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LakByahe Travel and Tours 1-day tour in Marinduque, specifically for the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring:

Scene 1 (Travel Agency)

Caller (Tourist): Hello, good morning! I would like to inquire about booking a 1-day tour in Marinduque.

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Good morning! Thank you for calling LakByahe Travel and Tours. I'm
happy to assist you. May I know your name, please?

Caller (Tourist): Certainly. My name is [Your Name].

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Nice to meet you, [Your Name]. How can I help you with your
Marinduque tour?

Caller (Tourist): I'm interested in booking a 1-day tour to the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring, I saw it on the
Internet and I find it interesting. Can you provide me with some details about the tour, such as the itinerary,
pricing, and any inclusions?

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Absolutely. The 1-day tour to Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring is a fantastic
choice! Let me give you a brief overview of the itinerary. The tour starts with a pickup from your preferred
location in Marinduque. From there, we'll head to the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring, which is known for its
rejuvenating waters and beautiful natural surroundings. You'll have ample time to soak in the hot spring
and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the sulfuric waters. Afterward, we'll provide a delicious lunch at a
local restaurant. Finally, we'll drop you off at your desired location.

Caller (Tourist): That sounds wonderful! Can you tell me the price for this tour?

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Certainly, the price for the 1-day tour to Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring is
4,500 per person. This includes transportation, entrance fees, a professional guide, and lunch at a local

Caller (Tourist): That sounds reasonable. I would like to proceed with the booking. Are there any specific
dates available for the tour?

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): We operate the tour on weekdays and weekends. To provide you
with accurate availability, may I ask when you would like to take the tour?

Caller (Tourist): I'm planning to visit Marinduque this month on the 20th. Would it be possible to have the
tour on that day?

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Let me check our availability for the 20th. Just a moment, please.
[Agent checks availability] Yes, we have available slots for the tour on the 20th. How many people will be
joining the tour?

Caller (Tourist): I have 2 friends with me

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Great! I have reserved a spot for you on the 20th for the 1-day tour to
Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring. To confirm your booking, we require a 15% down payment. The remaining
balance can be settled on the day of the tour. May I have your email address, please? I will send you an
invoice with the payment details.

Caller (Tourist): Sure, my email address is [Your Email Address].

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Thank you, [Your Name]. I have sent the invoice to your email. Once
we receive the down payment, your booking will be confirmed. Is there anything else I can assist you
Caller (Tourist): That covers everything for now. Thank you for your help.

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): You're welcome! Should you have any further questions or need
assistance, feel free to reach out. We look forward to providing you with an unforgettable tour experience
in Marinduque. Have a great day!

Caller (Tourist): Thank you. Goodbye!

LakByahe Travel and Tours (Agent): Goodbye and have a wonderful day!

-----------------------------------------black background with text (May 20, 2023)-----------------------------

Scene 2 (Airport)

Travel Agent: Welcome to Marinduque Airport! We're delighted to have you here. On behalf of Lakbyahe
Travel and Tours, let me extend a warm greeting to all our esteemed tourists. My name is Michael Muli Jr.
and I’am Jaycel Mabunga, and we are your travel agent for this trip. I hope you had a pleasant journey.

Now, let me introduce you to our fantastic team of tour guides who will be your companions throughout
this wonderful experience. Our tour guides are seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge of the
local culture, history, and attractions. They are passionate about providing you with an unforgettable

First, we have Richter Keith Mercado. He has been leading tours in this region for over a decade and
possesses an in-depth understanding of the area's historical significance. He is known for his friendly
demeanor and ability to bring history to life, making your tour both informative and engaging.

Next, we have Maychele Lacdao. She is an outdoor enthusiast and is eager to share the natural wonders
of this area with you. She is well-versed in hiking trails, scenic viewpoints, and adventure activities, making
sure you have an exhilarating time exploring the breathtaking landscapes.

Our team of tour guides is dedicated to providing you with personalized attention and ensuring your
comfort and satisfaction throughout your journey. They will be more than happy to answer any questions
you may have, recommend additional activities, or accommodate any specific requests you may have.

Once again, welcome to Marinduque. We hope you have a remarkable and memorable trip. If you need
any assistance or have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any member of our
team. Enjoy your stay and get ready for an extraordinary adventure!

---------------------- aalis mga travel agent------------------------------

Keith: Attention, everyone! May I have your attention, please? Thank you.

As your tour guide for today's trip, I would like to go over a few important announcements and
precautionary measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all of us. Your safety is our top
priority, so we kindly ask for your cooperation throughout the tour.

Firstly, please make sure to stay together as a group at all times. This will help us keep track of everyone
and ensure that no one gets left behind. If you have any concerns or need assistance during the tour,
please don't hesitate to approach me or any other member of our tour staff.

Secondly, I would like to remind everyone to follow all safety guidelines and instructions. Please pay
attention to any signs, warnings, or safety barriers we encounter along the way. It's essential to stay within
designated areas and avoid venturing off on your own, especially in restricted or potentially hazardous

Maychele: Next, let's talk about COVID-19 safety protocols. We are still in the midst of the pandemic, so
we kindly request that everyone wears their masks properly throughout the entire tour. Masks should cover
both your nose and mouth at all times, except when eating or drinking. Additionally, please practice
good hand hygiene by using hand sanitizer regularly, especially before and after touching common

Lastly, please remember to keep the environment clean and respect the natural surroundings. Let's avoid
littering and dispose of any trash in the designated bins. Together, we can help preserve the beauty of
the places we visit for future generations to enjoy.

