level is attained. antibiotics has been documented, 16-19. 1 3 but that of sis­
omicin remains unexplored. In the present study pen­
DISCUSSION etration of sisomicin into the anterior segment of the eye
There are two main ways to achieve a high concentration was estimated by measuring the aqueous humour concen­
Table I. Aqueous concentration of sisomicin as a function of time tration achieved by the drug as a function of time.
after subconjunctival injection Our study showed that the subconjunctival adminis­
Time after injection Aqueous concentration tration of sisomicin delivered significant levels of the anti­
Sample no. (minutes) (mg/!) biotic into the aqueous humour. Within half an hour of
injecting the drug, its level in the aqueous was sufficient to
1 18 1.3
2 24 1.6 cover the minimum inhibitory concentration of Staphylo­
3 30 3.7 coccus aureus (Table 11).4 The reported minimum inhibi­
4 36 4.5
tory concentration for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is 0.25
5 44 8.7
6 50 14.2 mg/l.4 At the peak drug titre attained at the 78 minute inter­
7 57 15.4 val (approximately 1 .1 5 hours), the aqueous concentration
8 78 16.4 of 1 6.4 mg/l is 65 times the minimum inhibitory concen­
9 122 12.7
10 154 11.7 tration of P. aeruginosa. Therapeutically effective levels
11 258 10.5 Table II. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for sisomicin4.6
12 270 9.0
13 360 6.8 Organism MIC (mg/l)
14 490 5.9
15 660 5.2 Staphylococcus aureus 0.125
16 710 3.3 Klebsiella pneumoniae 0.125
17 977 2.4 Escherichia coli 0.5
18 1203 0.9 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0.25
19 1434 0.0 Proteus (indole-negative) 0.15
20 1464 0.0 Proteus (indole-positive) 0.15

Table III. Comparative data for aqueous penetration of various aminoglycosides

Dose Aqueous peak Bioavailability

Reference Year Model Antibiotic (mg) concentration (mg/l) (hours)

Litwack et aLl6 1969 Rabbit Gentamicin 20 16.3 2

Golden and Coppel17 1970 Rabbit Gentamicin 20 12.0 24
Kuming and Tonkin 1974 Rabbit Gentamicin 20 12.6 8
Uwaydah and Fairs'3 1976 Rabbit Tobramycin 10 6.70 (Al" Not studied
Gorden and Cunningham" 1982 Human Tobramycin 10 16.5 (RIA) 8
Desail9 1990 Human Tobramycin 20 22.35 (RIA) 20
Orr et aL21 1985 Human Netilmicin 12.5 36.0 8
25.0 38.0 9
Present study 1990 Human Sisomicin 20 16.4 20

Key: RIA, radioimmunoassay; A, average.

, Fixed interval.

of sisomicin against this organism are bioavailable in the We compared the peak aqueous levels achieved with
aqueous up to 1203 minutes (20.05 hours). Choosing the sisomicin with those of two other aminoglycosides - gen­
minimum inhibitory concentration of Pseudomonas as a tamicin and tobramycin-given subconjunctivally.16,19 A
reference, it follows that in an anterior segment infection similarity in the peak aqueous concentration is evident
produced by these organisms, subconjunctival sisomicin between sisomicin and gentamicin (Table III).16 The sis­
injections must be spaced at approximately 24-hour inter­ omicin peak is also similar to that of tobramycin sulphate
vals (or once a day) to maintain a therapeutically effective used in half standard dose (10 mg/O.S ml)18 but consider­
concentration of the drug in the aqueous humour. ably lower than levels obtained with a standard 20 mg/O.S
There is good experimental evidence that the corneal ml dose.19 A peak aqueous level of 22.34 mg/l was
level of antibiotics is considerably and consistently higher obtained at 2 hours with tobramycin in the latter study.19 A
than the aqueous humour level at all times following a lower peak in the present study can be explained by the
subconjunctival injection?4-26 Therefore, the high aque­ fact that the microbiological assay technique employed
ous peak of sisomicin observed in the present study sug­ detects only the bioactive drug, whereas the radio­
gests that the drug must be available in much higher immunoassay utilised in the latter studi9 measures both
concentrations in the cornea, as it must negotiate this tis­ the active drug and its metabolites.
sue barrier during the process of diffusion into the anterior The comparative data (Table III) on the bioavailability
chamber. For surface infections of the globe, sisomicin of subconjunctivally injected antibiotics show that ami­
therefore has a favourable bioavailability. Significant noglycosides, with the exception of netilmicin,2 1 have a
changes in drug absorption can be brought about by the relatively prolonged bioavailability (varying from 18 to 24
status of the cornea itself. Various corneal pathologies hours) compared with antibiotics such as cephaloridine.3 4
may either enhance or impede drug penetration into the The longer bioavailability is probably due to the fact that
anterior chamber. Corneal scarring will obstruct drug pen­ aminoglycosides bind avidly to melanin pigment of ocular
etration into the cornea and then into the aqueous tissues,35 in contrast to cephaloridine which does not. This
humour.27 On the other hand, a disrupted epithelium and binding, which is freely reversible, allows a sustained
an inflamed or vascularised cornea would be expected to release of the biologically active antibiotic into the
increase drug uptake. The present study documents the anterior chamber.36 The results of the present study con­
penetration of sisomicin in non-inflamed human eyes. In form to this pattern of bioavailability. Toxicity studies of
the event of keratitis or uveitis the drug levels found here sisomicin are not available in the literature. Netilmicin, a
are expected to be exceeded. semi-synthetic aminoglycoside produced by the N-l alky­
In recent years topical antibiotic delivery with fortified lation of its parent compound, sisomicin,37 has been
eyedrops and loading doses has gained acceptance in the shown to have a retinal toxic threshold level of 100 ).lg
treatment of corneal infections. Therefore, comparison of after intravitreal injection.38 If we assume a comparable
aqueous titres obtained with these modes of delivery and threshold for sisomicin, the present study shows that such
with subconjunctival injection should be interesting. high levels of the antibiotic do not penetrate into the
Experimental studies with gentamicin have demonstrated anterior chamber even at the peak titre. In view of sis­
that a fortified topical solution has very poor aqueous pen­ omicin's broad range of antimicrobial activity, its efficacy
etration in normal, uninflamed eyes.28 But in inflamed against gentamicin-resistant strains of certain microbes
eyes its concentration is considerably higher and reaches and the excellent intraocular penetration achieved in the
double the aqueous peak of subconjunctivally injected sis­ aqueous humour, we are of the opinion that sisomicin may
omicin obtained in the present study.29 However, whatever be of considerable value in treating ocular infections and
convenience eyedrops offer in their administration is off­ local sepsis following surgery, and for prophylaxis in cat­
set by the serious disadvantage of unreliable penetration, aract surgery.
poor patient compliance and especially in the case of ami­ Key words: Aqueous clearance, Bioavailability, Half-life, Pharmac­
noglycosides, epithelial toxicity.3 o.3 1 okinetics, Sisomicin, Subconjunctival injection.

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