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Throughout the movie Fantine really brought a massive sad tone in the movie due to her

misfortune and obvious sacrifices. She came from a poor unknown background, left as a widow

by the biological father of Cossette. Fantine really worked hard to sustain a life with a daughter

whom she dearly loved. Fantine loved Cossette so much that she was willing to do some

sacrifices for her. According to Oxford Dictionary, Sacrifice means “to give up something that

is valuable to you in order to help another person” In the movie, Fantine was fired

from the factory she previously worked with because people found out that she has a illegitimate

child. From there on, she worked really hard to the point of selling her hair, teeth, and even her

body as it can be seen from the quotes by the hair crone. “What pretty hair! What pretty locks

you’ve got ** there! What luck you got. It’s worth a centime, my dear! I’ll take the lot.” Also,

other quotes done by the tooth man that goes along the line “The pain won’t last, you’ll still be

able to bite.” As if the condition was dire enough, Fantine was coerced to sell her body as it can

be seen from the quotes “Old men, young men, take’em as they come! Harbour rats and alley

cats And every kind of scum! Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land - See them with their

trousers off, They’re never quite as grand! All it takes is money in your hand”. The sacrifices

Fantine had done for her only daughter, Cossette was a form of other than the obvious mother’s

loves, it was also a commitment and intimacy from her towards her daughter. According

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, love has three components which are consist of

intimacy, passion, and decision of commitment. These three types of love differ in terms of their

populace. Intimacy is common amongst those in a loving relationship in general such as parents-

kid, partner, and etc. Passion is common in a romantical type of relationship usually find in

couples. While commitment on the other hand can be found plenty kinds of relationship whether
its romantic relationship or family. So according Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love,

Fantine carried the Intimacy and the Commitment of it. The sole purpose of her sacrifices, was

nothing but for Cossette only.

Unlike the previous telltale of miseries, Cosette has the most dreamed ending of almost all girls

in this world, true love. Cossette is the daughter of Fantine who grew up to be a beautiful young

lady that attracted a lawyer revolutionary student, Marius Pontmercy. If we have seen the movie

I can assure you that Marius Pontmercy is very fond of Cossette as it can be seen from the

dialogue below.

Cossete: “A heart full of love! No fear, no regret!”

Marius: “My name is Marius Pontmercy.”

Cossette: “And mine’s Cosette.”

Marius: “Cosette... I don’t know what to say”

Cossette: “Then make no sound.”

Marius: “I am lost”

Cossette: “I am found!”

Marius: “A heart full of light”

Cossette/Marius: “A night bright as day”

Marius: “And you must never go away, Cosette – Cosette”

Marius and Cossette are considered to be a true love because they fit to all types of love;

intimacy, passion, and commitment towards each other. The dialogue I quoted above alone

could be one of the examples of the intimacy and passion. While for the commitment, it is
proven by the story line how they conquered everything and got married in the end, classic true

love ending.

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