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WM Hotel - 2023 Graduation Buffet Menu A

Seafood on Ice well 海鮮拼盤

Cooked Sea Prawn 凍海蝦
New Zealand Green Mussel 紐西蘭青口
New Zealand Clam 紐西蘭石蜆

Cold Appetizers & Salad 冷盤&沙律

Assorted Garden Salads Leaves 雜菜沙律
Quinoa Purple Potatoes, Sweet Corn, 藜麥, 紫薯, 甜粟米,
Red Kidney Beans, Mushroom, Capsicum 紅腰豆, 白菌, 燒甜椒
Thousand Island, Caesar Dressing, Italian 千島汁, 凱撒沙律汁, 意大利油醋汁,
Vinaigrette, Japanese Sesame Dressing 胡麻醬汁

Smoked Salmon with Caper & Dill 煙三文魚配水瓜柳,蒔蘿

Seared Sesame Crust Tuna with Mango Salsa 白芝麻吞拿魚配香芒莎莎
Assorted Cold Cuts Platter 雜錦凍肉拼盤
Classic Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken 烤雞凱撒沙律
Fresh Fruit & Avocado Salad 鮮果牛油梨沙律

German Potato Salad 德國薯仔沙律

Tomato & Mozzarella Salad with Basil 蕃茄,水牛芝士沙律配羅勒醬

Japanese 日食
Selection of Assorted Sushi Roll 雜錦壽司卷
Served with Pickle Ginger, Soy Sauce, Wasabi

Soup 餐湯
Hot & Sour Soup with Seafood 海皇酸辣羹
Cream of Mushroom Soup 蘑菇忌廉湯
Assorted Bread and Butter 麵包及牛油
Hot Dish 熱食
Sweet & Sour Pork with Bell Pepper & Pineapple 甜酸鳳梨咕嚕肉
Stewed Oxtail in Red Wine Sauce 紅酒燴牛尾
Pan-fried Sole Fillet with Lemon Butter Sauce 香煎龍脷魚柳配檸檬牛油汁
Roasted French Spring Chicken 法式燒春雞
Chicken & Pork Skewer with Satay Sauce 沙嗲雞肉,豬肉串燒
Roasted New Potato with Garlic & Butter 香蒜牛油烤新薯
Spaghetti Carbonara 卡邦尼意粉
Fried Rice with Seafood, White Egg & Diced Conpoy 瑤柱蛋白海鮮炒飯
Deep fried Chicken Drumstick with Cajun 香辣有骨雞鎚
Black Truffle Pizza 黑松露蘑菇薄餅
Stir-fried Broccoli with Squid 蒜蓉西蘭花炒鮮魷
Crispy-fried Prawn Toast 脆炸蝦多士
Takoyaki with Teriyaki Sauce and Mayo 章魚小丸子

Dessert 甜品
Bread Pudding with Vanilla Custard Sauce 麵包布甸配雲呢拿吉士汁
Lemon Meringue Tart 檸檬蛋白撻
Mixed Berries Panna Cotta 雜莓意大利奶凍
75% Dark Chocolate Cake 75 度黑朱古力蛋糕
Mascarpone Matcha & Red Bean Roll 意大利芝士抹茶紅豆卷
Blueberry Cheese Cake 藍莓芝士蛋糕
Mango Mille-Feuille 芒果千層酥
Serradura 木糠布甸
Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream 雪糕杯
Seasonal Fruit Platter 鮮果拼盤

Beverage 飲品
Fresh Brewed Coffee or English Tea 即磨咖啡或英式紅茶
Unlimited 2.5 Hours of Free Flow Beverage Services 2.5小時無限飲品服務
Soft Drinks, Chill Juices & Mineral Water 汽水, 果汁和礦泉水

Menu A Price at HKD $498 per person 每位港幣 $498

Price subject to 10% service charge 另收取加一服務費
Buffet Food Services Hour – 2 Hours 30mins 食物供應時間為 2 小時 30 分鐘

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