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Anglo-American Literature


Ancient times-England -The Romans found the land

450-1066 inhabited by “britons” or “celts”.
-The Britons/Celts were
The Normans conquered the conquered by the Anglo-Saxons.
land under William, Duke of -Anglo-Saxons brought Germanic
Normandy in 1066. language to the land. This
St. Augustine the rst bishop of language eventually replaced
Canterbury. Converted the saxons Latin.
Christianity has powerful -Christian missionaries converted
influence but some church leaders pagans.
become abusive and corrupt. -king Alfred, the rst king,
The feudal system where the brought order and prosperity to
vassals (tenants) show obedience the land.
and loyalty to their lord for
providing them security and

Renaissance period United States of America

1300s 1500s -it is believed that Christopher Columbus
was the first explorer to step foot in
USA in 1492
* Virginia company- chartered by King James
1 of England to establish a colony in America
* Plymouth Colony- was established by the
pilgrims to promote Christianity and separating
from England.
*Puritans- had the same intention as the
pilgrim but without separating England

-Rebirth of culture that was destroyed by the
-Caxton introduced the printing press into
-King Henry Vlll established the Church of England.
-England triumphed against Spain

The Age of Enlightenment England

/Reason/Restoration * King James & the parliament clashed.
1685-1815 * Civil war broke out bet ween 1642-
1649 with the cavaliers and puritans
as rivals.
* Charles was executed in 1649 as a
result of the puritans victory.
* The puritan rule ended in 1660
* Reason & Control we’re of great
* A period of great economic and scienti c
* Industrial Revolution- Result of capitalism.
Rural areas became more industrialized and
United States of America
* African slaves were transported to
America to work on plantations .
* The French & the English fought over
some areas in North America
* English colonizers won in the seven
years war
* Americans started to protest
against English rule.

The Romantic to England

Realistic Period * Queen Victoria’s longest reign as
1770-1850 monarch.
* Victorian Age- A period of stability and
prosperity. Where British empire colonized
many nations. Owned 1/4 of the worlds
* British society- became more conscious
about class, morals, & proper decorum
* American revolution- broke out in 1775.
America won over the English & led to the
building of American government.
* Declaration of Independence- signed
in 1776.
* US Constitution- adopted in 1789.
George Washington the rst president
of the republic.
* American civil war broke out in 1861
Fought bet ween the confederates
(southerners) & unionists (northerners).
* Unionists were anti-slavery & won the

Key word Key words

England- derived from the Slavery- was abolished due to 13th
old English “englaland” amendment.
Meaning “land of angles” Industrial revolution- caused social
some social issues ( child labor etc.)
-Won over Spanish during the war in
-Rose to world power

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