Physics Experiment

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300 PROJECT 7 Aim To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical styro foam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's Law. Apparatus Hanging metal coated pith ball, teflon rod, stationary metal coated pith ball, silk, pith balls of mass (0.3g) each. Theory Coulomb's law states that electric force is directly proportional to the product of two charges and is inversely proportional to the square of separation between two point charges and is along the line joining the two charges. It can be expressed mathematically as, F, kde a where k, is the coloumb's constant and its value is 8.9875 x 10°NmM%? = 9 x 10°Nm%/e?, If the charges are same in sign (positive-positive or negative-negative), force is repulsive in nature and if the charges are opposite in sign then force is attractive. In this project we will measure the total charge Q on one of the two equally charged pith balls each of mass m = 03g. The electrostatic force of repulsion between the two charged balls causes a rotation in the apparatus. If we know the angle produced by the electrostatic force of repulsion between the two balls, it is possible to measure force of repulsion and hence total charge on one of two equally charged pith balls. Procedure 1, Take the pith ball apparatus with the scale and set it across the other pith ball set as shown in Fig. D-7.1. Stationary Pith Fig. D-7.1 Scanned with CamScanner a 301 2. Place the two pith balls such that they are touching, each other and stationary pith ball apparatus should be perpendicular to the scale on the hanging pith ball’s base as shown in Fig. D-7.2. 3. To measure the charge Q we first need to charge both the pith balls. This can be done if we rub the nee abet teflon rod vigorously with the silk and bring the rod in contact with pith balls simultaneously. Note : Do not touch pith balls with your fingers as I you may ground them and cause them to discharge. : 4, After charging, the pith balls will have like charges, au and hence they will repel. Let the hanging pith ball stop swinging and measure the distance between ‘ Fig. D-7.2 them using the scale. servation 1, There are three forces acting directly on hanging pith ball. (a) The gravitational force — acting downward. (b) The electrostatic force of repulsion —> acting on the right hand side. (©) The tension in the string —> it provides a foree acting in a straight line between the suspension and the pith ball and is along the string. Note : Actual pith ball model has two strings supporting each pith ball, it is okay for cour 2-Dimensional examination to assume that there is just one string acting as a force of tension directly between bar and pith ball. 4, The orientation of the pith ball will be completely vertical. Due to Coulomb’s force the pith ball rises in a circular path with respect to suspension because of the force of tension in the string. Scanned with CamScanner 302 3. h is the height to which the pith ball will rise above its original position. We can calculate the charge on the pith ball based on the forces involved. L is the length of the string and R is the radius of the circle which the pith ball follows while rising. (a) From similar triangles AACB and ADCE we notice that F, / F, = (R /2) / (L-h). (b) F,=(R/ 2) F,/ (Lh) (©) kK@/R2=(R/2)mg/(L-h)=Rmg/2L @ Q=[mg R)/2k Ly (e) Q= 4.0 x 107 R/L)2 (f) Given L and R, you can solve for the charge on the pith balls Q. 4, Use this measurement and equation (e) above to determine the charge on each pith ball. Result ‘The estimated charge induced on each one of two identical pith balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb’s law is of the order of 10°C. Scanned with CamScanner

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