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Maha verdict exposes gov's
misdeeds, boost for Uddhav
Shutting down Internet: Govts
need to do rethink
ust like the 1994 S.R. Bommai ruling, the Supreme

J Court judgment in the Shiv Sena case, involving a

split in the party which led to the appointment of the
Eknath Shinde government in Maharashtra, is a mile-
stone in India s journey on the sometimes tenuous and
tendentious course of democracy.
For one, it brings to question the very role of the of- overnments across the cial notification on May 9. In of Internet shutdowns. And
fice of the governor in deciding who should govern the
state; and two, it reinforces the spirit of the amendment
to the Tenth Schedule of the Constitution that accords
primacy of the party organisation over the legislature
G world are increasing-
ly resorting to Inter-
net shutdowns to stabilise
February this year, Itanagar,
capital of Arunachal
Pradesh, also saw a tempo-
the most-cited reason is even
more interesting. This Febru-
ary, the Internet was sus-
potentially volatile situa- rary suspension of Internet pended in eight cities in Ra-
party. It has also kept open the crucial question of eligi- tions, quell protests, and services after a clash broke jasthan, ostensibly to prevent
bility of Mr Shinde to remain CM and his MLAs to con- even to deal with problems out between security person- the question paper leak of a
tinue as ministers in his Cabinet. like cheating in examina- nel and protesters over a "pa- government teacher recruit-
Article 356 of the Constitution gives the governor tions. But from a governance per leak" case. ment exam. Uttar Pradesh is
and the Union government a say in the running of gov- perspective, how sustainable In April, Sambalpur dis- another state which has seen
ernments in states. It has been used and misused several are such measures in a world trict in Odisha experienced a Internet suspensions in re-
times in the history of Independent India although chair- where reliance on digital temporary suspension of the cent years. In 2020, the Inter-
man of the drafting committee of the Constitution Dr technologies is growing? Internet after communal ten- net and text messaging serv-
B.R. Ambedkar had expressed the hope that it will re- Today, many experts are sion during a Hanuman ices were suspended in 14
main a "dead letter". The Supreme Court in the Bommai sounding the alarm not only Jayanti rally. districts of Uttar Pradesh, in-
case ended forever the charade of Raj Bhavans ordering because these disruptions In March, Punjab suf- cluding in state capital Luc-
a parade of MLAs on their courtyards and ruled that the impact the human rights of fered one of the country s know, in the wake of vio-
floor of the Assembly will be the right place to decide if millions of people for hun- most severe Internet black- lence and protests against the
a chief minister held the trust of the House. Likewise, the dreds of hours, but also be- outs. Barring voice calls, all Citizenship Amendment Act
present judgment has barred governors from allowing cause they impose a heavy mobile Internet services, (CAA) in these areas.
their office to be used by partisan interests to engineer cost on the economy and the SMS services, as well as all Things have come to
downfalls of popular governments. livelihoods of ordinary peo- dongle services provided on such a pass that a plea was
People with a basic understanding of democratic ple. mobile networks were sus- moved in the Supreme Court
governance and the Constitution had little doubt in their Amid the swirl of news, for India. Up till now, it is capital. It is the largest time of writing, mobile Inter- pended in the state as the po- earlier this year seeking
minds that former Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh here are some widely-cited $201.6 million. Now, for a "women-only" market in the net service continues to re- lice went on a search for guidelines on the implemen-
Koshyari was exceeding his brief when he ordered then numbers to chew on. country that has a dominant- world, where men come only main suspended in large "Waris Punjab De" chief and tation of Internet shutdowns.
CM Uddhav Thackeray to take a floor test based on a pe- According to digital ly young population and is as buyers or as porters. Ma- parts of the state. The official Khalistan sympathiser Am- This happened following the
tition moved by the leader of the Opposition. As the apex rights group Top10VPN, legitimately proud of having nipur has been in the news in reason is prevention of dis- ritpal Singh. The local police suspension of Internet serv-
court has made it clear, the governor erred in performing which researches the eco- 800 million Internet users, recent days for violent ethnic turbance of peace and public said the Internet shutdown ices in Jaipur and other
his constitutional duty. This judgment should prevent nomic impacts of Internet this is a worrying trend and clashes. There have been order. It is too early to say was necessary to maintain places. The official reason
such a spectre from visiting states again. shutdowns, in 2023 alone, 46 one we ignore at great risk. deaths, devastation, arson, what the direct and indirect law and order and stop the was the Rajasthan Direct
The court has rightfully rejected the prayer of Mr Internet shutdowns in 10 Which brings me to one and gut-wrenching anxiety, economic costs have been. spread of "fake news". School Teacher Recruitment
Thackeray to reinstall his government as he had volun- countries cost $761 million of my favourite states in the including among people I Larger questions remain. Arguably, nothing com- Examination.
tarily resigned from his post. That is a price Mr Thack- till date. Globally, the total country: Manipur. I have the know who have families in Manipur is in the news, pares to the prolonged Inter- The petitioner, Chhaya
eray paid for showing basic decency instead of opting duration of such disruptions fondest memories of Ma- the affected areas. but it is by no means the only net shutdowns in Jammu and Rani, argued that such block-
for a fight, both in the legislature and on the streets. has been more than 12,400 nipur. Fifteen years ago, I Sitting thousands of kilo- state where Internet shut- Kashmir in recent years, but ing of access to the Internet
However, it is not the end of the road for him as the court hours. This year, so far, spent some time in this beau- metres away, one reads about downs have happened this interestingly, we are seeing was avoidable and did not re-
has asked the Speaker to decide "in a reasonable period" Ethiopia is the most affected tiful state in the Northeast, Manipur limping back to year or in past years. In the the increasing use of Internet flect well on the competence
the question of disqualification of the rival faction which nation. The economic costs researching a book on chil- normalcy. Curfew is being Northeast itself, the shutdowns for the most of the authorities to conduct
is now in government. The judgment has come as a shot of Internet shutdowns to date dren impacted by HIV- relaxed in the worst-hit dis- Arunachal Pradesh govern- pedestrian reasons and by such an exam. In 2020, the
in the arm for the shaky Maha Vikas Aghadi alliance of in that country have been AIDS. I remember taking tricts; the Army and paramil- ment recently suspended the political parties of all hues. issue came up before the
the Shiv Sena, the Congress Party and the NCP in the $372.2 million. Ethiopia is time off from work to visit itary forces are keeping a Internet in the state s Papum- The desert state of Ra- Supreme Court in the famous
nick of the time. followed by India and Myan- Ima Keithel, the "mother s vigil. In these troubled times, pare district to "maintain law jasthan, known for its forts Anuradha Bhasin vs Union
mar. I checked out the figure market" in Imphal, the state that is reassuring. But at the and order" through an offi- and palaces, is now a hotbed of India case.

Literature & Health The Further Bank
New AI model may soon help doctors I long to go over there to the
Sleep apnoea may raise risk of further bank of the river.
diagnose heart attacks accurately long Covid, reveals study Where those boats are tied to the
bamboo poles in a line;
he UK researchers have developed
T a novel algorithm based on artificial
intelligence (AI) that may one day
help doctors diagnose heart attacks quick- P
eople with obstructive
sleep apnoea may be at
significantly higher risk
Where men cross over in their boats
in the morning with
ly and with precision. of suffering long Covid, ac- ploughs on their shoulders to till
According to researchers from the cording to a study. Obstructive
University of Edinburgh, the new algo- sleep apnoea (OSA) is a com- their far-away fields;
rithm, called CoDE-ACS, was able to rule mon disorder characterised by Where the cowherds make their
out a heart attack in more than double the repetitive episodes of noctur-
number of patients, with an accuracy of nal breathing cessation due to lowing cattle swim across to the
99.6 per cent in comparison to current upper airway collapse. How-
testing methods. ever, the condition is often un- riverside pasture;
CoDE-ACS may also greatly help in derdiagnosed. Whence they all come back home
reducing hospital admissions and rapidly The study, published on-
identify patients that are safe to go home. line in the journal Sleep , in the evening, leaving the
The findings are published in the journal found that observed increases
Nature Medicine. in risk for long Covid in adults jackals to howl in the island
For patients with acute chest pain with sleep apnoea remained for, but sleep apnea is more with Covid should seek early overgrown with weeds.
due to a heart attack, early diagnosis and significant even when the re- likely to be undiagnosed in treatment, pay attention to
treatment saves lives, said Prof. search team accounted for women which could create a their symptoms, and keep up Mother, if you don't mind, I should
Nicholas Mills, who led the research. Every day, doctors around the world obesity, hypertension, dia- sample with women who have with their vaccinations to low-
Unfortunately, many conditions face the challenge of separating patients betes, and hospitalisation at more severe cases. Other stud- er the risk of infection in the like to become the boatman
cause these common symptoms, and the
diagnosis is not always straightforward.
whose pain is due to a heart attack from
those whose pain is due to something less
the time of their initial Covid
infection, all known to inde-
ies have also found that
women may be more likely to
first place, she added. The
team reviewed data across
of the ferry when I am grown up.
Harnessing data and artificial intelli- serious, he added. pendently contribute to risk be diagnosed with long Covid three research networks of pa- They say there are strange pools
gence to support clinical decisions has CoDE-ACS was developed using for long Covid. and seek health care for the tients who had tested positive
enormous potential to improve care for data from 10,038 patients in Scotland Women showed an 89 per condition. There s still so for Covid-19 between March hidden behind that high bank.
patients and efficiency in our busy Emer-
gency Departments, Mills noted.
who had arrived at hospital with a sus-
pected heart attack. It uses routinely-col-
cent increased likelihood of
having long Covid if they had
much to uncover about long
Covid, but this study will in-
2020 and February 2022. Two
networks included adult pa-
Where flocks of wild ducks come
In addition to ruling out heart attacks, lected patient information, such as age, obstructive sleep apnea, com- form clinical care by identify- tients with 330,000 patients when the rains are over, and
CoDE-ACS could also help doctors iden- sex, ECG findings and medical history, as pared to a 59 per cent in- ing patients that should be and 1.7 million patients. The
tify those whose abnormal troponin (pro- well as troponin levels, to predict the creased chance for men. watched more closely, said third included 102,000 chil- thick reeds grow round the margins
tein released into the bloodstream during
a heart attack) levels were due to a heart
probability that an individual has had a
heart attack. The result is a probability
While the underlying as-
sociations aren t clear, women
corresponding author Hannah
Mandel, a senior research sci-
dren.In contrast to the patterns
seen in adults, the contribu-
where water-birds lay their
attack rather than another condition. score from 0 to 100 for each patient. with sleep apnea included in entist at New York University tion of sleep apnoea to the risk eggs; Where snipes with their
Chest pain is one of the most com- Clinical trials are now under way in the study may have had more - Langone Health, supported of long Covid disappeared in
mon reasons that people present to emer- Scotland to assess whether the tool can severe conditions than men. by the US National Institutes children when the researchers dancing tails stamp their tiny
gency departments, said Prof. Sir Nilesh
Samani, medical director of the British
help doctors reduce pressure on over-
crowded emergency departments.
Severity of obstructive
sleep apnea was not controlled
of Health (NIH). People with
sleep apnoea who get infected
controlled for other risk fac-
tors, including obesity.
footprints upon the clean.
Heart Foundation.

Sleaze, hypocrisy, corruption: The many ills that bedevil UK

O Bachchoo spot that bird in flight with its defenders, often sycophantically Covid-19 pandemic, under the supervi- week Hedgie announced his support for
Is it an Eagle, Hawk or Kite allied to its continuance because patron- sion of PM Boris Johnson, chancellor Cruella Braverman s policy of hiring large
Swooping now to kill its prey age is one of the pegs which secures its Hedgie Sunak and health secretary Matt houseboats into which they will put asy-
And bear some slower bird away hold." Hancock, £4.5 billion was handed out to lum seekers because, said Hedgie, it
Or pluck a squirrel or a rat Well said? Helena is now a baroness fraudsters through errors in the furlough would be cheaper to house them -- to me
Or any crawling species that and as the announcements for the corona- and self-employed Covid support manifestly the wretched of the earth and
Catches its hunting, roving eye tion ceremonials of what she called "an in- schemes initiated by Hedgie. some not-so-wretched shysters -- in these
Red in beak and claw to ply stitution which surrounds itself with the This calculated sum attributed to flotillas rather than in inland hotels and
Nature s truth that might is right unworthy notion of aristocracy" were "fraud" does not include the exorbitant accommodation. He said the taxpayer was
And birds of prey have the keenest sight. published, we were told that the Queen sums paid out to suppliers of unusable handing out £6 million a week for this ac-
From Bowl -- We d Rather Bowl, by Consort s rod will be carried in the coro- face masks and deficient anti-virus equip- commodation. Even if one accepts this ex-
Bachchoo nation procession and presented to Her ment destined for hospitals. It certainly aggeration, that would mean £6 million
n this week of celebrations over King Majesty by -- you guessed it -- Baroness doesn t include the billions spent on the multiplied by 52 a year, which amounts to
I Charles III s coronation, ignoring the
sceptres of the anointed isle, I choose
to dwell upon examples of British
Helena Kennedy.
Okay, as she wrote, she "sycophanti-
cally allied etc". So what? No corrup-
completely ineffective "Test and Trace"
schemes headed by the pallocracy of the
BoJo government s ministers, who had
£312 million annually. Is there any com-
parison to the £4.5 billion that the taxpay-
er lost to error, corruption and fraud?
hypocrisy, sleaze, corruption and fraud. tion here! little or no expertise relevant to the run- The refusal by Cruella and Hedgie to
These are not by any means peculiar char- known for her defence of left-wing ac- friend she was. In 1994 Helena had pub- And so, to more serious stuff involv- ning of these. The £4.5 billion and the tax- compare the figures of expenditure and
acteristics of this "seat of Mars". The sin tivists and her stances on human rights is lished an essay which criticised the ing fraud, corruption and hypocrisy. Start payers billions spent on friends in the pal- the drain on the taxpayer, figures which
of some other nations puts the UK in the one Helena Kennedy KC (King s Coun- monarchy. "It is understandable that many with the fraud. locracy and on benefactors contracts tak- are made public on the same day appeals,
listening side of the confessional. Start sel). I know of her and met her once see it as the fountainhead of snobbery and A parliamentary investigative com- ing advantage of the pandemic, will nev- gentle reader, to put it mildly, as evasion
with the fun one. A reputable barrister, through my late ex-wife Mala Sen, whose class division, creating a corrosive culture mittee has concluded that during the er be recovered. And yet, and yet last or hypocrisy.
chandigarh | 14 MAY 2023

With thousands of refugees from West Punjab, The sexual harassment complaint against Wrestling Manoj Mitta’s book ‘Caste Pride’ traces the long
Sindh and NWFP, Delhi changed dramatically Federation of India president has brought to fore journey of the struggles to bring in equality in a
during Partition. The city now gets a museum inadequacy of redressal committees in sports deeply caste-entrenched India and reminds that
dedicated to the victims ARTS page 2 bodies of the country INDEPTH page 3 there is a lot more to do BOOKS page 4

Bhartesh Singh Thakur

Na fine Sunday morning in ear-
ly 2021, then Punjab Governor
and Chandigarh Administrator
VP Singh Badnore called
Group Captain PS Lamba to his
official residence. Lamba had
recently set up a three-storey Indian Air
Force (IAF) museum in Thiruvananthapu-
ram, Kerala. Badnore took him to the iconic
Press Building in Sector 18, Chandigarh,
which was India’s first glass façade structure.
“He showed me the space and asked whether
I could set up an IAF museum. I agreed,”
says Group Captain Lamba. Designed by
English architect Edwin Maxwell Fry and
constructed in 1953, Press Building is one of
the oldest constructions in Chandigarh.
“By the evening, Badnore had telephoned
Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh about the
proposal,” reveals Lamba.
Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, who was
then Vice Chief of Air Staff, came for the The heritage centre has a wall of murals of women officers. On display are embossed pictures of Air Marshal Padma Bandopadhyay, the first woman to be promoted to the rank; Sqn Ldr Cheryl Dutta, first to fly a helicopter;
signing of the Agreed-In-Principle docu- Sqn Ldr Priya Nalgudwar, first to fly a transport aircraft; and Gp Capt Shailza Dhami, first to command a combat unit. The first batch of woman officers to fly fighter aircraft is in the middle. TRIBUNE PHOTOS: PRADEEP TIWARI
ment with the Chandigarh Administration

A dream takes
on June 27, 2021. When the MoU was signed
on June 3, 2022, Air Chief Marshal Chaud-
hari was present along with UT Administra- The newly-opened Indian Air Force
tor Banwarilal Purohit. He gifted a replica of
Heritage Centre in Chandigarh

an aircraft propeller as the first artefact of
the IAF Heritage Centre. The propeller, by
its rotation, provides forward pull to an air-
craft. The gift was symbolic.
takes you through the tales of
It was decided that the IAF will provide
artefacts, simulators, aircraft, aircraft models
grit and bravado of those who
and murals while the Chandigarh Tourism
Department would manage the centre. ‘touch the sky with glory’
“From September 2022 onwards, we start-
ed the job. The murals were outsourced. It
took eight months for the overall comple-
tion. We trained the guides for four months.
The history department of the Ministry of
Defence cleared the information to be dis-
played,” says Lamba, who was made the
Project Director of the centre. His term end-
ed on May 13, but he has been asked to keep
monitoring the functioning of the centre.
Rajnath Singh inaugurated the IAF Her-
itage Centre last week. He termed it a tes-
tament to the courage and dedication of all
those who have served in the IAF, a tribute
to their sacrifice and a reminder of their
invaluable contribution.


Built at a cost of ~2.75 crore, the Chandigarh
centre is bigger and has more aircraft than
the other IAF museums at Palam (Delhi)
and Thiruvananthapuram. Two cockpits,
five aircraft, and four simulators are parked
here. “People can feel an aircraft. They can
see which buttons are to be pressed for
launching bombs and rockets, how to see
speed, how to change radio frequency, how
to see the altitude and compass. One does-
n’t get such exposure of an aircraft else-
where,” Lamba points out.
Located at the edge of Sector 18, two air-
craft meet the eye as one enters the her-
itage centre. One is a Folland Gnat put up
near the light point, appearing to be in a
descent in the sky, and the other is MiG-21
Type 96. It is perched on a platform in the
parking of the erstwhile Press Building.
A visitor can sit in the cockpit of MiG-21.
A MiG-21 is placed at the entrance of the IAF Heritage Centre at the iconic Press Building in Sector 18, Chandigarh, which was India’s first glass façade structure. IAF HERITAGE CENTRE
Having been the mainstay of the IAF for of the Air Force Arjan Singh, who led the the maroon beret, sunglasses and Swiss heritage centre is spread over 40,000 square TIMINGS
about 45 years, Type 96 was decommissioned force in the 1965 war. The other is of Air knife cover of Corporal Nirala, who was feet. “However, there is still space left for 10 AM TO 6 PM
in 2019. Inside the building, wall-to-wall Commodore Mehar Singh, Maha Vir awarded the Ashok Chakra posthumously expansion,” says Lamba. CLOSED ON MONDAYS/ GAZETTED HOLIDAYS
murals depicting the 1971 war operations, a Chakra, who was the first to land an aircraft for gunning down two category ‘A’ terror- Director Tourism, Chandigarh Adminis-
model of the Prachand combat helicopter at the emergency landing ground in Poonch ists and injuring two others on November tration, Rohit Gupta, says, “One aim of set- ENTRY TICKET
and multi-role combat aircraft Tejas, models
of decommissioned aircraft, and life-size
and Leh during the Indo-Pak war of 1947-48.
The first name on the gallantry awards wall
18, 2017 in Bandipora district of J&K.
A wall is dedicated to Patiala-born Wing
ting up the museum is to feature the
exploits of IAF so the youth could identify
paintings of Corporal Jyoti Prakash Nirala is of Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singh Sekhon, Commander Rakesh Sharma, who was the with it. The other is to give a first-hand Immersive experience ticket (for simulators,
(Ashok Chakra, posthumously) and Corporal the only IAF officer to be awarded the Param first Indian to travel to space, making his account of how things are.” audio-video devices, motivational theatre
Gursewak Singh (Shaurya Chakra, posthu- Vir Chakra (PVC, posthumously). A blazer of epochal journey in a Russian Soyuz T-11 in “Press Building is a heritage building,” and holographic experience)
mously) lead to the entrance of the main
gallery. To the right are the corners dedicated
Sekhon has also been put on display.
Different walls cover the 1947-48, 1965,
1984. Interestingly, the wall also carries the
picture of Air Commodore Ravish Malho-
recalls former Administrator Badnore. “Ear-
lier, the printing press used to function but
to gallant men and famous operations, and to 1971 and the 1999 Indo-Pak wars. A wall is tra, who was also shortlisted along with later, it was not in use. We were planning to SOUVENIRS
the left, the models of aircraft, helicopters, dedicated to the Balakot strike too. Wing Commander Sharma to go to space. have vintage cars here, but it didn’t work A SHOP ON PREMISES SELLS REPLICAS OF
missiles, and bombs. Simulators, holo- One cannot miss the bullet-ridden T-shirt Models of the Pralay missile, Smart Anti out. Then the setting up of an IAF heritage AIRCRAFT AND OTHER MEMENTOES
graphic displays of all IAF aircraft, films, of Squadron Leader S Jhajhria of Garud Airfield Weapon, Brahmos (aerial version), centre was proposed. The IAF responded
and virtual reality have separate junctions. Commando Force (a special forces unit of Hammer Air to Surface Missile, Laser positively. It has come out so nicely, better REFRESHMENTS
IAF), who received the Shaurya Chakra Guided Bomb, and Astra missile are dis- than what I thought. The region has young- A CAFE ON THE PREMISES SERVES EATABLES
IN HONOUR OF THE HEROES during Operation Naira at Pulwama on played in a row. sters who want to join the armed forces. This AND BEVERAGES TO VISITORS
Two sculptures stand out. One is of Marshal January 29-30, 2022. Along with it are kept Including space outside the gallery, the centre will be a great inspiration.”

