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Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

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Engineering Structures
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Exterior RC wide beam-column connections: Effect of beam width ratio

on seismic behaviour
Hamdolah Behnam ⇑, J.S. Kuang, Roy Y.C. Huang
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Design recommendations stipulated in international standards for seismic design of reinforced concrete
Received 30 May 2016 (RC) wide beam-column connections are based on limited experimental studies. To supplement the exist-
Revised 12 December 2016 ing information, an experimental study was conducted that focused on the effect of beam width to col-
Accepted 22 May 2017
umn width ratio (or beam width ratio) on the seismic behaviour of exterior beam-column connections.
Available online 1 June 2017
Four specimens were designed, constructed and tested under reversed cyclic loading conditions. The pri-
mary test variables were the beam width ratio and the joint shear stress ratio (cd). The specimens were
designed in conformance with ACI 318-14 and ACI 352R-02. They had beam width ratios of 1, 1.5, 2 and
Wide beam
Beam-column connection
2.5 and cd, of 0.74, 1.12, 1.63, and 2.03. According to ACI 352R-02, the cd value should be lower than
Beam width ratio cn = 1.25 for joints confined on three faces. The results indicated that specimens with beam width ratios
Joint shear stress of 1 and 1.5 and cd of 0.74 and 1.12 were capable of supporting the complete formation of beam plastic
Spandrel beam hinges with no major cracks in the joint region. In contrast, specimens with beam width ratios of 2 and
2.5 and cd of 1.63 and 2.03 exhibited significant damage at the joint core. Torsional failure of the spandrel
beam was also observed in specimen with beam width ratio of 2.5.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction response of moment-resisting frame structures. Hence, properly

designed and detailed beam-column joints are essential in main-
Cost minimisation in reinforced concrete (RC) construction pro- taining the integrity and stability of RCMRFs. Comprehensive
jects can be achieved by providing a larger number of storeys investigations have been conducted on conventional beam-
within a given height or by reducing the height of the building column joints, exploring the main design parameters that affect
within a given number of storeys. One way to reduce the height the seismic performance and failure mechanisms, including
of the floor is to use the shallow depth structural floor system. experimental, analytical and numerical studies [3–9]. In wide
The RC wide beam framing system, in which the beams are wider beam-column connections, some of the longitudinal beam rein-
than the framing columns, provides an intermediate storey height forcements are located outside the column core. Thus, the trans-
between a typical beam-column frame and flat slab [1]. It offers mitted beam forces may also induce torsion in the joint region,
several advantages over conventional framing systems because of which will produce additional joint shear stresses. Therefore, the
the benefits in architectural planning, low storey height, reduced stress distribution and load transfer mechanisms in wide beam-
congestion of the reinforcing steel in the joint region, and fast con- column connections are much more complex than in conventional
struction [2]. Compared to flat slab frames, it provides longer spans beam-column joints. However, only a few studies have been con-
and more freedom on the column grid arrangements. In countries ducted to investigate the behaviour of exterior [2,10–19], interior
of moderate to low seismicity, such as Hong Kong, it has been a [1,10,18–25] and roof [26–27]wide beam-column connections.
very common practice to use RC moment-resisting frames Popov et al. [1] tested an interior wide beam-column connec-
(RCMRFs) with wide beam-column connections as the main struc- tion and the role of beam bars passing outside the column core
tural system, as shown in Fig. 1. was evaluated. The specimen performed well, the full flexural
It has been widely recognised that the seismic behaviour of capacity of the wide beam was reached, and no major cracking of
beam-column joints significantly influences the earthquake the transverse beams was noted. Gentry and Wight [11] tested four
exterior wide beam-column connections with beam width ratios of
⇑ Corresponding author.
2.43, 2.14, 2.43, and 2.43 and the joint shear stress ratio (cd) of
1.53, 1.34, 1.26, and 1.65. The joint shear stress ratio (cd) was
E-mail address: hbehnam@connect.ust.hk (H. Behnam).

0141-0296/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

Fig. 1. RC moment-resisting frames with wide beam-column connections.

defined as the design joint shear demand divided by the design ticipation was greatly influenced by the level of structural drift and
joint shear capacity following the recommended procedure in at larger drifts, the entire width of the slab was engaged as addi-
ACI 318-14 [28] and ACI 352R-02 [29]. No significant shear distress tional tension reinforcement to the beams subjected to negative
was reported in these specimens. The stiffness and strength of the moments. LaFave and Wight [2] indicated that the wide beam con-
transverse (spandrel) beam governed the behaviour of these sub- nections had greater slab participation than the conventional beam
assemblies. LaFave and Wight [12] tested three exterior wide connection, and specimen with deep, rectangular column had
beam-column-slab connections with beam width ratios of 2.43, greater slab participation than specimen with square columns.
2.43, and 3.08 and cd of 1.2, 1.33, and 1.5. The specimens were Moreover, other researchers [21–22] evaluated interior wide
designed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 318-95 beam-column connections and they proposed a new detailing
[30]. The deep spandrel beams were constructed in these speci- strategy involving the debonding of the reinforcing bars to help
mens to resist torsion moments. The spandrel beam depth to the reduce the torsional cracking. Benavent-Climent et al., reported
wide beam depth ratio, hs/hb, ranged from 1.33 to 2 and they con- the results of an experimental work on the seismic behaviour of
sisted both longitudinal and transverse reinforcements. Test wide beam-column connections designed according to past con-
results showed that joint diagonal connection shear cracks were struction in Spain. These wide beam-column joints were designed
formed at about 2% drift, but, these shear cracks remained tightly to use as gravity load resisting systems. The wide beams did not
packed up to the end of the test. The presence of the strong span- reach the expected capacities corresponding to the formation of a
drel beam prevented the torsional failure and the wide beams full-width plastic hinge. The beam bars exhibited significant slip-
reached to their expected beam capacity. Based on the observed page and the transverse beams underwent severe torsion cracking
behaviour, LaFave and Wight [12] concluded that if the ACI 318- and even failure [13–14,24]. Previous studies on wide beam-
95 requirements are satisfied, the wide beam connections perform column connections showed that some of the beam reinforcement
adequately under earthquake type loading. They also suggested passing outside the column but very close to column face is able to
that due to the anticipated contribution of the spandrel beams transfer load to the joint through the formation of concrete struts
and slab in resisting the joint shear, a joint shear ‘‘overstress” of [11–14,20–22]. More recent studies have focused on evaluating
up to 20% can be acceptable in design. It should be mentioned that of the behaviour of wide beam-narrow column joints, the rein-
the wide beam-column connections tested by Gentry and Wight forcement detailing, seismic behaviour improvement, effect of con-
[11] and LaFave and Wight [12] had maximum actual joint shear crete compressive strength on the wide beam-column joint, and
stresses of approximately 10% above the currently accepted limit comparing the behaviour of the wide beam-column connections
0 to the conventional beam-column connections [15–19,23,25].
for exterior connections (1:25 f c ). Therefore, these sets of test
Mirzabagheri and Tasnimi [26] and Mirzabagheri et al. [27]
did not fully probe the extent to which the wide beam assists in studied the behaviour of roof beam-column joints under lateral
resisting connection shear. quasi-static cyclic loading. Four half-scale specimens including
Quintero-Febres and Wight [20] tested three interior wide two interior and two exterior connections were tested. Specimens
beam-column connections with transverse beams and slabs. These were designed in accordance with ACI 318-11 and ACI 352R-02
test specimens had beam width ratios of 1.86, 2.5, and 2.54 and cd provisions. It was suggested that the joint shear requirements
of 1.43, 1.26, and 1.48, respectively. No sign of shear failure of the could be relaxed for roof wide beam-column connection. The effect
joint was reported in these specimens. However, severe pinching of of the headed reinforcing bars on the behaviour of both conven-
the load-displacement loops were observed due to the bond dete- tional and wide beam-column connections was investigated by
rioration of the longitudinal bars. The results of the tests by LaFave Kang et al. [31–32]. In their studies, they collected an extensive
and Wight [2,12] Quintero-Febres and Wight [20] showed that the database of reinforced concrete beam-column joints with headed
slab reinforcement significantly participated in the overall bars subjected to reversed cyclic loading and proposed design
response of wide beam-column connections. The effect of slab par- guidelines. Beam-column joints experienced joint shear failure,
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 29

