Snow Globe

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I was shoveling snow in my front yard with the help of my friends who are Isabella, Ashley, and Ximena.

We had known each other since second grade. They were at my house for the weekend. While shoveling
the snow Isabella said, “Look everyone there is a strange green light!” We looked over there and out of
curiosity, we followed the light. After a while, we saw a sky-blue portal, Ashley said “Should we go
inside the portal or run for our lives?” I love adventure so my mind was set on the answer “Yes”.
Without us saying anything we went into the portal. When we arrived at the place, we saw that there
was a ball of glass. I said,” Girls, we are trapped in a snow globe!” I saw we were in a cozy home.

We all grabbed a blanket, and we all took a nap together. After a few hours, there was a mysterious
bowl of food for us. Without thinking I ate all of the food in it. Ximena said,” Hey, you ate all of the
food!” The truth is that I didn’t eat anything until now. Then there was hot chocolate with
marshmallows and this time I shared it with the group. I said,” This is one of the best hot chocolates I’ve
ever had!” Why? Because the chocolate was the perfect mixture of sweetness and bitterness. The
marshmallows weren’t what I was expecting, the marshmallows were not too sweet so those were one
of my favorite marshmallows. Ashley said,” This is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had!” when I thought
about being in a snow globe, I thought I was gonna faint but thankfully, I didn’t.

I said to my friends,” Hey, let’s look for a secret exit to get out of here.”

They looked like a bunch of lions ready to roar. So, we kept searching until the last inch of the house. I
was so stressed and worried for my friends. I thought I was gonna die in here because we don’t have any
food and water. So, I stood there wanting to die when a fairy appeared. She said,” I can get you out of
here on one condition you will have to do the house chores for a year. I thought I was going to faint but
my friends and I had no choice but to do it. So, gave a look and without thinking, we did the chores.

The fairy was so mean like a witch waiting for the right moment to cast a spell on us. But we pretended
she never existed. The fairy only gave 1 break each day which is not enough. Well, at least she gave us
good food and water. But I regretted saying yes to her requests. She gave us the weirdest tasks like
reading her books for her and asking us to print stuff when she could do it herself. She never left the
couch like it was her home. One day, Ashley just broke out of anger and said” I want to get out of here
and never come back to this place ever again. I just wanted to get out of here when one day a pixie
came. She said that the fairy was fake, and she was a witch.

I was stunned at first and couldn’t even move but then realized that this is her and it is what she is and
then I woke all of my friends and told them the news.

Ximena said,” So, that’s why the fairy was mean to us.” I replied,” Isn’t that obvious?” Then we just
went back to sleep. The next day I woke up very early, to be 5:00 am. I reached out to the pixie thanks to
calling out her name: Emily. I told her how to get back at the fake fairy. She said,” You and your friends
should act normal, and when she wants you to cook, add some chili pepper.” I was so excited that I told
my friends immediately and couldn’t keep my cool. But then when I heard the fake fairy’s words, I would
just glare at her. But then I got another idea whenever I would do her laundry, I would put all of the
detergents in the washing machine so the color from her clothes would disappear. It was so hilarious to

Then one day Emily came to visit, but then when she came inside, she went straight to the witch and
said,” You are done, Luna!” I was alarmed so her name was Luna. Then Emily put a spell on Luna to turn
her into a strangely green potato. But suddenly I felt sick and fainted. When I woke up, I realized that I
was on my bed and so relieved that I got out of that snow globe because of all the trouble I’d been
through. My mom told me that my friends are okay and at their houses safe and sound. My parents told
me that I fainted out of stress, and they knew what happened to me thanks to my friends. That moment
reminded me of the prank I did on the witch. I felt kinda bad for the witch, but she gets what she
deserves.When I saw my friends again hugged them and did my secret handshake with them like no one
was watching. And I didn’t see Emily ever again, but I am thankful for saving my life and my friend’s

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