Models hung on the ceiling in the

gallery dedicated to aircraft.
A sculpture of Marshal of the Air Force Arjan Singh, who led the force in the 1965 war. A wall is dedicated to Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, who was the first Indian to travel to space.
2 Arts CHANDIGARH | 14 MAY 2023

India’s second
Partition Museum,
dedicated to the
Margaret Bourke-White’s photo of the national capital,
Purana Qila camp aimed at showing the
“misery of the dispossessed” through this
Muslim boy; (inset) a recreation of the bogey
opens at Ambedkar
of a train, one of the prime means of
transport for refugees coming to India. University this week

Sarika Sharma

ASHMIRI sculptor Veer Munshi’s papier-
mâché horse laden with the weight of Par-
tition lends a peek into what the Partition
Museum in Delhi would offer. Skeletons
and bare bones seem to tell countless tales
of migration across the border, of the
physical loss of leaving home, but deeper
anguish inside: bleeding hearts, shattered
souls, forever-scarred psyches. This, along
with Fallen House, another of Munshi’s
stark visual of displacement, sets the tone
for the soon-to-open museum.
If Amritsar’s Partition Museum, the first-

of-its-kind in India, was inaugurated in 2017
to mark the 70th anniversary of Partition,

Delhi is all set to get its own museum on
May 18. Housed at the Dara Shukoh Library,
a 17th century monument constructed by
the eldest son of Mughal emperor Shah
Jahan, the museum commemorates the
75th anniversary of one of history’s greatest
exoduses. The library, a part of Ambedkar
University’s Kashmere Gate campus, has with mud, bodies lying on carts, pyres jabi Bagh, Tilak Nagar and Kingsway
been adopted by the NGO, The Arts and burning right in the middle of roads… the Camp, to the entirely new town of Farid-
Cultural Heritage Trust (TAACHT), under photographs shock. abad, which was developed to house
the Government of India’s ‘Adopt a her- And yet, so many lived to tell the tale. At refugees from the North-West Frontier
itage’ scheme. The restoration of the build- the museum, these stories are depicted Province.
ing that had been lying in disuse for decades through oral testimonies and objects. Of the Kishwar Desai, director of TAACHT,
was done by the Delhi Government. few things that the families could bring says that while they always wanted to
With thousands of people from Punjab, along, some have survived, serving as con- have a Partition Museum in various parts
Sindh and the North-West Frontier Province stant reminders of the past. These families of the country so that people all over the
seeking refuge in the city, Delhi’s landscape have generously donated such objects to country know what had happened at the
changed dramatically post-Partition. This the museum. Among them is a water pitch- time, the Delhi museum came up out of
catapulted the population from 9 lakh in er, a phulkari, a wedding invitation (cap- the blue when IAS officer Manisha Saxe-
1947 to 17.4 lakh, nearly double, in the 1951 The Dara Shukoh Library is a fusion of Mughal tioned the Last Peaceful Wedding), a sitar… na, then with the Delhi Government,
census. At the same time, close to 3.3 lakh and British architecture; (below) a section on Desperate attempts to find those who asked them to build something similar
Muslims are said to have left Delhi for Pak- rebuilding lives. went missing during the tumultuous days for Delhi where 80 per cent population
istan. It is this monumental moment, which followed. There were notice boards in news- had been impacted by Partition.
witnessed redrawing of the demographics papers, including The Tribune, by people “At the time, we were already running
and the geography of Delhi region with the looking for missing relatives. A particularly and maintaining the Amritsar Partition
setting up of the town of Faridabad, that the intriguing news appeared in these columns Museum and it requires a lot of effort for a
museum is dedicated to. about ‘Refugee Bears’. “Property left small NGO to do everything on its own —
Housed in the high-walled library, it is a behind by the evacuees sometimes creates from arranging funds to research. To build
comprehensive peek into the history of the difficult problems for the authorities. On his an entire museum all by ourselves would
freedom movement, events leading to Inde- failure to sell his two performing bears, a have been difficult. Saxena then advised
pendence, Partition and the rebuilding of Muslim refugee in the Humanyun’s tomb that we adopt a building under the Cen-
homes. The six galleries are compact spaces, camp granted them their independence and tre’s ‘Adopt a heritage’ scheme, suggest-
richly curated with black and white photo- went away to Pakistan. One of the pair ing adaptive reuse for it. That is how we
graphs, newspaper clippings, sculptures, immediately started chasing the inmates of got the library, which was restored by the
installations, personal articles from the the camp and the other, in an affectionate Delhi government.”
time, audio-visual testimonies and films. PEOPLE’S MUSEUM mood, began embracing the guard on duty The Amritsar template was followed dur-
Right at the beginning are Serena
Chopra’s large-sized portraits — dramatic
and arresting — of Partition survivors.
❝ Those who drew the map
didn’t suffer in this division of a
and nearly hugged him to death. The camp
authorities had to shoot the bears and thus
destroy the ‘moving property’ of an evac-
ing research and a lot of the stuff collected
during the making of the first came in
handy while setting up this museum.
Hailing from an uprooted family, the artist nation. It is the common people uee.” The story raises pertinent questions Fueled by people’s hardships, trauma as
clicked these images for the museum who suffered, leaving their about the non-human costs of Partition, well as their memories, Desai calls it a peo-
across the last few years; some of these homes with bare minimum stuff. most of which remain unanswered, a plaque ple’s museum. “Those who drew the map
survivors having passed on since. Tragic And today they have shared beside the news item notes. didn’t suffer in this division of a nation, nor
headlines from the time are displayed. Sto- both their stories and material A largely ignored section of the refugees did their families that travelled safe with all
ries of loot and brutal murders of men, was the marginalised communities. Often their belongings. It is the common people
women and children, parents selling chil-
memories with us. missing from the popular who suffered, leaving their homes with bare
dren for rice, desperate efforts to maintain Kishwar Desai | DIRECTOR, TAACHT narrative of despair, they minimum stuff. And today they have shared
peace and order — the media all over the find a section dedicated their stories and material memories with
world was reporting the ghastly events, to their hardships at the us,” she says, adding that the objects also
giving a glimpse of the brutality unleashed Partition Museum. On talk of a lost culture and heritage.
by an invisible line, the so-called new bor- display is a letter by Coming up is a gallery on Sindh. Desai
der. There are numerous images, Ambedkar to says the region has been neglected in the
some easily identifiable with the Nehru highlight- narratives of Partition; this gallery would
partition of India, some not so ing that the give a glimpse into its rich and vibrant cul-
popular. Among them are Scheduled Caste ture. “It will be visually quite different,
photographs by James refugees were not with artefacts and remnants of havelis on
Joseph Puthucheary, an staying in camps because the officers in display,” she says. In the second phase,
Indian National Army charge were discriminating against the SC TAACHT plans to develop in the complex a
recruit from Kerala. He had refugees and others. There is a letter museum dedicated to Dara Shukoh, the
enlisted for the Relief Wel- explaining the exploitation of the Sched- philosopher-king, and another one based
fare Ambulance in 1947 and uled Tribes at the height of refugee dis- on the antiquities from the collection of the
worked as an ambulance placement from East Pakistan; one brings Delhi State Archeological Department.
driver and medical assistant. to light evacuation of Scheduled Caste “Partition is a very important legacy for
With a camera in hand, he members from trapped pockets (apparent- Delhi as also the rest of India and should
clicked a lot of images at the ly in Pakistan); another hints at a sem- not be forgotten, especially for young peo-
Kurukshetra camp. Some hitherto blance of normalcy to their lives with the ple because the generation that faced Par-
unseen images are gory and the approval of 64 plots in Harijan Colony, tition is dying. This is a race against time,”
section advises visitors to exer- Kalkaji. says Desai.
cise discretion. Corpses Slowly, people picked up
Kashmir-born artist
lying abandoned at a rail- the pieces — looking for
Veer Munshi’s
way station, a mass land, home and educa- (Right, top to bottom) Recreating a refugee camp;
papier-mâché work
grave with a bull- is a stark reminder tion, first at the camps Re-settling: Settling, an installation by Debasish
dozer waiting of the cost spread across Delhi and Mukherjee; a letter box and some postcards for
to cover of Partition. then at the new refugee the visitors to write messages on; a section on
the bodies colonies, such as Pun- Bengal Partition (1905).
CHANDIGARH | 14 MAY 2023 Indepth 3

Ignoring the safety of women players

Sexual harassment complaint against WFI chief has brought to fore inadequacy of redressal committees in sports bodies
Vinayak Padmadeo & Indervir Grewal federations, including the Badminton liminary investigation. A year prior to this
Association of India and the Archery Asso- case, however, a woman cyclist’s complaint

URPRISE was writ large on the ciation of India, do not have independent against an assistant coach deputed at the
faces of wrestlers Bajrang Punia, members in its ICC. The National Human Indira Gandhi stadium was dealt with differ-
Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik Rights Commission has sent notices to all ently. Despite complaining twice, the coach
when they first sat on dharna on federations and asked them to submit a was only given a warning. The cyclist from
January 18 demanding action detailed report within four weeks. Mean- Ludhiana has since quit the sport.
against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, presi- while, the Supreme Court has given all
dent of the Wrestling Federation of India ministries, government departments and No cases, no worries
(WFI). Earlier that day, the grapplers, who federations eight weeks’ time to constitute In states, the situation is anything but dif-
had shared two Olympic bronze medals and those bodies. ferent. Lack of awareness and indifference
a World Championship medal, had rocked In fact, the SAI is, perhaps, the only body towards gender sensitisation and safety of
the very foundation of the Indian sports involved in the sports ecosystem of India women athletes is rife.


ecosystem when they alleged that some of that has worked towards safeguarding There is a general sense of confusion
them had been sexually harassed at the women athletes and coaches. Names and among sports associations and coaches
hands of Singh, a six-time BJP MP from contact information of the ICC members is about proper procedure in a sexual harass-
Kaiserganj in Uttar Pradesh. displayed on notice boards at all its centres. ment case in Punjab. While some federa-
After the shocking allegations, one Under a strict policy, if an employee of SAI is tions confirm, without giving much detail,
checked the WFI’s website to see whether accused of such an act, he is promptly sus- that they have formed committees to deal
the body had an Internal Complaints Com- pended pending enquiry. If found guilty, the with such issues, other bodies admit they
mittee (ICC) in place to address such issues employee stands to lose employment status. have no such panels.
and if the wrestlers had filed any such com- Interestingly, the names of its ICC members “Honestly, I am not aware of the proper
plaint with the committee. The WFI did are conspicuously missing from its website. procedure, or even if there is a committee,”
(From left) Wrestlers Sangita Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat & Sakshi Malik on dharna at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi.
have a committee. Curiously named ‘Sex- said a female hockey coach when asked if
ual Harassment Committee’, it is headed Winning is all that matters she knew how to handle a sexual harass-
by current secretary general VN Prasood
TIMELINE OF THE WRESTLERS’ PROTEST Lack of awareness and will is what makes ment complaint from one of her trainees.
and joint secretary Jai Prakash as convener. ■ Jan 18, 2023: Wrestlers begin protest at saying seven female wrestlers, including a most of the sports federations indifferent to “We have never been told about these
The five-member committee, as mandat- Jantar Mantar and level allegations of sexual minor, have filed a sexual harassment such serious issues. The National Rifle things. Even when I was a player, this issue
ed under the guidelines of the Sexual
harassment against WFI president Brij complaint against Singh in Delhi. They want Association of India (NRAI) had brushed never came up,” she added.
Bhushan Sharan Singh. The sports ministry findings of the Oversight Committee to be
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Pre- aside a similar complaint in 2015 filed by Incidentally, the Punjab hockey federa-
seeks explanation from the WFI. made public.
vention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, several shooters against the Kazakh rifle tion has a committee for such complaints. It
■ Jan 19: Wrestlers say they have evidence ■ April 24:Sports ministry says absence of ICC
2013, also known as ‘POSH Act’, had two coach, Stanislav Lapidus, for misconduct. is headed by former India captain Pargat
against Singh and will file an FIR if need be. under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment
other male members. Sakshi Malik was the Wrestlers meet Sports Minister Anurag Act is one of the ‘major findings’ in the report. The complaint filed on behalf of juniors Singh, who is also the chairman of the advi-
only woman member of the committee. Thakur, but no solution is found. The ministry asks the IOA to form an ad hoc alleged that the coach “asked for sexual sory committee in Hockey Punjab. “Thank-
She laughed off insinuations from the committee to conduct the WFI elections favours from a few junior shooters”. The fully, we have never had any such incident
■ Jan 20:Wrestlers write to the Indian Olympic
WFI that despite being part of the commit- Association (IOA), demanding Singh’s within 45 days. NRAI’s disciplinary committee was in hockey,” said an official of the federation.
tee, the Rio Olympics bronze medal winner resignation, formation of an inquiry ■ April 25: Wrestlers move the Supreme Court assigned to deal with the issue. By then, the A member of the Punjab Volleyball Asso-
never raised one case of sexual harassment committee and dissolution of the WFI. The seeking registration of FIR against Singh. NRAI top brass had already given a clean ciation, however, admitted that the body did
with the body. “I had no idea that I was part IOA constitutes a seven-member panel The SC issues notice to the Delhi Police. chit to the coach and called it a derogatory not have any specific committee for sexual
of any such committee. Mujhe toh bata dete under MC Mary Kom. ■ April 27: The IOA forms a three-member allegation. harassment, adding that any such com-
(I should have been notified, at least). This ■ Jan 21: Wrestlers call off protest after the panel. IOA president PT Usha criticises Activist and advocate of gender equality plaint is handled by the national body. “The
is how the WFI works,” was the quick rebut- Sports Minister says an Oversight Committee wrestlers, saying instead of taking to the in sports, Dr Payoshni Mitra, says that the national federation forms a disciplinary
tal from Sakshi Malik. will be formed to probe the allegations and streets, they should have approached IOA. reason why sports bodies the world over are committee, and if there is any case, it takes
The WFI’s committee is a clear violation Singh will step aside till the probe is ■ April 28: The Delhi Police informs the SC it indifferent towards the safety of women is necessary action against the state body. But
of the guidelines where the ratio of mem- completed. The WFI submits response to will register an FIR against Singh. The SC because the culture of sports promotes win- we have not had any such case so far,” the
bers has to be divided equally among men ministry, denies allegations of sexual directs the Delhi Police to make an ning medals and making money. official said.
and women. “Provided that at least one-half harassment. Ministry asks the WFI to assessment of threat perception to grapplers “Historically, the sports culture is limited According to Raja KS Sidhu, secretary
of the total members, so nominated, shall be suspend all ongoing activities. and provide adequate security. Wrestlers to the idea of winning at all costs. It prioritis- general of the Punjab Olympic Association
women”, the chairperson of the ICC also has ■ Jan 23: Mary Kom is made head of the five- say they will continue their protest until Singh es winning medals, making money. In such (POA), one of reasons why there are no sex-
to be a senior woman officer. If the WFI or member Oversight Committee. is sent behind bars. an environment, safety of women athletes ual harassment cases in Punjab sports asso-
the Indian Weightlifting Federation (IWLF) ■ Jan 31: After wrestlers complain they were ■ May 3: Usha meets wrestlers. Late in the isn’t prioritised,” Dr Mitra explains. ciations is the involvement of renowned for-
have erred in the composition of members, not consulted before forming the panel, night, wrestlers and the Delhi Police get “Sports associations also tend to listen to mer players in most of the sports
with no external or independent member, former wrestler and BJP member Babita involved in a fracas in which two protesters those who are inside, like the officials and federations. “As an Olympic association offi-
Phogat is included as sixth member. are injured.
there are others like the Indian Olympic sports administrators. I have followed the cial, I deal with all the federations. In my
■ April 16: The WFI announces election on ■ May 5: After farmers’ unions and khaps join
Association (IOA), who, too, have got the wrestlers’ case and saw a video where he long association with the POA, I have never
composition wrong.
May 7 after Oversight Committee report is protest, wrestlers form two committees. (Brij Bhushan) slapped a male athlete; had a sexual harassment complaint. I have
submitted to the sports ministry, which does ■ May 6: Sports ministry formally opens talks
The IOA’s seven-member POSH com- clearly, he is misusing the power and gets dealt with many complaints, mostly about
not make the report public. Singh says he will with wrestlers as a two-member delegation,
mittee is headed by six-time world champi- not contest for the president’s post. away with it most of the time,” she adds. selection issues. I always take the complaint
led by SAI director general, visits Jantar
on boxer MC Mary Kom and has five What Dr Mitra was hinting at was a close- as written, and then confront the relevant
■ April 23:Wrestlers return to the protest site, Mantar.
women. The treasurer Sahdev Yadav and knit group of administrators and coaches federation,” Sidhu said.
advocate Shlok Chandra are the only male which sometimes derails the entire com- “The reason we have not had sexual
members in the body. tigation, and after we are satisfied, only then Table Tennis Federation of India, the plaint to save its own. harassment cases is because most of the
“It is important to have a 50:50 ratio for the we proceed for depositions and calling of Handball Federation of India and the Vol- In June last year, a female cyclist com- associations have highly accomplished and
probe to be impartial. We have to give both witnesses,” said a former member of the leyball Federation of India are a few of the plained that the chief coach of the sprint team respected former players involved in some
the accused and the victim equal opportuni- Internal Complaints Committee of the major sports associations that do not have was making sexual overtures during an over- capacity. There is Pargat Singh in hockey,
ties to make their case. Initially, we have to Sports Authority of India (SAI). a redressal committee for safeguarding of seas training stint in Slovenia. The coach was Kartar Singh in wrestling, Jaipal Singh in
see whether the complaint merits an inves- The Gymnastics Federation of India, the women athletes and support staff. Other promptly removed from his duties after a pre- boxing, and many others,” he added.


Saying cheese with jamun mythical geography.

FOOD There was a time when no one
cared for the fruit. It was readily
TALK available: a full paper cone was for a

few paise — at the most a chavanni

pushpesh pant (quarter of a rupee) — with a large
pinch of cumin-flavoured salt sprin-
kled on the contents. Well, times

HERE is a Kumaoni folk change, and the adolescent guards
song that tugs at the heart- employed by contractors who had
strings of all paharis living claimed the produce of the trees lin-
perforce in the plains. The ing the India Gate lawns, have dis-
lines run: “Beru paak appeared. The mega beautifica-
barah masa ho narain kaaphal pako tion project has transformed the
Chaita!” (Wild figs ripen round the Central Vista. If you love jamuns
year but kaaphal ripens only in the and want to buy now, you better Ingredients
month of Chaitra). It isn’t only this head for expensive fruit marts Jamun..........................................................................................................250g
dark violet jungle berry found in the that have juicy jumbo jamuns
Cream cheese............................................................................................200g
Himalayan forests that has a short handpicked and packed like exot-
season but also phaalsa that resem- ic sweetmeats. Also, you don’t Marie biscuits...............................................................................................8-10
Entries are invited to suggest a caption for the photograph. bles kaaphal a lot is available for a have to wait for the first showers to Butter..............................................................................................................10g
The caption should only be in English, witty and not exceeding few weeks. However, the berry that enjoy these dark blue blackberries. Sugar............................................................................................................100g
10 words, and reach Spectrum, The Tribune, Chandigarh, 160030,
makes us pine as soon as the sky They appear early and stay on the A pinch of salt
by Thursday. The best five captions will be published and awarded
~300, ~250, ~200, ~150 and ~100, respectively. Each caption darkens is the one and only jamun, shelves long after the winds carry Gelatine or agar agar to set if not baking and setting in a refrigerator.
must be accompanied by a clipping of the caption contest and its much larger than kaaphal and away the rain-bearing clouds.
number. Photocopies or scans of the caption photo won’t be phaalsa but sharing their sweet- We were pleasantly surprised
■ Line a shallow flan pan with a film of butter. Crush the biscuits coarsely
accepted. Online subscribers may attach an epaper clipping at astringent taste to tinge the tongue recently when a hostess prepared a or a scanned copy of the e-paper clipping. and some softened butter to obtain a crumbly dough. Line the pan with
in purple hues. special treat for us — a jamun
Please mention the pin code and phone number in your address. this mix and press with a potato masher to level the surface.
Few people are aware that jamun, cheesecake that wasn’t baked in
■ Wash the jamun berries in a bowl with water two or three times. Then
Selected entries for Caption Contest 1406 also known as Java plum or Mal- the oven. Not to be outdone, a fel-
add these to a pan with a cup of water and half cup of sugar and allow
abar plum, is native to the subcon- low guest invited us to try her
May 7 issue (see photo) to boil. Let it simmer on medium flame for eight to 10 minutes. Remove
tinent and is entwined with our jamun pulao. Long years ago, good the scum that rises to surface from time to time. Remove the pan from
❚ Survival kit — Neeraj identity. Bharatvarsh, the land we friend, writer-publisher, heritage
Sabharwal, Chandigarh stove. Allow it to cool. Pour the watery syrup in a pan and rub the
inhabit, is situated in Jambu custodian Atiya Zaidi from Jaun- berries with palms to remove stones and separate the flesh. Discard all
❚ Head to mouth —
Rishu Rani via epaper, Dveep, a continent-sized island in pur had let us savour an excellent stones. Place the pulp and the syrup in a blender and puree. Stir in
Dhuri phaalsa pulao and Chef Nishant gelatine or agar agar dissolved in lukewarm water in this puree. Blend
❚ Transit business — Choubey had created an exotic well to avoid lumps. Allow to cool and set.
Ranjana Kumari, jamun ki chaat at a party, but ■ Spread a layer of this jam-like compote over the lined biscuits base in
Chandigarh cheesecake was something new. the pan. Save some for the top layer.
❚ Heady
Jamun pulao requires patience ■ Boil the cream cheese with milk, whisking constantly to ensure no
Pankaj Goel, Ambala and some skill to pull it off but the lumps. Cool and pour when the thick custard-like consistency in pan
city cheesecake is well within any over the jamun compote. Top cheesecake with another compote layer.
❚ Spice girl — Rajiv jamun lover’s reach. So we have ■ Keep overnight in the refrigerator to set well. Garnish with chopped
Sharma via epaper, great pleasure in sharing the recipe plump jamun, slice and enjoy.
with our readers.
4 Books CHANDIGARH | 14 MAY 2023

Retelling of an Decoding caste paradigm

ancient text Raja Sekhar Vundru

ERE is a rare book that is tracing
untouchability’s demise. Hasn’t
Aradhika Sharma sisting of 13 fables, is called ‘Labdha untouchability died yet? Or are
Pranasham’ (Loss of acquired gains) we here to sustain untouchability

ISHNUSHARMA’S ‘ Pan- and the fifth, consisting of 12 fables, and its manifold manifestations?
chatantra’, authored in about is titled ‘Aparikshita Karakam’ (Ill- Manoj Mitta’s book is one of a kind. Dr BR
345-300 BCE, is a treasure considered actions). Ambedkar, through his works, had opened
Dr Ambedkar’s
trove of lessons in statesman- Each part contains a frame story the eyes of the world to untouchability, the
objections and
ship, kingship, strategy, governance, with several embedded stories narrat- reasons for it and how and why the Hindu suggestions
polity, conduct and the duties of a ruler. ed by one character to another. social order treats its own men the way it raised in 1955
This collection of fables is a corpus of There are innumerable pithy verses does. If some of us thought that after were accepted in
stories. Although in the present day, it interspersed in the stories, often in untouchability was abolished under the 1977 when the
is largely simplified as children’s liter- the form of a dialogue between char- Constitution of 1950, it has disappeared, we Indira Gandhi
ature, ‘Panchatantra’ has sustained acters. Usually replete with universal are under an illusion. Mitta’s book is a stark government
its impact on world literature. In this truths, they provide practical direc- reminder that there is a lot more to do. converted the
retelling, Meena Arora Nayak brings tions to life. The book tells the struggle through legisla- Untouchability
69 stories from ‘Panchatantra’ to a tive bodies, social movements and court- Offences Act into
new generation of readers. ‘A friend during adversity room interjections, the Victorian morals, the the Protection of
It is said that ‘Panchatantra’ was Is a true friend indeed Hindu-edified social divisions, how Ambed- Civil Rights Act,
created as a set of stories to educate In times of prosperity kar and Mahatma Gandhi and lesser-known 1977. FILE PHOTO:
the three unschooled sons of King Even the evil and the wicked fighters like Vittalbhai Patel fought for
Amarashakti of Mahilaropya. The Call themselves your friend’ emancipation, reform and equality. He CASTE PRIDE: BAT- ing the failure of the 1955 Act, converted the
wise king, despairing of his sons’ — describes how sanatanists like Madan TLES FOR EQUALITY Untouchability Offences Act into the Protec-
nescience, sought out the octo- ‘Unless one puts in the effort Mohan Malviya and scores like him couldn’t IN HINDU INDIA tion of Civil Rights Act, 1977, and included
genarian scholar Vishnushar- and does not shy from taking risks, grapple with the fast-changing India, then. by Manoj Mitta. Ambedkar’s 1955 suggestions.
ma to educate the young men success and progress do not happen. Mitta’s book also expands the under- Westland. The author lists the way courts dealt with
on being good rulers. The ven- Even Suryadeva must climb the standing of early 20th century where the and let off killers in horrifying inhuman
Pages 596.
erable sage accepted the task, scales of Libra law which sought equality and Hindu social massacres of Dalits in Kilvenmani,
promising to accomplish it in to win victory over rain clouds.’ code, clashed in instances when upper Shankarbhiga, Belchi, Bathani Thola,
six months. To equip his stu- — castes felt offended if lower-caste women Tsundur, Jhajjar and finally, Khairlanji. He
dents with the maxims of polit- ‘Anger is a useless emotion for a man covered their breasts (Travancore state); and 20th centuries, while they decided on has missed institutional deaths like Rohith
ical ethics and principles of Who cannot do anything about it and how Rajputs (Rajasthan) were offend- the rights of women and untouchables. Vemula’s. The book leaves us pondering
THE PANCHATANTRA good government, he com- No matter how high a chickpea ed if their women were stopped from com- The author starts the milestones with a over the efficacy of implementation of the
OF VISHNUSHARMA: posed the ‘Panchatantra’ or bounces mitting sati on the pyre of their dead hus- 1795 incident where the East India Compa- Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes
A RETELLING the five treatises. It cannot crack open the roasting pan’ bands. Upper castes were offended that ny exempted the Banaras Brahmins from (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, and its
by Meena Arora The great work abounds with untouchables would make temple entry the death penalty in case of a crime, and newer version of 2016 to eliminate the man-
Nayak. animal, bird, and aquatic pro- Many stories are familiar to Indian and looked for ways to prevent untouch- ends with the 2019 ruling of the Supreme ifestations of untouchability.
Aleph. tagonists — lions, tigers, wolves, children — the blue jackal, the turtle ables from roaming in streets and drink Court upholding life sentences for the eight The book is a long journey of Hindu India’s
cats, tortoises, monkeys, deer, and the geese, the monkey and the water from any public-watering hole. Here accused in the Khairlanji atrocity. The book struggles to bring in equality in a deeply
Pages 373.
hares, snakes, crows, fish and crocodile, the tale of the iron-eating we see caste pride at play. details how Gandhi turned the national caste-entrenched and divided society. It takes
crabs. However, explaining that mice and the boy devouring falcon, The second part of the book is all about movement into a social programme and the us through the differential punishment
‘ Panchatantra’ is an allegory of the story of the woman who killed how the law, the political game, Parliament entire Gandhi-driven temple entry legalisa- reserved for lower castes and the discrimina-
humanness, Nayak explains that the her mongoose son, the hare that out- and societal pressure worked both ways. tion debate is well chronicled. tion and oppression of women, Hindu Code
“animals are not zoomorphic; they are witted the lion, the tale of the mice Firstly, in expanding the legal punishment Post-Independence, Mitta takes the reader Bill and the rights of women, and how caste
actually humans wearing the mask of that freed the elephant, the tale of for untouchability and its related offences, through the debates in the Constituent has played a major role in the courtrooms on
animals”. the jackal who thought he was a lion. and then, after all of it, how the killings, Assembly on abolition of untouchability, aspects of discrimination, inheritance and
‘ Panchatantra’ uses the frame nar- Of the 84 stories in the ‘Pan- massacres and rapes wouldn’t stop. insertion of Article 17 and how it took five internecine rivalry between the varnas.
rative or a ‘story within a story’ tech- chatantra’, Nayak has chosen 69 for Mitta conveniently starts the book with years to criminalise abolition through the What Manoj Mitta undertakes in his mag-
nique in which the narrator in one her anthology, bringing them to the the advent of the British, the way they cre- Untouchability Offences Bill in 1955. The Bill num opus is of the play of the Hindu caste sys-
setting tells a story set in another contemporary, adult gaze. She has ated and evolved law, which in form and also subsumed all the temple entry legisla- tem within the legal framework and how the
time and place and is divided into retained the timelessness of this text is in today’s Constitution and legal tions of the national movement. We have the basic tenets of equality, fraternity and liberty
five sections. The theme running splendid literature, while making it a framework. Like a true legal expert, Mitta rare appearance of Ambedkar in the Rajya have been in conflict with the Hindu social
through the first two sections is modern and absorbing read. explains about a law or a resolution being Sabha (he resigned as the Law Minister in order. It will be a handbook for lawyers, histo-
friendship and political and social In the introductory essay, Nayak, a objected to by the male lawmakers. He goes 1951) debating the Bill. His objections and the rians, social activists and a must-read for all
alliance. The first tantra, consisting professor of English and mythology, into meticulous detail and gives a deep suggestions raised in 1955 were accepted in those who believe in creating an equitable
of 30 fables, is titled ‘Mitra Bheda’ discusses the genesis of ‘Pan- insight into the minds of men in the 19th 1977. Indira Gandhi’s government, after see- society of India for both women and Dalits.
(Estrangement or dissension among chatantra’ and its popularity across
friends), while the second tantra, the world, where it manifested in
consisting of 10 fables, is titled ‘Mitra different versions. She speaks at

Shri Ram’s enduring legacy

Samprapti’ (Winning of friends and length about the five tantras, cites
allies). The third, consisting of 18 scholars’ views and references the
fables, titled ‘Kakolukiyam’ (The earliest literatures around the world
story of crows and owls) is about war containing tales depicting anthropo-
and peace. The fourth section, con- morphic animals.