were considered by Kim and LaFave [3,33]. They developed an forces considered, resulting in the lowest flexural strength. ACI
unbiased joint shear strength model using Bayesian parameter 318-14 Section 18.6.2 recommends the maximum beam width
estimation. In their simplified model, they only considered the (bw) to be the lesser of bc + 1.5hc and 3bc. The ACI 352R-02 sug-
parameters that are currently included in defining joint shear gests, at least, 1/3 of the wide-beam top longitudinal reinforce-
strength in ACI 352R-02 [29]. They concluded that the joint shear ment should be anchored inside the column core. ACI 318-14
strength factor (cn) should be adjusted to properly estimate the indicates that the beam nominal flexural strength (Mnb) should
failure of the connection. In another research, Canbolat and Wight be determined by considering the slab reinforcement within
[34] suggested that for designing wide beam-column connections, an effective flange width, in addition to beam longitudinal ten-
the effective joint width can be modified to bj = bc + 0.25(bw  bc). sion reinforcement. The effective flange width is defined in sec-
The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of confine- tion 8.12 of ACI 318-14.
ment provided by the wide beam on the joint nominal shear capac- 2. To prevent joint shear failure before beam hinging, the nominal
ity. The specimens tested had different beam width ratios and the shear strength of the joint Vn, computed on a horizontal plane
joint shear stress ratios. From the test results of four exterior wide within the joint, should satisfy
beam-column joints, the overall seismic performance of the con- qffiffiffiffi
nections is determined, and important aspects of the responses V j;e 6 /V n where V n ¼ cn f c bj hc and V j;e
are evaluated quantitatively.
¼ 1:25f y As  V col ð2Þ
2. Current provisions in codes of practice where / is the strength reduction factor; cn is the joint shear
strength factor, and its value depends on the classification of
The current codes of practice for structural concrete design, the joints. In ACI 352R-02, for joints with continuous columns,
including ACI 318-14 [28], NZS3101 [35] and EN 1998-1 [36], are cn is set to 1.25 for joints confined on three faces or two opposite
based on the results of a small number of experimental studies. faces, and is 1 for other configurations; fc0 is the concrete com-
These codes impose special restrictions on the use of wide beam- pressive strength; bj is the joint effective width and, based on
column connections in high seismic hazard regions, such as geo- ACI, is equal to the column width (bj = bc); As is the beam top
metrical constraints, special reinforcement details, and specific reinforcement; fy is the beam bar yield strength and Vcol is the
anchorage requirements. The restrictions are set mainly for min- column shear in equilibrium.
imising the shear lag in the formation of the full-width plastic 3. To control joint deterioration during earthquake loading and
hinge in wide beams, thus preventing the beam from premature displacement demand, Section of ACI 318-14 requires
failure before flexural yielding. Table 1 shows the approaches stip- a specified amount of transverse reinforcement to be provided
ulated in different codes of practice for designing wide beam- within the joint. For a column with rectangular hoops and
column connections, where the main design approaches are the crossties, the total cross-sectional area in each direction of the
same as those of conventional beam-column connections, but the transverse reinforcement within the joint should be at least
additional design requirements should be followed. equal to
It can be seen that the additional requirements for designing
wide beam-column connections vary with different design codes s t b c 0 Ag
Ash ¼ 0:3 fc 1 ð3Þ
of practice. ACI 318-14 [28] provides the largest beam width but f yt Ac
the smallest effective joint width
but not less than 0.09stbc00 fc0 /fyt, where st is the center-to-center
2.1. Connection design parameters based on ACI 318-14 and spacing of, transverse reinforcement in joint region, bc00 is the
ACI 352R-02 cross-sectional dimension of member core measured to the out-
side edges of the transverse reinforcement composing area, fyt is
For an exterior conventional and wide beam-column connec- the specified yield strength of the transverse reinforcement, Ag is
tion, ACI 318-14 and ACI 352R-02 address five major design the gross area of column section; and Ac is the area of column
parameters, as follows: core resisting shear transfer measured from outside edge to out-
side edge of stirrup.
1. Based on Section 18.7.3 of ACI 318-14, to produce flexural hing- 4. The minimum development length of longitudinal beam bars
ing in the beams rather than the columns, the flexural strengths with standard hooks anchored in the joint is determined by ref-
of the beams and columns framing into a joint should satisfy erence to Section of ACI 318-14,
Mn;c f y db
Mr ¼ P 6 1:2 ð1Þ ldh;318 ¼ qffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
M n;b 0
5:4 f c
where RMnb and RMnc are the sum of nominal flexural strengths
of the beams and columns, respectively, evaluated at the face of where db is the beam bar diameter.
the joint. The column flexural strength is calculated for the fac- Critical sections for the development of longitudinal beam bars
tored axial force, consistent with the direction of the lateral were taken at beam-column faces, and, hooked beam bars are

Table 1
Provisions for the design of wide beams in seismic regions in different codes of practice.

Design Design approach Additional requirements

Limitation of beam width Limitation of joint width Design of spandrel beam for
bw bj torsion
ACI 318-14 Follow the design of conventional beam-column min {bc + 1.5hc; 3bc} bc Yes
NZS 3101 connection min {bc + 0.5hc; 2bc} min {bc + 0.5hc; 2bc} No
EN 1998-1 min {bc + hb; 2bc} min {bc + 0.5hc; 2bc} No

bc and hc are the column width and height respectively.

