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6 R EAD I N G Get stressed, stay young

a What symptoms do people have when they feel stressed? 1 For decades doctors have warned us about the dangers
b Which three of these things do you think are the most of stress and have given us advice about how to cut
down our stress levels. Everyone agrees that long-term
stressful? Number them 1–3 (1 = the most stressful) and
stress, for example having to look after someone
compare with a partner.
who has a chronic illness, or stressful situations
Packing for a trip at the last minute. where there is nothing we can do, for example
Being stuck in a traffic jam when you have an appointment. being stuck in a traffic jam, is bad for our
Writing a report for your boss when you don’t have much health and should be avoided whenever
time to finish it. possible. However, some medical experts
Running for a bus or train. now believe that certain kinds of stress may
Looking after a family member who has a chronic illness. actually be good for us.
Shopping in your lunch break. 2 Dr Marios Kyriazis, an anti-ageing expert, claims that
Programming a DVD player using the instruction manual. what he calls ‘good stress’ is beneficial to our health
and may, in fact, help us stay young and attractive and
c Read the article once quite quickly and then tick (✔) the even live longer. Dr Kyriazis says that ‘good stress’ can
activities that are bad for your health. What does the article say strengthen our natural defences which protect us from
about the others? illnesses common among older people, such as
Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and heart problems. He believes
d Read the article again more slowly. Circle the correct main idea that ‘good stress’ can increase the production of the
for each paragraph. proteins that help to repair the body’s cells, including
1 a Being in traffic jams is bad for our health. brain cells.
b Some people think that not all kinds of stress are bad for us. 3 According to Dr Kyriazis, running for a bus or having to
c Doctors don’t agree how we can reduce our levels of stress.
work to a deadline are examples of ‘good stress’, that is
2 a Young people suffer more from stress than older people. situations with short-term, low or
b Alzheimer’s is one of the illnesses many old people suffer from. moderate stress. The stress usually
c Good stress stops us from getting ill. makes us react quickly and efficiently,
3 a Situations which produce good stress are always short term. and gives us a sense of achievement –
b Some stress can make our cells stronger. we did it! However, in both these
c Too much protein can make us ill. situations, the stress damages the cells in
4 a We need some stress to exercise our cells’ self-repair mechanism. our body or brain and they start to break
b Doing physical exercise makes us feel less stressed. down. But then the cells’ own repair
mechanism ‘switches on’ and it produces
c Packing your suitcase in a hurry is an example of good stress.
proteins which repair the damaged cells
e Complete the sentences using words from the article. and remove harmful chemicals that can
1 When we try to do less of something, we try to c gradually cause disease. In fact, the body’s
d (paragraph 1). response is greater than is needed to repair
2 An illness that you have for a very long time is called a c the damage, so it actually makes the cells
illness (1). stronger than they were before.
3 Something which is good for us is b (2). 4 ‘As the body gets older, this self-repair
4 The verb to make something stronger is s (2). mechanism of the cells starts to slow down,’
5 Our body is made up of millions of c (2). says Dr Kyriazis. ‘The best way to keep the
6 When we treat our body badly we d it (3). process working efficiently is to ‘exercise’ it, in
7 Another word for illness is d (3). the same way you would exercise your
8 Something which is bad for us is h (3). muscles to keep them strong. This means
having a certain amount of stress in our
9 Doing exercise helps to make our m bigger and
lives.’ Other stressful activities that Kyriazis
stronger (4).
recommends as being good stress include
f Use your dictionary to check the pronunciation of the words in e. redecorating a room in your house over a
weekend, packing your suitcase in a hurry
g Discuss these questions with a partner. to reach the airport on time, shopping for
1 Do you agree with what you have read in this article? Why (not)? a dinner party during your lunch break
2 What kinds of ‘good stress’ do you have in your life? or programming your DVD player by
3 What other health stories have you heard about recently? following the instruction manual.
From The Times

