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Terason Ultrasound System

Quick Start Guide

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2009 by TerasonTM, a division of Teratech Corporation. All rights

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by Terason.

Terason, OmniBeamTM, and TeraVisionTM are trademarks. Other trade names,

trademarks, or registered trademarks are property of their respective holders.

Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is

prohibited, except as allowed under copyright laws.

Printed in the United States of America.

November 2009
Part number 16-3049-5

Terason™, a division of Teratech Corporation

77–79 Terrace Hall Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803
Starting/Exiting the Software
To start the Terason software:

Double-click .
To exit the Terason software:
Click .

The Terason Window

Thumbnail Review
Window Menubar Orientation Logo Exam MI & TI
Date display
Connected Patient Info Report Patient Image Display
Transducer Window Data Window

Playback Tools
Acquire File Scan Image Frame Stress
Toolbar Toolbar
Button Toolbar Mode Display Rate Button
Split View Toolbar Status
Explorer Live/Freeze button Image Control/
Button Button Measure tabs

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide 3

Choosing a Scan Mode

Choosing a Scan Mode

• Select 2D when you want to view a two-dimensional display of the anatomy; B-Mode
controls allow you to adjust the size, depth, focus, overall image gain, brightness, and
exam type.
• Select M-Mode when you want to evaluate motion over time, such as
viewing motion patterns of the heart.
• Select Continuous-Wave Doppler to display all velocities present
over the entire length of the ultrasound cursor. This is useful for
imaging very high velocities such as those resulting from a leaking
heart valve.
• Select Pulsed Wave Doppler mode when you want view the motion of
blood flow at a small region along a desired ultrasound cursor.
• Select Color Doppler when you need to view the relative velocity of
blood flow.
• Select Power Doppler when you want to view the density of blood, but
not the velocity; Power Doppler is more sensitive to low flow than
either color Doppler or Directional Power Doppler, and is often used to
evaluate perfusion and vessel patency.
• Select Triplex (scan in CD, DirPwr, or Pwr, then select PWD) to combine a color 2D
image with a Pulsed Wave Doppler image.

Workflow for Conducting an Ultrasound Exam

1. Load or create the patient information.
2. Click the button for the needed scan mode.
3. Click the Exam menu and select an exam type.
4. If necessary, adjust the 2-D and I.Q. image controls and the image controls for the
selected scan mode.
5. To scan using PWD or Triplex, place the cursor where you want to set the range gate,
and double-click.
6. Use proper medical protocols to perform the ultrasound exam.
7. Click .
8. Add annotations or measurements as needed.
9. Save and/or print the ultrasound image.
10. View or print the Report/Worksheet.

4 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide


Menu Menu Items Description

New Patient Clears the current patient info in the Patient Info tab

Save Patient Saves any changes made to the patient info in the
Patient Info tab

Open Opens the Windows File Browser window and you

can locate a needed saved image or loop

Close Image Closes the tab showing a saved image file

Save Image (ULT) Saves the displayed frame as a Terason format

(ULT) image file

Save Loop (ULT) Saves an image loop as a Terason format loop file
Save Image As Saves an image in a specific file format (select from
pop-out menu)
Save Loop As Saves an image loop in a specific file format (from
pop-out menu)

Export Specify a filename, location, and image format when

saving an image or loop

Send All DICOM Sends saved DICOM files to the server


Send DICOM Image Exports an image to a DICOM server

Send DICOM Loop Exports an image loop to a DICOM server

Print DICOM Image Prints to a DICOM printer

Save Study Saves Stress Echo study being reviewed

Close Study Closes the Stress Echo study being reviewed

Print Prints the image(s) in the Image Display window,

Image Preview window, or the Review window

Print Preview Views a picture of what the print out will look like
when it is printed

Print Setup Configures default printer options

Exit Closes the Terason Ultrasound System application

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide 5


Menu Menu Items Description

Undo Undoes the most recent text edit (cut, paste, or

delete) or entry in the Patient Info window

Cut Removes the selected text from its current location

and puts it in the clipboard

Copy Copies the selected text to a clipboard

Copy Image Copies the image in the Image Display window to the
computer’s clipboard for pasting it into a different