Sandeep Dikshit lation of balance-sheets. There is the long-

distance romance between his son

Mapping a city T
ILL the Supreme Court ordered the
relocation of all factories out of Delhi
in 1988, the DCM factory in front of
Old Delhi’s then-iconic Filmistan
Cinema Theatre was one of the capital’s
and fiancée that the family did not ini-
tially approve of.
Bhasin also brings to life the senti-
ments of the time. In the 1860s, Sri
Ram’s uncle set up DCM as a joint stock

ARELY is one map the subject of a whole book. But this isn’t any ordi- prominent landmarks and a source of pride. firm. He was astute enough to realise
nary map — it is a plan of Shahjahanabad, the capital of the Mughal With the factory now relocated to Hisar, Del- that post-1857, it made smart business
Empire, once a thriving centre for arts and culture. It was founded by hi University’s Shri Ram College of Com- sense to warp the offer to sell shares as
Shahjahan in the mid-17th century as the empire’s capital at the glo- merce and Lady Shri Ram College now an endeavour to help the country devel-
rious height of the Mughal dynasty. From this vantage point, it was also wit- remain as enduring legacies from a consti- op. The shares sold like hot cakes. Shri
ness to the empire’s decline and eventual extinction. pated, sickly boy who entered a loveless mar- Ram carried forward the joint stock lega-
Fortunately, in 1846, a mapmaker painstakingly depicted impor- riage but channeled all his energy into trad- cy and entered every sunrise sector that by Sonu Bhasin.
tant buildings, streets and landmarks, providing a wealth of infor- ing and manufacturing. was on the cusp of taking off. HarperCollins.
mation about the city as it had evolved up to that time. Visually Shri Ram’s legacy of the colleges was not Raising funds was just a quarter of the
Pages 309.
curated by Pramod Kapoor, founder and publisher of Roli Books, unique. It was that era when industrialists story. With no Chat GPT or Google to
and Sneha Pamneja, art director at Roli Books, ‘Shahjahanabad: also had a social conscience, having risen give them tips and communication a
Mapping a Mughal City’ by Swapna Liddle reproduces this large- from the ranks, and gave back to society major bother, this is a saga of persist-
scale, beautifully drawn and coloured map as a pullout, besides some of what they had profited from. By the Shri Ram belonged to an era when industrialists also had ence and endurance by a group of peo-
taking the readers through it neighbourhood by neighbourhood, time he had greyed, Shri Ram made up for a social conscience. PHOTO COURTESY: HARPERCOLLINS ple who never called it quits. Living frugally,
SHAHJAHANABAD: building by building, street by street. his childhood loneliness with a vengeance. they put their shoulder to the DCM wheel to
MAPPING A Liddle says the map is a valuable resource for the study of the His house at 22 Curzon Road would be full of DCM and another in his foray in potteries in carry out feats that still seem impossible
MUGHAL CITY city in the first half of the 19th century. From important struc- people. A cultural centre near Mandi House Kolkata at a time when the country was brim- today, such as shifting a loss-making sugar
by Swapna Liddle. tures, complexes and spaces to the wall of the city, all have been would become a modern Delhi landmark. ming with idealist trade unions out to mill near the Nepal border to the sugar-grow-
Roli Books. shown in great detail and are neatly labelled. Interestingly, the The book is also about a once-reticent young- improve workers’ lives. ing belt of Mawana in western UP. In 1963, it
Pages 104. picture depicted by the map was drastically altered after the ster’s power of communication, which The deep dive into Shri Ram’s legacy by was fitting that the cortege that followed the
~2,495 Revolt of 1857. A must-have for anyone interested in cartography helped him chart a different ethos in industri- Sonu Bhasin, a specialist in biographies of vehicle carrying his body was the largest Del-
and Delhi’s vibrant cultural history. — TNS al relations. A solitary strike took place at industrialists, is once again not a simple col- hi had seen in recent years.


W RITTEN over the last 50

years, ‘The Future in the
Past’ brings together Romi-
la Thapar’s essays on issues and
ideas that have preoccupied her
was a central figure in the Nayi
Kavita movement in Hindi lit-
erature. He won numerous awards
for his writing, including the
‘T HE Woman Who Climbed
Trees’ is a coming-of-age
novel about Meena. She is 14
when her parents marry her to
Manmohan, a 21-year-old Nepali
W HEN Vaishhali came out
before her mother, she had-
n’t realised she would have
to leave her Bombay home for this.
In a dingy, insect-ridden yet rent-
throughout her career. Among them Sahitya Akademi Award for ‘Maga- boy. Manmohan is in college and free hostel room in Hyderabad with
are the use and misuse of history, the dh’ (posthumously) in 1987. ‘Maga- spends most of the year in Kath- a door that doesn’t quite close, she
myths surrounding the coming of the dh’, in fact, was his crowning mandu, far away from the little vil- tries to make the best of the situa-
Aryans, religious fundamentalism in achievement and is widely regarded lage Meena is confined to, leaving tion by writing a book about her
the study of society, the overt and the
THE FUTURE IN THE as one of the most important works
MAGADH her alone with her demanding THE WOMAN WHO experiences. As she writes, she finds HOMELESS:
insidious attempts by right-wing ele-
PAST: ESSAYS AND of modern Indian poetry. A chorus
by Shrikant Verma.
mother-in-law as she gradually CLIMBED TREES the past has a way of catching up GROWING UP
REFLECTIONS Translated from by Smriti Ravindra. LESBIAN AND
ments to pervert Indian culture, vari- of narrators — commoners, states- Hindi by Rahul Soni. finds comfort and love in her sister- with her, even as she explores her
ants of the Ramayana, the impor-
by Romila Thapar.
men, nameless wanderers — pieces in-law. Blending realism, ghost sto- HarperCollins. dyslexia and homosexuality; falling DYSLEXIC IN INDIA
Aleph. Westland. Pages 421. by K Vaishali.
tance of museums, why dissent is together the histories of ancient ries, myths and folktales, the novel in love and recovering from a har-
Pages 326. Pages 117. ~599 Simon & Schuster.
important to democracy, the role of cities and kingdoms on the Indian accompanies the daring and rowing breakup; academic failure,
~799 ~599 Pages 240.
the public intellectual, and much subcontinent, their rise to splen- unflinching Meena — and eventu- loneliness, and homophobia; living
more. Central to the arguments in dour, their decline and eventual fall. ally her daughter — as she navi- with sickness, anxiety, depression, ~499
these essays (versions of which first Rahul Soni’s landmark translation gates life in a strange place, and and her caste, gender, and body.
appeared in Seminar magazine start- stays faithful to the spareness and struggles to manage her new fami- ‘Homeless: Growing Up Lesbian
ed by her brother Romesh and his the haunting, incantatory cadences ly’s expectations. The haunting and Dyslexic in India’ is the story of
wife, Raj) is an analysis of how the of the original, revealing how star- novel has been written by Smriti her relationship with her many
past permeates the present and influ- tlingly prescient and relevant ‘Mag- Ravindra, a Nepali-Indian writer. truths and ‘the truths of many
ences the future. adh’ remains even today. This is her first novel. young people in India’.


Celebrating Tomy’s triumph Just say sorry, as

simple as that
N April 29, when Abhilash Tomy Despite all this, he fought a thrilling race and

crossed the finish line in second finished second, missing out on the first place by
position in the gruelling Golden a whisker’s margin. Thus, his achievement is Y the time this column appears, the Karnataka election results
Globe Race (GGR) in ocean sailing, not merely about a podium finish; it’s about will have been declared and the din and hysteria that have
it was, to misquote Neil Armstrong, fighting incredible odds and emerging tri- enveloped our lives for the last many weeks will have settled
one significant event for a man and umphant, about never giving up, about the finest down. I usually avoid writing on political issues as there is
one landmark moment for a nation. Tomy, a values and virtues that adventure sports engen- already a surfeit of commentators, analysts and other such
retired Indian Navy Commander, had notched der. Abhilash credits much of his toughness, sur- worthies who are far more qualified to do so. So I will talk of
SRIKANT B KESNUR up one of India’s finest sporting achievements, vival skills and sailing savvy to the Indian Navy certain issues that bother me about our obsession with treating elections
in a field traditionally dominated by western which has, in the last decade and a half, done like a do-or-die cricket match. Since the IPL matches and the Karnataka
Retired Navy officer nations. If leveraged properly and disseminated
widely, this event has the potential of providing
some heavy lifting to put eight persons in the cir-
cumnavigation club. The Indian Navy’s ocean
elections were running side by side, at some point they merged into a col-
lective national obsession and took on each other’s roles. For some time
Abhilash Tomy’s a huge impetus to sailing and can be as momen- sailing journey began in right earnest in 1988 now, we have made both into spectacles dominated by personalities and
tous as 1983 World Cup was for Indian cricket. when INSV Samudra, skippered by Cdr Vijay taken sides according to the bets that are placed upon one side or the oth-
second position in However, that involves ruminating over various Vadhera, went around the world, albeit with mul- er. The damage this is doing to the sober process of electing our govern-
the gruelling Golden aspects of the ocean sailing ecosystem in our tiple rotated crews and a few stops en route. Lat- ments is for all to see. Yatras, roadshows, low demagoguery — all these
country and what the future portends. er, Samudra undertook some more voyages have completely sidelined what ought to be the primary focus of the elec-
Globe Race in ocean To begin with, let’s understand the full involving ocean sailing expeditions. Concurrent- torate. Caste and religious affiliations — that our Constitution forbids for
sailing is not merely extent of Abhilash’s achievement. First, sail-
ing — implying travelling on wind power
ly, the Navy also acquired sail training ships —
Varuna, Tarangini and Sudarshini — to train
stirring public passions — have now become the primary focus of politi-
cal parties. Few of us had even heard of groupings called Lingayats and
about a podium finish. alone with no motor propulsion allowed — cadets during the ab initio phase. Vokkalingas (I still don’t know what they actually denote), yet every dis-
around the globe, non-stop, solo, is by itself a However, the major impetus to the quest hap- cussion on the final outcome of the result spoke of little else.
It’s about fighting Herculean ordeal and considered one of the pened when the late Vice Admiral MP Awati, a As for religion and the shameless wooing of communities by name, let’s
incredible odds, toughest challenges in the world. Such expe-
ditions usually last anywhere between 150
true sailing visionary, mooted the idea of solo cir-
cumnavigation and relentlessly campaigned for
not even talk of the harm this has done to our polity and social relations.
Time was when even reports on communal clashes desisted from nam-
about never giving and 300 days and, thus, it’s no wonder that it with the naval authorities. This bore fruit when ing religious groupings or miscreants by individual names that clearly
the club of solo circumnavigators has less Commander Dilip Donde became the first Indi- revealed their religious identities. No more. There is a determined pur-
up, about the finest members than ‘Everesters’ or those who
Commander Abhilash Tomy with the Tricolour. PTI
an to achieve this feat in 2009, followed by Abhi- pose in spelling out such details in black and white, as if we are expected
values and virtues have gone into space. Second, doing so as part world. His injury necessitated a surgery that lash Tomy in 2013 and six women officers in to take sides based only on religious groupings. Neither our Editors Guild
of a race is even more daunting and often involved fusing five vertebrae and inserting tita- 2018. A silent contributor to this magnificent nor the official agencies take note or bother to haul up such offenders.
that adventure described as the endeavour of those who are nium rods in his spine. Rehabilitation began endeavour was Ratnakar Dandekar, a Goa-based Politicians going to temples and
sports engender ‘truly mad’. The GGR itself has been held
only thrice (including the current edition)
with learning how to walk again; thus, participa-
tion in the ‘very race that killed him’ was about
shipbuilder who built most of the yachts used for
these voyages. Following on these successes, and
mosques, exhorting public recita-
tions are nauseating spectacles
and, typically, only around 20 per cent of the mental toughness and getting a ’monkey off his to give an institutional thrust and create a pool even by the low standards of our
participants complete the race, with the oth- back’. Second, despite his achievements, it was of qualified personnel, the Navy inaugurated the public behaviour. Eventually, this
ers giving up. Third, the GGR rules demand not easy for him to find sponsors and while his Ocean Sailing Node (OSN) in Goa a few years will lead to a social polarisation
that participants use technology as in 1968. fellow competitors were preparing for the race, ago. The node has a fleet of six vessels and, if that will forever tear apart the fab-
Thus, it’s a ‘retro race’ with no luxuries of Abhilash was running pillar to post to find some- reports are to be believed, preparations are afoot ric so carefully stitched by an ear-
GPS navigation or satellite communication one to back him and fund his equipment. Third, to soon flag off a woman-skippered solo-circum- lier generation of political leaders
available. Combating stormy seas, capricious very unfortunately and for no fault of his, just a navigation expedition. and convert us into a nation of TOUCHSTONES
weather, variable winds and a range of meteo- few weeks before the race, his yacht ‘Bayanat’ While the Indian Navy has ploughed a lonely warring tribes. If you don’t IRA PANDE
rological conditions on one hand and keeping was involved in a collision with a Dutch mer- furrow in this domain, making it a more popular believe me, look west to Pakistan
the tiny vessel in a seaworthy state by attend- chant ship. This damaged his bow and necessi- sport requires a ‘whole of India’ approach. Oth- and the Middle East where
ing to her maintenance requirements on the tated urgent repairs, making it a ‘touch and go’ er stakeholders in the maritime realm need to minorities have either been
Why do politicians find it
other, while simultaneously fighting loneli- situation with respect to his participation. His buy in to the idea, the government needs to cre- flushed out or reduced to terror- so difficult to apologise for
ness, fatigue, sleep deprivation, illness are the mental state can well be imagined. Fourth, the ate more maritime infrastructure such as mari- stricken groups that huddle
very stuff of superhuman challenges. And race itself was no cakewalk and presented the nas to encourage a range of waterfront and open together for safety. Always mistakes made by them?
Abhilash conquered them.
But he also overcame a few other demons that
full range of challenges that oceans do to those
who dare them. Consequently, Abhilash’s ves-
sea activities, and popular culture needs to cele-
brate the achievements of heroes like Abhilash
remember that what takes
decades to build can be
I am still puzzled by the
haunted him. First, he had experienced a set- sel was bruised and battered in unimaginable to fire people’s imagination. Abhilash’s awe- destroyed in just a few years. I complete silence over
back during GGR 2018 when, after encounter-
ing a severe storm in south-eastern Indian
ways. It was his genius at innovation and
‘jugaad’ that enabled him to manufacture or
some achievement will have a true imprint only
if an ocean sailing legacy is created in India.
dread to think of what will hap-
pen next year when frenzied
the charges made by our
Ocean, his vessel almost got wrecked and Abhi- conjure spares out of the unlikeliest of things; Abhilash has done his bit, now it remains for the mobs will be stirred to declare young wrestlers against
lash lay with a broken spine for 72 hours await- everyone in the GGR community acknowl- rest of us to do ours. their loyalty to political parties
ing rescue in one of the remotest parts of the edged Abhilash as the ultimate DIY maestro. — The writer is a Navy veteran as we head towards our next a man who has a lot of
General Elections. explaining to do
Why do politicians find it so dif-

Search for Guru Gobind’s crest plume

ficult to apologise for mistakes
made by them? I am still puzzled by the complete silence over the
charges made by our young wrestlers against a man who has a lot of
explaining to do. How can we promote ‘woman power’ and yet ignore

the pleas of these young girls when they accuse this monster of sexual
IKHS remember Guru Gobind Singh his private property. The riches and gems Darbara Singh was serving as the Chief Min- harassment? Where are our sports icons and the woke feminists who
as the great spiritual light. At the same were sent to London to Queen Victoria on a ister. I was heading the Department of Tourism, are so vocal otherwise? There are nominated Rajya Sabha members
time, the royal symbolism of the Guru special ship. The validity of this record is Culture, Museum and Archaeology, Govern- from the sports world who have been given the highest awards and even
also pervades the Sikh psyche. Dasam proven by an eventful find that occurred in ment of Punjab; the museum was built by our a Bharat Ratna. I hear nothing but silence from that lot. When old
Guru is remembered as ‘Kalgianwala’ 1965. WC Archer, a British art historian and department in Ram Bagh, Amritsar. grannies and khap panchayats enter to fill this vacuum, one can imag-
(for wearing a plume), and for keeping curator, found various weapons belonging to The curator of Victoria and Albert Museum ine how the indifference from our leaders has hurt even the most con-
falcons and other regal symbols. Guru Gobind Singh from the residence of could not provide any details about Guru servative misogynists of Haryana, notorious for their past records of
The first historical account of the kalgi or crest Lord Dalhousie’s family. These weapons Sahib’s crest plume, as the museum lists had no female infanticide. Believe me, these are not good signs.
TARLOCHAN SINGH plume of Guru Gobind Singh is found in the were purchased by the Indian High Commis- record of it. On my request, he shared the I think the time has come to distinguish politicians from political lead-
records of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It was kept in sioner and brought to Delhi on the orders of records of the Mughal plumes in the museum. ers. Those who join politics to further personal fortunes can never be
his toshakhana. The Maharaja, it was said, would the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shas- These had jade and diamonds set in them. expected to focus on a larger vision. Their interests will always be influ-
Found in the records daily pay his obeisance to Guru Sahib’s plume tri. The weapons are now securely kept in There was one plume about which the museum enced by promoting family members or their baradari so that they can
of Maharaja Ranjit kept in his protection. In 1849, the British
annexed Punjab. A frantic search for all valuable
Gurdwara Kesgarh Sahib, Anandpur.
Amidst all the loot of the Lahore Durbar
did not have any information. This crest plume,
kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum, with
secure a prosperous future. On the other hand are those who are leaders
in the true sense: Gandhiji and the freedom movement gave us those
Singh and kept in items was made by British officials when they toshakhana, the question about the where- no documented record, was purchased by a who dreamt of a free India where all Indians, regardless of their religion,
took the keys of the Lahore fort. abouts of Guru Gobind Singh’s kalgi British officer in 1853 from Calcutta and was name or lineage, would join in a collective effort to make this a better
his toshakhana, the John Spencer Login was appointed Governor remains rather intriguing. The kalgi that had exhibited in Paris. It was taken to London for an country. They were not afraid to admit that they occasionally erred and
kalgi went missing of the Lahore fort. He invited Misr Beli Ram, the
erstwhile custodian of the toshakhana, and pre-
been taken from the toshakhana to Calcutta
has been missing ever since.
exhibition where it is still housed.
Researchers and scholars should pay attention
were, therefore, readily forgiven because which human being has not
made mistakes? Increasingly, after that generation passed on, power
after the British pared an inventory. Sacred relics of all religions I went to London in 1965 and met K Natwar to this unnamed crest plume kept in the VA became concentrated in the hands of powerful political figures who
and royal relics of major kingdoms had been Singh, the then Deputy High Commissioner museum while keeping in mind that a crest became imperious and unyielding. They began to view public apologies
took control. Could carefully kept in the toshakhana. there. I sought to know the whereabouts of plume was gifted to Guru Gobind Singh by as a sign of weakness that would be exploited by their rivals and so we
it be the one at the Of these items, the thing of utmost sanctity and
historical importance was Guru Gobind Singh’s
Guru Sahib’s kalgi. He arranged a meeting
with the Victoria and Albert (VA) Museum
Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah during a meet-
ing at Agra in July 1707. Could there be any pos-
never had a proper acknowledgement of the lapses over the Sikh pogrom
or of the Godhra riots despite clear evidence of political conniving.
London museum? crest plume. This has been recorded as ‘Kalgi-e- curator, who furnished a list of all Sikh histori- sible link between this unnamed crest plume in Today, we have made this into an axiom of political policy: Say nothing
kuchh’ in the museum documents. All items pro- cal weapons and other relics kept in the muse- the Mughal collection at VA, which was pur- to the people or to the media for heaven knows what may happen if I apol-
cured from the treasury were sent to the British um. I gave this list to the then Chief Minister of chased in Calcutta, and Guru Goibind Singh ogise. If I can venture to give any advice to them, I would say that the peo-
capital of Calcutta. These items were at the dis- Punjab, Giani Zail Singh, and the then Chief crest plume in Login’s toshakhana inventory ple of this country are so large-hearted and forgiving that they would for-
posal of the then Viceroy, Lord Dalhousie. Secretary. In 1980, select items from that list which had gone missing in Calcutta? This give and move on. In the absence of any admission of a personal failing,
As per historical records, many of the fur- were brought to Punjab and exhibited in intriguing question needs further research. rumours, suspicion and a lingering sense of betrayal will remain.
nished items were kept by Lord Dalhousie as Maharaja Ranjit Singh Museum, Amritsar. — The writer is a former Rajya Sabha MP Just say sorry. It’s as simple as that.

States must adopt new laws to avoid boat tragedies

N almost all boat tragedies at tourist to operate, carry twice the number of pas- 2000, are framed under the old law), the Since overloading is the main cause of Seeking consumer feedback through
locations around the country, the pre- sengers permitted on board and even set new law, too, prohibits using or plying of boats capsizing at tourist destinations, helpline numbers displayed on boats
dominant cause is gross overloading sail at a prohibited time — after dusk, any mechanically propelled inland vessel the new law empowers state governments would also help. To borrow an old saying, if
of the boat. The other contributory compromising at every step, passenger without a Certificate of Survey and a Cer- to detain, forfeit or remove from its inland there is a will, there is a way!
factors include the absence (or inad- safety. The complicity of the administra- tificate of Registration. Since these provi- waters any mechanically-powered vessel As per the National Crime Records
equate number) of life jackets, life tion in this crime deserves more severe sions are meant to ensure the safety of the carrying more than the permitted num- Bureau, there were 270 cases of capsizing
buoys and other safety equipment, punishment than that of the owner, vessel, the law mandates expert scrutiny, ber of passengers. Such powers can also of boats in the country during 2021, result-
CONSUMER RIGHTS besides defective, unregistered boats because they had a statutory duty to pro- beginning with the design and the con- be exercised against ferries plying with- ing in 259 deaths and 30 injuries. Not all of
driven by untrained, unlicensed drivers. tect those who took the cruise. struction of the ferry till its completion, so out the valid certificates of survey and them would have been tourist cruises, but
In short, a blatant violation of boat safety The grave tragedy should force not just that the vessel meets all quality and safe- registration. Besides suspension and can- almost all of them could have been avoid-
norms by service providers and failure of Kerala but all other states and union terri- ty standards in respect of strength, stabil- cellation of registration, the law imposes able, man-made disasters.
Man-made disasters, the administration to prevent such viola- tories to shed their apathy towards inland ity and buoyancy. fines ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 3 lakh Meanwhile, I would urge all consumers
tions and ensure consumer safety. water transportation, tighten their After the Certificate of Survey is issued, and imprisonment up to three years for to be extremely alert while going on a
are easily avoidable if The reasons for the boat mishap near a enforcement machinery and bring trans- the owner has to apply for registration various violations. cruise on inland waters. Check the registra-
service providers do beach in Mallapuram district of Kerala
are no different going by the initial
parency and accountability in the admin-
istration of the law. Besides, they should
from the registering authority, which will
again inspect the vehicle for compliance
Of course, enforcement is the key and
that is where most implementing agencies
tion number and its validity and the maxi-
mum number of permissible passengers.
not violate safety reports on the tragedy on May 7 that also move away from old rules framed with rules, presence of safety equipment, fail the consumers. In fact, even with the Check the weather too on your mobile.
killed 22 persons on board the tourist fer- under the over 100-year-old Inland Vessels third-party insurance and passenger existing Rules under the old Act, the Mal- Choose a life jacket that fits you and secure
norms and the ry ‘Atlantic’. Here, too, the boat, with a Act 1917 and start implementing the amenities. To further tighten this process, lapuram boat tragedy could have been it properly. Never go on a boat filled beyond
authorities implement capacity to carry 22, was ferrying almost
40. Questions are also being raised about
Inland Vessels Act 2021 that came into
force in 2022, replacing the old Act. The
the new law specifically prohibits con-
struction or modification of any vessel
averted if only the state government had
enforced them stringently. In this age of
its declared capacity. Remember, a couple,
who was on board the ‘Atlantic’ and sur-
these strictly the design and structural compactness of new Central legislation is aimed at improv- without the prior approval of the designat- digital technology, it is not difficult to mon- vived, attributed it to their insistence on
the boat and the qualifications of the driv- ing the quality and safety of inland water ed authority. For violation of this Section, it itor cruises for overloading or any other wearing life jackets! Another couple, too,
er. But worse, the boat reportedly did not transportation and heralding uniformity holds not only the boat owner, but also the violation through CCTV cameras. Besides, escaped possible death, by refusing to
even have the mandatory registration to in the application of the law in the country. owner of the yard where it was constructed the ferries could be equipped with alarms board the overloaded boat.
ferry tourists. Yet, the owner was allowed Like the old law (the Kerala IV Rules, or modified, liable for penalties. that go off when they are overloaded. — The writer is a consumer rights expert

