Asterix Assingmentt

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Asterix Assignment

By Suus and Flora

Obelix had a dream about storks delivering baby’s. That
morning he told Asterix about it, but Asterix didn’t
believe that it was true. When Asterix opened the door
that same morning he actually saw a baby in front of his
own door! Obelix thought that the storks delivered it at
the wrong address, but Asterix didn’t believe him. While
Asterix was trying to treat the baby, Obelix went outside
to borrow a cow, so they could feed the baby. After
Obelix milked the cow he put the milk in a little bottle he
found. While Obelix was feeding the baby Asterix went
to Vitalstatistix for help to bring the baby back home.
Than Asterix heard Obelix shout for him. When Asterix
got back home he saw the baby swinging the cow around. Then Asterix realized
the bottle where Obelix poured the milk in was still half filled whit magic
potion! The became very strong of the magic potion so they got scared. Then
the wife of the king arrived to care for the baby, but as soon as she entered the
house the baby kicked her out. She tried again but the baby didn’t let her in.
Then the baby finally fell asleep, but Asterix and Obelix came into a fight about
where the baby came from. Because of all the noise the baby almost woke up!
When the baby was asleep Asterix and Obelix left the house to investigate
roman camps and they left Dogmatix on the guard. They went to different
roman camps to ask if they knew where the baby came from, but nobody
knew. Then the baby and Dogmatix came running after them. Asterix and
Obelix decided to bring the baby and Dogmatix with them to the roman camps.
After a few camps somebody told them that he knew a prefect that got the job
to find the baby. When they were searching for the prefect there where people
trying to get the baby, but the baby defended itself. Then Asterix, Obelix, the
baby and Dogmatix went back home. When the baby was asleep, Asterix went
to Vitalstatistix to ask for help again. But while Asterix was gone Obelix decided
to bring away a menhir to Bucolix to pay for the cow. When they both got back
home the baby was gone. When they found the baby at the house of Getafix
they brought it back home. At the same moment the romans where discussing
about the baby, and about how they could get it back. When Asterix and Obelix
came home the magic potion of the baby stopped working. The baby began
crying again so Asterix and Obelix came in a fight again. Than Obelix went home
and left Asterix with the baby. Than Getafix told them to stop fighting and to
work together. They forgot about the baby for a second, but then Dogmatix
found the baby in Getafix house where he fell into the magic potion (just like
Obelix did!). At the same moment the prefect build a whole camp with his army
so he could prepare a fight for winning the baby back. Than the prefect send
out a roman soldier to pretend like a pedlar. At first the plan worked and the
pedlar came inside the camp of Asterix and Obelix! He found Asterix and the
baby and Asterix let him in. while the baby was sleeping the pedlar tried to
kidnap the baby but the baby woke up and the pedlar got scared so he ran
away. The baby followed him for a while but then he got tired and started
sleeping under a tree. The pedlar came back in the roman camp and told them
everything. At the same time Asterix and Obelix found the baby. Then the
prefect send another men to Asterix and Obelix camp, but this man had to
pretend like he was a women to care for the baby. The women got inside the
camp and found Asterix house. When the women got inside the baby kicked
her out. But after a while the baby started crying. Then the women started to
sing, and the baby was quiet in a second. Asterix was impressed so he let the
women take care of the baby. The day went over and the (fake) women kept
singing, but everyone else in the camp didn’t like it. When the evening came
Asterix told the women to stay and sleep with the baby. In the middle of the
night the women tried to steal the baby, but the baby started crying. Everyone
in the camp heard it so the women couldn’t leave. Then the next morning the
baby kicked the women out again. But the women put the baby in her basket
and tried to leave the camp. But when they passed the security the baby
started crying again! The women run away so fast as she could and it worked!
But then the baby escaped of the basket and ran away. When she tried to grab
him the baby swinged her around. Her wig fell off so she got scared and ran
away. Asterix and Obelix found the baby and the wig! They didn’t know what to
do so they went back to Vitalstatistix. At the same moment the roman soldier
(pretending like a woman) got back in his own camp where they started to plan
an attack to Asterix and Obelix camp. That same night
the romans attacked the camp of Asterix and Obelix.
They put everything on fire! Al man in the camp
fought back against the romans so Asterix gave the
baby to the women. Then the roman emperor came
to the women and got the baby. the baby just jumped
into the arms of the roman emperor! The emperor
jumped into a boat and sailed away. The next
morning when Asterix and Obelix saw that the baby
was gone, Obelix started to swim to the boat of the
romans with Asterix and Dogmatix on his back. When
they arrived on the boat, Dogmatix bite the roman emperor and the baby came
back to Asterix and Obelix. When they got back to land Caesar arrived and
wanted to know where the baby came from. Than Cleopatra arrived and told
Caesar that it was there son and that she left him at Asterix’s house to make
sure the romans couldn’t get him. After this explanation everyone came on
board of the roman boat and they all eat together.