Paste At the location of the cursor, inserts the last text cut
or copied

Delete Deletes the selected text in a text box or text on the

Image Display window,

Clear All Deletes text entries and measurements on the

Image Display window

Toolbars Shows or hides any of the Terason toolbars

Status Bar Shows or hides the Status bar

Active Probe Shows the current probe that is attached

Patient Info Shows the Patient Info window

Review Shows the Review window

Report Shows the Report window

ECG Control Opens a control panel for ECG exams

Explorer Window Shows or hides the Terason Explorer window

Image Control Bar Shows or hides the Image Control Bar

Thumbnail Window Shows or hides the Thumbnail Window

Image Display Shows or hides guides on the Image Display window


Needle Guide Display Shows or hides needle guide lines (used for biopsies

Text Size Sets the size of text in the Image Display window

Zoom Enlarges a selected area of the image in the Image

Display window

Split Screen Splits the Image Display window into two screens

Toggle Split Screens Makes the opposite screen the active screen
Thumbnail Opens a menu used to select the thumbnail size and
display order

Full Screen Enlarges the Image Display window to cover the

entire computer’s screen, hiding all other windows
and toolbars

Refresh Refreshes the Terason Explorer window

6 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide


Menu Menu Items Description

Open Exam Opens a dialog box where you can select an exam
type for the current exam

Save Exam Saves any edited settings (changes made to preset

values in the Image Control window) to the exam;
you cannot save changes to any of the Terason-
provided exams

Save Exam As Saves the current set of Image Control settings to a

new Exam type

Delete Exam Deletes a custom exam type. You can only delete
exam types you created; you cannot delete any of
the Terason-provided exam types

[Exam Type] Opens the selected exam; lists the Terason-provided


# [Exam Name] Opens the selected custom exam; lists the custom
exams for the connected transducer

2D Activates 2D scanning and starts a live image

M-Mode Activates M-Mode scanning and starts a live image

Pulsed-Wave Doppler Activates Pulsed-Wave Doppler scanning and starts

a live image
Color Doppler Activates Color Doppler scanning and starts a live
Directional Power Activates Directional Power Doppler scanning and
Doppler starts a live image

Power Doppler Activates Power Doppler scanning and starts a live


THI Toggles tissue harmonic imaging on and off

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide 7


Menu Menu Items Description

Freeze/Live Live if the Image Display window is frozen; Freeze if

the Image Display window is live: menu chooses the
opposite imaging state

Play Play runs through the frames in a loop

Pause Halts a playing loop at the current frame

Back Moves to the previous frame in a loop

Next Moves to the next frame in a loop

Size Opens a submenu used for 2D, to select Small,

Medium, or Large

Depth Opens a submenu used for 2D, to set the depth for
the scan

Gain Opens a submenu used to increase (Up) or

decrease (Down) the gain setting by one unit

Invert Opens a submenu used for 2D, to choose Left/Right

or Up/Down inverts

Colorization Opens a submenu used for 2D to choose a color


Smoothing Opens a submenu used for 2D to choose a

Smoothing algorithm

Persistence Opens a submenu used for 2D to choose a

Persistence level

Map Opens a submenu used for 2D to choose an image


Sweep Speed Opens a submenu used to set the speed for the
Time Series scan

Time Series Image Opens a submenu used to set the Time Series
Height Image Height.

New Measurement Initiates a measurement of the type selected in the

Measure tab
Clear 2D Deletes all measurements in the 2D image display
Measurements window

Clear Time Series Deletes all measurements in the Time Series window

Send Measurements Transmits OB and GYN measurements to another

to Serial Port computer

Body Marker Opens Annotation window showing the Body Marker

tab where you can select a body marker icon

Body Marker Indicator Opens a submenu that lets you choose to display the
body marker indicator horizontally or vertically

Text Activates the Text tool and opens the Annotation

window showing the Text tab

Set Text Home Sets the home position for text at the location where
Position you click after selecting this menu item

Clear Text Annotation Deletes all text on the Image Display window

8 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide


Menu Menu Items Description

Display Setup Provides tools to adjust the display characteristics of

the monitor

LGC Control Displays a set of sliders that control gain on lateral

segments of the scan display

Needle Gauge Error Adjusts the guides for biopsy applications


Enable External Sends images to another digital display

Digital Video

Restore Default Changes the location and visibility (hidden or shown)