30 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

also required to extend to the far side of the beam-column joint. were designed and detailed in conformance with ACI require-
Anchorage of the hooked bars outside the column core in wide ments for RC structures in high seismic zones. In particular, ACI
beam-column connections is improved by providing tightly 318-14 and ACI 352R-02 were followed, except for the joint shear
spaced transverse torsion reinforcement in the transverse beams stress ratio (cd) that was specifically the subject of this investiga-
and by placing the hook inside the core of the transverse beam tion. The ACI 352R-02 recommendations classify Type 1 and Type
(Section ACI 352R-02). 2 connections as essentially non-seismic and seismic, respec-
Moreover, Section 4.5.5 of ACI 352R-02 recommends that the tively. The scope of this paper covered the Type 2 connections
beam depth to the column reinforcement ratio must be greater for special moment frames. The specimens were labelled as
than the maximum of 20 and 20fy/420. Experimental evidence S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5, where the first two char-
for wide-beam connections suggests that satisfactory behaviour acters represent the specimen number, and the subsequent
is achieved in the cases that the ratio of beam depth to column numerals denote the beam width ratio. Specimen S1-BC1 was a
bar diameter was lower than that required by ACI 352R-02. conventional beam-column connection (beam width = column
LaFave [37] recommended that the ratio of wide beam depth width) and was used as the control specimen. Similar spandrel
to column bar diameter may be as low as 16 as long as the (transverse) beams were constructed in the wide beam speci-
moment strength ratio (Mr) exceeds 1.5. mens. As a result, the wide beam connections had one wide beam
5. According to Section 3.3.3 of ACI 352R-02, for Type 2 exterior framing into a column in the principal direction and a spandrel
wide-beam connections, the spandrel beam should be designed beam in the transverse direction.
to resist the full equilibrium torsion from the beam and slab
bars anchored in the spandrel beam within the slab effective 3.1. Specimen geometry and reinforcement
width following the requirements of Section 8.12 of ACI 318-
14. The wide beam and slab bars on each side of the column The experimental program was designed using a concrete com-
are assumed to yield. To design for torsion Eq. (5) must be pressive strength, fc0 , of 30 MPa and a reinforcement yield strength,
satisfied fy, of 520 MPa. Three-dimensional view of the specimens, cross sec-
tions and reinforcement details of the four specimens is shown in
2Ao At f yt Fig. 2. The columns had the same cross-sectional dimension of
T u 6 /T n where T n ¼ cot h ð5Þ
s 300  360 mm with a height of 3100 mm in all specimens. The
maximum width of the wide beam in specimen S4-BC2.5
where Tu is the factored torsional moment at section; / is the
(bw = 750 mm) remained within that established by ACI 352R-02
strength reduction factor; Tn is the nominal torsional moment
and ACI 318-14 (bc + 1.5hc = 840 mm). The beams had depths of
strength; Ao is the area enclosed by the shear flow path which
300 mm with lengths of 1500 mm in all specimens. The provided
can be taken as Ao = 0.85Aoh, in which Aoh is defined as the area
beam depth to column bar diameter was 18.75 which was 76% of
enclosed by the centerline of the outermost closed transverse
that required by ACI 352R-02 (20fy/420 = 24.7), and it was 17% lar-
torsional reinforcement; The angle of the concrete compression
ger than that suggested by LaFave [37]. The anchored bar ratio in
diagonals h is taken as 45°. The spacing of the torsion reinforce-
column core was 100% in the first specimen and was reduced to
ment in the spandrel beam should not exceed the lesser of ph/8
67, 50 and 40% in specimens S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5,
and 300 mm, where ph is the perimeter of the centerline of the
respectively. These anchored bar ratios in the column core were
beam outermost closed transverse torsional reinforcement. The
larger than 33%, as recommended in ACI 352R-02.
ACI 352R-02 provisions recommend that hooked beam bars ter-
The column stirrups were continued through the joint. The min-
minating outside the column core should be anchored in a con-
imum transverse reinforcement, Ash, required by Eq. (3) was 159
fined spandrel beam core with a tight hoop spacing.
mm2. The actual Ash in specimen S1-BC1 was 234 mm2 and in
the other specimens was 312 mm2. The beam longitudinal bars
In the current ACI 352R-02 and ACI 318-14 design approach,
were anchored using a 90° standard bent hook plus a vertical
the strength reduction factor (/) is defined as 0.85 and 0.75 for
extension into the joint and embedded as close as possible to the
joint shear strength and torsion, respectively. In these codes,
back of the column. The provided embedment lengths within the
the term ‘‘design strength” of a member refers to the nominal
joint were 19.37db which was 110% of that required by ACI 318-
strength multiplied by a strength reduction factor / that is
14 (17.6 db). The spandrel beams had equal depths to that of the
always less than unity (/ < 1.0). The strength reduction factor is
wide beam (hs = hb = 300 mm) and equal widths as the column
used for several purposes, including: (1) to allow for the probabil-
depth (bs = hc = 360 mm), consisting of 4D16 top and bottom bars
ity of understrength members due to variations in material
with D10 closed hoops at 70 mm. The beam longitudinal bars out-
strengths, dimensions and inaccuracies in the design equations;
side the column core were anchored inside the confined core of the
and (2) to reflect the degree of ductility, required reliability,
spandrel beam as suggested in ACI 352R-02.Concrete cover for lon-
and the importance of the member in the structure [28]. In the
gitudinal reinforcement of the column, beam and spandrel beam
experimental studies, the actual member dimensions and mate-
was 30 mm, 45 mm, and 25 mm, respectively.
rial strengths are known. Therefore, the strength used as a basis
for comparison is that corresponding to a strength reduction
3.2. Material properties
factor of unity (/ = 1.0, design strength = nominal strength =
expected strength). Therefore, in this paper, the strength reduc-
Two specimens were cast at the same time using a single batch
tion factors were taken as / = 1.0.
of concrete, and the third and fourth specimens were then cast
using another batch of concrete with the same mixture propor-
3. Experimental programme tions. Ready mixed concrete from a local supplier with a maximum
aggregate size of 12 mm was provided. For every test specimen, six
Four large-scale exterior RC wide beam-column connections, 150 mm cubes, and three simple plain concrete beams with the
as shown in Fig. 2, were designed, constructed, and tested under size of 100  100  500 mm were cast and exposed to a similar
reverse quasi-static cyclic loading. The primary test variables environment as the corresponding specimen. The compressive
were the beam width ratio and the ratios of joint shear demand strength of concrete cubes (fcu) on the test day was measured using
to joint shear capacity (joint shear stress ratio, cd). The specimens the average strength of three 150 mm cubes and it was 45.18 MPa
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 31

Fig. 2. Dimensions and reinforcement details of the specimens (unit: mm).

for specimen S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 and 43.32 MPa for specimens 3.3. Expected capacities
S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5. The concrete cylindrical strength, fc0 , was
taken as 80% of the cube strength (fcu) as suggested in [38]. The The main design parameters, the nominal flexural and expected
concrete tensile strength (ft) at the test day was measured using lateral load capacities (Vb,e) based on measured material properties
the four point bending flexural test and it was 3.05 MPa for speci- are summarized in Table 3. The specimen capacities calculated using
men S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 and 2.80 MPa for specimens S3-BC2 and actual material strength, are referred to as the expected strength.
S4-BC2.5. Two sizes of standard reinforcement were used for longi- The lateral load capacity, Vb,e, was computed using the force and
tudinal (D16) and transverse reinforcement (D10) in all specimens. moment equilibrium of the entire sub-assemblage. The nominal
Table 2 summarises the measured average mechanical properties flexural strengths (Mn,c and Mn,b) and nominal torsional moment
of the reinforcing bars. strength (Tn) were calculated in accordance with ACI 318-14.
32 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

Table 2
Properties of steel reinforcement in specimens.

Reinforcement S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5

Bar diameter (mm) 10 16 10 16
Yield strength fy (Mpa) 485 522 511 558
Ultimate strength fu (Mpa) 622 599 620 642
Yield strain (%) 0.2425 0.261 0.255 0.279
Ultimate strain (%) 12 9 12 9

Table 3
Main design parameters and expected capacities.

Specimen bw mm 0
f c MPa f y MPa Mn,c kN m Mn,b kN m Mra Vb,eb kN Tu kN m Tu/Tnc Vj,e kN cdd cACI
S1-BC1 300 36.1 522 142 92.6 3.07 70 0 0 483 0.74 1
S2-BC1.5 450 36.1 522 177 138.8 2.55 105 29 0.43 725 1.12 1.25
S3-BC2 600 34.7 558 189 195.0 1.94 148 61 0.87 1034 1.63 1.25
S4-BC2.5 750 34.7 558 189 243.8 1.55 185 91 1.29 1292 2.03 1.25
Eq. (1).
V b;e ¼ Mn;b ðkN  mÞ=Lb ðmÞ ¼ M n;b =1:32
Tn was calculatedqffiffiffiffiffi using Eq. (5), where Ao = 0.85Aoh, h = 45°, and s = 70 mm.
cd ¼ V j;e =bc hc f 0c .

The factored torsional moment on the side face of the column and right sides of the column were all pin-connected in the loading
was estimated by multiplying the over-strength factor 1.25 by the plane, to simulate the inflection points. The column pin-to-pin
ratio of the area of the reinforcement located outside the column length (Lc) was 2700 mm, while the beam length between the load-
core by the beam nominal flexural strength. For example, speci- ing point and the column face (Lb) was 1320 mm. The same setup
men S4-BC2.5 had totally ten longitudinal bars in tension in was used in all cases to ensure compatibility of the results.
which three of them were anchored outside and on one side of Initially, an axial load of approximately 12.8% of the axial capac-
the column core (the ratio of the area of the reinforcement ity of the column (500 kN for specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 and
located outside the column core was 0.3). Thus, Tu was estimated 480 kN for specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5) was applied by a
as 1.25  0.3  243.8 = 91 kN.m. According to the Table 3, the 1000 kN hydraulic jack. This axial load was considered to provide
ratios of Tu/Tn in specimens S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5 were a practical range in laboratory testing, as well as in real frame
0.43, 0.87, and 1.29, respectively. ACI 352R-02 requires this ratio buildings. Then, the lateral cyclic displacement (D) was applied
to be lower than one. In addition, according to ACI 318-14 crite- to the top of the beam in two opposite directions. In this study a
ria, the concrete cracking torque (Tcr) for spandrel beam with a multi-cycle loading protocol based on acceptance criteria specified
cross sectional dimension of 360 mm  300 mm was 17.2 kN m in ACI Committee 374.1-05 [39] has been adopted for all
in test specimens. Thus, the ratio of Tu/Tcr in specimens S2- specimens.
BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5 was 1.68, 3.55, and 5.29, The lateral load history consisted of several sets of three cycles
respectively. of different horizontal displacements amplitudes (Fig. 4). The
Table 3 also shows the joint shear stress ratio was 0.74, 1.12, amplitude of the cycles was made constant within each set but
1.63, and 2.03 in specimens S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4- increased in consecutive sets of cycles following drift ratios of
BC2.5, respectively. The cd value needs to be smaller than the nom- 0.1, 0.133, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, up to 6%, the max-
inal joint shear stress level, cn,ACI, specified by ACI 318-14 and imum available stroke of the actuator. This loading sequence is
ACI352R-02. The cd value was 26% and 10% smaller than the cn, intended to ensure that displacements are increased gradually in
ACI in specimen S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, and it was 30% and 60% lar- such steps that are neither too large nor too small. Each cycle for
ger than the cn,ACI in specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5. Based on a new drift level was performed three times to evaluate the loss
these design parameters beam flexural failure was expected in of strength and stiffness of the specimens during the repeated
specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, shear failure of the joint was cycles. The drift ratio is expressed as the percentage of the ratio
expected in specimens S3-BC2 and shear failure of the joint core of lateral displacement at the beam tip (where the actuator load
with the torsional failure of the spandrel beam was anticipated was applied) to the beam length (Lb = 1320 mm) plus half of the
in specimen S4-BC2.5. column depth (hc/2 = 180 mm).
Linear variable displacement transformers (LVDTs) were used
4. Test setup, loading sequence, instrumentation, and to measure the displacement at various locations on the specimen
measurements (Fig. 5). Two LVDTs on each side of the beam were attached to mea-
sure total beam rotation, and six others were connected to the
Fig. 3 illustrates the schematic test setup, reaction wall, speci- beam and column to measure the relative rotation. Four vertical
men dimensions, and loading system. For the convenience of LVDTs were used under the spandrel beam to measure the twist
applying loading, each beam-column assembly was rotated 90° of the spandrel beam. Two diagonal cable-extension gauges con-
from the true orientation, so that the column was in the horizontal nected to the joint region at the exterior face of the spandrel beam
position and the beam in the vertical position. Proper boundary were used to measure the joint shear displacement.
conditions were provided in the setup to simulate the actual work- Electrical resistance strain gauges were attached to the reinforc-
ing situation of the beam-column joint as if it were a part of the ing bars. The locations of strain gauges on the longitudinal and
frame structure. The beam tip was linked to an actuator with a swi- transverse steel bars in the beam and the column is shown in
vel connector to apply the lateral load. The beam tip and the left Fig. 2 as red colour spots.
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 33

