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Haematological Sciences

Renal Medicine (HRM)

Module Overview

MD 2011
Module Learning Outcomes

1 Describe the components and functions of blood and lymph and explain the sites of formation of
different blood cells
2 Describe the process of normal haematopoiesis and discuss the nutritional requirements for
3 Understand morphological and aetiological classification of anemias and discuss the pathophyslogy
of common anemias
4 Discuss the process of hemostasis and explain the pathophysiology of common haemostatic
disorders with examples

5 Describe the different blood groups and discuss the indications for blood transfusion
6 Describe the structure and functions of the kidney and explain the process of formation of
concentrated and dilute urine
7 Explain the role of the kidney in the regulation of pH, blood pressure and fluid volume
8 Explain the pathophysiology of common glomerular disorders and describe the gross and
microscopic features of common kidney diseases

Haematology Renal Medicine

• Week 1 – 4 • Week 5-12

• Physiology • Anatomy, Physiology,
Pathophysiology, Pathophysiology,
Pathology, Immunology Pathology
Hematology & Renal Medicine
Blood Composition & Erythropoiesis

Physiology of Blood Coagulation

Blood Groups

Pathophysiology of Major Hematological Disorders

Anatomy of the Urinary System

Glomerular Filtration and Renal Blood Flow

Tubular Reabsorption & Secretion

Renal Regulation of ECF Volume and Electrolytes

Urine Concentrating and Diluting Mechanisms

Renal Regulation of Blood Pressure and Acid-Base


Micturition, Renal Clearance & Urinalysis

Pathophysiology of Major Renal Disorders

Haematology - Learning Outcomes
• Describe the components of blood
• Discuss the functions of different blood components
• Identify different classes of cells in a peripheral smear
• Explain the steps in normal haematopoiesis and
• Discuss the nutritional requirements for normal
Learning Outcomes...
• Compare and contrast the different types of anaemia
• Discuss the laboratory analysis for haematocrit, mean cell
volume and mean haemoglobin concentration
• Identify the morphological features of erythrocytes in
different types of anaemia
• Discuss the steps in haemostasis
• Discuss the common disorders of haemostasis
Learning Outcomes...
▪ Explain the different blood groups and assessing the
need for blood group typing
▪ Identify the indications for blood transfusion and the
storage of blood and blood products
▪ Summarize the complications of blood storage and
prevention of transfusion transmissible diseases
Renal Medicine – Learning Outcomes
• Outline the anatomical basis for excretion by the urinary system
• Review the histology of the kidney
• Describe the structure and function of pelvic and perineal parts of the urinary system
• Describe the process of glomerular filtration
• Summarize the modifications of the glomerular filtrate by the processes of tubular
reabsorption and secretion
• Discuss the physiological mechanisms involved in the regulation of volume of urine
produced by the kidneys
• Outline the transport of urine to the bladder and the process of micturition
Learning Outcomes...
• Explain the role of kidney in blood pressure regulation and water balance
• Discuss the mechanism of actions of diuretics
• Explain how kidney regulates acid-base balance
• Summarize the gross and histopathology changes in kidney in major renal
• Discuss the pathophysiology of major renal disorders

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