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A. They're greeting each other.
B. They're waliking beside the lake.
C. They're suntanning on the grass.
D. They're carryingbackpacks on their shoulders.
A. The passengers are boarding the aircraft.
B. The flight is departing for the destination.
C. The plane has landed at the airport for a time.
(D) The surface of the plane is damaged.
A. Several ships are docked a pier.
B. The liner is passing under the bridge.
C. The sailors are lowering the sails.
D. The motorboat is Cruising through the harbor.
A. A woman is settingthe table.
B. The restaurant is open for business
C. People are sitting outdoors
D. All the seats are not occupied
A. People are waiting for a bus.
B. People are blockingthe entrance.
C. People are crossing the street.
D People are standingin a line.
A. Some products are stacked on the rack.
B. A boat is floatingon the water.
C. Some people are rowing a boat
D. A man is putting on a cap.
7. When are you leaving?
(A) Only a few days
(B)With my wife
(C)In half an hour
8. Is Ms. Daniels out of the office today?
A. She left it at home.
B. The office is open at 8 o'clock.
C. Yes, she's on vacation until Wednesday.
9. How many computers will you need for this training?
A, No, I've taken the training course.
B.At least 20, I guess.
C. He is an IT specialist
the weather like today?
A. The weather is beautiful this summer.
B. It's rainy today.
C. I like todress casually.
11. Did you go to the Concert last night?
A. That must have been interesting
B. They are about the same
C It was canceled
12. there a subway station around here?
A. About 10 minutes ago.
B. Yes, right across the street.
(C) I'm glad to hear that.
13. Where is that noise coming from?
A.Yes, she has a nice voice.
B. From the fan in the back of the refrigerator.
C He is coming in July
14. Why have we spent so much on safety gear?
A. We needed so much of it.
B. In the supply cabinet
C. Yes, it was quite a lot.
15. If you need any help with your new
assignment, just ask
(A) Yes, you got another assignment
B) Please help yourself.
C Thanks , I will.
16.The tailor altered the waist of my suit to fit
A. No, I'm afraid she can't. B. Oh, how much did it cost? C When can
I leave?
- Did you know that our company did all of the architectural designs for this
restaurant? The funny thing is, I worked on the project and I've never eaten
here before.
- Oh really? I haven't either, but a friend of mine highly recommended it. He
said the food is delicious. That's why I decided to bring our client here for
lunch before we tour the building
- That's a good idea. Not only will our clients have a nice lunch, but
they'll also get to see how the blueprints we design turn out after
- Right! Also, maybe they'll get some ideas about what they want for their
own building.
- Thank you for calling Lane Stadium How may I help you?
- Hi. Last Friday, I called and ordered tickets to tomorrow's baseball game,
but they haven't arrived in the mail yet. What should I do?
- I'm sorry to hear that. If they don't come today or tomorrow for some
reason, then just come to the ticket office at least one hour before the
game and we'll print out new ones for you. Okay! Thank you so much.
- Hi, Monica, it's Stephen. I'm at the train station and I need a little lift but
Theodore isn't anywhere to be found. I tried calling him but he hasn't
answered. Any idea where he might be?
- Theodore thought your train was arriving at four. He's probably still in a
meeting with a client.
- Do you know when he'll be finished with the meeting? If it's going to be
much longer,I can just take a taxi.
- Hold on. Theodore just walked in. I'll tell him you're waiting for him. I'm
sure he'll leave right away and be there shortly.
Excuse me, I'm looking for a present for my cousin, I think she'd like one of
these sweaters, but do you have any in pink?
I'm pretty sure everything we have is out here on the display table, but I can
check the stock in the back if you'd like.
Thanks. That will be great. You know they look perfect for four seasons. She
could wear it both indoors and outdoors.
I also bought one for my sister, and she wears it a lot, so I'm sure your cousin
would like one.
Great! And I brought this discount coupon with me. Let me see. Yes, we
accept this
coupon. Now I'm going to see if we've still got a pink one in the stock room.
Good morning, Mr. Manning. This is Elizabeth from Star graphic design I'm
because the designs wins we discussed in your office last Tuesday are ready.
I was hoping to schedule a meeting to review which ones you'd like to use in
your new catalog. Once you approve the designs, I'll send them to your
printing division by e-mail. I know that your deadline is fast approaching, so
hopefully we can meet soon. My schedule is wide open today and tomorrow.
Please give me a call as soon as possible. Thank you.
Rogers Community College is pleased to present its annual family festival
this Saturday from 12 P.M. to 5 P.M. in the Rogers Sports Center. This
annual festival is open to everyone and admission is free! Planned events
will include an obstacle course, face painting and a wide selection of
delicious food. Students from the college will be hosting activities
throughout the sports center, including children's games and a
variety of arts and crafts. A 50/50 raffle will also take place So if you're
feeling lucky, be sure to buy lots of tickets. Each ticket will be sold for
two dollars with half the proceeds going to the winner and the other half
being donated to charity. We hope to
see you this Saturday
This is Ryan Crestfield. Thank you for tuning in to WSAZ Broadcasting,
your #1 local news and weather station. On Wednesday, Yorkfield town
officials approved plans for the construction of a new high school. The
school, which will be completed in 2 years, will hold about 2,000 students
from 9th to 12th grade. Harold Reynolds, the mayor of Yorkfield, said that
the new building is needed to reduce crowding at the current high school. It
is estimated that the total cost of the construction will be 10 million dollars.
In addition, about 90 new teachers will be hired, said Reynolds. And now for
an update on the weekend weather forecast
Attention passengers travelling on flight 347 to Los Angeles. Unfortunately,
the plane you'll be boarding has been delayed in New York due to
the heavy snow It is scheduled to arrive in about one hour. As soon as it
Our crew will prepare the aircraft for departure and we will board
everyone as quickly and safely as possible. We ask that you stay near the
gate in case we have any further announcements. We sincerely apologize
for the inconvenience and we appreciate your cooperation.

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