Lateral load
Section A-A 460 kN Actuator

Location of LVDTs

1500 1320 Hinge
Beam Hydraulic jack for
column axial load 1200 1200
1400 1400 Load Cell

Col 360 RC Column block
Hinge end

Fig. 3. Schematic view of the test set-up (back side) (unit: mm).

90 6 beam plastic hinge. In contrast, specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5

75 5 with beam width ratios of 2 and 2.5 and cd of 1.63 and 2.03 exhib-
60 4 ited significant damage in the joint region. Torsional failure of the
45 3 spandrel beam was also observed in specimen with beam width
Displacement (mm)

30 2 ratio of 2.5. The measured responses are summarized and dis-

15 1
Dri %

cussed in the following subsections.

0 0
-15 -1
-30 -2 5.1. Overall load-displacement response
-45 -3
-60 -4 Fig. 6 shows the lateral load versus drift ratio for specimens in
-75 -5 the form of hysteresis curves, demonstrating that the expected
-90 -6
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 capacities of the beam hinges in both loading directions were
attained, where the beam capacity was calculated according to
Step Number
ACI 318-14, as shown in Table 3.
Fig. 4. Cyclic displacement schedule in tests. Specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 maintained their strength up
to 5% drift without any major pinching effect. After 2% drift, when
the beam flexural deformation dominated the response of the
specimens, the hysteresis loops became wider, showing excellent
energy dissipation capacity. However, specimens S3-BC2 and S4-
BC2.5 showed strength degradation after 3% drift which was attrib-
uted to the joint diagonal shear cracks. The strength loss that
started after 3% drift was more rapid in Specimen S4-BC2.5 due
to the combination of the diagonal shear and torsional cracks in
the joint and spandrel beam.
Table 4 summarises the beam shear forces at various drifts as a
percentage of the maximum beam shear force reached in each
specimen. The table also indicates that the specimens reached their
maximum shear forces (i.e. 100%). Specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5
underwent larger strength drops than specimens S1-BC1 and S2-
BC1.5, approximately 12% and 15% (an average for both directions)
in the 5% drift cycle.
Strength degradation of the specimens was further examined by
comparing the beam shear forces of consecutive same-drift cycles
(reduction in shear force during the third (repeat) cycle compared
to the first cycle). In specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, the strength
degradation remained low (roughly 5%) until the 4% drift cycles,
Fig. 5. LVDTs arrangement for Specimen S4-BC2.5 (back side of the specimen). but it increased up to 10%, during the 5% drift cycle. Specimens S3-
BC2 and S4-BC2.5 showed greater strength degradation throughout
the same drift cycles. In specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, the
5. Experimental results and observations strength degradation remained low (roughly 5%) until the 2% drift
cycles, but it increased up to 15% during the 4% drift cycle.
The experimental results showed that the specimens S1-BC1 Table 5 provides the relevant information for the test results of
and S2-BC1.5, with beam width ratios of 1 and 1.5 and cd of 0.74 all specimens. The displacement ductility ratio is defined as the
and 1.12, were capable of supporting the complete formation of a ratio of the ultimate displacement (Du) to the yield displacement
34 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

200 200
S1-BC1 S2-BC1.5
150 150

100 100

Lateral Load (kN)

Lateral Load (kN)

50 50

0 0

-50 -50
Beam capacity limit
-100 -100
Beam capacity limit
-150 -150
-200 -200
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Dri % Dri %
(a) Specimen S1-BC1 (b) Specimen S2-BC1.5

200 200
S3-BC2 160 S4-BC2.5
Lateral Load (kN)

Lateral Load (kN)

50 40
0 0

-50 -40
-150 -160
Beam capacity limit
Beam capacity limit
-200 -200
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Dri % Dri %
(c) Specimen S3-BC2 (d) Specimen S4-BC2.5
Fig. 6. Hysterical behaviour of specimens.

Table 4
Storey shear forces divided by maximum storey shear forces (%).

Drift (%) Specimen

S1-BC1 S2-BC1.5 S3-BC2 S4-BC2.5
+1/1 93/90 87/87 75/74 65/67
+1.5/1.5 97/98 100/100 94/92 81/79
+2/2 97/94 97/99 98/98 93/90
+3/3 100/99 98/99 100/100 100/100
+4/4 98/100 98/100 98/93 97/97
+5/5 98/96 95/99 94/83 86/85

(Dy). Estimation of the displacement capacity in the wide beam- was 1.03%, 1.00%, 1.20%, and 1.67%, in specimens S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5,
column connection often causes difficulty because the force- S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, respectively. These yield drifts were corre-
displacement response may not have a well-defined yield point sponded to a 15.45 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, and 25.05 mm lateral dis-
due to the shear lag in which yielding of the beam reinforcement placement. The measured strains of the gauges on the beam
may commence at different load levels. Thus, arbitrary procedure longitudinal bars showed that the onset of beam bar yielding for
is generally required for determination of the yield displacement reinforcement anchored inside the column core occurred at 1.0%
[13–14,16,19–20,24]. In this paper, an idealised bilinear force- (15 mm), 1.2% (18 mm), 1.3% (19.5 mm) and 1.5% (22.5 mm) drift
displacement response (see Fig. 7) was adopted to estimate the cycles in specimens S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5,
yield displacement. respectively. The ratio of the yield displacement predicted in
The yield displacement estimated by this method was in good Table 5 to the onset of beam bar yielding from the strain gauge
agreement with the measured strain data of the beam bars. The data was 1.03, 0.84, 0.92, and 1.11 in specimens S1-BC1, S2-
yield drift predicted by this method for negative loading direction BC1.5, S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, respectively.
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 35

Table 5
The ratio of maximum strength to expected strength and related drifts.