Presidential elections in Turkey today, Indian-American

to be Ambassador
at Large for Global
Erdogan faces toughest challenge ever Women’s Issues
Washington, May 13
Indian-American Geeta Rao
Istanbul, May 13 He said he was ready to bring Gupta has been confirmed
Turkish politicians were democracy to Turkey, a major by the US Senate as the
holding final rallies in the last criticism of Erdogan who has Ambassador at Large for
hours of campaigning on Sat- cracked down on dissent in Global Women’s Issues in
urday, the eve of pivotal pres- recent years. the State Department.
idential and parliamentary “We will show the whole The department in a tweet
elections that could signifi- world that our beautiful on Friday said it is looking
cantly shape the NATO mem- country is one that can forward to her efforts to pro-
ber’s future. bring democracy through mote women and girls’
President Recep Tayyip democratic means,” he rights through the US for-
Erdogan, who is facing the said. Though Kilicdaroglu eign policy.
Migrants stand near the US-Mexico border after crossing over toughest challenge ever in and his party have lost all Gupta was confirmed by
to turn themselves in. REUTERS his two decades of power, was past elections since he took the US Senate by 51 to 47
speaking at neighbourhood the helm of the party in votes early this week.
India plans campaign for return of Kohinoor rallies in Istanbul, Turkey’s 2010, opinion polls have President Joe Biden's
LONDON/NEW DELHI: India is planning a repatriation cam- biggest city. showed he has a slight lead pick for the role, Gupta is
paign for artefacts dating back to the colonial era, includ- His challenger — Kemal over Erdogan. known as a global leader on
ing the controversial Kohinoor diamond and other idols Kilicdaroglu of the pro-sec- Voter turnout in Turkey is gender equity and women's
and sculptures in museums across the UK, according to ular, centre-left Republican traditionally strong, showing economic security
a British media report on Saturday. PTI People’s Party who is the continued belief in this type According to Gupta, there
joint candidate of six oppo- of civic participation in a are many inequities and
Philippine court acquits former senator sition parties — held his country where freedom of indignities that women suf-
MANILA: A Philippine court on Friday acquitted of a drug final rally in the capital, People in Istanbul attend a demonstration ahead of the presidential elections. REUTERS expression and assembly fer around the world, which
charges one of the fiercest critics of ex-President Rodrigo Ankara, on Friday under have been suppressed. hold them back from partici-
Duterte's "war on drugs", former senator Leila de Lima (63), pouring rain. WILL ACT IN LINE WITH DEMOCRATIC PROCESS: ERDOGAN If no presidential candidate pating fully in the economy.
■ On Friday, President Recep ■ In an interview, Erdogan ■ “If our nation decides to make
a move welcomed by activists who called her incarceration On Friday, Erdogan dis- secures more than 50 per cent “They are subject to threats
a vindictive effort to harass and silence her. It was alleged missed speculation that he Tayyip Erdogan dismissed said he came to power such a different decision, we of the vote, a runoff election to their safety and have a fear
that she had taken money from drug gangs in prison. REUTERS wouldn’t cede power if he lost speculation that he wouldn’t through democracy and will do exactly what’s required will be held on May 28. of violence even on a daily
by calling the question “very cede power if he lost by calling would act in line with the by democracy and there’s Turkey’s Supreme Elec- basis,” she said.
Canada’s Alberta braces for more wildfires ridiculous.” In an interview
the question “very ridiculous” democratic process nothing else to do,” he said toral Board said it decided “In situations of conflict
ALBERTA:Canada's main oil-producing province of Alberta is with a dozen Turkish broad- that votes cast for another and emergencies, they are
bracing for another hot and dry weekend, with warnings of casters, Erdogan said he came what’s required by democra- aired videos to undermine lies in the city to call on peo- candidate, Muharrem Ince, particularly vulnerable, both
more intense wildfires after a week of volatile weather forced to power through democracy cy and there’s nothing else his opponent as incapable of ple to vote for Kilicdaroglu. who pulled out of the race in terms of their safety but
thousands to evacuate homes and shuttered energy produc- and would act in line with the to do,” he said. leading Turkey. On Friday, Kilicdaroglu this week would be counted also in terms of their being
tion. Special alerts have been declared across western Cana- democratic process. Erdogan said on Saturday The opposition’s campaign asked tens of thousands gath- as valid and that his with- able to look after their fami-
da, where officials have urged vigilance as temperatures in “If our nation decides to that he views the elections as was continued by Istanbul’s ered to hear his final speech drawal would not be consid- lies and feed their families,”
some areas are forecast to hit 30° Celsius (86°F), or 10 to 15 make such a different deci- a “democracy celebration for popular mayor, Ekrem to go vote on Sunday to ered until a potential second she said during her confirma-
degrees more than usual. REUTERS sion, we will do exactly our country’s future” and Imamoglu, who held final ral- “change Turkey’s destiny.” round. — AP tion hearing. — PTI

Germany to give USD 3 bn military assistance to Ukraine Poland detects incursion in airspace
Berlin, May 13 Ukraine, defended by then Warsaw, May 13 Russia launched its full-
Germany will provide Announcement comes before possible Zelenskyy visit Chancellor Angela Merkel. Poland Defence Ministry Likely an observation scale invasion of Ukraine,
Ukraine with an additional Her successor, Olaf Scholz, said on Saturday that it which lies on Poland’s east-
military aid worth more than UKRAINE PRESIDENT TO agreed to phase out Russian detected an object in the
balloon that flew ern border.
2.7 billion Euros ($3 billion), MEET POPE IN ROME energy imports after the inva- country’s Polish airspace from Belarus: Govt In November, two Polish
including tanks, anti-aircraft sion but initially hesitated to that flew in from the direc- men were killed when a
■ Ukrainian President Volodymr
systems and ammunition, the provide Ukraine with lethal tion of Belarus, and that it’s Ewa Zlotnicka, told the tel- missile landed in eastern
government said Saturday. Zelenskyy is making a trip to weapons, fearing Germany probably an observation evision broadcaster TVN24. Poland. Western officials
The announcement came as
Rome and he will meet with Pope could be drawn into the con- balloon. The object was spotted on said they believed a Ukrain-
Francis and Italian leaders on Sat-
preparations were underway flict. With Washington, War- The ministry tweeted that Friday at around 8:30 pm ian air defence missile went
urday, the Vatican said
in Berlin for a possible first saw and London more overtly radar contact with the local time near Bialowieza, astray as Ukrainian air
■ Zelenskyy will hold midday meet-
visit to Germany by Ukrain- supportive of Ukraine’s object was lost near Rypin, which is near Poland’s bor- forces tried to repel a large-
ian President Volodymyr ings with Italian Premier Giorgia efforts to defend itself, Berlin a town in central Poland 143 der with Belarus. Radar scale attack by Russia.
Zelenskyy since Russia
Meloni, who staunchly backs mili- got the cold diplomatic shoul- kilometre northwest of the monitoring was carried out, Polish military and politi-
tary and other aid for Ukraine
invaded his country last year. der from Kyiv. capital, Warsaw. but at around 12:30 am on cal officials are also facing
■ Zelenskyy’s exact schedule was-
Defense Minister Boris Pis- German President Frank- A search was launched in Saturday, the object ceased questions about another
torius said that Berlin wants Italian President Sergio Mattarella with Ukrainian President n’t being publicly announced Walter Steinmeier was disin- the vicinity of Rypin involv- to be visible, Zlotnicka said object that landed on Polish
to show with the latest pack- Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Rome. REUTERS because of security concerns vited from Ukraine last year, ing a helicopter, a drone and in a phone interview with territory in December, but
age of arms “that Germany is prompting annoyance in Ger- ground groups from the the private TV station. which was only discovered
serious in its support” for While Zelenskyy’s visit on Ukraine and Germany have cious of Germany’s reliance many, which pointed out that it Territorial Defence Forces, The development report- in April by chance by a
Ukraine. “Germany will pro- Sunday has yet to be official- improved markedly after a on Russian energy and sup- has given financial aid to Kyiv a press officer with the ed Saturday follows two member of the public who
vide all the help it can, as ly confirmed, it would be a rocky patch. port for the Nord Stream gas and taken in more than a mil- Operational Command of other known incursions was riding a horse in a for-
long as it takes,” he said. sign that relations between Kyiv has long been suspi- pipelines circumventing lion refugees. — PTI the Armed Forces, Capt into Poland’s airspace since est. — AP

Imran Khan back at Over 5 lakh evacuated as ‘Cyclone Mocha’

Lahore home after bail barrels towards Bangladesh coastline
Lahore, May 13
Former Pakistan Prime Min- Dhaka/Cox’s Bazar, May 13 mainland. “The district
ister Imran Khan reached his Authorities in Bangladesh on administration has turned
residence here on Saturday Saturday launched a massive social, educational, and reli-
morning after a prolonged evacuation campaign to relo- gious institutions as
standoff with authorities in cate close to half a million makeshift shelters alongside
Islamabad during which he (five lakh) people along the 576 designated cyclone shel-
was made to stay in the court south-eastern coastlines as a ters in Cox’s Bazar to accom-
premises. “very dangerous” tropical modate over half a million
The Islamabad High Court cyclone is expected to make people,” DC Muhammad
(IHC) on Friday granted him landfall in the country, threat- Shahin Imran told reporters.
protective bail for two weeks ening the Rohingya refugee “This cyclone is the most
in a corruption case and camp, the world’s largest. powerful storm since Cyclone Palestinians inspect a damaged building in Gaza. AP/PTI
barred the authorities from Imran Khan Cyclone Mocha, one of the Sidr of 2007,” Chief Meteorolo-
arresting the former PM in
any case registered anywhere corruption case in which he
most powerful cyclones seen
in Bangladesh in nearly two
gist Azizur Rahman said.
Cyclone Sidr hit Bangladesh’s Israel military raid at Gaza, 2
in the country until Monday. was arrested earlier this decades, is predicted to barrel southwestern coast killing
Three different benches of
the IHC granted relief to the
week, Khan was allegedly
made to stay more than three
towards the Bangladesh-
Myanmar border on Sunday.
more than 3,000 people and
inflicting damages to the tune
Palestinians die in West Bank
70-year-old Pakistan hours in the court by the “Cyclone ‘Mocha’ is coming. Fishermen move their boat to safer ground due to Cyclone Mocha of billions of dollars. Gaza City, May 13 imminent cease-fire between
Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Islamabad police on the secu- We have kept the cyclone cen- in Teknaf Marine Drive, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. REUTERS On Friday, the World Meteo- Israelis and Palestinians Israel and the Palestinian
who was escorted to the court rity details. He left the court tres and taken all types of rological Organisation feared a unleashed salvos of fire for a Islamic Jihad were fading as
amid tight security. premises after a protracted preparations to tackle it,” fy further and move in a north- Rohingya refugees live. storm surge of 2-2.5 metres fourth day on Saturday, with the Israeli military early Sat-
Before his departure for standoff with authorities. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina north-westerly direction. Bangladeshi authorities over the weekend that was like- the Islamic Jihad militant urday bombed an apartment
Lahore after securing blan- Upon reaching his resi- said. The evacuation drive was Meteorologists said the have set up 55 shelters at ly to inundate low-lying areas group launching over a thou- belonging to Islamic Jihad
ket bails from the IHC in a dence , Khan was given a taken as the maritime port of storm’s path is set to affect Bhasan Char offshore island, of North Myanmar as well as sand rockets and the Israeli commander Mohammed
number of cases related to warm welcome by PTI work- Cox’s Bazar has been advised Bangladesh’s south-eastern where nearly 30,000 of the parts of Bangladesh where military pounding targets Abu Al Atta, among other
treason and violence and one ers who showered rose petals to hoist danger signal no 10 as border district of Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugees have flash floods and landslides inside the Gaza Strip. buildings in densely populat-
related to the Al-Qadir Trust on his vehicle. — PTI the cyclone is likely to intensi- where over a million been relocated from the were also possible. — PTI There were no immediate ed neighbourhoods.
reports of casualties in Gaza or Islamic Jihad militants
Israel on Saturday. But in a fired a barrage of rockets
reminder of the combustible toward southern Israel,

Sudan talks to resume amid airstrikes, Saudi invites Army chief to summit situation in the occupied West
Bank, the Israeli military raid-
ed the Balata refugee camp in
where millions of Israelis
were instructed to remain
close to safe rooms and
RIYADH, May 13 has also invited army chief Despite Burhan’s invita- His rival RSF chief access, but there has been no Talks would then move the northern city of Nablus, bomb shelters.
Sudan’s warring army and Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to Fri- tion to the Jeddah summit, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, let up in the fighting, with onto ways to end the conflict, killing two Palestinians. Israeli officials told media
Rapid Support Forces para- day’s Arab League summit in he is not expected to leave known as Hemedti, is deputy clashes and strikes ringing eventually paving the way The Palestinian Health Min- that Egyptian-led efforts to
military will resume talks on Jeddah, the diplomat said. Sudan for security reasons, head of the council. around Khartoum and neigh- for a civilian government. istry identified the two as 32- broker a cease-fire were still
Sunday, a senior Saudi diplo- The conflict that broke out two other diplomats in the “We haven’t yet received bouring areas. “The nature of the conflict year-old Said Mesha and 19- underway but that Israel has
mat said, as air strikes and suddenly a month ago has Gulf said. Burhan was invited the names of the delegation, In the resumed talks in Jed- affects the dialogue. Yet I year-old Adnan Araj. ruled out the conditions pre-
heavy fighting raged killed hundreds, sent more because he is head of but we are expecting Sudan to dah, the sides will start by dis- found a very good spirit from At least three other Pales- sented by Islamic Jihad in
overnight around Khartoum than 200,000 people into Sudan’s Sovereign Council be represented in the sum- cussing mechanisms to both sides,” the Saudi diplo- tinians were wounded in the the talks.
despite an agreement to pro- neighbouring states, displaced that was meant to be oversee- mit,” the Saudi diplomat said. implement Thursday’s mat said. In public neither raid, the latest of near-daily If the rocket fire continues
tect civilians. another 700,000 inside the ing a planned transition to The two sides agreed on agreement including plans side has shown any sign it is Israeli arrest operations from Gaza, Israeli officials
Saudi Arabia, which has country and risks drawing in civilian rule before the con- Thursday to a “declaration of for aid delivery, safe corridors willing to compromise and against suspected militants told local media, “the strikes
been hosting the talks aimed outside powers and destabilis- flict erupted, the Saudi diplo- principles” to protect civil- and the removal of forces they battled through previous in the territory. (on Gaza) will continue and
at securing a ceasefire deal, ing the region. mat said. ians and allow humanitarian from civilian areas. truces. — Reuters Meanwhile, hopes for an intensify.” — AP
12 Sunday, May 14, 2023


U.K. sees success in mitochondrial replacement therapy SNAPSHOTS

R. Prasad IVF­based procedure on a The  mitochondrial  re­ embryo  does  not  inherit is also called three­parent can  save  around  10  lives
case­by­case basis, recent­ placements  in  “less  than the mitochondrial disease. IVF (in vitro fertilisation). each year in the U.K.
Eight  years  after  the  U.K. ly  confirmed  this  in  res­ five” children were carried This would allow a woman According to the HFEA, Mitochondria is the po­
became the first country in ponse  to  a  freedom  of  in­ out by the Newcastle Fertil­ carrying  mitochondrial one in 6,500 babies in the werhouse of a cell, and any
the world to approve a re­ formation  request.  The ity  Centre,  U.K.,  the  only diseases  to  have  healthy U.K.  is  born  with  a  mito­ mutation  that  damages
productive  technique fertility  regulator  refused clinic  that  has  been  ap­ children. The resulting IVF chondrial  disorder  which the mitochondria tends to
known  as  mitochondrial to share more information proved by the regulator to embryo  combines  sperm can  lead  to  serious  pro­ affect  energy­hungry  or­
replacement  therapy about  the  birth  details  of conduct this therapy. and egg from the biological blems  such  as  heart  and gans the most. 
(MRT), “less than five” chil­ the children as that “could parents,  while  the  mito­ liver  disease,  and  respira­ As of 2013, about 12,000
dren have been born using lead to the identification of Three­parent IVF chondria  is  from  the  do­ tory  problems,  which  can people in the U.K. live with
the procedure, as of April a person  to  whom  the Mitochondria replacement nor’s egg.  even  lead  to  the  death  of such  conditions,  the  rea­
2023.  HFEA  owes  a  duty  of involves  transferring  nu­ As a result, the baby has the infant.  son  why  the  therapy  was
The Human Fertilisation confidentiality”. clear genetic material from DNA  from  each  of  its  pa­ approved by the HFEA. 
and Embryology Authority
(HFEA),  the  U.K.  fertility
Last  year,  Australia  be­
came  the  second  country
a mother’s  egg  into  a  do­
nor egg that has had its nu­
rents, along with 37 genes
from the donor. This is the
The  Authority  said,  in
In the U.S., 1,000­4,000
babies with mitochondrial
Hammerhead sharks hold
regulator that approves the to approve this therapy. clear DNA removed so the reason why this technique 2013,  that  this  procedure disease are born each year. their breath during diving 
As per a new study (Science), hammerhead
sharks hold their breath to maintain body

Long COVID: a lingering problem

temperature as they hunt in deep, cold waters.
The previously unobserved phenomenon, which
has broad similarities to breath­holding
thermoregulation strategies employed by marine

requiring greater attention mammals, may be widespread among other

deep­diving sharks and fish. Like most fish,
sharks are fully ectothermic, and their body
temperatures are largely regulated by their
immediate environment.
For long COVID, the onset is more insidious and diagnosis is less certain; there are no diagnostic tests to confirm long
COVID and, therefore, a sizeable number of patients go undetected 

Rajeev Jayadevan lenging for many reasons.
Firstly, many infections oc­
ometimes,  I cur without symptoms. Se­

pause and think.”
forget  what
I was doing,
and  have  to

“After having COVID­19,
cond, the virus is constant­
ly  evolving  to  escape
human immune responses
arising  from  vaccination
and/or  prior  infection.
I have not been able to go This  means  that  repeated
to  work  due  to  breathing bouts  of  COVID­19  can  be
difficulty.” expected, especially when
“I feel so tired, with ach­
es and pains in my muscles
precautions  are  not  fol­
lowed  during  a  regional
Data reveal Homo adaptation
and joints.” surge.  A  recent  study  pu­ to diverse environments
These  are  complaints blished  by  the  CDC  found
voiced  by  some  people that 15% of reinfections oc­ Homo species — particularly Homo sapiens —
long after recovering from curred  as  early  as  two were uniquely equipped to adapt to diverse
COVID­19.  While  it  is  not months  after  initial  infec­ environments (Science), which may have enabled
unusual for a viral fever to tion.  Every  (re)infection our species and that of our closely related
leave a person feeling tired has a possibility of causing ancestors to survive in highly fluctuating
for a few days, people with long COVID.  Pleistocene environments. Whether this is
long  COVID  experience because our species was uniquely successful at
symptoms  for  several Pandemic fatigue adapting to Pleistocene environments, because
months or even longer. The  recent  declaration  by we outcompeted other contemporary Homo
the  WHO  ending  the  CO­ species, or because we simply outlived others by
Several symptoms VID­19 public health emer­ chance remains largely unknown.
The  World  Health  Organi­ gency of international con­
zation (WHO) defines long cern  is  misunderstood  as
COVID as the continuation plies that one out of 20 pa­ ly discussed hard outcome specific  age  group  or  the the end of the pandemic it­
or  development  of  new tients with COVID­19 go on measure.  However,  long severity of the initial infec­ self. Blame it on pandemic
symptoms  (beyond  three to  develop  long  COVID. COVID  is  a  relatively  soft tion.  Initially,  long  COVID fatigue, despite the WHO’s
months after the initial in­ While gradual recovery has outcome because its onset was  thought  to  be  an  au­ assertion  that  COVID­19
fection)  lasting  for  over occurred  in  some  cases, is  more  insidious  and  its toimmune  phenomenon, continues  to  be  an  “esta­
two months with no alter­ this has not been the case diagnosis  is  less  certain. and some believe it is due blished and ongoing health
native explanation. Studies for others. For instance, a Many people experiencing to persistence of the virus issue”, people end up tak­
have  attempted  to  deter­ paper from Kerala reports long COVID do not rush to in remote parts of the bo­ ing home a different mes­
mine how commonly it oc­ that 62% of long COVID pa­ the  doctor,  and  among dy, such as the gut. Reactiv­ sage. For them, the decla­
curs. However, since there tients who became unem­ those who do, a diagnosis ation  of  other  viruses  in ration  of  the  end  of  the
are  several  symptoms  re­ ployed  following  their  in­ is seldom made.  the body is also implicated. public health emergency is
ported by those who suffer itial  illness  remained  so Frequently, such people There is evidence of an ab­ tantamount  to  the  pan­
from  long  COVID,  classifi­ even  at  10  months are ignored as ‘psychologi­ normal  immune  response demic  coming  to  an  end.
cation  has  become  diffi­ post­infection. cal’  or  ‘anxiety­related’. in long COVID, but it is not This  could  worsen  the
cult. For instance, a study Across  the  world,  mil­ Unfortunately, there are no clear what drives this res­ spread of the virus.
that uses tiredness as a cri­ lions  continue  to  suffer diagnostic tests such as X­ ponse or what can be done Recognising  the  exis­
Using disposable diaper waste
terion  could  overestimate from  long  COVID,  and  a rays,  CT  scans,  or  blood to alleviate it. tence  of  long  COVID  and as a construction material
the  prevalence,  as  that study  last  year  by  the  At­ tests  to  confirm  long  CO­ At present, there are no continuing  to  implement
symptom  is  already  com­ lanta­based  CDC  found VID. Therefore, a sizeable approved  drugs  for  treat­ regionally appropriate mi­ Up to 8% of the sand in concrete and mortar
mon  among  the  general that nearly one­fifth of peo­ number  of  patients  with ing long COVID, and multi­ tigation  measures  when used to make a single­storey house could be
population. ple in the U.S. who had the long COVID go undetected.  ple  clinical  trials  are  cur­ the  situation  so  demands replaced with shredded, used disposable diapers
A study  of  long  COVID disease  in  the  last  two Research  is  ongoing  to rently  under  way.  The will  help  in  reducing  the without diminishing their strength, as per a study
from  AIIMS,  Delhi  during years    continued  to  suffer determine why only some WHO said the best way to negative impact of the pan­ (Scientific Reports). Researchers tested six
the first wave reported its from long COVID.  individuals  develop  long prevent  long  COVID  is  to demic on global health and samples containing different proportions of
incidence to be as high as The  impact  of  any  dis­ COVID. Some studies have avoid getting infected with productivity. diaper waste to measure how much pressure
10%.  More  recent  studies ease  is  assessed  based  on found that it is more com­ SARS­CoV­2 virus.  (Rajeev  Jayadevan  is  co­ they could withstand. Then, they calculated the
estimate the true incidence certain outcomes. For CO­ mon in women, but it has Preventing COVID­19 on Chairman,  National  IMA maximum proportion of sand that could be
to be around 5%, which im­ VID­19, death is a frequent­ not  been  linked  to  any a forward timeline is chal­ COVID Task Force) replaced with these diapers in building materials.

