Apology Excuse Promise 2

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Study the following sentences. Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold
and check below to see if you are right.

1. Don't blame Tom for the mistake. It wasn't his fault.

2. What excuse did he make for not doing his homework?
3. I regret not finishing school. I could have a much better job now.
4. I apologize for my lateness. The traffic was just awful.
5. Daniela's boss asked her to explain why she was so late for work.
6. Will you forgive me for forgetting your name again?

a. blame somebody for something

b. make an excuse
c. regret something
d. apologize for something
e. explain something
f. forgive somebody for something

Dialogue 1
A: Sorry I'm late. I was held up at the airport.
B: That's OK. I've just arrived myself.

Dialogue 2
A: I apologize for my behaviour. I was under a lot of stress.
B: Never mind. I understand.

Dialogue 3
A: Sorry to keep you waiting. It won't happen again.
B: Don't worry about it.
Dialogue 4
A: I really am very sorry about this problem.
B: I should think so too! What you did was completely unacceptable.

Dialogue 5
A: Sorry about spilling coffee on your floor. I'll get a mop.
B: Oh, it doesn't matter. The cleaning lady will clean it up later.

Dialogue 6
A: We sincerely apologize for the late delivery.
B: I'm afraid that's not good enough! I expect some sort of discount.

1. Making apologies

2. Making excuses

3. Accepting apologies

4. Rejecting apologies

5. Promising action

6. Promising action


Study the additional expressions in bold used for promising action. Which
structure is used? Check below to see if you are right.
1. I'm sorry - I left your dictionary at home. I won't forget to bring it next time.

2. I'm sorry for not calling you today. I'll give you a ring first thing tomorrow.

3. Sorry about the mess I made in your kitchen. I'll clear it up.

4. I apologize for breaking your window. I'll pay for the damage.

5. I apologize for not informing you about the change of lesson time. I will
make sure to contact you if it happens again.

6. Sorry for losing the CD you lent me. I'll buy you a new one.

Note: When promising action, we often use ...

will/won’t + infinitive

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