The end

Asterix is the hero of the story, he is a small warrior and he is very
brave. he gets his superhuman strength from the magic potion.
Asterix is the best friend of Obelix and they also were born on the
same day. Asterix is a fearless warrior and he always protects his

Obelix is the best friend of Asterix and he helps Asterix on all his
missions. Obelix works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman. He is
known for his fatness, the menhirs that he is carrying around and
for his superhuman strength. He got this strength because he fell in
a cauldron of magic potion when he was a baby.

Getafix is the village druid. He is tall and you can recognize him of
his long white beard. Getafix makes the magic potion to give all
men in camp superhuman strength. He is quite old and he is very
wise. Getafix is always busy with making medicines and other

Dogmatix is a small white terrier dog who is a companion to Asterix and Obelix.
He is the only animal among the main characters in the Asterix series. His
favorite thing to do is chewing a bone. He is often seen doing something
interesting in the background, which occasionally fulfills an important part of
the plot.

Vitalstatistix is the chief of the village. He is a big bellied men with
red hair. He has a wife called impedimenta. His major failing are
his love for good food and drink. This also led to some health
problems. He prefers to travel on a shield carried by two shield

Unhygienix is the fishmonger of the village. He fights with
Fulliautomatix by smacking him with fish. He has a fish market, and
if a contestant comes too close to him, he will hit and stun them.

Fulliautomatix is the village smith. His father was the villge smith
before him. He is tall and very strong. Fulliautomatix is one of the
strongest charecters. He is almost always carrying a hammer with
him. you can also recognise him from that hammer.
Geriatrix is the oldest inhabitant of the village. He is 93 years but
when he is drunk he feels ten years younger. He dislikes it when he
is being treated like an old person and he will attack everyone who
comments to that fact. Getafix is against foreigners who are not
from his village.

Cacofonix is the village bard. He loves singing and playing his lyre.
Cacofonix considers himself as a genius and very good singer, but
actually he is very bad at singing. when he starts to sing, play and
sometimes even dance, everyone tries to stop him or they are
running away.
Anachronism 1: Page 5, picture 11

in this picture you see a baby with a pacifier in

his mouth, but pacifiers didn’t existed in the
time of Asterix and Obelix. You can see the
pacifier coming back in multiple pictures.

Anachronism 2: Page 30, picture 9

In this picture you see a roman warrior dressed

like a women wearing a wig. But wigs didn’t
existed in this time so it is impossible that he
had one. On page 39 picture 7 you can see
Asterix holding this wig.

Anachronism 3: Page 31, picture 10

In this picture you see Asterix fixing his door

with a hammer and nails. The nails didn’t
existed in this time so he wouldn’t be able to
fix his door. You can see the nails in al the
other doors to.
Own opinion
Did or didn’t I like it?:
I did like it because I like it to read comics. I like it that I could read a Asterix
because I didn’t really read one before. I think the story was nice and funny. It
wasn’t a very difficult story but I find it difficult to read English so it took me
long to read.

Would I recommend it?:

I would recommend. I liked the story and I think it is very funny. there are a lot
of plot twists so you really want to read further. I like it that the comics aren’t
very long so you can read it quite fast.

Did or didn’t it live up to my expectations:

It did live up to my expectations and it was even better. I really like the comic
and I am going to read more of them.

Did or didn’t I like it?:
I didn’t really like it because it is not the type of comic that I like to read. For
me it was hard to follow what was going on, so I wouldn’t read it for fun. I think
the comic could be nice if it wasn’t that hard to read because I did like the type

Would I recommend it?:

I would recommend it if you like funny story’s or if you want to know how they
handled things back then. I wouldn’t recommend it if you find it hard to read in
English because they used pretty difficult words.

Did or didn’t it live up to my expectations:

It didn’t live up to my expectations. I didn’t like the comic and I don’t think I am
going to read more of them.

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