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1. Personally, I feel that something new will have a good side and bad
side, especially about technological developments. There are some bad sides
that we will get, if we are using the internet too much. First, we always
depend on internet. So, all of our activities are controlled by internet. And the
result that we are confused doing something without internet. and we don’t
have effort to find the other way. Next, it will impact for remote area where
has no internet connection or signal. Consequently, the people who live in the
remote area will be left behind by others in terms of technology
However, for the good side are we can get either information or
something that we need quickly and doing something easily such us shopping,
payment, learning etc.
Nevertheless, it depends on us maintaining our mindset when we are
using it.

2. I assume that family has a most important role for us. We all know that
family is first part who gives us the life lesson. Likewise, family is the most
inspiration for life. Formerly, when we have a problem, our family member
will help find a way out. As well as when we get something good, they also
have the same feeling. And then, family members consist of father, mother,
and children. They have different role. As a Chief of Family, Father has
responsible to earn a living for all member. Similar to Father, mother is
responsible for all maters at home, and the children have a role as a family
member who have task to study and respect with their parents.

3. I would say that, to have a good relationship, we must have a great

communication with the other. We know that, Indonesia has many cultures,
especially about language. Language as a means of communication and
interaction. In addition, it also serves as the identity of a tribe or nation. For
example in English. Someone who can learn English will have a chance to
choose their future. English is foreign language for us, but English is the most
spoken language in the world. On that account, if we are able to learn English,
we are one step ahead of others.

4. In my opinion, UN has a lot of to do with world peace. Also, UN has

authority to assist countries involved in conflict. They decided to send
peacekeeper as negotiator or mediator. Furthermore, they also seek
international cooperation in solving problem of economic, social, culture and
human right. UN has many organizations which has its own duties and
function, such us WHO (world health organization), UNESCO (united nation
educational, scientific, and cultural organization), World Bank, etc.

5. Speaking of my perspective, cash does provide people to exchange

things. However, in line with technologic developments, I think that use of
cash is considered quite practical only for transaction with small value.
Because, if we want to transaction with big value, it is very risky to use cash. In
this time, we all know there are many kinds of non-cash payment which can
make our transaction easily dan improve security of the payment in the
future. Here are the non-cash payment methods from the past until now, such
us paper based, card base, and electronic base. Now, electronic based is the
most using for payment methods. For example, QRIS, Go pay, etc. Because is
the easier than the others payment methods for transaction anything and

6. I assume that, in this time women armed force has similar task with
the men armed force. However, in accordance with KASAD policy,
they are mostly deployed in administrative corps or staff, if we are
talking about the strength, their strength is totally different with the
men. But their other abilities still demanded the best and they have
their own work standards. Mostly, their task is supporting the main
task of armed force.

7. In my opinion, beside the main task that maintain national security

and defence, armed forces also have role in humanity section, it is
handling natural disaster. Armed force can helps evacuate victims of
disaster, especially for isolated areas. They can use its equipment to
solve this problem. And then they can also treat the injured victim
and distribute logistical aid. Moreover, they can provide shelter and
emergency facilities for victims, such us camps, temporary barrack,
toilet and public kitchen. This is one of the services for our country.

8. I would say that there are several factors which can make
population in Indonesia well controlled. First, Government has
reduced the population with the family planning program (KB). The
manifestation of KB is the use of contraception to delay and prevent
pregnancy. Second one, equitable of development in every region,
especially in remote areas, such us access road, health facilities, and
access to clean water. And the last, Transmigration program. It aims
to move residents from a densely populated area to another area
that less population. As an Indonesian, we have to follow
government’s program then population in our country to be better.

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