A break in the Western Ghats 
side of the Palghat Gap. dant  in  the  Western  Ghats
south  of  the  Palghat  Gap,  as
Geological upheaval reported in a recent study by
The Gap is a geological shear groups from the CCMB at Hyd­
Question Corner
SPEAKING OF zone  that  runs  from  east  to erabad and other institutions
D. Balasubramanian
west.  Shear  zones  are  weak
regions in the earth’s crust —
(Proceedings  of  the  Royal  So­
ciety B, April 2023). There are Sea level rise
this is the reason why tremors over 450 species of trees here,
Often  called  as  a  significant are sometimes felt in Coimba­ including some such as Mag­ Has the future sea level melt ice at an accelerated
discontinuity  in  the  Western tore.  nolia champaca (Champa; Ta­ rise been correctly rate (Proceedings of the
Ghats,  the  Palghat  Gap  is The  origin  of  the  Palghat mil:  Sambagan)  that  have estimated? National Academy of
about  40  km  wide,  with  the Gap also stems from the drift been around for over 130 mil­ Sciences). 
steep  Nilgiris  and  Anamalai of  continental  shelves  after lion years. Researchers have The researchers found that
hills, both rising above 2,000 Australia and Africa broke off Warm weather due to prox­ uncovered a previously as the Petermann Glacier’s
msl, on either side. from  the  Gondwana Variation: There are biogeographic distinctions in species north and south imity  to  the  equator,  and unseen way in which ice grounding line retreated
The Palghat Gap has histor­ landmass. of the Palghat Gap. FILE PHOTO  moist air brings plenty of rain and an ocean interacts.  nearly 4 km between 2016
ically been important as a sig­ India  and  Madagascar  re­ to  the  southern  Western According to glaciologists, and 2022, warm water
nificant gateway into the State mained as one landmass until in north and south of the Gap Budan  are  called  the  Nilgiri Ghats.  Therefore,  this  region this could mean that the carved a 670­foot­tall
of Kerala.  large­scale  volcanic  activity could be due to an ancient riv­ blue  robin;  the  Anamalai has been an island refuge for climate community has cavity in the underside of
It  is  a  corridor  for  both split the two, the split occur­ er or an incursion of the sea in group differs slightly in appea­ all forms of life, even as cycles been underestimating the the glacier, and that
roads  and  railways  that  con­ ring where the Palghat Gap is the  distant  past.  Elephant rance, and is called the White­ of ice ages and droughts have magnitude of future sea abscess remained there for
nects Coimbatore with Palak­ located  —  this  is  mirrored  in populations  on  the  Nilgiris bellied blue robin. reduced  biodiversity  in  sur­ level rise caused by polar all of 2022. The new study
kad. The Bharathappuzha riv­ the Ranotsara Gap on the east­ side differ in their mitochon­ rounding areas. The Western ice deterioration.  shows that warm ocean
er flows through it.  ern face of Madagascar. How drial  DNA  from  elephants  in South of the Gap Ghats in north of the Palghat Using satellite radar data water intrudes beneath the
In  contrast  to  the  tropical long  ago  did  the  Gap  origi­ the Anamalai and the Periyar The biodiversity of a region is Gap receive more rain annual­ from three European ice through pre­existing
rainforests  of  the  Western nate?  The  landmass  split sanctuaries.  expressed  in  two  ways:  spe­ ly,  but  the  south  gets  rain missions, the team learned subglacial channels, with
Ghats,  the  vegetation  in  the about  100  million  years  ago, One study from IISc Banga­ cies richness, which relates to more  evenly  throughout  the that the Petermann the highest melt rates
Palghat Gap is classified as dry and  the  Gap  had  formed  be­ lore  has  analysed  DNA  se­ how  many  species  are  found year. Glacier’s grounding line — occurring at the grounding
evergreen forest.  fore  this;  although  how  long quence  divergence  data  in in an ecosystem, and phyloge­ (The article was written in col­ where ice detaches from zone, says a release.
It also marks a divide in the before is debated. populations of the White­bel­ netic diversity, where you add laboration  with  Sushil  Chan­ land bed and floats in the
flora and fauna of the region. It has been speculated that lied  Shortwing,  an  endemic up the evolutionary age of all dani, who works in molecular ocean — shifts during tidal
Readers may send their questions /
For  example,  several  species one  reason  for  the  biogeo­ and  threatened  bird.  Birds the species you find.  modelling.  sushilchanda­ cycles, allowing warm answers to
of frogs are found only on one graphic distinctions in species found around Ooty and Baba Both these traits are abun­ seawater to intrude and
Sunday, May 14, 2023 13

Clash of clans in Manipur Meiteis

The valley­dwellers, who make up 53% of Manipur’s population, demand ST status for protecting their ‘ancestral land, traditions, culture and language’, 
while existing tribal groups say the Meiteis enjoy demographic and political advantages
Rahul Karmakar account for the bulk of the State’s 3.8% THE GIST
SC population. A section of the 쑽

ultiple factors led to the Bamons and Kshatriyas are against the More than 83% of the Meitei
ethnic conflict that ST status, as are the SCs who feel they people are associated with
erupted in Manipur on will lose out if they compete with Hinduism, followed by the
May 3 that left more than Meiteis and existing tribes if they are Meitei Pangals or Manipuri
60 dead, 231 injured, and 1,700 granted the ST status, first demanded Muslims (8.4%) and Christians
houses, many belonging to tribes of by the Scheduled Tribe Demand (above 1%). The rest adhere to
the Kuki group, destroyed. The most Committee of Manipur in 2012.  Sanamahi, an indigenous faith 
recent was a ‘Tribal Solidarity March’,
spurred by the Manipur High Court’s ST status  쑽
March 27 order (issued on April 19) The committee claimed the existence While the Sanamahi followers
that revived a decade­old demand of a of the Meitei community was under are not SC, those Meiteis
section of the Meitei people that they threat from outsiders, primarily the following Hinduism account for
be granted the Scheduled Tribe status Kuki­Chin people allegedly settling in the bulk of the State’s 3.8% SC
for protecting their “ancestral land, Manipur from Myanmar illegally. It population. the Scheduled
traditions, culture and language”. New said the space for the Meitei people is Tribe Demand Committee of
Delhi rushed thousands of Central shrinking as the ST people are allowed Manipur has demanded ST
forces to the State as violence spread. to buy land in the Imphal Valley while status for them
An uneasy calm has prevailed over the the Meiteis, without the ST tag, are
State ever since, but the equations kept away from the hills. The demand 쑽
between communities remain tense.  was later taken up by the Meetei The existing tribal communities
Manipur, one of the eight (Meitei) Tribe Union, which filed a oppose any such move, saying
northeastern States, covers an area of petition in the Manipur High Court. Meiteis are already an
22,327 sq. km and has a rich cultural, The petitioners claimed the Meiteis advanced community 
literary and administrative history. The were recognised as a tribe before the
State’s territory, according to merger of Manipur with the Union of
British­era maps in the 1850s, once Manipur. Meiteis account for about Kangjei, which evolved into the mouth. The symbol is ubiquitous India, although many contest this
extended up to the Ningthee or 53% of the State’s total population of modern polo. across the areas dominated by the theory. Citing a May 2013 letter from
Chindwin river beyond the Kabaw or 2.85 million. Also known as Meetei or Meiteis. Hinduism penetrated the the Tribal Affairs Ministry to the
Kubo Valley in Myanmar. The Manipuri, the community is spread Four eras, seven clans  Meitei kingdom in the late 15th century Manipur government seeking a specific
present­day Manipur can be broadly across the other northeastern States, The history of the Meities, broadly but large­scale adoption of the religion recommendation along with the latest
divided into two valleys that account Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Their divided into four eras from the ancient is attributed to the influence of socio­economic survey and
for a little more than 10% of the language, Meiteilon, is one of 22 to the modern, is chronicled in Puyas Vaishnav monks and adherents from ethnographic report, the court
landmass and the hills covering the recognised tongues that has been or texts such as Cheitharol Kumbaba, Bengal who fled persecution under the directed the State government to
rest.  included in the Eighth Schedule of the Ninghthou Kangbalon, Ningthourol sultans of Bengal. The indigenous propose the inclusion of the Meitei
About 60% of Manipur’s Constitution. Their ancient script, Lambuba, Poireiton Khunthokpa and deities such as Panthoibi were community in the ST list to the Centre.
population, largely the non­tribal Meitei Mayek, of the sixth­century Panthoibi Khongkul. According to the gradually given a Hindu makeover. The court order led to the ‘Tribal
Meitei, live in the 1,864.44 vintage, is undergoing a process of chronicles, the Meiteis are divided into Caste entered Manipur via Solidarity March’ organised by the All
Imphal Valley, comprising five revival. seven Salai or clans — Mangang, Hinduism. The Meitei community can Tribal Students’ Union of Manipur
districts, almost at the centre of the More than 83% of the Meitei people Luwang, Khuman, Angom, Moirang be broadly divided into three castes — (ATSUM), representing the State’s 33
State. The remaining 40% inhabit the are associated with Hinduism, Kha, Ngangba, and Sarang the Bamons or Brahmins, the tribes divided unequally into Kuki and
surrounding hills divided into 10 followed by the Meitei Pangals or Leishangthem. The Meitei kingdom, Kshatriyas, and the Scheduled Castes. Naga groups. The union said the
districts besides the 232 valley Manipuri Muslims (8.4%) and called Kangleipak, traces its origin to The Bamons are believed to have Meiteis enjoy a demographic and
of Jiribam, also a district, adjoining Christians (above 1%). The rest adhere Pakhangba (1445­1405 BCE), who came settled from elsewhere in India after political advantage (Imphal and
southern Assam’s Cachar. Jiribam is to Sanamahi, an indigenous faith first from present­day China and settled in marrying locally and are primarily the Jiribam valleys send 40 MLAs to the
the access point of one of the two mentioned in the Cheitharol Kumbaba, the Koubru hills, about 35 km priests who perform rituals or cook 60­member Assembly, while the tribal
major National Highways and a railway the royal chronicle of Kangleipak — the northwest of Imphal.  during festivals and other religious hills send 20) and are more advanced
(partially completed) linking the State’s old name of Manipur — from 33­154 CE. Pakhangba founded the Ningthouja functions. The Kshatriyas adopted in every spheres. Pointing out that the
capital Imphal. The other arterial The Manipuri dance, one of India’s dynasty belonging to the Mangang Singh as the surname but are subtly Meiteis already have access to benefits
highway is via Nagaland to the north. principal classical dance forms, has its clan, which exercised some clout until different from the RKs — Rajkumars associated with the SC, OBC, or
Extremism­related and ethnic conflicts roots in the Lai Haraoba, a festival Manipur’s merger with the Indian and Rajkumaris — who have the royal Economically Weaker Section status,
have often disrupted vehicular associated with pleasing the Sanamahi Union in 1949. Pakhangba is also lineage. The third category of Meitei the union said the demand was a
movement on these highways largely deities. The royal patronage also represented as the presiding deity of comprises the Lois and Chakpas, who strategy of the valley dwellers to
through tribal areas, resulting in a fuel, yielded Thang­ta, a Manipuri martial both Hindu and pre­Hindu Meitei can be both Hindu and Sanamahi.  acquire land in the hills and push the
food and medicine scarcity in the art involving fighting with swords and people and is symbolised as a While the Sanamahi followers are tribals out. What followed the march
Imphal Valley and elsewhere in spears and gave the world Sagoj dragon­like serpent with its tail in its not SC, those following Hinduism were violent clashes. 

The chosen rebel Erdogan’s rival

Eknath Shinde Kemal Kilicdaroglu
The Shiv Sena leader, who revolted against the Thackerays and clinched the top job in Turkey’s joint opposition candidate has promised to defend the country’s democracy and
Maharashtra with the BJP’s help, is under mounting political pressure  institutions and strengthen ties with the West if voted to power 
Shoumojit Banerjee  and equation with the BJP, G. Sampath ment  as  a  result  of  which
his  influence  as  CM  ap­ building  codes  and  safety

n  June  last  year,  the pears to be circumscribed bout  64  million regulations were given the
startling dénouement only  to  his  stronghold Turks  will  cast short  shrift.  However,  by
to  Maharashtra’s  re­ Thane.  Besides,  the  Sena their ballot on Sun­ and large, Mr. Kilicdaroglu
gime  change  drama  came cadre  continues  to  side day in presidential and par­ has chosen not to focus on
when BJP leader Devendra with  the  Thackeray  clan, liamentary  elections Mr. Erdogan, preferring in­
Fadnavis,  widely  consi­ underscoring  the  reso­ deemed to be highly conse­ stead  to  offer  a  positive
dered the front­runner for nance  of  the  'Thackeray' quential — both for the fu­ message  of  hope,  change
the top post, bit the bullet name with the party rank­ ture of Turkish democracy and democratic freedoms.
and  announced  ‘rebel’ and­file  despite  the  Elec­ and  geopolitics  in  the  re­ But  Mr.  Kilicdaroglu’s
Shiv  Sena  leader  Eknath tion Commission awarding gion. They will choose bet­ love  for  democratic  free­
Shinde’s  name  as  the the  party  name  and  sym­ ween President Recep Tay­ doms doesn’t extend to the
State's 20th Chief Minister.  bol to Mr. Shinde's faction. yip Erdogan (69), leader of millions  of  Syrian  and  Af­
The  crisis  triggered  by While claiming to be Bal the  Justice  and  Develop­ ghan  refugees  in  Turkey.
Mr. Shinde’s revolt, which Thackeray's legitimate pol­ ment Party (AKP), and Ke­ Like  Mr.  Erdogan,  he  too
vertically split the 56­year­ shaw in Thane to support Janmabhoomi agitation. itical  heir,  Mr.  Shinde  has mal  Kilicdaroglu  (74),  the CHP  from  2010,  and  has though not always — of de­ has  taken  a  nationalistic
old  party  founded  by  the his family, has become the In  1997,  he  first  tasted struggled  to  shake  off  the presidential  candidate  of lost a series of elections to fending  democratic  rights stance  on  this  issue,  vow­
late Bal Thackeray and top­ stuff  of  legend  in  Maha­ electoral  success,  becom­ image of being a 'BJP pup­ the  Table  of  Six,  a  united Mr. Erdogan. in Turkey. In 2017, he led a ing  to  send  them  back  to
pled the tripartite Maha Vi­ rashtra's politics (He finally ing  a  corporator  in  the pet'  with  its  top  brass  in front of six parties. march  of  more  than their countries of origin if
kas  Aghadi  (MVA)  govern­ took  a  B.A.  degree  in Thane Municipal Corpora­ Delhi  dictating  Maharash­ Mr. Erdogan has been in A career bureaucrat 400km  to  protest  against voted in. When it comes to
ment  led  by  Uddhav 2020).  With  no  platinum tion. In 2000, Mr. Shinde's tra’s script. There is also an power, either as Prime Mi­ Mr.  Kilicdaroglu  doesn’t Mr.  Erdogan’s  crackdown foreign  policy,  where  Mr.
Thackeray, significantly al­ spoon  or  political  pedi­ life  entered  a  traumatic inbuilt  friction  with  Mr. nister  or  President,  since have  the  charisma  or  the on  Opposition  politicians. Erdogan  has  chosen  to
tered Maharashtra's politi­ gree, Mr. Shinde built one phase when two of his chil­ Fadnavis and the unenvia­ 2003.  There  is  a  sense penchant for the polarising So far, the only major vic­ play all sides and even risk
cal equation. for  himself,  nurtured  and dren  tragically  died  in  a ble  task  of  managing  dis­ among  political  observers rhetoric of Mr. Erdogan. As tories under his leadership antagonising the U.S. in his
But  in  the  10  months mentored by the fiery and boating accident. He went sensions within his faction. that if Mr. Erdogan wins yet a career bureaucrat, he has have come in the mayoral bid to develop Turkey into
since  Mr.  Shinde's  faction fearsome  Anand  Dighe, into  a  shock,  but  was More  problematically again, Turkey would tran­ a staid,  professorial  style elections  of  Istanbul  and an influential power brok­
of  50  MLAs  (40  from  the the  late  Sena  strongman brought  back  into  active for the Shinde­BJP dispen­ sition to a de facto dictator­ that  has  led  many  to  dis­ Ankara, Turkey’s largest ci­ er,  Mr.  Kilicdaroglu  has
undivided Sena and 10 In­ dubbed the 'Bal Thackeray politics by Dighe.  sation, it seems to be losing ship. The man vested with miss  him  as  ‘boring’  and ties, sparking hope that the promised  a  more  “ba­
dependents) formed a new of Thane.' electoral  ground  to  the the  responsibility  to  pre­ discount  his  chances Opposition may have final­ lanced”  relationship  with
government  with  the  BJP, Mr.  Shinde,  who  be­ Party organiser  MVA.  The  ruling  alliance vent such an eventuality is against  a  mass  leader  like ly  found  a  strategy  to  un­ the  U.S.  and  indicated  he
there have been questions come a Sena branch head His skills as a superb organ­ was trounced by the MVA Mr. Kilicdaroglu, leader of Mr.  Erdogan.  In  fact,  as seat Mr. Erdogan. would prefer Turkey to be
about  the  constitutional in Thane when he was just iser  and  dynamic  worker in  the  recent  Legislative the centre­left Republican soon as he was anointed as There is clearly a lot of more  readily  compliant
and moral legitimacy of his 18  in  1982,  modelled  his translated  into  electoral Council  by­polls  and  the People’s  Party  (CHP),  the the Opposition’s joint can­ discontent  against  the  in­ with its commitments as a
government.  Those  ques­ personality on Dighe, who success  with  Mr.  Shinde Andheri  and  Kasba  Peth largest  constituent  of  the didate for the Presidential cumbent.  While  a  stalling NATO  member  —  which
tions  were  reinforced  by was known for his simplic­ first becoming a legislator, Assembly by­polls.  Table of Six. race, fractures appeared in yet inflationary economy is may not be great news for
Supreme  Court's  verdict ity,  honesty  and  round­ winning  the  Thane  As­ The  long­pending  civic Born in 1948 in eastern the Table of Six, with Meral a major issue, the more im­ Russia.
last week in the Sena vs Se­ the­clock  accessibility  for sembly  seat  in  2004  and polls, particularly the criti­ Turkey, he was one of the Aksener,  leader  of  the mediate cause of public an­ Mr.  Kilicdaroglu’s  big­
na  case,  which  held  that poorer  sections  but  a thereby winning the Kopri­ cal cash­rich Mumbai civic seven children in a family centre­right Iyi party, pull­ ger  is  the  government’s gest achievement so far has
Maharashtra  Governor dangerous  man  to  cross Pachpakhadi seat (created body  (BMC),  will  be  the from the Alevi religious mi­ ing out of the coalition. But mishandling  of  the  res­ been uniting the perennial­
Bhagat  Singh  Koshiyari’s when dealing with political from  the  Thane  segment) acid test for Mr. Uddhav as nority.  After  a  degree  in the swift resolution of this ponse  to  the  February ly  bickering  Opposition
call for a trust vote that led or  personal  betrayal.  The for  three  consecutive well as Mr. Shinde and the economics,  he  worked crisis underscored Mr. Kil­ 2023  earthquake  which parties into a singular front
to  the  resignation  of  the 1980s were momentous for terms.  Importantly,  he BJP.  Mr.  Shinde  will  know with Turkey’s top financial icdaroglu’s ability to nego­ killed  more  than  50,000 against Mr. Erdogan. While
Uddhav  Thackeray­led  go­ Mr.  Shinde’s  career;  this emerged  as  a  bridge  bet­ whether he is in control of institutions,  including  the tiate  and  make  deals  with people  in  Turkey  and he is slightly ahead of Mr.
vernment, was illegal. was  a  period  when  Bal ween the BJP and the Shiv the chain of events he set Ministry of Finance. He en­ political rivals. northern Syria. Mr. Kilicda­ Erdogan in the polls, it re­
The  rise  of  the  current Thackeray made a notable Sena  when  fault­lines  ap­ in motion and the BJP will tered Parliament on a CHP As head of the century­ roglu in his campaign has mains to be seen whether
CM, from his hardscrabble shift from his party's nati­ peared in the alliance after learn  whether  they  did ticket  for  the  first  time  in old  secularist  party  creat­ said  the  large  scale  col­ he can draw enough voters
early  years  working  in  a vist  plank  to  adopt  a  har­ Bal Thackeray’s death. right by propelling a ‘sup­ 2002,  the  same  year  that ed  by  Mustafa  Kemal  Ata­ lapse  of  residential  build­ away  from  Mr.  Erdogan’s
brewery, then leaving stu­ dline 'Hindutva' stance by However,  despite  Mr. porting  actor’  to  ‘leading saw  AKP  commence  its turk,  Mr.  Kilicdaroglu  has ings was due to corruption conservative  base  to  get
dies  to  drive  an  autorick­ piggybacking  on  the  Ram Shinde's personal qualities man’ status. long reign. He has led the been  at  the  forefront  — under the Erdogan govern­ past the finish line.
Mankind’s true moral test, its fundamental
test, consists of its attitude towards those Milan
who are at its mercy: animals Kundera




MEETS POLITICS sporting life size photos of Kejriwal in
Delhi and chosen cities. TV channels
ties since it operates within a tightly
controlled framework. Still, it has

were raking in the moolah, showing 2 adopted innovative adventurism in con-
to 3 minutes of sponsored features tent creation and generation, along
showcasing AK’s idea of good govern- with better visuals and GFX. To counter

ance, modern school education and a the combative and agenda-driven talk
HE cult of electoral sops has reached a new milestone. It is robust healthcare system. Massive shows hosted by privately owned TV
no longer enough to promise benefits, they have to be backed hoardings and bus backs bore his pic- channels daily, it chose prominent civil
by signed guarantee cards. POWER & POLITICS tures all over Delhi. For every single servants, netas and thought leaders to
The Indian National Congress promised Rs 2,000 per month PRABHU CHAWLA hoarding of Modi, Kejriwal put up two host shows on special subjects from his-
to women heads of families, Rs 3,000 monthly allowance for of himself. Before the last Assembly tory and culture to political matters. To
unemployed graduates, 200 units of free electricity, and 10 kg of Follow him on Twitter @PrabhuChawla elections, the BJP couldn’t find hoard- reflect Parliamentary plurality, it se-
rice to low-income families. The promises have been underwritten ing space at strategic locations because ideologies, coupled with the fear of ED lected individuals from non-BJP parties
on a guarantee card, co-signed by Congress leaders Siddaramaiah AAP had booked most of them in ad- and CBI raids, Kumar hopes to get Op- to anchor the shows with a special look
and D K Shivakumar. Apparently, nearly 2 crore persons – that is, Kejriwal’s Face Wins in Face Off vance. Saxena had pressed the brakes position leaders together to fight the and feel. A Congress MP was asked to
roughly one of three residents in Karnataka -- possesses an IOU on this publicity binge. The Delhi gov- BJP and its powerful general, Narendra present the show, “To the Point”, in
from Congress. ernment spent almost Rs 1.5 crore a day Modi. Of course, the subtitles mean Ku- which credible personalities from vari-
The BJP on its part promised five kg of millet, five kg of rice, in the print and electronic media show- mar will be the helmsman. He flew from ous fields would talk about their experi-
half a litre of Nandini milk, three cooking gas cylinders to every ing Kejriwal’s beaming visage. AAP Kolkata to Mumbai via Lucknow and ences. A Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP was
BPL household and a matching grant of up to Rs 10,000 in savings used crores to advertise in some south- Bhubaneswar. Since Nitish’s political asked to bring “Meri Kahani” onstage
deposits. The Janata Dal (S) promised Rs 10,000 per acre capped 10 ern and eastern states where it didn’t career spans over 45 years as Union to showcase the difficulties women MPs
acres for farmers to procure inputs, Rs 2,000 for farm labourers, exist. The ad-binge was an effort to Minister and six-time chief minister, face in their political and personal life.
Rs 2 lakh to women who marry agri- project Kejriwal as the potential alter- almost everyone gave him an audience. Bibek Debroy, an economist of repute
culturists and five cooking gas native to Modi. In March, Saxena held With his numerous previous flip-flops, and a prolific and
cylinders. back approval of the Delhi govern- he has lost much of the credibility he authoritative au-
That the sops race should star in ment’s annual budget because the Un- once enjoyed. But people judge him by thor on Indian
election manifestoes in Karnataka is ion government felt that spending Rs the company he keeps. Most Opposition heritage and ep-
a testimony to the expansion of heli- 550 crore for publicity was excessive in leaders were uncomfortable with Yadav ics, expounded on
copter politics. Karnataka is the hy- THE political underdog’s bark is usu- a Rs 78,000 crore budget. Even the Infor- Jr’s presence in the confabulations India’s glorious
per-hub of India’s tech prowess – in- ally worse than the bite. Arvind Kejri- mation and Publicity department, since he doesn’t have enough experi- heritage on his
deed it was showcased to visiting wal, adept at playing the role, has, this which reports to the CM or deputy CM, ence in dealing with senior CMs and show “Ithihasaa.”
THE THIRD EYE leaders from G20 nations. It has over time, got a big bite off the power pie af- was ordered to recover Rs 163 crore titans like Sharad Pawar. His own party Another econo-
SHANKKAR AIYAR 5,500 ITES companies, nearly 700 ter the Supreme Court handed him con- from AAP. Now, after the Supreme is ridden with factions, and the entire mist, Dr Sanjeev
Author of The Gated Republic, Aadhaar: MNCs, accounts for a fourth of the trol over Delhi government officials. Court order, expect Kejriwal to be back Yadav clan is under investigation. One Sanyal, has been hosting “Economic
A Biometric History of India’s 12 Digit state output and contributes over $50 The 104 page judgement is a well-argued in the media with a vengeance. Since Opposition leader is believed to have Sutra” to speak about India’s economic
Revolution, and Accidental India billion in export earnings. The Eco- document granting Kejriwal a prime Delhi is a revenue surplus state, his face conveyed to Nitish that Tejashwi ac- strides. Former diplomat Vikas Swa- nomic Survey for 2022-23 underlines position after eight years of strife with will be plastered on every wall, at air- quiring a prominent place in the firma- roop, the author of Slumdog Million-
that its GSDP (gross state domestic the Centre. He had been using advertis- ports, on TV and on thousands of web- ment of concord could collapse coad- aire, dissected international affairs
product) grew by 14.2 per cent to Rs ing largesse to laminate himself and sites nationwide. His political sponsors unation even before it is taken seriously with an Indian angle on his “Diplomat-
22.41 lakh crore and boasts that its per capita income at “Rs 3,01,673 his government using media space. In are elated at the prospect of positioning by leaders who can effectively challenge ic Dispatch”. With over seven million
is higher by 77% to All India Per Capita Income of Rs 1,70,620 dur- his testy tussle with Lt Governor Vinay the AAP supremo’s pictures next to Mo- Modified BJP. Yet Nitish hasn’t given up YouTube subscribers, Sansad TV guar-
ing 2022-23.” Kumar Saxena, the habitual martyr’s di’s using the combined revenue of over and is planning a big Opposition Sum- antees huge exposure. All its shows
Karnataka is scarcely the only state where electoral sops have PR exercise had been crippled. Now the Rs 1,500 crore from Punjab and Delhi. mit in Patna, which he claims would have rich content, which commercially
occupied headline attention. In Gujarat, another industrialised SC has categorically classified that the And the money starved media houses remind people of the rally hosted by motivated channels lack. However,
state, the Aam Aadmi Party promised 300 units of free electricity, Government of National Capital Delhi will be smiling all the way to the bank. Jayprakash Narayan in 1974 that spelt these shows are running into problems.
unemployment allowance of Rs 3,000 and Rs 1,000 for women be- (GNCD) will have total control over all the beginning of the end for Indira Gan- Both Tharoor and Chaturvedi left in
sides stipends for lawyers. The Congress promised loan waiver of services barring law and order and land
Bihar weathervane’s excess baggage dhi then. The difference: none of the protest, while others aren’t sure about
Rs 3 lakh and LPG cylinder at Rs 500. issues. Kejriwal had been trudging Personality cults are the steroids of leaders on JP’s stage was tainted or an uninterrupted continuity of their
The race for Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh is as along as CM, looking over his shoulder politics. As Arvind Kejriwal looks for- tamed by her regime. shows since the channel hasn’t been al-
yet some months away but the sops race has begun and is manifest each time he wrote a word on a file. He ward to regaining nationwide visibility located enough funds. They may have
in budgets and statements. The Ashok Gehlot regime in Rajasthan was initially a media creation, and through a new well-funded media blitz,
Let MPs pay for Bipartisan TRPs found sources from the Ministries they
unveiled an election budget with sops ranging from free power to Saxena’s block on self-promotion was power hopper and Bihar’s Chief Minis- Sansad TV is in the news for the wrong belong to. Perhaps, it wouldn’t be a bad
subsidised LPG cylinders, ramped up health cover et al. In Madhya hurting him. Kejriwal is the alpha and ter Nitish Kumar is chasing the mirage reasons. It is being blamed for blacking idea to deduct money from the salaries
Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Chauhan has announced Rs 1,000 omega of AAP, just like Modi is for the of opposition unity by crisscrossing the out the Opposition when speaking of MPs for disrupting House proceed-
per month to women who do not pay income tax and the Congress BJP. Before Saxena, hardly a day passed country with deputy Tejashwi Yadav in against the government or the PM. It ings and spend it on bipartisan words
in response has announced an allowance of Rs 1,500 per woman without daily full page newspaper ads tow. Despite a clash of personalities and can’t be blamed for functional infirmi- of televised wisdom.
per month.
The price being paid is visible both in denial of services, poorly
funded health and education, in unfilled vacancies -- it is estimated
that there are over a million government posts vacant across state
governments. It is also manifest in project funding delays and costs
paid by the taxpayer – non-development expenditure of state gov-
ernments has shot up from Rs 10.63 lakh crore in 2020-21 to over Rs
14.18 lakh crore. Ostensibly, real development is harder and elec-
tion sops deliver better returns in the hustings. The dominant castes - Lingayats and in Northern Karnataka indicate the suc- won the elections. Secondly, it could be
Wooing voters is not limited to giveaways. Political parties are Vokkaligas, have been key players in the cess of the rainbow social coalition that argued that the Prime Minister’s rally
reversing reforms which threaten to distort the fiscal balance of state. The major forward caste in the the Congress was able to stitch together. over the weekend before the elections
states. The pension burden of states is estimated at Rs 4 trillion state has been the Brahmins, whose nu- In Coastal Karnataka, the BJP imple- may have helped boost the BJP candi-
and is growing. In Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand merical strength is limited, though it mented its Gujarat Model of changing dates’ chances.
Chhattisgarh, Punjab, in state after state parties are reverting does play an influential role in key par- many sitting MLAs. The party’s new can- The Old Mysore region saw the clear
from the fiscally prudent market-related new pension scheme in- ties. The non-dominant backward castes didates reflect a balancing of the impor- play of the caste factor. The Vokkaliga
troduced in 2003-04 to the old pension scheme which increases the have been a force to reckon with, while tant social groups in this region. This vote saw a three-way split, with the Ja-
burden on states. The pitfalls of such moves have been illustrated OPINION the Dalits and Tribals have impacted caste combination, along with the other nata Dal (S) and the Congress drawing
in many studies. DR SANDEEP SHASTRI electoral outcomes. Religious minorities specific dynamics of the region, possibly the lion’s share with a small slice siding
Indeed the Reserve Bank of India in its report ‘State Finances Director, Academics, NITTE Education Trust and National have sought to be mobilised on key is- led to the BJP retaining a nearly upper with the BJP. What is critical to explain
– A Risk Analysis’ observes that the “sustainability of public debt Coordinator Lokniti Network. sues. This context is critical to under- hand in the region. Improved perform- the good performance of the Congress is
at national and sub-national levels” is yet again a dominant fiscal ( standing (and appreciating) the Con- ance by the Congress in this region re- the role of the rainbow social coalition
risk. It cautions “Given this parlous situation, the tendency to- gress’ victory in 2023. flects the impact of anti-incumbency of Non-Dominant Backward Castes, Dal-
wards handing out cash subsidies, in normal times, provision of The Lingayats have been largely sup- its, Tribals and Muslims that it was able

