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MME - 305

Data and Digital Economy

By TS Rangarajan

● Rangarajan Thirumpoondi ITBHU Alumni

● Employed in India As Process Engineer,
Production Manager In various Electronic Ceramic
component manufacturing units in Chennai and
Bengaluru from 1985 to 1996
● Employed In the USA from 1997 to 2021 As IT
Consultant, Data Modeller, Data Architect, ETL
Specialist, SQL specialist, Cloud migration
consultant for various clients
Course Plan
● This will be a non-technical course
● This is for those wanting to know about the workings of the IT industry
● This provides our virtual visit to an IT workplace and to learn the different
terminologies, working methods/standards, data & material flow, types of
industries, associated problems/solutions, hierarchies, IT tools, etc
● Different aspects of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), SDLC
implementation methods and tools, etc
● Changes happening in IT sector (technology, marketing, legal &
environmental changes) and the impact they have on digital economy
● Short history of software languages, databases, data types, memory storage
improvements, IT tools
● A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson ( 2003)
● RDBMS - Rules - Normalization - Cloud - Structured Data -
Unstructured Data
● Data Security - Data Scalability - Ethics - Standards - Data Types
● Communication
IT Industry
● As you enter the workspot in an IT environment?????
Data and Digital Economy
● Discussion about what a good economy means and how
every economic idea is based on bridging the gap between
supply and demand
● Effect of more supply and less demand – causes recession
● More demand and less supply causes inflation
● More supply/less demand of some commodities and less
supply/more demand of others causes a false outlook on
the economy
Can Data Analysis Solve these problems?
● Inventory ● Marketing

● Supply chain ● Fulfillment

● Line Balancing ● Backlogs

● Logistics ● Warranties
What is Data?
● Data - Any useful information in digital form
● Data can be sourced from: OLTP (Online
Transaction Process) systems, during registration,
Look-Up Tables, other Datamarts, financial
systems, BOM (Bill of Material), purchase
order/purchase order details, process flows, sales
invoice, etc
Brief History of Comp Languages/OS/RDBMS
● COBOL ● Mainframe Computers

● C ● Oracle

● SQL ● MS SQL Server

● UNIX ● Teradata

● Linux ● Cloud

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