Specimen State at yield Initial stiffness State at maximum Displacement ductility Over-strength
Vy (kN) Drift (%) Kini (kN/mm) Vu (kN) Drift (%) ly a = Vu/Vb,e
S1-BC1  68 1.03 4.40 73.6 4 4.8 1.05
+ 64 0.89 4.79 73.7 3 5.6 1.05
S2-BC1.5 – 90 1.00 6.00 106.5 4 5.0 1.01
+ 90 0.96 6.25 106.1 1.5 5.2 1.01
S3-BC2 – 130 1.20 7.22 156 3 4.2 1.05
+ 129 1.27 6.77 150 3 3.9 1.01
S4-BC2.5 – 160 1.67 6.39 185.8 3 3.0 1.00
+ 160 1.67 6.39 189 3 3.0 1.02
Direction of loading based on Fig. 3.
Displacement ductility is calculated up to 5% drift.

ferred from the wide beam to the column over two paths. In the first
path, the moment (Mn,ip) is transferred from the beam to the column
with longitudinal reinforcement of the beam anchored in the column
core and some bars passing outside the column within a distance x
on each side (bc + 2x). Along the second path, the moment (Mn,op)
is transferred through torsion in the transverse beams. He proposed
taking x = 0.25hc when transverse beam include longitudinal bars.
Eq. (6) represents the nominal bending capacity of the wide beam
based on Benavent’s approach. In this equation Tn is the nominal tor-
sional moment strength of the spandrel beam.
Mn;Ben ¼ M n;ip þ 2 minðMn;op ; T n Þ ð6Þ
In the test specimens, both longitudinal and transverse rein-
forcement were provided in the spandrel beams. Therefore, inside
beam portion’s width was assumed to equal to column’s width
plus 0.5hc, as suggested by Benavent [13].
According to Benavent’s approach, the applied factored torsion
Fig. 7. Estimate of yield displacement in joints. (Tu,Ben) should be calculated for reinforcement located at the dis-
tance located outside of 0.25hc from the column face. Table 6
shows that the ratio of Tu,Ben/Tn was 0, 0.41, and 0.86, in specimens
S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, respectively. Benavent’s approach
The lowest displacement ductility ratio for the specimens was predicts no torsional failure in these specimens as the ratio of Tu,-
4.8, 5.0, 3.9 and 3 in specimens S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and Ben/Tn is less than unity. Table 6 also shows that the capacities esti-
S4-BC2.5, respectively. The formation of a full-width plastic hinge mated by ACI 318-14 approach show a better correlation with the
type damage on the beam end was mostly responsible for higher test results than Benavent’s approach in terms of both expected
ductility ratios obtained in specimen S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5. The flexural strength of the wide beams and also applied torsional
reduction in ductility ratio in specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2 was moment on the spandrel beam. This behaviour could be attributed
occurred mainly due to the failure of the joint and torsional crack- to the formation of the full-width plastic hinge in the wide beam
ing of the spandrel beam. These observations for the wide beam specimens as also noticed by [19].
ductility ratio were consistent with the previous experimental Fig. 8 shows the stiffness degradation for all specimens, where
reported results [11–14]. The specimens 1 and 4 tested by Gentry the secant stiffness of a specimen for a particular loading cycle is
and Wight [11] had a torsional failure of spandrel beam, and they defined as the shear forces divided by the displacement at the pos-
attained a ductility ratio of 2 and 2.6. There exterior wide beam itive and negative peak drifts of the cycles. It can be seen that as
specimens tested by LaFave and Wight [12] were designed accord- the connections were loaded into the inelastic range, their stiffness
ing to ACI 318-95 and they had a beam flexural failure. These spec- progressively decreased. Secant stiffness degradation was faster
imens achieved the ductility ratio of more than 2.4, 2.8, and 3.4, before ±2% drift in all specimens, possibly because most of the con-
and it was very likely that they achieved the higher values of duc- crete crack initiation occurred during this stage of the tests which
tility if the tests were continued. These specimens did not test until is typical for reinforced concrete.
failure, due to stroke limitations of the actuator. Two exterior spec-
imens tested by Benavent-Climent et al. [14] had a severe torsional 5.2. Crack pattern and mode of failure
cracking in their spandrel beams and the reported ductility ratio
was 1.5 and 2. Two wide beam-column specimens tested by Fadwa Development of cracking was meticulously observed during the
et al. [19] were partly designed according to ACI 318-11 and tests. The Major types of cracks developed in all the specimens
ACI352R-02 design provisions. These specimens had a beam flexu- were distinguished as A, B, C, and D-types, shown in Fig. 9,
ral failure, and they achieved the ductility ratio of more than 5.34 described as follows:
and 5.06 in an interior and exterior wide beam connection.
Table 6 shows the ratio of the average bending moment capac- 1. Crack type A: Flexural cracked visible on the top and bottom of
ity from the experiment to the capacities calculated based on Bena- the beam and developed along the beam length.
vent’s approach [13] (Mave ave
exp/Mn,Ben) and ACI 318-14 approach (Mexp/ 2. Crack type B: Narrow flexural cracks developed at the column
Mn,ACI). Benavent assumed that that the bending moment is trans- face.
36 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

Table 6
Bending moments from the experiment and comparison with Benavent’s approach [13] and ACI 318-14.

Specimen Benavent’s approach From the experiment Comparison

Mn,ip kN m Mn,op kN m Tn kN m Tu,Ben Mn,Ben kN m M+exp kN m M
exp kN m Mave
exp kN m Mave
exp/Mn,ACI Mave

S2-BC1.5 138.8 – – 0 138.8 140.0 140.6 140.3 1.01 1.01

S3-BC2 139.9 23.5 70.5 29 186.9 198.0 205.9 201.9 1.03 1.08
S4-BC2.5 139.9 48.0 70.5 61 235.9 249.5 245.0 247.2 1.01 1.05

1 Table 7 provides information on the formation of all types of

cracks, and their state, for all the specimens, corresponding to
0.8 the relevant drift ratio. In all specimens, the initial flexural cracks
Secant stiffness /Maximum stifness

formed across the full width of the beam at a drift ratio of 0.2%
and up to around 1% drift, the crack widths remained relatively
0.4 narrow, with the specimens only having minor damage. After the
1% drift level, the damage progressed at a higher rate. Fig. 10 shows
0.2 the joint region of all the specimens at 5% drift. In specimens S1-
BC1 and S2-BC1.5 only hairline shear (diagonal) cracks were
0 observed on the side face of the joint during testing and new cracks
developed mostly in the beam plastic hinge zone where concrete
-0.2 crushing was evident.
S1-BC1 Fig. 11 shows the outside portion of the beam at 5% drift. As
shown in Fig. 11(a), no torsional cracking was observed in the
-0.6 S2-BC1.5 spandrel beams of specimen S2-BC1.5. Specimen S3-BC2 had sev-
eral torsional cracks in the spandrel beams starting at 0.75% drift,
-0.8 but these cracks remained tightly packed up to the end of the test.
S4-BC2.5 In specimen S3-BC2, the joint shear failure after beam yielding (BJ)
-1 was evident due to the wide-opened diagonal shear cracks, and the
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 visible expansion from the crushing of the concrete in the joint
Dri % region. At a drift ratio of 3%, the data from the strain gauges on
the joint horizontal hoop indicated that the hoop yielded. Due to
Fig. 8. Variation of secant stiffness.
the higher torsional moment applied to the spandrel beam of spec-
imen S4-BC2.5, the highest number of torsional cracks were devel-
oped in this specimen. These cracks opened up on both sides of the
spandrel beam and the concrete was crushed and separated from
the spandrel beam as shown in Fig. 11(c). The data from the strain
Crack type-C gauges attached to the spandrel beam bars and also the joint hoops
indicated yielding of these reinforcements after the beam reached
Crack type-B its maximum strength.

Crack type-A 5.3. Joint transverse reinforcement strain

Previous research studies have mentioned the imperative role

of the joint transverse reinforcement on the seismic performance
of the beam-column joint [3–9]. According to the design philoso-
phy of ACI 318-14 and ACI 352R-02, the function of joint transverse
reinforcement is to provide confinement of the joint core, so the
joint can fully develop the concrete strut mechanism. Kim and
LaFave [3,33] pointed out that proper confinement within a joint
is maintained, when the joint transverse reinforcement located in
the loading direction remains in the elastic range during testing.
In each specimen, five layers of horizontal joint reinforcements
Crack type-D located above, in the middle and below the beam longitudinal bars
were instrumented with strain gauges near the center, along the
legs parallel to the loading direction, to monitor strain at the exte-
rior sides of the joint. Fig. 12 shows the envelope curves of the joint
hoop strain against drift for all specimens. In all specimens, the
Fig. 9. Typical crack patterns formed in wide beam specimens. joint hoop strain started to rise after several small drift cycles
and increased even while the beam shear decreased. Specimens
S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5 exhibited larger joint hoop strain than spec-
3. Crack type C: Crossing cracks developed on the outer part of the imens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, which was consistent with the
wide beams adjacent to the column sides extending in the observed crack patterns and the fact that larger joint shear forces
spandrel beam direction (torsional crack). were applied in these specimens compared to specimens S2-
4. Crack type D: diagonal shear cracks developed on joint regions BC1.5 and S1-BC1. In specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, all the joint
located at the side face of the spandrel beam (shear crack). hoops remained elastic over the entire displacement history. The
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 37

Table 7
Crack formation at various stages of drift ratio.