free utility services, and revival of the old pension scheme by some porting the BJP in the last two decades. to garner the support of besides the
states and extension of implicit and explicit guarantees by various state election that assumed na- They were the only party to offer a Lin- Vokkaligas. The fact that the party did
state governments in India act like swords of Damocles.” tional importance has witnessed gayat Chief Minister candidate in B S not declare a Chief Ministerial candi-
The issue has been examined by the Supreme Court following a the defeat of the ruling party. Yediyurappa. This time around, data date to ensure the rainbow coalition re-
PIL. In October 2022 the Election Commission of India proposed The Congress was returned to from the Axis-My India Poll indicates Old Mysore saw the clear play of the caste mains in place needs to be kept in mind.
changes in proposed changes to its manifesto guidelines and power in Karnataka with a clear that they have retained much of the Lin- factor. The Vokkaliga vote split 3-way, with Both Siddaramaiah and D K Shivakumar
sought the response of parties requiring disclosures on implemen- majority. This confirms a trend gayat vote, though a small chunk has JDS and Congress drawing the lion’s share represented important social groups
tation and impact of poll promises. Political rhetoric though has that Karnataka has seen over moved to the Congress. The fact that the whose support was vital for the party.
bypassed sage advice. close to four decades of the ruling party BJP did not project its sitting Chief Min- with a small slice siding with the BJP While the BJP also increased its vote
Electoral sops are effectively the preferred political flyover de- not being favoured with a majority in the ister (who is a Lingayat) as their Chief share in this region, the steep fall of the
ployed by parties – and no party can claim innocence -- to overcome next elections. Some would describe this Ministerial candidate and the departure Janata Dal(S) vote and the bulk of that
inadequacies in governance and target particular groups of voters result as an anti-incumbency vote of key Lingayat leaders from the BJP against BJP candidates and a moving to the Congress not only benefit-
to seize power. This, in the fifth largest, fastest growing economy against the state government, while oth- could have accounted for this decline. possible consolidation of the minority ed the new ruling party but adversely af-
which runs the world’s largest food security programme covering ers would see the result as reflecting the The creditable performance of the vote in this region with the Congress. fected the chances of BJP candidates.
800 million people and one of the largest insurance schemes cover- voters privileging the `local` over the Congress in Kalyana Karnataka (Hydera- A marginal decline in the voting in The verdict, when viewed from the
ing 500 million people. The bitter reality is that in recent years, the `national`. While both these arguments bad Karnataka) and Kittur Karnataka Coastal Karnataka is also indicative of a lens of caste calculations, indicates the
cult of taxpayer-paid promises has led to the exponential expan- merit attention, this column will argue (Mumbai-Karnataka) regions has been lack of interest of the committed voters success of the rainbow coalition that the
sion of an electoral constituency dubbed as “beneficiaries”. that the Congress succeeded because of because they have been able to consoli- of the BJP. Congress was able to stitch together. Its
The challenge under the big tent is to devise policies to accom- its caste arithmetic adding up. The BJP date the non-Lingayat vote (non-domi- Bengaluru city saw a keen competition leadership, which included Congress
modate the aspirations of the working-age populace at the bottom and the Congress attempted to create a nant OBCs, Dalits, Tribals and Muslims) between the Congress and the BJP and president Mallikarjun Kharge, Siddara-
of the income pyramid. The noise around every election campaign rainbow social coalition of castes to and top it up with a slice of the Lingayat the sharing of seats. This time around, maiah and Shivakumar, were instrumen-
is about the legendary potency of caste arithmetic. In the coming cross the halfway mark. The Congress vote. In 2018, data indicates that a seg- what added to the complexity were two tal in bringing together this rainbow so-
days and weeks, pollsters and parties will torture election data to effort succeeded, while the BJP experi- ment of the Non-Dominant OBC, Dalit, factors. A chunk of those who moved cial coalition even as the minorities
derive convenient convictions. The inconvenient truth is that the ment fell short of what was required. and Tribal vote had gone with the BJP. from the Congress and JDS to the BJP tended to vote for the Congress. The caste
magic of socially engineered electoral math has come face to face Karnataka politics has often been seen This time around, a section of that vote during the term of the earlier legislature arithmetic added up, as did the social bal-
with the politics of economics. through the prism of caste calculations. has returned to the Congress. The results hailed from this region. Most of them ancing across regions.

Governors’ ways tonly stabbed to death inside a hospital in Kerala. tion. The rival and the ruling dispensation BJP has
The ‘Supreme Court has pressed the reset button of The version that the police fled the scene and left fought with all cylinders fired. The campaign wit-
Allowing an MP or MLA facing disqualification to the Governors’ (May 13) powers for their function- the house surgeon to the mercy of the attacker is nessed long road shows by the PM. But regional
Karnataka result ing in the states like Delhi and Maharastra. The shocking. Healthcare professionals are like the rest issues have played a major role in deciding the re-
participate in a floor test caused by his own doings
The BJP tried every trick in its bag to retain power non-BJP states’ Governors are taking the power of of us; we must have empathy for their situations. sult. That shows Modi’s image can add shine to the
will defeat the very purpose of Tenth Schedule. in Karnataka. But the Congress stood up to the BJP the elected government, not allowing them to It is incumbent on the government to ensure their campaign, but can’t alter the course totally.
Allowing such MLAs to attend a trust vote would onslaught and came out victorious. Now, it is up to function independently. All those who have faith safety. Dr D V G Sankararao, Vizianagaram
amount to legitimising a constitutional sin the Congress to live up to its poll promises. The in democracy welcomed the Court verdict. G David Milton, Maruthancode
rejection of its double-engine slogan is a big jolt to S Chockalingam, Kottaram Federal structure
Justice D Y Chandrachud, CJI Nurses’ condition
the BJP. India is a parliamentary democracy with Federal
C G Kuriakose, Kothamangalam Doctor’s murder Apropos ‘Nightingales’ take to new migratory structure. The relations between Union govern-
It is our historical responsibility of modern generations to make full punishment Instead of Kerala Health Minister Veena George be- routes’ (May 12). Malayali nurses known for their ment and States are well-defined. Unfortunately,
Sebi probe ing emotional in front of killed Dr Vandana’s par- dedication are forced to migrate to new pastures it is the Supreme Court of India which intervenes
for aggression inevitable in order to prevent not only the recurrence of This refers to report, ‘Hindenburg case: SC may give ents, she should have foreseen such a situation other than West Asian countries. They are now time again to settle disputes between state gov-
aggression against our country, but also new wars 3 months to SEBI to finish probe’. It raises eyebrows and made fool proof arrangements to ensure the flocking to Canada, Australia and Europe. Working ernments and the Union government particularly
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President, Ukraine that till now SEBI has not been able to come up safety of doctors. The young inexperienced intern conditions of the descendants of the ‘lady with the where States are ruled by different political par-
with a suitable solution. Furthermore, any dilly - may not have known how to face a violent man and lamp’ must improve in this country to avert a ties. It is praiseworthy that Supreme Court gave
dallying now shall erode the investor confidence. had to face death as a result. healthcare crisis. unanimous judgement in granting administrative
At a time when SEBI ought to perform its protective Elizabeth Koshy, Pathanamthitta Dr George Jacob, Kochi executive powers to elected government, against
We are ready to humanely process and remove people without a legal basis to functions, it seems that it is solely shying away the backdrop of the friction between the govern-
be in the US. The border is not open from its responsibility. Protect doctors Congress victory ment and Lt-Governor.
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary, Homeland Security, USA Aanya Singhal, Noida The young house surgeon Dr Vandana Das was wan- The Congress win in Karnataka deserves apprecia- K S Sundaram, Coimbatore


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Andhra Pradesh): T Kalyan Chakravarthy* Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited, at 3rd Floor, D. No. 45-40-44/1, Abid Nagar, Akkayapalem, Visakhapatnam - 530 016. and printed by him at Sakshi Press, Survey No.86/10, Madhurawada Village, MCV Limits, Visakhapatnam – 530 041. Visakhapatnam:
Vol. 24, No. 20. RNI Reg. No. APENG/2000/03875. Postal Reg. No. VSP-121/2013-2015. Phone: 0891-2552910, Fax: 0891-2530303. *Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
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With which is incorporated

Circular Economy A MEMBER

The Englishman ~ Founded 1821

In India, it is estimated that circular economy may provide opportunities worth $218 ASIAN VOICES
billion per year by 2030. According to NITI Aayog, fast increasing human population will
Karnataka result raise the total global mineral and material demand from 50 billion tonnes in 2014 to 130
Cox's Bazar:

W hile the contenders in the Karnataka elec-

tion will each view the outcome in a
billion tonnes in 2050. For sustainable development, resource efficiency and circularity Buried in waste

manner that best suits their larger narra- is imperative ox's Bazar's struggle with
tive, its significance must neither be under- nor waste mismanagement seems
over-estimated. Given that the state has seldom to have no end in sight. The
in recent times returned an incumbent to power, tourist city, extremely popular
the Bharatiya Janata Party will seek to underplay with tourists from home and abroad, is
mired nose-deep in all sorts of waste,
the loss, even though it means it now has no pres-
including human effluent, aquaculture
ence south of the Vindhyas. Given that the Con- waste, plastic waste, and transbound-
gress has over the past nine years lost power in ary plastic waste. What makes the situa-
state after state, it will be euphoric about this vic- tion worse is that it is not a new probl-
tory, and will claim popular endorsement of its em. This issue has been so vehemently
charge that its opponent is corrupt, vindictive and persistent that even the High Court had
divisive. Finally, given that the Opposition in gen- to intervene in this matter in 2019 and
eral has been groping for a narrative to match that question the inability of the govern-
of the BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, it ment to address it, in response to a writ
will see in this result more than there might be petition filed by the Bangladesh Envi-
from the perspective of the national election next ronmental Lawyers Association (BELA).
The daily Prothom Alo recently
year. While there may be kernels of truth in each of reported on the unhealthy, unhygienic
these narratives, they may not, even taken togeth- and irresponsible sewage management
er, provide a complete picture. There are several (or the lack thereof) of the city. Of the
points to consider. Karnataka is a traditional Con- 538 hotels, motels, resorts, and cottages
gress bastion, a state even its most influential lead- built in the Kalatali area next to the sea
ers sought sanctuary in when rejected elsewhere. beach, 532 do not have any sewage
Corruption in the state is endemic, and not con- treatment plants (STPs).
fined to a particular dispensation. While caste is a The report further states that the
factor in other parts of the country as well, Kar- mandatory rule of incorporating an STP
system in the construction of a hotel,
nataka’s mix is peculiar to it and quite distinct
motel or guest house is not followed at
from even its immediate neighbours. In sum, a all, as a result of which the majority of
fair summation would be that this result, while these hotels are using septic tanks to
politically significant, is not as much of a game- manage human waste.
changer as some people would project it to be. During peak tourist seasons as well
But the victory is a shot in the arm for the Con- as the monsoon, the tanks are not able
gress, and will certainly boost the morale of its to take the load of the sewage and it is
cadres. While it did win Himachal Pradesh late last spilled into the rivers and the sea,
year, it is after a long time that the party has putting marine lives and local ecologi-
Figure 1: Some of the elements of a circular economy mentioned above and others in relation to each other (Source: PBL, 2019) cal balance at risk. Although the hotel,
secured victory in a major state. The Congress will
thus project this as a triumph for Rahul Gandhi

'regenerative' approach of circu- dealing with plastic have come and waste to almost nil. This will
and his Bharat Jodo Yatra, and use it to burnish his ndia aspires by 2025 to be a lar economy is in contrast to the together last year to form an result in huge reduction in mil-
credentials for a larger role in national politics. It five trillion-dollar economy throw-away attitude of capitalist alliance against plastic waste. lions of tonnes of waste and CO2 motel, and guesthouse owners are will-
would do well though to draw one lesson, which is that would generate business society of 'make, use and dis- India recycles or reuses over 90 emissions. The government poli- ing to contribute financially to con-
that it is important for a party to present a united and new entrepreneurs. This pose'. The developing world has per cent of all the PET (polyethyl- cy enables reuse of waste and re- struct a central STP system, little mea-
face when going into an election. The Congress would also increase resource and been observing circular strategy ene terephthalate plastic) manu- double recycle rate of key materi- sure has been taken so far by the
was able to underplay the presence of rival camps energy consumption and waste since long due to lack of resour- factured in the country. als to 50 per cent in five years. authorities to install one.
within its Karnataka unit successfully, while the generation. ces and has been reusing, recy- India has also shown im- It envisions setting up a Na- But this is just the tip of the ice-
To achieve the target of a five cling and remaking objects with proved electronics recycling. By tional Resource Efficiency Au- berg. It has been reported earlier in the
BJP was riven by dissensions as it conveyed the
trillion-dollar economy in tune same or different use. This saves signing 'extended producer thority, which like the Bureau of media that around 124 tonnes of waste,
impression of having forsaken the man who had with sustainable development on the material and other costs. responsibility' more than 700 Energy Efficiency, will offer including plastic, are removed from
first brought it to power in the state. As elections principles, it is necessary to * Reduce (minimum use of raw electronics producers have come strategies for key sectors ~ auto- Cox's Bazar city every day.
for three large and important states ~ Rajasthan, ensure low carbon footprints for materials) together to reduce e-waste. mobiles, plastic packaging, build- In a report published in April last
Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh ~ approach, the climate-change. Principles of cir- * Reuse (maximum reuse of There is huge scope of re- ing and construction, electrical year, this daily pointed out the non-
Congress would do well to address problems it has cular economy will be the key dri- products and components) using, repairing, refurbishing, and electronic, equipment, solar functional waste management system
in its units in these states, especially the first two ver to achieve this mission. * Recycle (high quality reuse of remaking and recycling in the photo-voltaic, and steel and alu- in Cox's Bazar city.
where it will additionally battle anti-incumbency. Circular systems emphasise raw materials) textile industry. Craze for new minium to begin with. While garbage keeps piling at Kas-
Mr Ashok Gehlot and Mr Sachin Pilot in Rajasthan, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanu- With the envi- varieties and styles To implement circular econ- turighat landfill, there is little the
and Mr Bhupendra Baghel and Mr T S Singh Deo facture and recycle, thereby min- ronment law enforc- have pushed the omy principles and circular econ- authorities can do to dispose of plastic
imizing wastes that reach land- ing agencies enacting young generation omy strategies in organisations, waste, as it is non-biodegradable, and it
in Chhatisgarh will have to reach reasonable fills or incinerators, reducing stringent environ- into buying sur- the British Standards Institution cannot be burnt either as doing so will
accommodations with each other if the party is to carbon emissions and utilizing ment laws, many plus clothes. (BSI) had launched the standard release toxic fumes. So, without a prop-
have a chance. clean energy. vehicles not con- The owner's 'BS 8001:2017'. er waste management system, plastic
In contrast to the linear sys- forming to these will utilization time India is realising the impor- keeps filling up the landfills.
tems that have been working on go off the roads. This and recycling of tance of having its own regulatory Moreover, the rivers and the sea
Running back the concept to create, use and
dispose, the circular system is a
provides immense
opportunities for cir-
the clothes is very
low due to which
framework such as National Ma-
terial Recycling Policy, National
are getting clogged up by ill-managed
plastic waste. Take the case of Bakkhali

C rowds at Jantar Mantar, inclusive of the con-

scientious, the curious and the combative,
are said to have thinned though the women
wrestlers who have taken on federation chief Brij
closed-loop system where the
use of created products is extend-
ed, useful parts of the old equip-
ment are suitably used in refur-
bishment of same or other type
cular strategies to
remake vehicles with
old parts of aban-
doned vehicles.
Plastic industry
natural resources
of more than $500
billion are lost
Policy on Resource Efficiency,
Bureau of Resource Efficiency
(BRE) etc. There is a need to inte-
grate resource circularity in the
Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0
River, which is gasping for fresh air
being choked by unwanted and irre-
sponsible plastic waste dumping.
Then there is the problem of trans-
boundary plastic waste coming all the
Bhushan Sharan Singh, having allegedly been sex-
of equipment or for creating is another important The writer is Chair, experts. Economic strategies. In India, it is estimated way from Nepal, China, India, Myan-
ually victimised by him for years, keep at it, new ones. sector for the circular
Environment and Green
analysis shows that circular economy may pro- mar, and Bhutan through the rivers,
Hydrogen Committee,PHD
promising to widen their agitation, taking it to the Such materials reduce the economy. Globally, Chamber of Commerce & that three impor- vide opportunities worth $218 being dumped into the Bay of Bengal.
states. The loud thinking led to the media saying need of fresh raw materials, 8.3 billion tons of
Industry and can be reached
at tant areas, viz. billion per year by 2030. Accord- Our three major rivers ~ Padma, Megh-
the protest was fizzling out and the Delhi Police's resources, energy (retain embed- plastic was produced
cities and con- ing to NITI Aayog, fast increas- na, and Jamuna ~ carry 73,000 tonnes
steely refusal to arrest the Bharatiya Janata Party ded energy) and the polluting between 1950-2015. struction, food ing human population will raise of plastic waste, most of which is trans-
member of Parliament ~ they have belatedly come processes. The wastes of a pro- Out of 6.3 billion tons which and agriculture, and mobility and the total global mineral and boundary, to the Bay of Bengal daily.
up with a special probe team ~ was generally cess or a by-product are used as became waste, 4.9 billion tons vehicle manufacturing could material demand from 50 billion Given the main arteries of our riverine
believed to have created an impasse which left the raw material for the other process reached the dumpsites. bring annual benefits of aRs 40 tonnes in 2014 to 130 billion system are carrying this burden, its trib-
wrestlers without leeway. They are now nowhere or there is resource recovery for With the increasing trend of lakh crore-worth circular econo- tonnes in 2050. For sustainable utaries and offshoots, including those
manufacturing of a new product. plastic manufacturing, an esti- my by 2050. India’s material con- development, resource efficiency in Cox's Bazar, have to shoulder the
girls, sort of. Days earlier, when Jantar Mantar was This prevents the waste mated 12 billion tons of plastic sumption is expected to rise from and circularity is imperative. load. Apart from these significant waste
on the front page of the paper, there was a ring of from going to landfill sites or will be dumped in the environ- 7.5 billion tons in 2015 to 15 bil- Produce, consume and management challenges, there is ano-
hostile criticism of the wrestlers in the assertion incinerators. Only the residual ment by 2050. lion tons in 2030. India's rate of discard needs rejuvenation. ther kind of pollutant: waste from shri-
that the sit-in had been hijacked by political outfits material not worth using again Circular strategy in the resource extraction, including Resource efficiency and waste mp hatcheries.
united in their opposition to the BJP, which was and again goes to the landfill/ closed-loop system encourages mining of virgin resources, is management will need to be the Only a handful of the hatcheries
said to be shielding Singh to shore up its electoral incinerator.The non-toxic biolog- its reuse, recycle, remanufactur- nearly three times higher than key drivers of a green strategy, there have proper STPs; the others
fortune in Uttar Pradesh. Political parties seldom ical materials are returned to ing and finally safe disposal. Plas- the global average. because it is now the only viable release untreated water ~ full of excre-
interest themselves in anything that does not yield the soil. tic can be used for thermal insu- In light of this, resource effi- path, capable of creating growth, ment, unconsumed feed, and moulted
benefit for them but the cause of the wrestlers, Circular economy can be lation of houses. ciency and waste management new enterprises, and a clean exoskeletons shed by the fries ~ directly
implemented in all sectors. The In India, major industries can bring down consumption environment. into the sea.
medal-winners abroad and therefore popular at
home, had struck a chord with people, with the
Leftist firebrands of Jawaharlal Nehru University
speaking in the same voice as the khap panchayats LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
of northern India. Well might the protest have got
bigger, given the stony silence in the adversarial

ranks ~ which many deemed an acknowledgment ban on the screening of the film tral Board of Film Certification had
of guilt ~ but history alone will say if, for a second ‘The Kerala Story’. West Bengal examined the movie and found it
time in the movement, the wrestlers erred in became the first state to ban the suitable for public exhibition. So,
allowing themselves to nudge away well-wishers film, which narrates the ordeal of Isn’t it against the law for a state
SIR, Through the columns of your three women who are trafficked to government to ban the film when
whom they could have leaned on. esteemed daily, I would like to ISIS camps after being converted the censor board has no com-
The first time around, in January, the athletes express my concern about the front to Islam through marriage. plaints?
spurned politically grounded assistance when page report, “Bengal bans ‘The The Kerala High Court had Once the CBFC clears a movie
they were clearly up against it, hoping that not to Kerala story’ screening” (9 May). refused to stay the release and said for release, it is the responsibility
rub the ruling party up the wrong way would It is very unfortunate that the the trailer does not contain any- of the state governments to ensure
persuade it to reckon with their point of view. And West Bengal Chief Minister on thing offensive to any particular that there is no law and order prob-
in April, when they were back at Jantar Mantar, Monday ordered an immediate community. It noted that the Cen- lem during the screening. One may
saying that word given had not been lived up to, a or may not agree with the theme of
the movie or the way it has been
“come-one-come-all” message from them gave
acted, directed or shot.
the plot a narrative drive which lost a lot of its People may also feel strongly
panache subsequently. against a movie or a particular KEEPING TIME
What the authorities do not seem alive to is character or scene in it, and have
the long-term damage the confrontation can the freedom to speak out against it SIR, Please refer to today’s report “Boro Ghori of Howrah Station
inflict. India may not be the sort of country where or criticise it. But to demand a ban turns 97”. It’s heartening to read that the iconic Boro Ghori clocked
someone like Brigitte Bardot would have railed, on a movie just because one does 97 years of time-keeping at one of the busiest stations in the country.
as she has, against the staging of the Olympics in not agree with its politics would be The dual-faced Boro Ghori, mounted on a heavy wooden frame, was
Paris or the cruelty of equestrianism to horses. But to trample on the freedom of installed in 1926. Manufactured by Gents Co, London, it was installed
when the police in the nation’s capital suggest a expression of the director, produc- at Howrah by the famous clock merchant of Calcutta during the
er or actors. colonial period, late Deb Prosad Roy of M/s Roy Brothers Co.
near-total organisational inertia in the face of top- If people are not happy with a One dial of the Boro Ghori faces platforms 1 to 8 whereas the
level athletes' complaints against a federation movie, they have the freedom to other faces iplatforms 9 to 15. It has not only unerringly kept time for
chief with dozens of cases against him in his stay away from theatres showing it nearly a century, it has also served as a vantage point where we have
“more-equal-than-others” status, it probably tells and can choose to watch some- traditionally assembled before embarking on a journey. The “Big
people who we collectively are. If Indian girls thing else but it would be wrong on Ben of Howrah”, as it is popularly known, has stood the test of time.
henceforth come to be withheld by their families their part to prevent others from The locational uniqueness of the clock still makes it serve as a meet-
from sport, we can only whistle for glory stories watching it. ing point in this era of smart phones and Google maps.
of the future, whilst recalling PV Sindhu, Anju Yours, etc. , Yours, etc., Khokan Das,
Bobby George or PT Usha. We are running back, Diganta Chakraborty, Kolkata, 8 May.
Hooghly, 9 May.
very fast.
NEW DELHI, 14 MAY 2023 07
Why better Tokyo-Seoul