Thank you all for your attention and cooperation. If you have any questions or need clarification about
any of the announcements, please feel free to ask. Let's have a fantastic and safe trip! We may now
proceed to our service.

----------------------------------travelling to sulfur----------------------------------------

Scene 3 (Sulfur)

Keith: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the marvelous Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring! We will be your guide
throughout this amazing experience. We are thrilled to have you here today.

As we venture into the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring, prepare to immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty
and natural wonders that surround us. This hotspring is renowned for its therapeutic properties and
breathtaking scenery.

Before we begin, let me share some fascinating facts about this incredible hotspring. The Malbog Sulfuric
Hotspring is nestled amidst lush greenery, surrounded by rolling hills and the soothing sound of nature. The
hot spring water flows naturally from deep within the Earth, enriched with minerals and sulfur, which are
believed to have healing benefits for the body and mind.

--------- lakad onti, then stop --------

Maychele: As we explore this natural paradise, I encourage you to take a moment to embrace the
tranquility and connect with the energy of this remarkable place. You will have the opportunity to indulge
in the warm, sulfuric waters, known for their relaxing and rejuvenating properties. Allow the natural steam
to embrace you as you immerse yourself in this unique and therapeutic experience.

While we are here, please remember to respect the environment and follow the instructions provided by
our team and the local staff. Let's keep the hotspring clean and preserve its natural beauty for generations
to come.

If you have any questions or need assistance during our time here, please don't hesitate to reach out to
me or any member of our team. We are here to ensure that you have a delightful and memorable visit.

Now, let's embark on this journey of relaxation, healing, and appreciation for the wonders of nature. Enjoy
your time at the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring, and may it leave you refreshed and revitalized.

Thank you for joining us today, and let's make the most of this extraordinary experience together!
----------------- lakad sa ibang place ulit ---------------------

Tourist 1: (raise hand) Can I ask a question? What is the unique feature of the water in the Malbog Sulfuric

Keith: The unique feature of the water in the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring is its high sulfur content. Sulfur is a
naturally occurring mineral with a distinctive smell often associated with rotten eggs. The water in the
hotspring contains dissolved sulfur compounds, giving it a distinct odor and a yellowish color. This
characteristic makes the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring stand out among other hot springs and creates a
unique experience for visitors. The high sulfur content is also believed to have certain health benefits, such
as helping with skin conditions and respiratory issues.

Tourits 2: Oh! That’s interesting, I would 100% swim to that.

--------------- lakad sa may pool -----------------------

Maychele: Did you know that this sulfuric hot spring was discovered during the Spanish period. Yes! That
is true. And another fun fact about this resort is that the spring of sulfuric water is coming from Mt. Malindig
which was later on developed to be a resort for everyone

Maychele: As we have mentioned lately, this resort gives healing benefits including:

•treating skin irritations and infections such as rashes and eczema

People that visited and swim here say that all of their skin diseases healed.

Tourist 3: So how much are the rates here?

Keith: That’s a good question Ma’am/Sir. We are proud to say that aside from its benefits to one individual.
The rates from its entrance fee only cost 35-45 per person and cottages cost 200. This resort is budget-
friendly so anyone can afford it.

Do you have any questions?

Tourists: What is the interesting fact here in Sulfur?

Keith: That’s a good question, I’ll answer it once we go to the pool where no one is allowed to swim.

------------- don sa may bilog na pool ------------

Keith: Fun Fact: Did you know that there is a particular pool at the Malbog Sulfuric Hotspring that locals
refer to as the "Mysterious Vortex"? This pool is off-limits for swimming or jumping due to an intriguing
belief among the locals. According to the local folklore, if someone were to dare to jump into the
"Mysterious Vortex," there is a whimsical possibility that they would be mysteriously sucked down into an
underground passage, only to resurface unexpectedly in the open sea nearby! While this tale adds an
air of mystery and adventure to the hotspring, it's important to note that safety regulations are in place
to ensure the well-being of all visitors. So, enjoy the other rejuvenating pools at the Malbog Sulfuric
Hotspring and leave the enigmatic "Mysterious Vortex" to the realm of local legends.

Tourist 1: Oh, that is so creepy!

Maychele: Yes Ma’am/Sir, it may seem creepy but don’t worry there is no record of such an incident
happening yet

Do you have any questions? If none, you can now have your free time to explore the resort and swim .
Tourist: Thank you very much!

Maychele: I hope you enjoy, Thank you!

------------------------- montage ---------------------


Thank you, dear travelers, for embarking on this enchanting 1-day tour of the captivating Malbog Sulfur
Hotspring! We hope your experience has been nothing short of invigorating and filled with delightful

As you immersed yourself in the soothing warmth of the sulfuric waters, you embraced not just relaxation
but also the unique wonders of this remarkable natural phenomenon. The high sulfur content, giving rise
to the distinctive aroma and yellowish hue, sets this hotspring apart and creates a truly unforgettable

We trust that you found solace and rejuvenation in the healing properties of the sulfuric waters, and
perhaps even discovered newfound benefits for your skin and respiratory well-being.

As you depart from this enchanting destination, we sincerely hope that the memories you've made here
will linger with you, serving as a reminder of the tranquility and natural beauty found in the heart of
Malbog Sulfur Hotspring.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing us as your guides on this journey. We hope
your time spent exploring the Malbog Sulfur Hotspring has left you with a sense of awe and a desire to
return to these magical waters in the future.

Safe travels, dear adventurers, and may your adventures continue to be filled with wonder and
discovery. Thank you for joining us on this unforgettable 1-day tour!

Tourist 2:

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