Specimen Drift ratio corresponding to crack type (%) Failure mode*

Type-A Type-B Type-C Type-D
Initial Widened Initial Widened Initial Widened Initial Widened
S1-BC1 0.2 1.5 1.5 – – – 0.75 – B
S2-BC1.5 0.2 1.5 0.75 – 0.4 – 0.75 – B
S3-BC2 0.2 1.5 0.5 – 0.2 – 0.75 2 BJ
S4-BC2.5 0.2 1.5 0.5 – 0.2 2 0.75 2 BJS
Failure Mode B: beam flexural failure, BJ: joint shear failure after beam yielding, BJS: spandrel beam and joint shear failure after beam yielding.

(a)SpecimenS1-BC1 (b) Specimen S2-BC1.5

(c) Specimen S3-BC2 (d) Specimen S4-BC2.5

Fig. 10. Crack patterns of test specimens at 5% of drift ratio.

strain in the No.4 hoop in specimens S3-BC2 approached the yield rior wide beam-narrow column joints including two as-built joints
point around 3% drift. Yielding of the joint hoop also occurred in and two additional earthquake-resistant joints. In the as-built
specimen S4-BC2.5, starting from 3% drift in the No.4 hoop. Joint joints, the premature joint shear failure occurred at considerably
shear damage occurred after yielding of the joint hoop reinforce- low drift ratios between 1.0% and 1.5% due to the absence of trans-
ment, which is in agreement with the damage observed in the verse reinforcement within the joint core. The earthquake resistant
joints of these specimens. As shown in Table 7, diagonal shear joints were designed similar to the as-built joints, except that their
cracks at the side face of the spandrel beam (Type-D crack shown reinforcing detailing were by adding transverse reinforcement
in Fig. 9) started to widen after 2% drift in specimen S3-BC2 and S3- within the joint core and increasing the development lengths of
BC2.5. the beam reinforcement, partly in accordance with the recommen-
Fig. 12 clearly shows that transverse reinforcement in the joint dations of ACI 318-08 and ACI-ASCE 352-02. The earthquake-
is needed to resist the shear forces and to provide confinement for resistant joints performed better than as-built joint by preventing
the concrete in the joint. Elsouri and Harajli [17] tested four exte- joint shear failure, developing higher lateral load, deformation, and
38 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

(a) S2-BC1.5 (b) S3-BC2 (c) S4-BC2.5

Fig. 11. Crack patterns of test specimens at 5% drift ratio.

energy absorption and dissipation capacities, and displaying stable sion in positive side, which indicate no slippage occurred in the
overall hysteretic response. Elsouri and Harajli concluded that the column bars of specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5. However, as
ACI 352R-02 requirements for minimum area of transverse rein- shown in Fig. 13(c) and (d) for the top column bars the tensile
forcement within the joint core is sufficient and adequate [17,25]. strain increased in the compression side of the column and bar dis-
It should be pointed out that larger amounts of joint transverse played a saddle-shaped hysteresis. This behaviour clearly indicates
reinforcement (Ash) than ACI 318-14 requirements were provided an initiation of bond deterioration and relative slippage of top col-
in the joint region of test specimens. The provided-to- umn bars. The steel bar in the lower column suffered a lesser strain
recommended value of the cross-sectional area of joint transverse level compared to the top column when the specimens were sub-
reinforcement was 1.47 in specimens S1-BC1 and 1.96 in other jected to cyclic loading. The formation of the plastic hinge in the
specimens. Therefore, larger strain in the joint transverse rein- beam adjacent to the column also increase the bond deterioration
forcements could be expected if the lower amount of joint trans- of the top column bars close to the beam [11]. Fig. 13 clearly shows
verse reinforcement was provided in the joint region. that no slippage occurred in the bottom column bars of the speci-
mens. The strain gauge attached to the lower column bar in spec-
5.4. Bond response of bars imen S2-BC1.5 was broken during the test. Fig. 13 also shows that
all the column bars behaved elastically until the end of the test,
The bond behaviour of the column and beam bars is one of the which is in line with the test observation. During the test, several
key parameters influencing the joint performance. The bond index hairlines flexural cracks appeared in the column of all the speci-
(BI) was calculated for longitudinal bars, in which the severity of mens, which remained tightly closed until the end of the test.
the bond stresses in a bar becomes clear. Eq. (7) shows bond index Analyses of the strain gauge data from the specimens tested by
formula. Hatamoto el al., [10], Gentry and Wight [11], Benavent-Climent
et al., [14], Quintero-Febres and Wight [20] and Li and Kulkarni
ub f y db [15,23] showed significant slip in the column bars due the low
BI ¼ qffiffiffiffi ¼ qffiffiffiffi ð7Þ
0 0 ratio of beam depth to column bar diameter (hb/dc). The minimum
f c 2hc f c
ratio of hb/dc in those studies was 12.6, 12, 9, 16 and 12,
where ub is the maximum bond stress of wide beam reinforcement respectively.
over the column depth. Fig. 14 illustrates the strain distributions along the beam bars at
The beam bar bond index in specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 peak drift values. All longitudinal beam bars experienced continu-
was 1.96, and in specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5 was 2.18. The ous strain increasing as the lateral drift increased. Therefore, it was
bond index of the column bars was calculated in the same manner clear that beam participation regarding the beam moment strength
and it was 2.31 in specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 and 2.36 in and joint shear demand got larger as each specimen was subjected
specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5. The value of BI is recommended to larger drifts. The onset of beam bar yielding for reinforcement
to be less than 1.4 as larger values of BI increases the risk of anchored inside the column core occurred at 1%, 1.2%, 1.3% and
anchorage failure and significant slip in the bars. In the test speci- 1.5% drift cycles in specimens S1-BC1, S2-BC1.5, S3-BC2, and S4-
mens, the values of BI for both the beam and column bars were BC2.5 respectively.
more than 1.4. All beam flexural reinforcement in the specimen S1-BC1 yielded
Fig. 13 shows the drift ratio versus the measured strain for the at the drift of 1%. For specimen S2-BC1.5 and S3-BC2, the beam bar
top column corner bar on the front side (black colour curves) and yielded at drift from 1% to 1.5%. In specimen S4-BC2.5, the beam
the bottom column corner bar at the back of the specimens bars inside the column core underwent a faster strain increase
(dashed-line red colour curves). For negative loading, these bars (yielded between 1.5% to 2% drift ratio) than those located outside
would be in tension, and in compression for positive loading. The the column core (yielded between 2% to 3% drift ratio). In other
measured strains of the gauges in Fig. 13(a) and (b) show that words, in specimen S4-BC2.5, the stress in the beam bars decreased
the top column bar was in tension in negative side and in compres- with distance from the column face (shear lag effect). The more
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 39

et al. [14,24] contained a shallow and weak spandrel beams. They

observed that the yielding of the wide beam longitudinal bars
always started from those located inside the column core, and it
M extended progressively to the outer reinforcement. The test by
Fadwa et al. [19] showed that the bars passing inside the column
core had stronger bonding than the ones passing outside the joint.

5.5. Behaviour of spandrel beam

In specimens, S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, some of the spandrel beam

longitudinal and shear reinforcement was instrumented with
strain gauges. Fig. 15 shows the strain measured in the longitudi-
nal bars at the top, exterior corner of the spandrel beam. Fig. 16
shows that the strain in that bar in specimen S3-BC2 remained
below the yield strain, however, the same bar in specimen S4-
6 6 BC2.5 (Fig. 15(b)) reached the yield condition and experienced very
S1-BC1 S2-BC1.5 large strain. A similar observation can be seen in Fig. 16 for the
5 5 spandrel beam stirrup at the face of the column. This observation
was consistent with the crack pattern observed during the test.
Specimen S3-BC2 had several cracks in its spandrel beam, but
4 4
Gauge number