The pet parents

ties are such a big deal


Few escape the lure of having pets dur-

ing their childhood, and my daughter was
no exception. I had curbed her enthusiasm
to be a pet parent for a long time. Despite
my persistent refusal, my daughter man-
aged to sneak in parakeets, coloured chicks,
TED GOVER ural gas. Both states are resource-poor Despite these encouraging devel- pigeons and a cat from time to time. But I
and heavily dependent on other coun- opments, both Mr. Yoon and Mr. would have nothing of it.

outh Korea-Japan relations tries for energy. Kishida face elements of domestic One day, we found two small squirrels
appear to be improving, To hedge their risks against the opposition to their decision to that had fallen from the rainwater duct run-
heralding a promising develop- fossil fuel coercion that Putin is improve ties. ning down from our terrace. Of course, my
ment for the security and pros- known to employ, Yoon and Kishida President Yoon has been pilloried daughter found them and brought them
perity of the Indo-Pacific. discussed ways to diversify their ener- for creating a fund to pay surviving home. My 'no' didn't work this time as my
The latest sign of this promising gy sources as well as to cooperate on forced labourers who suffered at the wife vetoed me and sided with her. She was
trend is Japanese Prime Minister liquified natural gas joint purchases hands of Imperial Japan. The fund is equally fascinated by the squirrels, and
Kishida Fumio’s May 7-8 visit to and price negotiations, according to to be paid for by South Korean com- enthusiastically tended to them.
Seoul, the first official visit by a Japan- reporting by Nikkei. panies as opposed to Japanese corpo- She helped my daughter feed the cubs
ese leader to South Korea in over 12 Other security-related topics of rations, an arrangement that some in by squeezing cotton dipped in milk, drop by
years. discussion during the May 7-8 sum- South Korea say lets Japan off the drop, into their mouths. The effort was not
Mr. Kishida’s visit was notewor- mit involved Seoul, Tokyo and Wash- hook for its harsh treatment of Kore- futile, and the squirrels survived. While
thy given that ties between Seoul and ington implementing faster informa- ans as a colonial power. watching over them, my wife also used them
Tokyo over the past decade have been tion exchanges about North Korean In Japan, Prime Minister Kishi- to blackmail my daughter into running small
strained over disputes involving missile tests; shared intelligence; and da’s engagement with Seoul has led errands, completing homework on time, and
Japan’s colonization of the Korean Japan possibly joining a U.S.-South to criticism by nationalist factions so on. And there was peace at home.
peninsula from 1910-1945. Korea U.S.-ROK Nuclear Consultative within the ruling Liberal Democratic The two creatures were well acquainted
President Yoon and Prime Min- Group nuclear deterrence consulta- Party who oppose concessions on his- with the home and the people. They were
ister Kishida are making efforts to tions. The two economically interde- torical issues relating to Imperial found everywhere in the house. Except when
build better relations and work along- pendent powers have also started to Japan’s conduct. There are others in she was in the kitchen, they were with my wife
side the U.S. in order to address the re-establish their relationship in non- Japan who are skeptical as to whether wherever she was - while she prayed, recited
growing challenges to their collective security areas. During their meetings, agreements struck with South Korea the Chandi, or went about her household
security. Mr. Yoon and Mr. Kishida discussed will be honoured by Yoon’s successor chores, they used to be on her lap or squatting
Both states face common threats collaboration on material sciences, or even by Yoon himself as political beside her, wrapped in a part of her sari or
emanating from North Korea, China Kishida demonstrated political efforts to check North Korean aggres- biotech, space, AI and securing supply pressures mount. dupatta. As time passed, they abandoned the
and Russia - each of which seek to courage by visiting President Yoon sion and counterbalance China’s ris- chains. While not providing details, Domestic politics in South Korea box meant for them and started occupying
change the security architecture and despite opposition from conservative ing influence in the region. the two leaders also agreed to cooper- and Japan notwithstanding, the the space next to my daughter's pillow.
rules-based order that was put in elements in Japan. Pyongyang’s ongoing bellicosity, ate on semiconductor chips. South improving ties between the two coun- They started going out and coming
place by the United States and its Mr. Kishida engaged in a rarity for continued PLA incursions into its Korea’s semiconductor production tries have come about due to a con- back after some time. The length of their
allies after World War II. post-war Japanese political leaders by neighbours’ territorial waters and air- capabilities and Japan’s competences fluence of issues that are forcing their excursions increased. One day, one of them
The recent progress between expressing sympathy for the Koreans space as well as Xi’s heightened pres- in producing semiconductor materi- leaders to work together on common returned and the other didn't. We waited
Seoul and Tokyo is welcomed by their who were forced into slavery during sure campaign against Taiwan have als make them natural partners. interests while not forgetting about for it to return, but in vain. The other one
mutual ally - Washington - as well as Japan’s colonial rule, saying that his unnerved Seoul and Tokyo. This has Addressing a long-held concern their difficult past. returned dutifully every night and scratched
other partners in the Indo-Pacific, i.e., ”heart aches” over Korea’s suffering compelled Yoon and Kishida to try of Seoul, Prime Minister Kishida By taking steps to use their com- the window pane to be let in. On getting
India, Southeast Asia, Australia, New during that era. setting aside the past and working granted South Korean officials per- bined resources for addressing shared entry, it went straight to my daughter’s pil-
Zealand and Canada. Kishida also said it was his together to address common threats. mission to visit the Daiichi nuclear challenges, Seoul and Tokyo are ful- low to rest after a hectic day.
Much credit goes to South Kore- “responsibility as prime minister of Additionally, Vladimir Putin’s plant in Fukushima which incurred filling a long-needed role of con- Gradually, its returns became sporadic
an President Yoon Suk Yeol for his ini- Japan to cooperate with President February, 2022 invasion of Ukraine heavy damage during the 2011 earth- tributing to the region’s security and and then stopped completely. For a long
tial overtures to Japan to repair rela- Yoon and South Korea for the future, soon after entering into his “no limits” quake and tsunami. Accessing the economic well-being. time, my family awaited its return. In fact,
tions that were damaged under his continuing our predecessors’ efforts partnership with Xi Jinping sent off facility will help Seoul learn more Making progress on overcoming my daughter kept the window open. I could
predecessor, Moon Jae-in, and for not to overcome difficult periods.” alarm bells in Seoul and Tokyo, about Tokyo’s decision to release the Seoul’s and Tokyo’s acrimonious past see my family missed the little creatures, but
letting history dictate the present. Both men should be commended heightening concerns about both plant’s treated radioactive water into can be another by-product of their no one discussed them. Their absence cre-
“We can’t let historical issues for acknowledging their countries’ leaders’ regional ambitions. the Pacific. new joint efforts. This inevitably ated a void that stayed, but we never had a
stop us from taking steps forward,” tragic history while looking forward to The attacks on Ukraine have also Last but not least, included in bumpy road will require sustained pet at home thereafter.
Yoon said on May 7 during Japanese the future. served as a wake-up call for South Yoon’s and Kishida’s talks were plans political courage on both sides and is
Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s trip The deepening of ties between Korea and Japan about how their for increased youth and culture peo- deserving of support. 100 YEARS AGO
to Seoul. the two Asian powers not only bene- security in part relies on access to ple-to-people exchanges between
For his part, Prime Minister fits their societies but augments uninterrupted supplies of oil and nat- their two countries. (The writer is Associate Clinical Professor at
Claremont Graduate University in Los Angeles.) THE ''OKARA''
To The Editor Of The Statesman
POLITICAL DIARY KALYANI SHANKAR SIR, - With reference to the report pub-
lished by you this morning of a question
asked in the House of Commons with regard

Indian stakes in White House race

to the seaworthiness of this steamer, we
think the following facts should be known:
Late in 1920 the steamer Okara was over-
hauled and repaired, and a Load Line Cer-
tificate was granted by the Government Sur-
the race for the White House. But veyor here, for four years. An idea of the

ould the United States also Trump said some encouraging words: thoroughness of these repairs will be indi-
favour an Indian American "I am pleased to see that Vivek cated by the fact that the time occupied in
for the top job in the 2024 Ramaswamy is doing so well in the effecting them was over four months, and
polls? It is a million-dollar most recent Republican Primary Poll, that the cost was about Rs. 6,75,000. Since
question. But it does not stop the CBS YouGov." the survey referred to was carried out, the
American Indians from dreaming The Indian-origin candidates Okara has been dry-docked periodically for
about it. After all, the United Kingdom have many hurdles to cross, even to examination. The last occasion on which this
has chosen an Indian-origin Prime get their respective party's nomina- was done was on April 20, ten days before
Minister in Rishi Sunak. tion in the primary in which the she sailed on her last voyage. The reports of
As for the Indian Americans, it is Whites dominate. the Company's Marine Superintendent and
a long road to occupying the White In the Republican Party, after Superintending Engineer, who examined the
House. Over the years, they have Trump (52 per cent) and Florida Gov- ship in dock, are to the effect that she was in
become affluent and also ambitious. ernor Ron DeSantis (24 per cent), a thoroughly seaworthy condition.
Their success is a unique coming-of- Nikki has only 18 per cent support. It MACKINNON MACKENZIE & CO.
age story. indicates she has a long way to go Calcutta.
Today, the Indian American dias- before being considered a serious
pora is 4 million plus, of which at
least 2 million are voters. It is the sec-
The second would be to catch DISPENSARIES IN
ond-largest immigrant group in the
United States. Affluent Indian Ameri-
the imagination of the Americans.
They know that their ethnic back- HOWRAH DISTRICT
cans also donate money to the two ground alone cannot win them an To The Editor Of The Statesman
major parties. The number of Indian election. SIR, - It is rumoured in authoritative cir-
Americans appointed to high-profile Thirdly, it is a question mark cles that the charitable dispensaries estab-
positions has multiplied in recent cans intend to run for president in Harris, the first woman Vice Pres- history as the state's first female gov- whether Americans would vote for a lished under the auspices of the Union Boards
years. The most significant example 2024. They are former U.S. Ambas- ident was at a knocking distance from ernor. At 39, Nikki was the youngest woman and that too of ethnic origin. in Sadar, Howrah, with a grant from the
was Kamala Harris, the U.S. Vice sador to the UN Nikki Hailey and mil- the Oval Office. She had sought the governor in the U.S. in January 2011. Even Hillary Clinton, a white Ameri- Howrah District Board, will shortly cease to
President. lionaire entrepreneur Vivek Democratic Party nomination for the Nikki was also the state's first Indian- can, was rejected earlier as she could have the annual grant of the District Board. If
No one would have imagined Ramaswamy. His parents are the first 2020 election before dropping out in American governor. She is projecting not mobilize the women voters in her such an untoward event happens, these char-
that Indian Americans would bid for generation immigrants from Kerala. the campaign's initial stages. Kamala herself as a changemaker who can favour. itable dispensaries, which cannot stand on
the Oval Office a few years ago. Then Ramaswamy focuses on "getting rid agreed to run as Biden's running reinvigorate a party. Her biggest chal- Apart from these, others like Asa their own legs without the support from the
Louisiana Governor Piyush Bobby of 'affirmative action" and allowing mate in 2020 when everyone thought lenge comes from her former boss, Hutchinson, Robert Kennedy Jr, Mar- District Board, will soon cease to exist. There
Jindal in 2016 and Kamala Harris in more highly skilled immigrants into he wouldn't seek a second term. She Trump. He advised her to follow her ianne Williamson, Tim Scott, Larry is no gainsaying the fact that since the estab-
2020 joined the presidential race only the U.S. also became the U.S.'s first 'woman heart when she informed him about Elder and Mike Pence are likely presi- lishment of these dispensaries they have been
to be disappointed. Their number is While they all represent "America acting president' for 55 minutes on 19 her intention to contest. dential candidates. DeSantis is yet to doing a great service by granting free med-
gradually growing in the U.S. Con- first," they know that the road to the November 2021, when Biden under- Nikki and Kamala have the announce his candidacy. He is con- ical aid to the helpless poor and needy. In
gress and the state assemblies. White House is a long one. went a colonoscopy. advantage of name recognition, but sidered Trump's top challenger for the these hard times, when every one is strug-
The 2024 Presidential polls will be The primary contenders would A sitting President has never been Vivek is less well-known. The 37-year- 2024 nomination. Biden is the book- gling for bare existence, it would be injudi-
interesting for Indian Americans. Vice be President Biden and his prede- defeated historically. Kamala Harris, old studied at Harvard and Yale, ies' current favourite. He is surging cious to withdraw that boon which our
President Kamala Harris has been cessor Donald Trump. The latter who is only 58, is Biden's running earned millions as a biotechnology and leads both Trump and DeSantis benign Government have been kind enough
announced as the running mate of will be the same age as Biden was mate again. entrepreneur, and founded an asset in the polls. He has the momentum to give to the people in the way of village self-
President Biden, who is seeking re- when he was elected in 2020. Will The two-time former South Car- management firm. and financial muscle to embark on government. We hope our Hon. Minister-in-
election. either of them have a chance to win olina Governor Nikki Haley, daughter It would be difficult for Vivek, another successful presidential cam- charge will take these facts into considera-
At least two Indian-origin Ameri- in 2024? of Indian-origin immigrants, made with no political experience, to join paign. But it is too early to predict. tion.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ACROSS 12 Ring tone playing 26 Vetting procedure predecessor with 15 Handsome knight To The Editor Of The Statesman
part of air (8) ultimately generates nervous energy usurps youth’s place
7 8 14 Last sibling gets brief character study (10) (8) SIR, - The Old Boys' annual reunion,
fresh clothing (7) (8) 4 Went on air and 17 The majority which was such a pleasing features of Aligarh
concerned with
church bears fruit
16 Nanny imposing 27 First pair of Czech broadcast complaint almost leave opening but which could not be held for the last two
9 10 B I D E F ORD S T A P L E end to extra pocket trousers tailored (4) of Olivia de Havilland years, will take place this year on April 2,
E E L E A A X (6)
money (7) thin material 5 Hospital work that production
S A L T A S H COU L D B E 8 One with memory
19 Sell-out show (6) devoted nurses (8) 1923. The Old Boys' Association which lately
11 12 13 L O S O L N S T like a goldfish perhaps
unintentionally displayed too much? 18 Cover of record has been in a state of suspended animation
recalled excerpt
O A S T HOU S E T I T L E disheartened (8) by member of will be reorganised and its constitution
with difficulty DOWN
everybody (8) 6 Thrash youth’s The Cardigans? reconsidered. Invitations to Old Boys whose
B UD E F E V E R F EW 21 Reveal state accepts 1 Leaders of the backside in pen (6)
14 15 16 17
9 Tried to make
new degree courses Temperance League (6) 20 Quote author about addresses are known to us are being sent but
peace as I’m leaving
(6) organised training 8 Stickler for the rules gut-wrenching there are so many who have not kept touch
next day (8)
19 20 21 22
T R R Y H E O 10 What contributes
23 Derek Jarman’s (8) gasped following material (6) with their alma mater that I crave the hospi-
D E C A N T E R M E A D OW to how a pit initially
première could be 2 Heartless family editor’s promotion 22 Announcement of tality of your columns for this letter in the
E A W M L A R D does? (6)
pulled abruptly supporting article (6) Prime Minister
hope that it may reach them. Old Boys paying
V E R S A T I L E T RURO (6) in Le Monde 13 True Blue Conservative deceives development
23 24 25
11 Exposed crime
25 Memorable description (6) Nationalist creates agency (6) half per cent of their monthly income since
writer’s name
N A S A L E N DOR P H I N (6)
of the Olympics? 3 Having lost weight, turmoil 24 Service charge levied January, 1923, or who pay at that rate on the
26 27
(8) fights Stallone’s (10) on alcohol? (4) occasion of the reunion will be entitled to
take part in the discussion as to the lines on
which the association is to be reorganised.
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
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MAY 14, 2023


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Southern setback for Strike Rates
BJP 2018 2023 CONGRESS 2018
(in %)

K’taka lessons BJP, succour for Cong Most Urban



for 2024 polls There are key takeaways:

Polarisation didn’t cut
points in the seats it won in the 2018 a strong impact on electoral out-
elections. comes was anti-incumbency — a
It was no secret that there was direct shift of votes from the BJP to
Most Rural 25

The BJP is not invincible in states but has a big Constituencies

anti-incumbency, retiring friction between former BJP chief the Congress. A key component of
minister BS Yediyurappa and the this shift was engineered on the
advantage nationally. Karnataka is a key win Yediyurappa backfired, party. Yediyurappa seemed to chide basis of strong welfare promises 63
for Congress but pan-Indian challenges remain and BJP couldn’t counter his own party when he said the Hin- from the Congress — 10kg foodg-
dus and Muslims should “live as rains to below poverty line (BPL)
Congress’s welfare push brothers and sisters” and would not families, ₹2,000 a month to female 60

he Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is not Seats where
invincible. In the 57 state elections it has
support his party in bringing up heads of household, and 200 free
KJP vote share 21

he 2023 Karnataka elec- “hijab and halal issues”. As I had units of electricity. This was particu-
contested since May 2014, it has lost 29 tions are undoubtedly an argued in a previous piece, this left larly effective because the BJP was was over 20% 31
(including the 2023 Karnataka polls). That isn’t extraordinary achieve- the BJP particularly vulnerable in a saddled with accusations of corrup- in 2013
ment for the Congress, former place of strength — areas tion and not caring about the com- 67
a sign of invincibility. Nor is the fact that in the 28 winning 136 seats on a supporting Yediyurappa, especially mon person.
where it did form the government after the elections, it 43.1% vote share — the among the Lingayat community. One way to test if welfarism was
Seats where
highest by any party in the state In 2013, Yediyurappa impactful is to see if a
had a majority of its own only in 12 and was the single
since 1989. The Bharatiya Janata contested under his own greater urban-rural divide KJP vote share 30
largest party in 18. Sure, the party now has a presence
(often a vocal one heavily amplified by social media) in
Party (BJP) sensed that it was facing
strong local anti-incumbency and
banner, the Karnataka Jan-
ata Paksha (KJP). And
was generated between the
2018 and 2023 elections. In
was less than 37
20% in 2013
places where it once did not. And sure, it competes sought to nationalise the election although the KJP won only order to characterise how 61
with Prime Minister Narendra six seats in 2013, it bagged “urban” a constituency
hard, throwing everything it has at the elections. But it Modi’s rallies and overt attempts at 20% vote share in 48 con- might be, I use satellite data
has lost 29 state elections since May 2014. Hindu-Muslim polarisation. In the stituencies. In 2018, the BJP Neelanjan from the European Space from 55% to 25% between 2018 and seen as the welfarist party against
As Opposition parties brainstorm after the end, though, little worked for the won 29 of these 48 seats, Sircar Agency tabulated by my col- 2023, in the most rural constituen- an Opposition that was led by a
BJP as it was decimated in the polls. on an average seat-wise league Shamindra Nath Roy cies. This provides evidence of a dominant caste Yadav, whose com-
favourable Karnataka verdict, the question they face is What features of the elections vote share of 41.8% — for a to estimate the percentage sharp rural-urban divide generated munity does not always share good
this: Why can’t they defeat the BJP in national polls? To help us understand why Hindu- strike rate of 60%. But this time, the of land used for dense urban or peri- in this election — perhaps due to the relations with other, more margina-
refine that further, they would need to ask: How is it Muslim polarisation was so insignif- BJP lost an average of 5.2 percentage urban settlements. We then com- relative appeal of welfarism. lised, caste groups.
icant this time, when it has mattered points in these seats, winning only pare the strike rates of the BJP in the Much like in West Bengal or The BJP is still the odds on
that the BJP wins national elections even in states so much in other contexts? 10 for a paltry strike rate of 21%. top and bottom quintile of urbanity, Delhi, the Karnataka elections con- favourite to win the national elec-
where it has recently lost assembly polls? For instance, At the outset, it is important to Compare this to the 156 seats in meaning the 20% most urban con- tinued a series of elections in which tions. Nonetheless, with the relative
in 2018, the Congress won in Rajasthan, Madhya understand the scale of the BJP’s which the KJP received less than stituencies (more than 40% of the the BJP performed poorly when success of the Bharat Jodo Yatra,
loss. In aggregate, BJP’s vote share 20% votes — in 2018, the BJP had a land is densely populated) to the faced with welfarism and a political and demonstrated electoral success
Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh in state elections; just a few dipped marginally, from 36.4% in strike rate of 40% in these seats, 20% most rural constituencies (less leader who could credibly claim to of welfarism, a clear Opposition
months later, it won just three of the 65 Lok Sabha 2018 to 35.7% in these elections. But dropping to 30% in this election. than 10% of the land is densely pop- represent disadvantaged or poor strategy is starting to emerge for the
seats in the three states and the BJP won 62. The lazy this masks the fact that the BJP This means that in 2023, the BJP ulated). We find that the BJP’s strike communities. In these contexts as upcoming year.
largely gained votes in places where actually did slightly better outside of rate dropped only slightly, from 57% well, the BJP sought overt Hindu-
explanation is that people vote differently in state and it had too little presence initially for Yediyurappa’s strongholds than in to 50% between 2018 and 2023, in Muslim polarisation as an electoral Neelanjan Sircar is senior
national elections. This is true to some extent – the it to matter much. In fact, the BJP his pocket boroughs. the most urban constituencies. But strategy with little success. By con- fellow, Centre for Policy Research
more local an election, the more tactical voters get – but lost an average of 5.1 percentage The second major factor that had its strike rate dropped precipitously, trast, in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP was The views expressed are personal

it isn’t the complete story. A second explanation is

Brand Narendra Modi. Again, this helps to an extent –
Modi is the tallest political leader in India, and his
presence is a big contributor to the conglomerate Win sketches contours { RAHUL GANDHI } SENIOR CONGRESS LEADER
premium the BJP enjoys at the national level – but it
isn’t the complete story either. The complete story has
a third, and necessary factor – because parliamentary
constituencies are larger than assembly ones (much
of future election plans I am happy we contested the
Karnataka polls without using hate
larger, in fact), and because the BJP competes hard n the last decade, counting days have lised. The Lokniti-CSDS pre-poll survey con-
even at the AC level, it has an advantage in national
elections, especially if it faces a fragmented Opposition.
Together, the three explain why the BJP wins national
I rarely brought cheer to the Congress ducted a few weeks before voting day indi-
camp. That changed on Saturday with cated that unemployment, poverty, and
the party’s biggest win in the state since price rise were among the key issues for vot-
1989. What led to this impressive victory? It ers.
was evident during the campaign that the What are the implications of the Karna-
or bad language. We fought the
polls with love. The strength of the
poor has defeated the power of
elections, and what its political rivals need to do to take Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was facing taka verdict for national politics? The Lok crony capitalists and this will
it on in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. severe anti-incumbency. The state govern- Sabha elections are still almost a year away,
happen in all states.