Window Layout for all windows and toolbars to the default

Always on Top Prohibits other Windows applications from obscuring

the Terason window

Auto Freeze Stops sending power to the transducer after the

transducer is not in use and the wait time expires

Set Auto Freeze Wait Sets the wait time for auto freeze

Show Color Doppler Hides or shows the warning if you try to save a color
Saving Warning Doppler scan with a high level of color persistence
Options Opens window that contains advanced configuration

Help Topics Open online help system

Technical Support View contact information for Terason Technical


License View license registration information

About Terason View application version and release numbers

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide 9

Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts.
Key Description Key Description

Space Freeze/Live image (toggles) Esc Delete unfinished measurement

Shift In Duplex and Triplex modes, toggles B Start scanning in 2D
Update on & off

Ctrl-arrow Select a different Image Control tab M Start scanning in M-Mode

(L & R)

F1 Open Terason online help P Start scanning in PWD mode

F2 Freeze imaging C Start scanning in Color Doppler mode

F3 Live imaging D Start scanning in DPD mode

F4 Copy Image R Start scanning in Power Doppler mode

F5 Refresh W Start scanning in CWD mode

F8 Save Image H Start scanning in THI mode

F9 Save Loop G Toggle split screen

F11 Full Screen/Exit Full Screen S Enter Split screen mode

F12 Print T Text

Alt + F4 Exit Z Enter or exit Zoom mode

Shift-fn-F11 Print Screen N Show Needle Guides

. (Period) Select region of interest to move; / (Slash) Select steering angle

select ultrasound cursor in M-Mode

.. (Two periods) Select region of interest to Ctrl-Tab Cycle through Imaging, Patient Info, Review
resize in CD mode tabs

Shift Toggle Update On or Off in

10 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons

Button Description Button Description

Opens and closes the Terason Explorer Save button saves the current image to a file;
window icon may be different if you selected a default
format other than Terason ULT; click arrow to
select different file format

Activate 2D mode: provides a standard two- Save Loop button saves the maximum
dimensional display in real time. allowed number of previous frames as a loop;
icon may be different if you selected a default
format other than Terason ULT; click arrow to
select different file format

Activate M-Mode (Motion) scanning Print button lets you print the current image to
a printer

Activate Pulsed Wave Doppler scanning Live button provides a real-time image
If CD, DirPwr, or Pwr active, this button display
activates Triplex scanning

Continuous Wave Doppler: similar to Pulsed- Freeze button freezes the image during the
Wave Doppler, but with less aliasing and less scan to allow you to print or save to a file
depth-specific information.
Activate Color Doppler scanning Split screen toggles split screen (two current
scans displayed in the 2D window) on and off

Activate Power Doppler scanning Toggle button makes the other screen active
in split screen mode

Launch Sonocubic 3-D imaging software Play button (visible when viewing a frozen
(only displays if Sonocubic software is image) lets you play loops of data. You can
installed on the computer) play up to sixty frames of loop information

Zoom: magnifies the selected region of your Pause button (visible when a playing an
image image) lets you pause the loops of data in
Play mode

Text: lets you enter text on live or frozen Back button lets you return to the previous
images frame during Playback Mode

Needle: Show or hide the needle guides for Next Image button allows you to advance to
medical procedures; also shows target the next frame during Playback Mode
indicator if that option is selected and the
image is Live

Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide 11

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Tab Control Description

Exam Exam Types

Size Patient size

Frequency Frequencies other than the Size preset frequency

Depth Depth of scan (in cm)

Focus Focal point of scan (in cm)

Gain Adjust gain (increase or decrease amplification of returning


TGC Adjust gain at individual depths

Omni Toggles Omni Beam on and off

THI Toggles tissue harmonic imaging on and off

Sector Width or Select shape of sector;

Image Format (12L5 For 12L5 and 7L3 transducer, select linear or sector
and 7L3 only)

Left/Right Invert image along vertical axis

Up/Down Invert image along horizontal axis

Colorization Select color palette for display

Smoothing Select smoothing algorithm

Persistence Select level of persistence

Map Select an image map

Needle Guide Select needle guide for display to match needle guide attached
to the transducer (for biopsies only)