these crack remained tightly closed up to the end of the test. In

specimen S4-BC2.5, at a drift ratio of 3%, inclined torsional cracks
3 3
1 rapidly extended around the spandrel beam and the intersection
1.0 1.5 region of the column sides.
2 1.5 2 2 The strain distributions in the spandrel beam longitudinal and
3 transverse reinforcement showed that the existence of such rein-
1 1 4 forcement in the spandrel beam is necessary to resist the torsion
5 5 and shear forces. The presence of such reinforcement at the span-
0 0 drel beam reduced the cracks sizes marginally at the ultimate load
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000 stage.
Microstrain Microstrain The maximum applied torsion to the spandrel beam during the
test (Tu,exp) was determined by measuring the strain in the beam
6 6 longitudinal reinforcement that were located outside the column
S3-BC2 core, and it was 51 kN m and 74 kN m in specimens S3-BC2 and
5 5 S4-BC2.5, respectively. The ratio of Tu,exp to the spandrel beam
torsional cracking capacity (Tcr) was 2.96 and 4.3 in specimens
S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5, respectively. In both specimens the applied
4 4
torsion exceeded the cracking torque, thus several torsional cracks
were developed in the spandrel beams. However, the ratio of Tu,exp
3 3 to the spandrel beam torsional capacity (Tn) was 0.73 and 1.05 in
1 1
1.5 1.5
specimens S3-BC2, and S4-BC2.5, respectively. No sign of the tor-
2 2 sional failure of spandrel beam was observed or measured in spec-
2 2
3 3 imen S3-BC2. In specimen S4, the actual torsion acting on the
1 4 1 4 spandrel beam exceeded the torsional capacity of the spandrel
5 5 beam. This specimen exhibited a severe torsion cracking and con-
0 0 crete crushing in the spandrel beam.
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000 The results of this study indicate that designing spandrel beam
Microstrain Microstrain for full equilibrium torsion from all the beam bars located in span-
drel beam is necessary to achieve an adequate seismic perfor-
Fig. 12. Envelopes of joint hoop strain against drift. mance. LaFave emphasized that in calculation of torsion the slab
reinforcement within an effective with also should be considered
[12,37]. The ACI 352R-02 provisions recommend that the wide
extensive torsional cracking in the spandrel beam of specimen S4- beam bars terminating outside the column core need to be
BC2.5 made this region more flexible and caused the lag in the anchored in a confined core of the spandrel beam. Such reinforce-
spreading of the plastic hinge. ment detailing in the spandrel beam were followed in this study
Hatamoto et al. [10] conducted a series of tests on six interior but it has not been followed in all the previous published studies.
connections with beam width ratio of 0.89, 1.77, 2.67 and 3.57. In the specimen tested by LaFave and Wight [12] the beam bars
They observed that the stress in the beam bars decreased with dis- were located on top of the spandrel beam reinforcement and only
tance from the column face. This stress distribution was observed the beam bar tails were anchored inside the spandrel beam core,
in all specimen with different beam width ratio. In the test by however, in those tests the performance was still quite adequate.
LaFave and Wight [12], the beam flexural reinforcement inside
the column core yielded by drifts of 1.5% and all the beam and slab 5.6. Energy dissipation capacity
bars yielded by a 2% drift ratio. Quintero-Febres and Wight [20]
observed that delay in wide beam bar yielding is dependent on The capacity of a specimen to dissipate energy without signifi-
the bond conditions of the bars and on the confinement of the out- cant reduction in strength or stiffness is an indication of its useful-
side region of the joint. The tested specimens by Benavent-Climent ness as an earthquake-resistant component. To illustrate the
40 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

8 8

S1-BC1 6
4 4

Drift Ratio %
Drift Ratio %

2 2

0 0

-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 Top column bar -6

Top column bar
Bottom column bar
-8 -8
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Micro Strain Micro Strain

(a) Specimen S1-BC1 (b) Specimen S2-BC1.5

8 8
S3-BC2 bar slippage S4-BC2.5
6 6 bar slippage

4 4
Drift Ratio %

Drift Ratio %
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 Top column bar -6 Top column bar
Bottom column bar Bottom column bar
-8 -8
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Micro Strain Micro Strain

(c) Specimen S3-BC2 (d) Specimen S4-BC2.5
Fig. 13. Longitudinal bar strain at corner column face.

capability of wide beam-column connections to survive an earth- pated energy per cycle must be 1/8 of the idealised elastoplastic
quake, the equivalent viscous damping values, neq, were computed. energy of that drift level. The elastoplastic energy was calculated
This quantitative index describes the hysteretic damping (or from curves that were drawn using the positive and negative initial
energy dissipation per cycle) on an equivalent linear elastic sys- stiffness values at 0.5% storey drift, obtained from the lateral load
tem. The average neq of three cycles, at each drift level, for the test versus drift responses of each specimen and the positive and neg-
specimens are compared in Fig. 17(a). The specimens S1-BC1 and ative maximum load and drift values in each cycle. Fig. 17(b)
S2-BC1.5 exhibited similar patterns of equivalent viscous damping shows the normalized energy dissipation capacities. It was
throughout the tests. In particular, the neq values increased rapidly observed that all specimens had energy dissipation above the rec-
after the 2% drift cycle in these specimens, because all the reinforc- ommended limit. Fig. 17(b) shows that before 1% drift, when only
ing bars yielded. The equivalent viscous damping ratio in 4% drift limited cracking had occurred, the values for this ratio are close to
was 24% for specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, and 18% and 16% the unity because the specimens exhibited almost ideal elastoplas-
for specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, respectively. The lower neq val- tic behaviour. Specimen S1-BC1 had the highest energy dissipation
ues (increased pinching of the hysteresis loops as can be seen in capacity up to 3% drift. After that drift level, Specimen S2-BC1.5
Fig. 6) were attributed to differences in performance of the connec- had a slightly higher energy dissipation capacity.
tions including the failure modes and the behaviour of the column
bars passing through the joints [11–14]. Elsouri and Harajili [17] 6. Joint shear capacity
compared the behaviour of as-built joint with the same modified
earthquake resistant joint and they concluded that the occurrence The effect of beam width on joint shear capacity was evaluated
of the joint shear failure, spandrel beam torsional failure, and the by estimating the effective joint widths of the specimens. For spec-
slippage of the column bars within a joint region can significantly imens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, that failed due to joint shear, their
reduce the energy dissipation capacity of the wide beam-column joint shear strength can be considered equal to the maximum joint
connections. shear force (Vj,test) applied during the test, and thus the effective
The energy dissipation capacities of the specimens were nor- joint width (bj,exp) for the specimen may be estimated by Eq. (8).
malized to enable comparison of their performance with the rec-
ommendation of ‘‘Acceptance criteria for moment frames based V j;test
bj;test ¼ qffiffiffiffi ð8Þ
on structural testing (ACI 374.1-05) and commentary”[39]. Accord- cn f 0c hc
ing to this document, the minimum permissible amount of dissi-
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 41

5000 5000
S1-BC1 S2-BC1.5
4000 4000


3000 3000
yield yield

2000 2000
0.5 0.5
1000 1 1000 1
bw=bc 1.5 bw 1.5
0 0
-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Distance from the center of the beam: mm Distance from the center of the beam: mm
(a) Specimen S1-BC1 (b) Specimen S2-BC1.5

5000 5000
S3-BC2 S4-BC2.5
4000 4000

3000 yield Microstrain 3000 yield

2000 2000 1
0.5 1.5
1000 1000 2
bw 1.5 bw 3
0 0
-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500

Distance from the center of the beam: mm Distance from the center of the beam: mm
(c) Specimen S3-BC2 (d) Specimen S4-BC2.5
Fig. 14. Strain distribution at beam-column interface for beam bar reinforcement.

8 8
S3-BC2 6

4 4
Dri Rao %

Dri Rao %

2 2

0 0


-4 -4


-500 500 1500 2500 3500
-500 500 1500 2500 3500
Micro Strain Micro Strain
(a) Specimen S3-BC2 (b) Specimen S4-BC2.5
Fig. 15. Longitudinal bar in top corner of the spandrel beam.

where, Vj,test is the maximum shear force acting on the horizontal where a is the over-strength factor calculated from the results of
cross section of the joint and it was estimated as follows: the test shown in Table 5.
X In Eq. (8), cn is the joint nominal shear strength factor. According
V j;test ¼ af y As  V col;test ð9Þ to ACI 318-14 and ACI 352R-02, in an exterior wide beam-column
connection in which the joint is confined in three faces, cn sets to
42 H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44

8 8
S3-BC2 S4-BC2.5
6 6

4 4
Dri Rao %

Dri Rao %
2 2

0 0

-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8
-500 500 1500 2500 3500 -500 500 1500 2500 3500
Micro Strain Micro Strain
(a) Specimen S3-BC2 (b) Specimen S4-BC2.5
Fig. 16. Stirrup strain at spandrel beam.

