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Both texts are talking about different ways we listen to music.

The first one is advocates that file sharing

is not bad for the music industry while the other considers the benefits of live music

The first text suggests that a lot of people believe in something which is untrue and that being that file
sharing websites are the cause of record companies financially doing worse. It later says that that belief
is untrue due to the fact that most artist are not signed to such companies and therefore can hardly be
heard on the radio. However, the file sharing sites can help those artists attract more music lovers and
provides more choices for listeners.

The second text starts with a question. The reader is being asked why do some people like live
performances more than other ways of listening to music despite it having arguably the worst quality of
sound. The question is later answered with the fact that concerts are more of an experiences shared
with those of similar taste to ours what cannot be relived because the band or the singer rarely sings the
same songs in the same order.

In my opinion both texts make a valid point. Most new artists have no easier way to find listeners than
to upload their music for free and therefore get exposure which is at that point of their career, in my
opinion, more valuable than the profits from CD sales. I agree with the second text because I do think
that live performances are more about the bonds you build with other people and the memories you
make while doing that.

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