Compress Increase or decrease contrast

Noise Rejection Increase or decrease brightness of acquired image

TeraVision Toggles TeraVision image enhancement on and off

12 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Tab Control Description

Sweep Speed Choose speed for acquiring data in M-Mode time series window

Cursor Position Position ultrasound cursor

Anatomical M-Mode Toggles Anatomical M-Mode on and off

Sweep Speed Choose speed for acquiring data in PWD time series window

Velocity Display Choose units for Y-axis in Time Series window

PRF Adjust Pulse Repetition Frequency to prevent aliasing (wrap

around the baseline)

Wall Filter Increase wall filter to remove clutter; lower wall filter to show
more data, including tissue motion

Invert Invert pulsed doppler waveform

Correction Angle Adjust the angle of scan; click button to change angle to 0 or 60

SV Size Set the size of the sample volume (in mm)

Gain Increase or decrease the amplification of the date in the Time

Series window

Compress Adjust the signal compression, which affects image contrast

Noise Rejection Adjusts the rejection of low-level returned signals, which afftects
the darkness of the image background

Baseline Move the baseline in the Time Series window up or down

Sound Volume Increase or decrease the volume

Update Enable or disable 2D imaging while acquiring CWD or PWD

scan data

TDI Enable or disable TDI image optimization (with 4V2A transducer


13 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Tab Control Description

Scan Area Choose speed for acquiring data in PWD time series window

PRF Adjust Pulse Repetition Frequency to prevent aliasing (wrap

around the baseline)

Color Invert Inverts the color scale. (Not available in Power Doppler mode.)

2D Suppress Narrows the width of the displayed image to the region of

interest. (Cardiac exam with 4V2A transducer only)

Wall Filter Increase wall filter to remove clutter; lower wall filter to show
more data, including tissue motion

Steering Angle For 12L5 and 7L3 Transducer: use electronic steering to select
indicated angle

Color Invert Invert Doppler display (red becomes flow away from transducer;
blue becomes flow toward transducer) Not available for Power
Doppler mode.

Color Gain Increase or decrease amount of color within region of interest

Color Priority Increase or decrease amount of color displayed over bright


Color Persistence Increase or decrease color averaging between frames

Color Baseline Increase to show more positive flow (forward); decrease to show
more negative flow (reverse).Not available for Power Doppler

Color Map Chooses which of five color maps is used to show Color Doppler

TDI Toggles tissue doppler imaging on and off (with 4V2A

Note: This set of image transducer only)
controls is used for
Color Doppler,
Directional Power
Doppler, and Power

14 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Tab Control Description

Fetus Select from A to F (only for OB exam)

LMP button Select to enter the date of the Last Menstrual Period in the date
field (only for OB exam)

EDD button Select to enter the date of the Expected Due Date in the date
field (only for OB exam)

Date field Date of LMP or EDD, whichever button is selected (only for OB

Trimester Current trimester, selected by entering an LMP or EDD date, or

by clicking the arrows (only for OB exam)
New button Activates measurement cursor for the selected Measurement

Measurement list List of measurements available for the exam

Caliper Measure a distance (in cm)

Ellipse Measure an oval area and circumference

Trace Trace an area to measure the area and circumference

Delete Delete the selected measurement

Prev Highlight the Previous (in the order in which they were created)
Next Highlight the Next (in the order in which they were created)
New button Activates measurement cursor for the selected Measurement

Measurement list List of measurements available for the exam

Delete Delete the selected measurement

Prev Highlight the Previous (in the order in which they were created)

Next Highlight the Next (in the order in which they were created)

15 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

Image Control Windows/Measure Tabs

Image Control Tab Control Description

Laterality Side of the scan: Right or Left

Location Location of the scan: Prox, Mid, or Distal

Vessel Vessel scanned: list is determined by the specific exam

Ratio Artery 1 and Artery 2: use to calculate PS/ED ratios between two

New button Activates measurement cursor for the selected Measurement

Measurement list List of measurements available for the exam

Correction Angle Adjust the correction angle on the frozen scan (used with Flow
Volume measurement)

Vessel Wall Markers Use arrows to adjust the size of the range gate to match the
actual vessel walls (used with Flow Volume measurement)

Delete Delete the selected measurement

Prev Highlight the Previous (in the order in which they were created)

Next Highlight the Next (in the order in which they were created)

16 Terason Ultrasound System Quick Start Guide

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