30 1.00
Equivalent viscouse damping %

25 S2-BC1.5
Normalized Energy

20 S4-BC2.5
10 S1-BC1
5 S3-BC2 ACI T1.1-01 Limit
0 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Dri Rao % Dri Rao %
(a) Equivalent viscous damping % (b) Normalised energy dissipation capacity
Fig. 17. Energy dissipation capacity of specimens.

1.25 (cn = 1.25). However, recent study by Kim and LaFave [33] represent the actual behaviour of the joint as these effective widths
showed that the cn = 1.0 is a more consistent and rational value to are non-conservative.
use in design in order to prevent joint shear failure. Table 8 shows that the actual effective joint width is larger than
Table 8 summarises the maximum joint shear forces (Vj,test) and the column width. The bj,test to bj,ACI ratios are higher than 1 in both
the estimated effective joint widths (bj,test) of specimens S3-BC2 specimens which indicates that ACI 318-14 underestimates the
and S4-BC2.5. In this table, bj,test1 and bj,test2 were calculated using joint shear strength of connections, particularly in cases with
Eq. (8) and assuming cn = 1.25 and cn = 1.0, respectively. The table cn = 1.0. Therefore it may be concluded that the wide beam
also contains ratios of the estimated effective joint width (bj,test) to improved the joint shear capacity of the specimens by enlarging
the effective joint widths computed following ACI 318-14 (bj,ACI) the joint effective width. From this table, when cn = 1.25, the joint
and Canbolat and Wight (bj,Canbolat). effective width recommended by Canbolat and Wight [34] cannot
From this table, it can be observed that when cn = 1.25, the represent the actual behaviour of the joint as these effective widths
effective joint width proposed by the ACI results in a smaller effec- are larger than the actual joint effective widths. However, when
tive joint width, which is slightly conservative and the joint effec- cn = 1.0, the joint effective width recommended by Canbolat and
tive width recommended by Canbolat and Wight [34] cannot Wight [34] correlate well with the experimental results.

Table 8
Estimate of design and experimental shear stress.

Specimen bw mm bc mm Vj,test kN bj,test,1, mm Eq. (8) cn = 1.25 bj,test,2, mm Eq. (8), cn = 1.0 bj,test,1/bj,ACI* bj,test,1/bj,Canbolat* bj,test,2/bj,ACI bj,test,2/bj,Canbolat
S3-BC2 600 300 856 323 404 1.08 0.86 1.34 1.07
S4-BC2.5 750 300 1037 391 489 1.30 0.95 1.63 1.18
bj,ACI = bc = 300 mm, bj,Canbolat = bc + 0.25(bw  bc).
H. Behnam et al. / Engineering Structures 147 (2017) 27–44 43

In summary, the current ACI 318-14 and ACI 352R-02 provi- column core yielded at a drift ratio of 1.5% and all the beam bars
sions for designing type 2 exterior wide beam-column connections yielded at a drift ratio of 2.5%. The joint shear failure and span-
by considering cn = 1.25 and bj = bc is conservative. This design pro- drel beam torsional failure occurred at 3% drift ratio. The com-
cedure requires (1) ignoring the contribution of the wide beam to plex failure mode of the spandrel beam and joint led to high
the joint shear strength, and (2) increasing the column sizes to sat- strength and ductility reduction.
isfy the joint shear requirements. An alternative and less conserva- 5. The average energy dissipation capacity in three cycles at each
tive design approach is to set the joint nominal shear stress level to drift level was expressed regarding an equivalent viscous
1 (cn = 1.0) and to use effective joint width larger than the column damping ratio neq. The specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5 exhib-
width (bj > bc). The effective joint width of the two specimens ited similar patterns of energy dissipation throughout the tests.
reported herein was well estimated using the effective joint width The equivalent viscous damping ratio in 4% drift was 24% for
defined by Canbolat and Wight [34] (bj = bc + 0.25(bw  bc)), as specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5, and 18% and 16% for speci-
listed in Table 8. More experimental studis are needed to find mens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5, respectively. The lower equivalent
the proper effective joint width in wide beam-column connections. viscous damping ratio in specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5 indi-
Meanwhile, when considering cn = 1.0, the effective joint width can cated pinching in the hysteresis curves of the lateral load-
be set at least to 1.25bc (bj > 1.25bc) which gives the same results as versus-drift response and it occurred mainly due to the joint
when considering cn = 1.25 and bj = bc. shear failure, column bar slippage through the beam depth
It should be noted that the amounts of joint transverse rein- and also torsional cracks on the spandrel beams of these
forcement (Ash) that were provided in test specimens was larger specimens.
than the ACI 318-14 requirements. The ratio of the provided-to- 6. The strain distribution from the joint transverse shear rein-
recommended value of the cross-sectional area of joint transverse forcement showed that joint shear reinforcement is needed to
reinforcement was 1.96 in specimens S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5. Kim resist the shear force from the beam bars. The amounts of joint
and LaFave [3,33] noted that once the provided amount of joint transverse reinforcement (Ash) was provided in test specimens
transverse reinforcement is more than 60% of that recommended was larger than the ACI 318-14 requirements. The provided-
by ACI 352R-02, an increase in the Ash ratio does not cause any sig- to-recommended value of the cross-sectional area of joint
nificant additional improvement in joint shear strength. transverse reinforcement was 1.47 in specimens S1-BC1 and
1.96 in other specimens. In specimens S1-BC1 and S2-BC1.5,
7. Conclusions all the joint hoops remained elastic over the entire displace-
ment history. The strain in some of the joint hoop in specimens
An experimental investigation was carried out to obtain new S3-BC2 and S4-BC2.5 approached the yield point around 3%
data and to further study the cyclic behaviour of wide beam- drift. Specimen S4-BC2.5 exhibited larger increments in joint
column connections. Four large-scale exterior reinforced concrete transverse reinforcement strain than specimen S3-BC2. This
beam-column connections were tested under reverse cyclic load- agreed with the fact that larger joint shear forces were applied
ing. The main design parameters were the beam width ratio and in the joint of specimen S4-BC2.5 than specimens S3-BC2.
the joint shear stress ratio (cd). The main design parameters were 7. The strain distributions in the spandrel beam longitudinal and
the beam width ratio and the joint shear stress ratio (cd). Based transverse reinforcement showed that the existence of such
on the evaluation of the cyclic loading responses, the following reinforcement in the spandrel beam is necessary to resist the
conclusions can be drawn. torsion and shear forces and to reduce the cracks sizes. The
results of this study indicate that designing spandrel beam for
1. Specimen S1-BC1 was a conventional beam-column joint with full equilibrium torsion from all the beam bars located in span-
beam width ratio of 1. The joint shear stress ratio, cd, was drel beam is necessary to achieve an adequate seismic
0.74 which was smaller than the nominal joint shear stress performance.
level, cn, specified in ACI 352R-02. All the beam bars yielded 8. Experimental verification showed that specimens S1-BC1 and
at the drift ratio of 1% where the beam reached to its expected S2-BC1.5, designed with the current design procedure recom-
capacity. Specimen maintained its strength up to 7% drift and it mended in ACI, performed quite well in carrying the horizontal
achieved ductility ratio of 4.8 and 5.6 in negative and positive lateral loads. However, it was found that the current ACI proce-
loading directions. Beam flexural cracking developed in this dure for estimating nominal joint shear strength is conservative
specimen. for the case of the wide beam-column connections.
2. Specimen S2-BC1.5 had a beam width ratio of 1.5 and cd of 1.12. 9. The joint shear demand and spandrel beam torsional demand
All the beam bars yielded at a drift ratio of 1.2%. Specimen played an important role in the behaviour of wide beam-
reached to its expected capacity at a 1.2% drift and it main- column connections. The wide beam can improve the joint
tained its strength up to 5% drift. This specimen achieved duc- shear capacity by enlarging the joint effective width.
tility ratio of 5 and 5.2 in negative and positive loading
directions. The full-width plastic hinge was developed on the
3. Specimen S3-BC2 had a beam width ratio of 2 and cd of 1.63 Acknowledgments
which was 30% larger than the ACI 352R-02 allowable joint
shear stress level. The beam bars inside the column core yielded The support of the Hong Kong Research Grant Council under
at a drift ratio of 1.3% and all the beam bars yielded at a drift Grant Number 16209115 is gratefully acknowledged.
ratio of 1.5%. The joint shear failure occurred at 3% drift ratio
after beam flexural cracking. The strength of the specimen
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