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1. The pessimistic old man always saw the negative side of things, making him _________.

(A) an optimistic
(B) a cheerful
(C) a contented
(D) a cynical

2. The project was a complete failure, resulting in a _________ and causing significant financial
losses for the company.
(A) triumph
(B) breakthrough
(C) accomplishment
(D) debacle

3. The company was struggling financially due to a _________ in their budget.

(A) surplus
(B) abundance
(C) shortfall
(D) deficit

4. The deceitful salesman tried to _________ the customer into buying a product they didn't
(A) convince
(B) persuade
(C) trick
(D) delude

5. The boss was known for being _________ and always setting high expectations for his
(A) lenient
(B) relaxed
(C) permissive
(D) demanding

6. The comedian's jokes were meant to _________ the audience, but some found them offensive.
(A) entertain
(B) amuse
(C) delight
(D) provoke

7. When faced with a difficult decision, Sarah found herself caught in a _________.
(A) consensus
(B) agreement
(C) compromise
(D) dilemma

8. The speaker went off on a _________, deviating from the main topic of the presentation.
(A) precision
(B) conciseness
(C) digression
(D) succinctness

9. The two paintings were completely different in style and subject matter, showing a
(A) cohesion
(B) unity
(C) similarity
(D) disparity

10. The _________ professor firmly believed in the principles of his field and refused to consider
alternative ideas.
(A) open-minded
(B) flexible
(C) accepting
(D) dogmatic

11. The elusive criminal managed to _________ the police by constantly changing his
(A) capture
(B) seize
(C) grasp
(D) elude

12. Despite the chaos around her, the leader maintained a calm _________.
(A) excitement
(B) turbulence
(C) agitation
(D) equanimity

13. The unpredictable weather caused _________ flight schedules, with many delays and
(A) steady
(B) consistent
(C) stable
(D) erratic
14. There has been a rapid _________ of technology, with new gadgets and devices constantly
being introduced.
(A) reduction
(B) constraint
(C) limitation
(D) proliferation
15. The provocative statement made by the politician was intended to _________ a response
from the audience.
(A) defuse
(B) calm
(C) pacify
(D) provoke

16. The students formed a _________ group, challenging the authority of the school
(A) docile
(B) obedient
(C) compliant
(D) rebellious

17. The politician's actions were widely criticized as _________ and morally wrong.
(A) commendable
(B) praiseworthy
(C) admirable
(D) reprehensible

18. The historian presented a _________ perspective on the historical event, questioning the
official narrative.
(A) factual
(B) authentic
(C) true
(D) revisionist

19. After a long vacation, Jenny felt refreshed and _________, ready to tackle her work.
(A) energize
(B) reinvigorate
(C) rejuvenate
(D) revitalize

20. The teacher had a _________ approach to grading, making sure that students met high
(A) lenient
(B) relaxed
(C) permissive
(D) rigorous

21. The _________ dress code of the company required employees to wear formal attire at all
(A) casual
(B) informal
(C) relaxed
(D) strict
In today's (_________) society, it is important to approach situations with a healthy dose of
skepticism. However, there are times when events unfold in such a way that they become a
(_______). This often happens when there is a (______) in planning or execution, leading to
negative consequences.
One way people may (_______) themselves is by indulging in (_______) behavior. This can
manifest when someone goes off on a (_______) during a conversation or meeting, veering away
from the main topic without providing any relevant insights. It can derail progress and make it
difficult to find a resolution.
Another factor that can contribute to the (______) nature of a situation is having individuals with
(_______) viewpoints and beliefs. When people become (______) about their own opinions and
unwilling to consider alternative perspectives, it can lead to conflicts and impede progress.
Finding a way to (_______) and clarify the issues at hand is crucial in such scenarios. It requires
a (_______) approach, one that adheres to established rules and standards. Only through
(______) examination and adherence to these principles can a solution be found.
However, it can be challenging to maintain such (________) amidst chaos and uncertainty. The
(________) circumstances and constantly changing variables can (________) attempts to find
stability. This is when it becomes necessary to be (_______) and flexible in our approach,
adapting to the situation as it evolves.
It is also important to be mindful of the potential consequences of our actions. Behaving in a
(________) manner and engaging in (__________) actions can damage relationships and hinder
progress. It is therefore necessary to practice restraint and ethical decision-making in order to
avoid making choices that are (________).
Once we recognize the need for change and growth, we can become (________). By embracing a
(________) mindset, we can actively seek to (________) ourselves and our endeavors. This may
involve challenging established norms and adopting a (________) perspective, one that seeks to
improve upon past approaches.
Through (________) efforts and a commitment to self-improvement, it is possible to (________)
our projects and bring about positive change. By adhering to the principles of (_________)
examination and embracing a flexible mindset, we can navigate the complexities of life and
achieve success

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