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Food Web Poster - Environmental Science Project

Choose between 10-15 animals from the Amazon Rainforest. Make sure to include a mix of
herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and scavengers. Also include a mix of mammals, birds,
insects, amphibians and reptiles.

Be specific with the species name. For examples, don’t write “snake” write “green anaconda”.
Below is an example of a food web. You poster will look similar.

List the animals below and do research to figure out what they eat. Choose at least 3
plants/animals each one eats. The more you choose, the easier it will be.

1 - Scorpion
2- Tiger
3 - Lion
4 - Mosquito
5 - GrassHopper
6- Hyena
7 - Ant
8- Baboon
9 - African Flying Eagle
10- Black Mamba

- Then, print out 10 pictures of what the animals above eat or you can draw them. Be

- Once you have all your printouts, organize them into a food web poster. Specify the
producers/plants, consumers (1st level, 2nd Level, and Apex), and decomposers (you’ll
be supplied with these). Reference the pyramid you constructed for help.

- Then, organize your poster to show which way energy is flowing in the ecosystem. For
example, if you’re showing a Sloth eating piece of fruit draw an arrow to from the fruit to
the Sloth. There might be some overlaps and that’s totally fine.

Your poster should be organized and neat with the Apex predators at the top, other consumers
in the middle, plants at the bottom, and decomposers below plants. Check spelling and make
sure the poster isn’t too crowded. Your teacher will tell you when the sign is done.

When you are finished, answer the following questions:

What do you think would happen if one of the animals disappeared from this food web
due to disease or poaching?

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