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The Hippie Hacker

Watch the following video until minute 5,45 and answer the following questions.

● What technical specs does the Hippie Hacker talk about?

- Processor or better known as CPU (Central Processing Unit): i3 (browse the web,
video calls…) i5 (if you care about speed, if you do some gaming…), i7 with a 46
core processor (if you do intense gaming, use high end video editors…)
- RAM (Random Access Memory): 4GB or 8 GB (browse web, video calls, allows
gaming while streaming spotify. So you can run two things at a time)
- Storage - 256 GB at least. She recommends to buy an external hard drive if you
store videos, etc. in your computer.

● Are there any other specs that we should consider when buying a computer?
Which ones?
- Graphic card
- Ventilation / refrigeration system
- Power source (also: power supply, energy source, energy supply - Font
- Operating system (depending on the customer it can not be important, they change it
- Price
2. In pairs, prepare/read 1 dialogue out loud (page 103). Watch out pronunciation.
Then, 3 or 4 pairs at random will be asked to read it for the rest of the class.

3. Work in pairs. Here below write the dialogue at an IT shop. You will be asked to
rehearse a
similar conversation with another classmate, so make sure you remember the most
specs of a computer and the type of questions that are asked when buying one.

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