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Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

Global Supply Chain Management

Digitised and Responsible Procurement

Assessment 2: Take Away Paper (TAP)

Candidate Number: [Remember, do not include your name]

For this Take Away Paper (TAP) you will be required to carry out the following task.
Your response should be based on the case of a real company. You must select the
company yourself.

Individually download and complete this template and write your response to the
questions provided in the document. Once complete, please save and submit
through Canvas.

Choose any company of your choice and:

 Collect secondary material such as news articles, LinkedIn posts by its

 Analyse those data as well conducting interviews with sourcing or
procurement managers of those companies.
 Critically evaluate at least two of the following:
a. global sourcing strategy
b. sourcing risk management
c. sustainable procurement
d. adoption of digital technologies in procurement.
 Comment on any unique initiative taken by the company on the previous
 Also reflect on any unique strategies or practices you identified.

There have been considerable changes in procurement processes inside firms across
all industries as they adjust to the needs of the modern world, led by digitization trends. This
case study explores how, as part of its goal for long-term success in the sharing economy,
Airbnb is actively moving towards ethical digital procurement inside its operations. Soon the
company may adopt digital finance technologies that may set it further apart from other peer-
to-peer online businesses. In contrast to traditional financing, digital finance focuses
primarily on the digital side of things, including intangible digital assets that have value on
particular platforms (Gaur & Gaiha, 2021). Adopting this type of finance can ensure the
company is current with technology. This study considers their methods for controlling
outsourcing risks, addressing environmental sustainability issues, and implementing and
integrating the most recent trends and technical advancements relevant to the procurement

Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

This study uses additional information like news stories and LinkedIn postings to
understand Airbnb's procurement methods. The results are consistent with recent scholarly
studies in this field; Liu, Lin, Guo, and Shi (2022) imply that the sharing economy fashion
business has made significant strides due to digital transformation. According to Jha,
Sindhwani, Dwivedi, and Saddikuti (2022), shared resources are crucial for building
sustainable economies for digital businesses. The necessity of digitalization in finding an
ideal balance between this modern and traditional business practices for clients and
organizations is also cautioned against by Rana (2021). The primary goal of this study is to
investigate how Airbnb has integrated socially responsible behavior into its business practices
by coordinating sustainability with its procurement division using cutting-edge digital
strategies. By merging several viewpoints, this analysis attempts to provide valuable insights
into Airbnb's creative tactics and the changing procurement landscape in the digital age.
Airbnb's Global Sourcing Strategy
In order to make it easier for it to operate as a global platform that connects hosts and
guests across numerous nations and regions, Airbnb has created a thorough global sourcing
strategy. In order to ensure authenticity and offer users individualized experiences, the
company, according to Liu et al. (2022), places a high priority on developing ties with local
suppliers. According to Rana et al. (2023), Airbnb has built a diverse network of suppliers
through strategic alliances and collaborations, facilitating effective procurement procedures
and enhancing the entire visitor experience.
By following the principles of the sharing economy, Airbnb recognizes the
importance of forging strong bonds with regional vendors. Using this strategy, the originality
and cultural diversity of the lodgings supplied on the platform must be preserved. The
company's emphasis on working with local vendors aids in the growth of local economies
(Øverby & Audestad, 2021). Based on Øverby and Audestad's research (2021), it can be
argued that Airbnb's global sourcing strategy promotes the provision of region-specific
experiences and creates opportunities for local businesses.
Strategic partnerships significantly support Airbnb's global sourcing strategy.
Establishing partnerships with regional vendors, such as those involved in real estate
management, facilitates the broadening of Airbnb's stock and guarantees its clientele a
diverse array of lodging alternatives. Furthermore, such collaborations facilitate Airbnb's
access to regional proficiency, empowering hosts to give guests significant insights and
recommendations concerning the neighboring vicinity (Liu et al., 2022). Airbnb has
effectively established a platform that links hosts and guests across the globe, providing
genuine and culturally specific experiences through its worldwide sourcing approach. Airbnb
enhances the guest experience and supports local economies by securing high-quality
accommodations through developing strategic partnerships and cultivating relationships with
local suppliers.
Sourcing Risk Management
Given Airbnb's reliance on a sizable host network, risk management in sourcing is an
essential component. The platform is aware of how crucial effective risk management is.
According to Rana et al. (2023), the organization employs a proactive strategy by thoroughly
reviewing any potential risks associated with its suppliers and implementing such steps. In
order to prevent fraudulent activity and maintain the safety and confidence of the platform's
users, the onboarding process for hosts on Airbnb is characterized by stringent measures like
identification verification and risk assessments (Liu et al., 2022).
Airbnb understands that obtaining risk management has unique issues in the sharing
economy. Jha et al. (2022) claim that the organization uses data analytics and digital
technology to identify and address potential threats quickly. According to Nana et al. (2023),
using advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, Airbnb can quickly identify and

Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

mitigate potential problems. The process above helps the platform maintain the legitimacy of
its supplier network while simultaneously ensuring the security and satisfaction of its
The adoption of data analytics and machine learning by Airbnb illustrates the
company's commitment to proactively tackling rising sourcing risks, which is consistent with
the research carried out by Rana and colleagues in 2023. These technologies enable the
platform to intervene quickly by identifying patterns, anomalies, and potentially fraudulent
behavior. Airbnb uses proactive sourcing risk management strategies that include thorough
evaluations, stringent onboarding procedures, data analytics, and machine learning techniques
to maintain the integrity of its marketplace and promote confidence among its hosts and
guests (Jha et al., 2022). By implementing these tactics, potential risks associated with
suppliers are reduced, and the platform's integrity is maintained, ensuring the safety and
confidence of Airbnb's global user base.
Sustainable Procurement
By including environmental and societal considerations in its supplier selection
process, Airbnb demonstrates its commitment to sustainable procurement techniques. Mart
Ibáez (2022) claims the group actively promotes measures to lessen its adverse environmental
effects. Additionally, it motivates hosts to adopt green lifestyles. For hosts to support their
sustainability initiatives, such as boosting energy efficiency, waste reduction, and responsible
resource usage, Airbnb provides hosts with guidelines and materials (Brydges et al., 2021).
Additionally, as part of its sustainability goals, Airbnb strongly emphasizes forging
partnerships with suppliers, thereby fostering a more responsible supply chain. By utilizing
its platform and interacting with hosts, Airbnb has the potential to inform and persuade a
sizable number of stakeholders about sustainable practices (Mart Ibáez, 2022). The
company's emphasis on environmental and social issues shows that it understands the value
of ethical business practices in the context of the collaborative economy.
Brydges et al. (2021) claim that through its interactions with the host community,
Airbnb encourages sustainable behaviors such as using eco-friendly products, energy
conservation, and recycling. The encouragement of these practices by Airbnb aids in efforts
being made by everyone to achieve sustainability goals. In their study on the Airbnb instance
during the COVID-19 epidemic, Brydges et al. (2021) demonstrated how platforms might
change their business models in response to sustainability concerns. The epidemic allowed
Airbnb to change its priorities and put sustainability first, highlighting its commitment to
ethical buying practices. Airbnb has implemented sustainable procurement procedures that
include considering social and environmental concerns when choosing suppliers, encouraging
hosts to follow sustainable practices, and forming alliances with suppliers who share the
company's sustainability goals. Airbnb actively incorporates sustainability into its operations,
demonstrating its dedication to ethical business practices and contributing to a sustainable
sharing economy.
Adoption of Digital Technologies in Procurement
Airbnb has integrated digital technologies into its procurement processes to increase
operational efficiency. According to Liu et al. (2022), the organization optimizes supplier
identification, negotiation, and contract administration through sophisticated data analytics
and automation technology. Airbnb uses digital platforms to raise its procurement procedures'
efficiency, scalability, and transparency. According to Rana et al.'s (2023) results, Airbnb
uses data analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. Data analysis is
facilitated by AI-powered algorithms, allowing for personalized procurement
recommendations and improving the entire guest experience. Through digital technologies,
Airbnb can adapt its services to match the particular demands of its visitors, fostering
consumer satisfaction and loyalty. A case study of fashion rental platforms during the

Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

COVID-19 pandemic was done by Brydges et al. (2021), highlighting how media companies
like Airbnb may use digital technology and adjust to changing conditions. 
In order to quickly modify their strategies and operations in response to the
pandemic's issues, companies like Airbnb and others of its kind quickly adopted digital
technologies. Their capacity for adaptation effectively conveys the flexibility of digital media
in controlling procurement procedures. Integrating digital technologies has improved the
efficiency of Airbnb's procurement processes. According to Verby et al. (2021), the
organization minimizes human error and processing time and achieves optimal resource
allocation by automating manual processes and utilizing analytics-driven insights.
Additionally, using digital tools, Airbnb can monitor operations in real-time, enabling the
business to react quickly to changes in demand or supplier availability.
The results reached by Rana (2021), who emphasizes the revolutionary potential of
digitization in modernizing business operations, are congruent with how Airbnb has
integrated digital technologies. Airbnb has successfully integrated digital platforms and
technologies to position itself as a procurement innovation leader. This has dramatically
increased its ability to compete in the sharing economy. Airbnb's adoption of digital
technology in procurement paves the way for effective operations, tailored recommendations,
and increased customer happiness. Airbnb uses modern data analytics, automation tools, and
AI algorithms to optimize its procurement processes. This improves its efficacy, scalability,
and agility, and underlies its total market dominance.
Unique Initiatives and Strategies
In order to improve the experience of both hosts and guests, Airbnb has adopted
several noteworthy innovations in its procurement practice. The "Host Assist" program has
been cited by Lim et al. (2022) as a significant project that aims to provide hosts with
extensive assistance and resources in order to improve the caliber of their listings. As part of
this strategy, Airbnb forms partnerships with local service providers to give hosts access to
cleaning, maintenance, and concierge services that experts perform. The "Host Assist"
program benefits hosts by relieving them of particular responsibilities while ensuring
trustworthy and top-notch services for visitors. By facilitating alliances with reputable service
providers, Airbnb improves the guest experience and eventually raises guest satisfaction. This
project strengthens the relationship between hosts, service providers, and Airbnb, building a
social sharing economy ecology.
Following the findings of Liu et al. (2022), who examine the functional components
of fashion platforms in the collaborative economy, the "Host Assist" software has been
implemented. The need to forge strong alliances and work together is emphasized to improve
the platform users' value proposition. Using local service suppliers, Airbnb demonstrates a
commitment to boosting the regional economy and expediting the purchasing process for
hosts. Programs like "Host Assist" are examples of Airbnb's dedication to providing hosts
with extra services and resources in addition to the core platform capabilities. The prior
initiatives set Airbnb apart from its competitors and support its success in collaborative
Identified Unique Strategies and Practices
During the analysis, the procurement approach used by Airbnb found many tactics
and practices. Including user-generated reviews and material in the supplier evaluation
procedure is a crucial tactic. As suggested by Liu et al. (2022), Airbnb uses customer
feedback and ratings to promote continuous improvement and the discovery of high-
performing suppliers. This method enables the organization to consider users' opinions and
first-hand experiences, resulting in more informed procurement decisions. User-generated
content integration is congruent with Rana's research from 2021, which emphasizes the
importance of digitalization in bridging traditional and modern practices within

Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

organizations. Airbnb uses digital technologies to gather insightful feedback and viewpoints
from its user base, enabling a more client-focused procurement process. The way to do this is
to value user feedback.
Additionally, Airbnb's emphasis on building a community of hosts and encouraging
human interactions adds to a more inclusive and cooperative procurement ecology. The
strategy mentioned in the previous sentence enhances hosts' feelings of identification and
involvement and fosters a community where hosts can share knowledge, experiences, and
best practices (Rana et al., 2023). By supporting this community, Airbnb creates a climate of
cooperation and mutual aid that benefits both hosts and the platform. By incorporating user-
generated content and giving community-building priority in procurement, Airbnb
demonstrates its commitment to using digital technologies and fostering meaningful
connections among users. Adopting unique strategies is crucial to the organization's success
in the sharing economy since it increases openness, reliability, and cooperation levels.
In conclusion, Airbnb's digitalized and ethical procurement strategy exemplifies its
dedication to offering top-notch user experiences while upholding ethical and sustainable
standards. The company's success may be due to several important characteristics, such as its
worldwide sourcing strategy, safeguards against sourcing risks, environmentally friendly
purchasing methods, and digital technology. By introducing particular programs like the
"Host Assist" program and applying cutting-edge tactics like incorporating user-generated
content into supplier evaluation, Airbnb is actively influencing the future of procurement in
the digital era. The organization is dedicated to developing its procurement processes over
time to meet its stakeholders' evolving standards and requirements. Airbnb is a leading figure
in collaborative consumption thanks to its commitment to providing top-notch experiences,
adopting digital technologies, and developing sustainable and friendly relationships with
hosts and suppliers. By staying updated with industry developments and continuously
improving its procurement practices, Airbnb is well-positioned to maintain its competitive
edge and shape the future of procurement in the digital era.

Global Supply Chain Management Supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper

A. Audestad and H. Øverby, "Digital Business Models. Introduction to Digital Economics:
Foundations, Business Models and Case Studies," pp. 281-304, 2021.
A. Jha, R. Sindhwani, A. Dwivedi, and V. Saddikuti, "Sustainable recovery for digital
entrepreneurs with shared resources: enablers, challenges and solutions," Journal of
Asia Business Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 515–537, 2022.

N. Liu, J. Lin, S. Guo, and X. Shi, "Fashion platform operations in the sharing economy with
digital technologies: recent development and real case studies," Annals of
Operations Research, pp. 1–21, 2022.
N. P. Rana, A. K. Kar, M. Gupta, I. O. Pappas, and T. Papadopoulos, "Unravelling the dark
side of sharing economy–Managing and sustaining B2B relationships on digital
platforms," Industrial Marketing Management, 2023.
S. Rana, "Digitalization as a vehicle to balance new vs old practices of consumers and
organizations," FIIB Business Review, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 193-195, 2021.
V. Gaur and A. Gaiha, "Capturing the details of a simple transaction: Conventional vs.
Blockchain Systems," Harvard Business Review. [Online]. Available:
W. M. Lim, M. W. C. Chin, Y. S. Ee, C. Y. Fung, C. S. Giang, K. S. Heng, and M. A.
Weissmann, "What is at stake in a war? A prospective evaluation of the Ukraine and
Russia conflict for business and society," Global Business and Organizational
Excellence, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 23-36, 2022.

(2100 words)
[Marks: 100]

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