But first, what explains the BJP’s loss in a state it ment’s performance was considered subpar, but four crucial assembly elections are
with allegations of corruption at the highest scheduled later this year — Rajasthan, Mad-
considers its stronghold in the South? There were level, and little to claim on the governance hya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Telangana.
many factors – the reduced stature of BS Yediyurappa; front. With its tallest leader BS Yediyurappa First, the biggest lesson for the Congress
anti-incumbency; the Congress’s success in not in contention for the chief minister from Karnataka should be to keep the state-
(CM)’s post, the incumbent Basavaraj Bom- level leadership united during the cam-
consolidating the anti-BJP vote (at 43.1%, its vote share mai seemed a poor match for the Congress’s paign. There may be no love lost between

In K’taka, a victory for

was the highest since 1989) – but there is a simple front-line leadership, especially former CM Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar, yet both
explanation: The BJP’s national leaders, including Siddaramaiah. leaders refrained from taking potshots at
While the BJP’s overall vote share may each other during the campaign. They even
Modi, who transforms from PM to campaigner-in-chief indicate that it retained its 2018 base, there made efforts to appear together in rallies
in poll season, lost to the Congress’s local leaders,
Siddaramaiah and, to some extent, DK Shivakumar.
To return to the larger question – what should the
is a marked shift in the composition — geo- and social media forums to make sure that
graphically and socially. The party
has suffered losses across the state
— most notably in its traditional
the rank and file rallies behind the
party candidates. The Congress
faces similar leadership tussles in
regional over national
BJP’s rivals do to take it on in 2024? And, more stronghold of Bombay-Karnataka. two poll-bound states, and the chal- lections hold messages, singular or play the perfect anchor as the state unit chief.
importantly, do they have what it takes to do this?
On the first aspect, the Opposition is at a clear
disadvantage. Between welfarism and Hindutva, the
BJP has a potent narrative, and both details of
Nonetheless, the party has made
noticeable gains in votes in south-
ern Karnataka, especially in the
Old Mysuru region. The BJP can
take solace in the fact that the
lenge would be to keep dissidence
under wraps so it does not
adversely affect the party’s cam-
paign platform and candidate nom-
E multiple, for winners and losers alike. The odds favour Siddaramaiah. Yet it’s any-
They also serve as lessons that parties body’s guess who among the duo will get
can draw from the choice of the sover- lucky in the leadership race. Hailing from
eign, which the voter undoubtedly is in a southern Karnataka, they both meet the req-
democratic Republic such as ours. uisite subregional imperatives; Siddaramaiah,
losses are not huge, despite mas- Second, while the Congress has a For the Congress, the impressive electoral a Kuruba (who comprise 8-9% of the state’s
beneficiaries as well as an effective communication sive anti-incumbency and the slightly easier time as a challenger endorsement in Karnataka is guidance to a population) and Shivakumar, a Vokkaliga
engine to push its ideological agenda. Hindutva keeps purging of the old leadership. A playing the narrative of economic winning template for which it has struggled (who make up 15%). The latter can buttress
the party’s core supporters happy; welfarism eats into new BJP in the state might be getting cre- anxiety and highlighting the failures of the amid multiple defeats in the aftermath of its his bid as the party’s face in the Old Mysuru
ated from the ashes of its 2023 defeat. incumbent BJP government in the state, it 2014 rout. Its victory in the key southern state region that’s on the cusp of a political vac-
the support of other parties; and together, the two The Congress, on the other hand, made must not forget that the BJP can very well is the sum of several attributes it lacked, or uum. A long-time Vokkaliga paterfamilias,
appeal to voters looking beyond local concerns. significant gains. It completely decimated turn this narrative on its head in Chhattis- didn’t put to ingenious use, elsewhere: A HD Deve Gowda, 89, might not be at the helm
Regional parties, which win state elections against the other parties in Bombay-Karnataka, Hyder- garh and Rajasthan later this year. The Con- strong party unit; effective regional faces of Janata Dal (Secular) in the next elections.
abad Karnataka, and the Old Mysuru gress can only reap the advantages as the force-multiplied rather than being overshad- His son HD Kumaraswamy is a former CM.
BJP, stumble when it comes to this; and the BJP’s only region. The shrinking of the Janata Dal incumbents in these states, if they have owed by the national leadership; and the Shivakumar, as a fellow caste leader, may
pan-Indian rival, the Congress, doesn’t, as yet, have a (Secular), or JD(S), in Old Mysuru created delivered on the promises made. native campaigners’ oratorical skills insist on a curriculum vitae match-
narrative that’s strong enough (no, “we-stand-against- favourable conditions for the Congress to Third, the party’s impressive success in that carried the party’s “five prom- ing that of the Gowda legacy inher-
convert seats at a much higher rate. Karnataka underlines the importance of ises” to a largely Kannada-speaking itor.
everything-the-BJP-stands-for” isn’t good enough). On The Congress also benefited from a con- keeping assembly elections focused on local populace. Visibly uncomfortable as a retired
the second, the Opposition parties are, again, at a solidation of certain social groups in its issues and state-level leadership. The cru- It wasn’t as much the national general on emergency detail, the
definite disadvantage. Neither the Congress, nor any favour — especially the lower socio-eco- cial question for the Congress is if this narrative as the vernacular that car- BJP’s Lingayat strongman, BS Yedi-
nomic strata. The India Today-Axis My India model can be scaled up during the national ried the day for the party, in a repli- Vinod yurappa, couldn’t have tilted the
other party, has a leader as popular as Modi. The PM is exit poll survey indicated that the Congress, elections. While it is not easy — the BJP cation of its Himachal Pradesh vic- scales, debilitated as he was by intra-
a big part of the conglomerate premium the BJP enjoys. in comparison with its 2018 social base, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi will tory. The message was simple: While Sharma party tensions set off by the sidelin-
In business lingo, this is the stock-market premium a gained approximately 10 percentage points leave no stone unturned to make Lok Sabha in Karnataka, do as the Kannadigas ing of his time-tested clansmen.
among Dalits and Muslims, and around five elections national in character — the Con- do. In relative terms, the Bharatiya In the internecine scramble for
conglomerate enjoys. It is clear that at the local level, percentage points among the Kurubas, gress, along with its allies, have to craft a Janata Party (BJP) couldn’t encash its inher- power, the BJP failed to do what it does best
the BJP benefits from the presence of Modi (and also Scheduled Tribes, and Vokkaligas. Similarly, campaign narrative in which the elections ent organisational strength, which the Con- by way of filling such chasms. Retrospec-
the national achievements of the BJP, something the in socioeconomic terms, the Congress’s lead become a state-by-state contest. This is not gress matched on the back of palpable anti-in- tively, it’s evident that what was achievable in
over the BJP among the poorer sections was unimaginable, with the 2004 Lok Sabha cumbency. One reason for that was the Gujarat wasn’t doable in Karnataka’s distinc-
party touts as a double-engine advantage). In contrast, in double digits. elections being an example. However, the incumbent party’s over-dependence on the tive milieu, where leaders across parties grew
the Congress, the only national alternative, appears to It is among the urban upper middle systemic features of political competition Narendra Modi-Amit Shah duo who hoped to over time in stature and popularity.
suffer a conglomerate discount. It will be easier for classes (which comprise less than 10% of the since 2014 pose significant hurdles to any woo voters the way they successfully do in the From the Congress’s standpoint, the prob-
electorate) that the BJP had a slight advan- such attempt. Hindi heartland. Their one-size-fits-all lems it initially faced in the state weren’t any
Opposition parties to work on the first aspect ahead of tage over the Congress. Young voters also Nonetheless, convincingly winning Kar- approach proved counterproductive in the different from its conundrum in the provinces
2024, than it will be for them to work on the second. supported the Congress in larger numbers nataka is a huge morale booster for the Con- only province where the party held power up next for elections: Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh
Which is why the third aspect is critical. There are — its vote share among the voters below 35 gress. It is their first major state victory after south of the Vindhyas. and Madhya Pradesh. The party’s faction-rid-
is approximately eight percentage points the Bharat Jodo Yatra. It will help the party The BJP’s apex leadership worked hard yet den outposts will find it harder to counter the
two strands to this – the first is an arrangement higher in comparison with the party’s vote on multiple fronts — shaping the campaign couldn’t earn among many Kannada speakers BJP’s gauntlet in these Hindi-speaking areas.
between Opposition parties to ensure their votes do not share among voters above 50. The Congress narrative at least till the next round of – driven by bread-and-butter issues – the kind How it puts its house in order will be a test of
fragment, which is easier said than done; the second is also had substantial advantage among assembly elections, increased bargaining of traction they have with those with a buying the political acumen of its president, Malli-
women voters. power vis-à-vis potential allies, and crucial capacity. The party’s negative rhetoric – karjun Kharge, the Gandhi family, and other
the nuts and bolts of the election machinery, an area What explains the consolidation of the financial resources that will go a long way in painting the Congress as a harbinger of doom central functionaries. Rather than resting on
where the BJP, at least since 2014, has enjoyed a clear bottom half of society — in caste and class supporting its national campaign. – didn’t sell with people looking for hope. its oars, the leadership will have to quickly
edge, but also one where others are beginning to catch terms — behind the Congress? However, the party must also remain cau- The state stewardship on offer in the Con- follow the Karnataka model that clicked with
This change in voting patterns suggests tious in over-interpreting the Karnataka gress camp was another determining factor state-specific improvisations – because a loss
up. Opposition parties may celebrate Karnataka as a that the Congress may have succeeded in mandate. The victory has created conditions against the BJP’s Basavaraj Bommai, widely of power in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh and
rare win over the BJP, but as the data at the beginning reviving its Ahinda social coalition of back- and offered pathways for the party to think seen as a weak chief minister (CM). The Con- a failure to form a government in Madhya
of this piece shows, that isn’t really the case, which may ward classes, Dalits, and Muslims created about its revival plans; it has, in no way, gress’s front-line claimant to the CM’s chair, Pradesh will weaken the party’s momentum
by Devaraj Urs in the 1970s. A combination reversed the course of the party’s declining Siddaramaiah, won hands down in popular considerably before the 2024 polls.
also explain why the BJP has been pushing the of economic anxieties fuelled by a rise in fortunes. perception with his clean reputation and a The BJP, therefore, will push for a no-holds-
boundaries of the federal system of governance. The prices of essential commodities along with decent administrative record as CM from 2013 barred onslaught to avenge Karnataka in these
real challenge for them is at the national level – and the poll promises that the Congress made Rahul Verma is with the Centre to 2018. A utility politician of tremendous states. The battle lines have been drawn.
may have helped the party make massive for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi value, his in-house competition for the top
there, no easy answers are available. gains among the economically margina- The views expressed are personal slot, DK Shivakumar, shunned factionalism to The views expressed are personal

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14 MAY 2023

Ranjona Banerji
Off the beaten track

Yucky to yummy: Do our

tastes change as we age?
hat’s the one thing you hated most as a child, that you were forced to eat or
drink by your parents? For me, it was milk. From the time I was born.
Human, cow, buffalo, same result: revulsion.
And that whole episode of a large multinational having a massive meltdown
because a social media influencer flagged one of its products as containing too much
sugar took me back in time.
A thread about milk on Twitter brought things to boil. Some agreed with my dis-
like; others were shocked at my blasphemy. Several innovative ways of fooling par-
ents and getting rid of that liquid were presented. Why exactly parents do this to us,
especially in India, was never quite explained.
I was just grateful that at some point in my adolescence, it was agreed that years of
throwing up and throwing out meant freedom from the tyranny of food for calves.
Unfortunately for my Mother in our long journey of milk together, that unmention-
able milk supplement did not work for me. I hated it almost as much as the milk. She
K’taka’s lesson for BJP: LETTERS

Divisiveness has limits

had to buy expensive stuff to disguise the taste. Despite an aggressive,
Food and eating habits are perennial fun conversations on social media. I say fun, almost-frenetic, cam-
but often the best mango competition and the definition of biryani can lead to the paign by the PM Modi,
social media equivalent of fisticuffs. Luckily, the mango fight is seasonal and also
luckily angry mango heat on social media is virtual, even if it may feel real.
the BJP has lost compre-
The biggest battle is usually between the sweet luscious if bland Alphonso from the There are lessons party nationally. It is more hensively in Karnataka.
west coast and the unbeatable Langda from North India, despite the strings and that for the Congress than likely that in the com- Perhaps the law of dimin-
slight end-taste tang which the dictionary describes as the taste of turpentine. ing parliamentary elec- ishing returns has set in.
(Lexicographers have really tough jobs.) Pavan K. Varma too. The foremost
of these is to focus
tions, the same voter will
Too much dependence
Have I given away which side of the battle I’m on? Of course, then there are the per- vote for Narendra Modi
nickety purists with their specialist mangoes, the Himayats, Himsagars, Dasseris, on local issues in and the BJP. on the PM to win state
Chausas. Some of these reach the markets, some must be carefully sourced. Where I Assembly The Congress’ victory in elections has cost the
live, you get an endless supply of tasteless Banganapalli — not because the mango
itself is tasteless but perhaps because of travel
Chanakya’s View elections, which Karnataka also does not
imply a win in Madhya BJP. This win will give a
woes and some nefarious ripening methods —
they did. The other Pradesh or Rajasthan, leg up to the Congress
until Langda arrives. At least that’s how I see it. important where elections are due for the general elections

I shan’t get into the biryani argument at all. Is it he results in disappointment. It was takeaway is to soon. The Bharat Jodo
a pulao, if it’s vegetarian? Is a real one with mutton Karnataka may corrupt — dubbed the 40 avoid euphoria. Yatra was a good initia-
next year. It will also be
or chicken? Lucknow or Calcutta or Hyderabad or or may not influ- per cent commission gov- tive, but it is no substitute in a better position to
one of the various hybrid versions available all ence the final ernment — incompetent, for the hard grind of build- bargain for more seats in
over? Did Wajid Ali Shah add potatoes because he outcome in the divided and led by a lack- either vote for us, or you ing a strong organisation case there is an attempt
liked them or because he ran out of money in exile? parliamentary elections lustre chief minister. will suffer, since the at the grassroots, which
Is this what the Mughal Army marched on? That’s next year, but they hold Bengaluru, the knowledge Central government will the Congress sorely lacks to have a united
for another time. important takeaways for capital of India, had a not work in your interest. in most places, and contin- Opposition. Why the
Instead, my mind wanders to something much all parties, especially the crumbling infrastructure, It also goes against the fed- ues not to pay attention to. Congress won is open to
worse: particular types of vegetables. I can feel the Bharatiya Janata Party. with an alarming number eral principle, which mat- Eighth, when a govern-
bristling already. First, from the Millennials and The first, and the most of deaths due to potholes ters to people in states. ment is unpopular, money debate, but why the BJP
Gen Zees who eat a “plant-based” diet which main- important one, is that on the roads, repeated Fifth, the people are by power has limitations. The lost is not. The allega-
ly consists of avocado and “oat milk”. They are eas- And funnily, as there are limits, if not cases of flooding, polluted and large disapproving of BJP is not short — to put it tions of corruption hurt it
ily upset and ready to “cancel” you of course if you often happens, diminishing returns, from lakes, and traffic snarls. unethical practices like mildly — of financial badly while all the
disagree. Then come the vegetarians. The latter are the overused policy of divi- The farmers were hurting, Operation Lotus, which resources. But money is
the worst hypocrites. I have lived around many
planty-type plants I sive politics. The constant, and unemployment was a the BJP has turned into a not enough to beat anti- appeals to Bajrangbali
avowed vegetarians and their “plant-based” diet hated in my cynical and dangerous pol- potent issue. The people fine art. There are innu- incumbency when it is per- have not worked. If the
mainly consists of potatoes, Bengal gram flour, childhood I quite itics of seeking electoral were disappointed, and merable occasions when vasive. In fact, when the trend continues in other
lentils, pulses, rice and wheat. The green stuff at enjoy now. Like dividends on the basis of they showed their opinion the BJP even in a minority voter has made up her
best comes from coriander garnish. capsicum. Any sort accentuating the Hindu- through the ballot box. has cobbled together a gov- mind, inducements or dis- states, the BJP would be
I, on the other hand, ahem, eat a lot of plant-based of peppers, really. Muslim divide, has Third, the BJP cannot ernment through allegedly play of money power can hard-pressed to win for a
vegetables, or vegetable-based plants or whatever
And spicy food. I increasingly been seen by expect Prime Minister money power or other backfire. third time!
the trendy name currently is. Not just tomato and voters for what it is, and Narendra Modi to shore up inducements, thereby viti- Last of all, regional out- Anthony Henriques
lettuce. You don’t even get lettuce all year round. couldn’t even eat they are developing a cer- badly-run state govern- ating the actual mandate of fits such as the JD(S) can-
That’s the other problem: I eat seasonal. I don’t raw green chillis tain immunity to its vitri- ments on every occasion. the people. To counter this, not always hope to play the Mumbai
shop for plant-based plants from that giant transna- until I was about 50. olic rhetoric, arbitrary vio- There is no doubt that the the people now are role of a kingmaker. Too
tional delivery behemoth. I don’t even shop from
shops. I buy from roadside vegetable vendors. So apart from summer staples like
and endemic PM enjoys a great deal of
personal popularity, and
inclined to vote in govern-
ments of their choice with
often in Karnataka poli-
tics, we have seen “jod-tod”
pointed gourd (or what Bengalis call potol, in Hindi it’s parwal and many people hate For a national party like his personal charisma is a mandate large enough to sarkars, where in a frac- KARNATAKA CONGRESS presi-
it), whatever sort of brinjal is in season, I get delicious green leaves like bathua — the BJP, to base its elec- unmatched, but it does not prevent the BJP from fish- tured mandate, horse-trad- dent D.K. Shivakumar, overjoyed
pigweed? — and some exotica I met recently like kachnar buds — from the Bauhinea toral strategy singularly necessarily work in state ing in troubled waters. I ing is the norm, and par- by the Congress's performance in
tree. on issues such as quotas elections where local am personally aware that ties like the JD(S) have the Karnataka assembly election
What I avoid if I can is the worst of the gourd family. Especially bottle gourd or for Muslims, halal, hijab, issues dominate. The PM the statement made by a prospered. This time the 2023, on Saturday got emotional
lauki, which is something of a watery bland abomination in my head. The fault lies azaan, Bajrangbali, and spoke about what he had minister in the Karnataka voter was resolved to give while recalling senior leader Sonia
clearly with health nuts, who convinced me to drink lauki juice every day for some directly or indirectly achieved nationally, while government after the a definitive mandate, elim- Gandhi’s visit to Delhi's Tihar jail
years. It benefitted me not. And pained me a lot. I have thus reverted to my Bengali demonising the minority the Congress focused on polling, where he spoke inating the revolting spec- to meet him in 2020 when he was
roots and can only eat “lau” if it is suitably disguised with some chingri that is community, is an embar- local angsts, which was the about a “Plan B”, had cre- tacle of legislators being arrested by the ED in connection
prawns. But then I recently met someone who said his version of food heaven was a rassment. The Congress right strategy. Also, it is ated a general sense of bought, or locked up in with a money laundering case.
slice of lightly salted steamed lauki. Human beings are truly marvellous. need not have equated the hardly edifying to see the revulsion in many resorts, or money chang- This win is a moralebooster for the
Gourds are a funny group of plant-based plants. They specialise in tastelessness Popular Front of India PM descending to the level Kannadigas. The people ing hands to somehow Congress before the impending
and need severe embellishment to be properly edible. Why else would one drown a (PFI), which is a terrorist of blatant religious polari- are getting rather tired of form a government that general elections.
bottle gourd in sugar to make a sweetie out of it and then it still remains boring after organisation, with the sation, as a substitute for this kind of cynical poli- has the least interest in Sankar Paul
all that effort? I can manage the ridge gourd with the ridges but not its close cousin Bajrang Dal, which is a col- burning issues of gover- tics, which reflects poorly good governance. Chakdaha, West Bengal
without ridges. They are even better as loofahs though. Which I suspect is their true lective of rowdy lumpen nance troubling the ordi- on the claims of the BJP The Congress deserves to
I have never eaten a “tinda”, which the search engine tells me is a Praecitrullus fis-
elements. But for the
Prime Minister, no less, to
nary citizen.
Fourth, this entire hype
itself that it is a party with
a difference.
be congratulated for this
emphatic win. It is also a
tolosus. This nomenclature is not appetising at all. That the beautiful Indian labur- take up this matter, and of “double engine sarkar” Seventh, there are timely reminder to the BJP THE KARNATAKA Electricity
num is Cassia fistula is equally unfair. Such a broad range covered by this fistula reiterate in speech after has lost its sheen. It did not lessons for the Congress to rein in its hubris, and Regulatory Commission (KERC)
word, from a vegetable I will never eat to a summer flowering delight to a terrible speech, that the Congress work in Himachal Pradesh too. The foremost of these think of strategies beyond delivered a shock on Friday by
anal problem. was trying to “imprison” earlier. And, it has not is to focus on local issues in religious polarisation. For announcing a hike in power tariff
And funnily, as often happens, planty-type plants I hated in my childhood I quite Bajrangbali, like they did worked in Karnataka. Assembly elections, which the Congress too, the sim- by 70 paise per unit. The tariff hike
enjoy now. Like capsicum. Any sort of peppers, really. And spicy food. I couldn’t with Shri Ram, was politi- Quite apart from the fact they did. The other impor- ple lesson is that one is almost double compared to last
even eat raw green chillis and onions until I was about 50. cal immaturity that hardly that in Assembly elections tant takeaway is to avoid Karnataka does not imply year. With this revision, a domes-
But what is really odd is that the most obnoxious vegetable on the planet is the one edified his desired stature people vote for the govern- euphoria. The Congress a victory for it in the tic consumer must fork out
which really riles some Indians if you say you don’t like it. It’s called “gawar (ka) as a statesman, focused on ment they think can work won in Karnataka not Assembly and parliamen- `4.15/unit if consumption is
phalli”. I am not sure if the gawar is a socially offensive insult to a village bumpkin development and econom- for them directly, there is because it has suddenly tary elections to follow, between 0 and 100 units, `7
but it is more probable it has something to do to guar gum, a food emulsifier. For ic progress, and a leader also something unaccept- become organisationally unless it shapes up organi- between 100 and 150 units and `7
philistines like me, tasteless usefulness makes better sense than having to eat the for all Indians. able in the logic of the strong, but because of the sationally. above 150 units. The fixed charge
stuff. It’s a very divisive vegetable. Not even prawns can save it. Why would you ruin Second, the people are “double engine” argument, poor performance of the under different escoms has gone up
prawns like that anyway? not in a mood to reward because it insults the pride BJP government. Nor The writer is an author, from `110 to `210 for consumers
bad governance. The BJP and self-respect of the peo- should the Congress think diplomat and former utilising over 50 KW.
The writer is a senior journalist who writes on media affairs, politics and social government is Karnataka ple of the state. To them it that a win in Karnataka is member of Parliament N.J. Ravi Chander
trends. She tweets at @ranjona. was, to say the least, a deep appears like a threat, that an endorsement for the (Rajya Sabha) Bengaluru

s the Karnataka election deliberate as it was clear that Prime Kharge’s role could not be denied. Bharat Jodo Yatra and he learned Gehlot-Sachin Pilot tug-a-war in
results poured on Saturday, Minister Narendra Modi and other Despite his advancing years, he kept about their plight as many of them Rajasthan is continuing, the
there was a dramatic BJP leaders would grab this oppor- a punishing schedule during the poll were driven to take up this work Congress has been quick off the
Anita Katyal change in the mood at the tunity to give a communal twist to campaign. The fact that Mr Kharge despite their high educational quali- mark in Madhya Pradesh where
BJP headquarters. When the count- the campaign. And that’s what the is from the state proved to be a huge fications because there were no jobs there is increasing talk of attrition
Political ing began in the morning, several
party spokespersons were happily
Congress wanted as their surveys
had shown that voters were wary of
plus as he managed to strike a chord
with the people and kept the focus on
in the market. Furthermore, an
input given by former Rajya Sabha
from the Bharatiya Janata Party’s
ranks. Last week, Deepak Joshi, son
Gup-Shup giving soundbites to the a communal pitch and wanted the local issues. There is no doubt that TV head Gurdeep Sappal, currently of former chief minister and senior
media, claiming that even if the election to be about pressing local the result has strengthened Mr a coordinator in Congress president BJP leader Kailash Joshi, crossed
party did not win, it won’t perform issues. Barring stray clarifications Kharge’s position within the Mallikarjun Kharge’s office, ensured over to the Congress. There is a
very poorly and may be able to form and comments on the Bajrang Dal party. It will be easier for him to go that gig workers found a special strong buzz in Madhya Pradesh that
the government with the help of the issue, the Congress kept its focus on ahead with the long overdue consti- mention in the manifesto. Sappal this is only the beginning and that as
Janata Dal (S).The usual caterers local matters and its five guarantees tution of his team. Congress insiders pointed out that a large number of in the case of Karnataka and
Rahul & Kharge were also at the office providing
snacks, tea, coffee. But the
spokespersons gradually made
while the BJP spoke only of
Bajrangbali. The results, they said,
have shown that the communal
said a big organisational reshuffle
can now be expected within the next
few weeks. But before that, Mr
workers who lost their jobs when
Rajya Sabha TV was closed down
went on to become gig workers for
Himachal Pradesh, several other
leaders are planning to leave the
party. Anoop Mishra, Atal Behari

share credit for themselves scarce when the BJP’s

tally began to slide and the Congress
crossed 120. By noon, the caterer was
pitch did not make any impact
except in coastal Karnataka where
religious polarisation has worked
Kharge faces the onerous task of
resolving the ongoing turf war in
poll-bound Rajasthan.
want of better job opportunities.
Rahul Gandhi followed up the mani-
festo promise by taking a ride with a
Vajpayee’s nephew, is said to be in
talks with state Congress chief
Kamal Nath and could soon switch

victory; MP sees asked to pack up and leave. A Delhi for the BJP in the past. But even gig worker during his Karnataka sides. Other names doing the rounds

BJP leader present at the headquar- here, the BJP lost considerable here was all-round surprise election campaign to send out a mes- include Ajay Vishnoi ,Satyanarayan
ters was heard saying, “chalo cater- ground even though it registered a when the Congress party’s sage that the Congress is serious Sattan, Bhanwar Shekhawat. BJP
er gaya toh confirm ho gaya ki koi sweep in Udupi and Uttara Kannada. election manifesto for about their demands for better job leaders who had to make way for
saffron exodus umeed nahi hai.” Karnataka contained a reference to security. The results show it was a Jyotiraditya Scindia’s sup-

nce it became clear that the the working conditions of the grow- smart move. porters are particularly upset as

ith the Congress on course to Congress was comfortably ing number of gig workers in the they are unlikely to get tickets in the

forming the next govern- ahead in the Karnataka elec- workforce with a promise to set up a ow that the Karnataka elec- coming elections. The churn in the
ment in Karnataka, the big toral race, party leaders and cadres welfare board for them with a seed tion is over, political parties BJP is expected to intensify as polls
buzz is whether party strategists lost no time in giving all credit to fund of `3,000 crore. Gig workers have started focussing on the draw close.
pulled a fast one on the BJP with its Rahul Gandhi for the victory. But have been on the Congress agenda year-end assembly polls in Madhya
election promise to ban the Bajrang they privately acknowledged that ever since Rahul Gandhi interacted Pradesh, Rajasthan and Anita Katyal is a Delhi-based
Dal. Congress insiders said this was party president Mallikarjun with some of them during the Chhattisgarh. While the Ashok journalist

EDITOR: KAUSHIK MITTER, PRINTER & PUBLISHER: K. SUDHAKAR; THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: (011) 23211124;
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