Do you pay much attention to them? Do you believe them? So next time your boss tells you that she wants to see
that report finished and on her desk in 45 minutes,
p.157 Phrasal verbs in context File 1.
don’t panic; just think of it as ‘good stress’ which will
have benefits for your long-term health!
5 G R AM MAR present perfect (simple and continuous)
a Check what you know: present perfect / past simple. Right (✔) or wrong (✘)? Correct the wrong highlighted phrases.
1 A Have you ever had an operation? 4 A Have you gone to see the doctor?
B Yes, I’ve broken my leg two years ago. B Not yet. I’m going this afternoon.
2 A How long was your uncle in hospital? 5 Ouch! I cut my finger! Have you got a plaster?
B Since last Tuesday. He’s coming home tomorrow. 6 I know my doctor for ten years . She’s very good.
3 You haven’t taken your medicine yet.
Any problems? Workbook p.10

b 1.17 New grammar. Read the jokes and use your instinct to cross out
the wrong form (present perfect simple or continuous). Listen and check.

Patient Doctor, my son has swallowed / has been swallowing my pen,

what should I do?
Doctor Use a pencil until I get there.

Doctor You look exhausted!

Patient Yes. I’ve run / I’ve been running after a cat.
Doctor After a cat?
Patient Yes, I think I’m a dog, doctor.
Doctor I see. How long has this gone on / has this been going on for?
Patient Since I was a little puppy.
Doctor OK. Just lie down here on the couch and we’ll talk about it.
Patient I can’t!
Doctor Why not?
Patient I’m not allowed on the furniture.

Patient Have they sent / Have they been sending you the results
of my tests yet?
Doctor Yes. The news isn’t good, I’m afraid.
Patient How long have I got to live, doctor?
Doctor Ten…
Patient Ten WHAT? Months? Weeks?
Doctor Nine, eight, seven, six…

c p.132 Grammar Bank 1C. Read the rules and do the exercises.
d In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer the questions. Is there anything you could do to improve your health?
1 / drink much water? How many glasses / drink today?
2 / do any physical exercise? What? How long / do it?
3 / eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? How many portions / have today?
4 / walk to school/work/university? How far / walked today?
5 / smoke? How long / smoke? How many cigarettes / have today?
6 / take any vitamins at the moment? How long / take them?
7 How many hours / sleep a night? / sleep well recently?
8 / allergic anything? / ever have a serious allergic reaction?

14 1C

What are people
enjoying about
doing those things
in the evening?
3A COM U ICA IVE Talk about it
r-------------------T---------- - --------T-------------------,
something you wanted for a time you went for an a time you had a really
a long time and that you interview for a job or bad restaurant meal
recently bought course • When I Where did you have it?
• What exactly did you get? • What job I course was it fo r? Who with?
• Why had you wanted it for so • Where had you found out about • Why had you decided to go to this
long? the job I course? particular restaurant?
• Did you do any research before • How did you feel before the • Why was the meal so bad?
you got it? How? interview? • Were you or any of the other
• Where did you get it? • Were there any questions you people ill afterwards?
• Have you been using it much found hard to answer? What were • Did you complain? If not, why not?
since you got it? they?
• Did you get the place on the job I

a time when someone a time when you overslept I a time when your parents
stole something from you and missed something were very angry with you
(or someone you know) important about something
• What was taken? • What important thing were you • How old were you?
• What had you been doing just going to do that day? • Why did they get angry? What
before it was stolen? • Had you gone to bed very late the had you done I been doing?
• How did you feel after you night before? Why? • How did your parents find out?
realized it had been stolen? • Had you set an alarm? • Did they punish you? How?
• Did you call the police? Were they • How late did you wake up? What • Have you parents forgotten about
helpful? did you do? it?
• Did you ever get it back? • What happened in the end?

a time you met or were a time you won something a holiday you didn't enjoy
very close to a celebrity • What was it? • Where I when was it?
• When did it happen? • When? Where? How old were • Who went?
• Where were you? you? • Had you been there before?
• What were you doing? • Were you expecting to win? • What did you do there?
• Which celebrity did you see? • How did you feel when you • Why didn't you enjoy it? Did you
• What was he I she doing there? realized you'd won? ever go there again?
• Did you speak to him I her? • Did you celebrate? What did you
What about? do?
• Did you take a photo of him I

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English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014

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