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Faculty of Health and Social Care

School of Health Sciences

MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
Anatomy Access Course
Topic 6: The Elbow Joint
Anatomy Access Course July 2009

The Elbow Joint

On completion of this part of the workbook you should be able to:

 Identify the bones that make up the elbow joint.

 Orientate each of the bones relative to the anatomical position.
 Identify on each of the bones the major bony features such as articular
surfaces and points of muscle or ligament attachment.
 Classify the elbow joint.
 Describe the structure of the elbow joint, highlighting features that
contribute to joint stability and joint mobility.
 State the movements available at the elbow joint.
 Describe the muscles acting on the elbow joint.
 Outline the action of the muscles during movement of the elbow joint

Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Introduction to the Elbow Joint

The elbow joint is a hinge type synovial joint. The joint is made up of
humeroulnar and humeroradial articulations.

Task 1.
Label the following diagram of the distal end of the humerus, and palpate and
locate these bony points on your own arm.
NB: Anterior View on the left, Posterior, view on the right

Ensure that you are able to identify the following features:

Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
Supracondylar ridge
Radial fossa
Coranoid fossa
Olecranon fossa

Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Task 2.

Complete the sentences below.

The ulna articulates with the humerus at the_______________

State the areas of the ulna in contact with the humerus


State the areas of the humerus in contact with the ulna


The radius articulates with the humerus at the _____________
State the areas of the radius in contact with the humerus

State the areas of the humerus in contact with the radius



Anatomy Access Course July 2009


The following are the common superficial bony points of the elbow joint that
physiotherapists would commonly palpate during practice.

Medial epicondyle of the humerus Oleranon Process

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus Head of the radius

Task 3.
Identify which number on the picture below relates to the bony points given above.

Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Joint Lines of the Elbow

With the arm in the anatomical position, the anterior joint line follows the
natural crease between the humerus and the forearm. Moving
posteriolaterally the head of the radius can be palpated, which is easily found
when the arm is extended as the radial head overhangs the capitulum (the
radial head can be felt to rotate when you supinate and pronate the forearm).
Moving posteromedially, the joint line can be palpated around the olecranon,
and then moves distally below the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

ROM at the Elbow Joint

By the elbow joint we mean the movement that occurs between the humerus
and radius/ulna, not the movement that occurs between the radius and ulna -
this is the superior radio-ulnar joint and will be covered in the next section.

Task 4.
Complete the following table.

Joint Joint Articulation Movements Range


Elbow 1.


Task 5.
Considering the elbow joint write down what factors and structures would/may
limit movement of this joint.
Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Muscle Groups of the Elbow Joint

Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Task 6.
For each movement which occurs at the elbow joint list the main muscles involved.
Remember in some cases one muscle may have more than one function.

Action Muscles

Self Test Checklist

Anatomy Access Course July 2009

Task 107.
Before progressing on to the wrist and hand, read the following learning outcomes and
check that you feel happy that you have met the learning outcomes for the shoulder
complex. IF you answer no to any question you should review this area.

Learning Outcome Yes/no

 Identify the bones that make up the elbow joint.

 Orientate each of the bones relative to the anatomical

 Identify on each of the bones the major bony

features such as articular surfaces and points of

muscle or ligament attachment.
 Classify the elbow joint.

 Describe the structure of the elbow joint, highlighting

features that contribute to joint stability and joint

 State the movements available at the elbow joint.

 Describe the muscles acting on the elbow joint.

 Outline the action of the muscles during movement of the

elbow joint

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