RPG Emergency Kit

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Lasers & Feelings General Rules Lasers & Feelings Original Scrolls & Swords L&F Hack Blood

amp; Feelings Original Scrolls & Swords L&F Hack Blood & Chrome L&F Hack
Space Sci-Fi by John Harper – onesevendesign.com Space Sci-Fi by John Harper – onesevendesign.com Medieval Fantasy by McDie88 - reddit.com/user/McDie88 Post Apocalypse by Nathan Knaack - reddit.com/user/nathanknaack
This original game is licensed under a CC BY-NCSA 3.0 license.
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/ and has been modified by the creator of this You are a band of brave men and women working for the Adventurer’s You are the Warlord’s Chosen, a ruthless gang of the Wasteland’s
document for formatting purposes. You are the crew of the interstellar scout ship Raptor. Your mission is to Guild. You have been instructed to meet with Keila Tindall, the major of deadliest denizens. Your edict is to patrol his territory and protect the
Requirements: At least one six sided die (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and one
or more players). explore uncharted regions of space, deal with aliens both friendly and the far away town of Easthallow, who desperately needs your help. stronghold, scouring the endless ruin of the old world for useful
deadly, and defend the consortium worlds against space dangers. With nothing to lose and the promise of gold, you set out on your first salvage, clean water, or enemy camps. A recent ambush has left you in
Players: Create a Character Captain Darcy has been overcome by the strange psychic entity known big adventure. bad shape, though; your team leader took a slug to the face and your
Each player creates a character (and other things like a ship, rig, as Something Else, leaving you to fend for yourselves while he recovers rig is running on fumes. It’s time to dig deep, reload, and see what
contact, etc. depending on the game) using the Character Creation in a medical pod. Stats you’re made of.
section for each game. Scrolls (roll under): Magic, logic, calm and precise actions. Stats
Stats Swords (roll over): Passionate, wild, intuitive actions. Diplomatic Blood (roll under): Fighting, seduction, improvisation, leaping before
Players: Rolling the dice Lasers (roll under): Science and Reason technology; science; cold actions.
When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. roll rationality; calm, precise action. looking.
Chrome (roll over): Machinery, logic, planning, looking before
+1d6 die if you’re prepared and +1d6 die if you’re an expert. (The Feelings (roll over): Rapports & passion. Intuition; diplomacy; Character Creation leaping.
GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your character and the seduction; wild, passionate action. Choose Style: Drunk, Master, Idiot, Righteous, Criminal, Dangerous,
situation.) roll your dice and compare each die result to your stat
Character Creation or Sexy Choose Role: Warrior, Bard, Ranger, Wizard, Priest, Character Creation
number. Paladin, Thief, Druid, Mage, Necromancer, Pyromancer, Monk, Choose Style: Brutal, Devious, Furious, Obsessed, Stoic, or Reckless.
Choose Style: Alien, Android, Dangerous, Hot-Shot, Intrepid, Savvy,
Depending on your action (and the specific game/theme) you want Tinkerer Choose Number: from 2 to 5. Higher number is more Choose Role: Brawler, Driver, Chemist, Greaser, Talker, or Shooter.
or Sexy. Choose Role: doctor, envoy, engineer, explorer, pilot,
to roll over or under your number. For example, if you use Lasers in a scientist, or soldier. Choose Number: from 2 to 5. Higher number is Scrolls. Lower number is more Swords. Give Name: Give your Choose Number: from 2 to 5. Higher number is more Blood. Lower
Lasers & Feelings game you want to roll under your stat number. If character a name. Choose equipment: A weapon, an item required number is more Chrome. Give Name: A badass post-apocalyptic
more Lasers. Lower number is more Feelings. Give Name: Cool
you use Feelings you want to roll over your number. Space adventure name like Sparks McGee. You Have: Onsortium on your adventures, and your clothing. Choose a bond that applies name, like Grinder Primus, Lady-Ball-Breaker, or Ripshaft. You
to the player on your left: Examples: X owes me their life, saved my Have: patchwork leather outfit that can be either sturdy or sexy, a
0: If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM says how uniform (with built-in vacc-suit for space walks), a super-sweet space-
life, is my sibling, owes me gold, needs my help, is the chosen one. gun with a handful of bullets that can be rapid-fire or long-range, a
things get worse somehow. phone-camera-communicator-scanner thing (with universal translator),
a variable-beam phase pistol (set to stun, usually). Player goal: Get half-empty canteen of water or moonshine, and a pre-war curiosity
1: If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM inflicts a
GM Table of some sort, like a skateboard or an old book. Choose or Create
your character involved in crazy space adventures and try to make
complication, harm, or cost. A Threat… Character Goal: Usurp the Warlord, Learn About the Pre-War
the best of them. Choose or Create Character Goal: become
1 King 4 Lich World, Collect the Skulls of Your Enemies, Escape the Warlord’s Rule,
2: If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job! Captain, Meet sexy aliens, shoot bad Guys, Find new worlds, solve 2 Goblin Tribe 5 Zombie Army
weird space Mysteries, prove yourself, or keep being awesome (you Found Your Own Stronghold, or Wander the Wastes Forever.
3 Dark Witch 6 Giant Death Worm
3: If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! the GM tells you have nothing to prove).
some extra effect you get.
Wants to… Rig Creation
Ship Creation 1 Destroy/Corrupt 4 Protect/Empower Roll or pick two strengths: Armored, Efficient, Fast, Headlights, Off-
!: If you roll your number exactly you get a special insight into 2 Steal/Capture 5 Create Road, or Spiked. Pick one problem: Cramped (at least one person
Pick two strengths: Fast, nimble, well-armed, powerful shields,
what’s going on. Ask the GM a question and they’ll answer you 3 Merge with 6 Occupy or all the gear must ride on the sides or top), Loud (everyone can
superior sensors, Cloaking Device, Fightercraft. Pick One Problem:
honestly. some good questions: What are they really feeling? The… hear you coming from a mile away), Picky (it uses a rarer type of
Fuel hog (always needs energy crystals), only one Medical pod (and
Who’s behind this? How could I get them to _? What should I be 1 Queen 4 Dwarf Ruins fuel than most vehicles), Sluggish (getting this thing through narrow
Captain Darcy is in it), horrible Circuit breakers (in battle, consoles
on the lookout for? What’s the best way to _? What’s really 2 Giant Crystal 5 Sword of Scrolls places or around obstacles is going to be tough), Topless (no
tend to explode on the bridge), Grim reputation (Captain Darcy did
going on here? 3 Giant Keep 6 Demon Portal protection from the elements), Unreliable (sometimes it takes a few
some bad stuff in the past)
Which will… minutes to get it started).
You can change your action if you want to, then roll again.
GM Table 1 Destroy the Kingdom 4 Start a war
Helping: if you want to help someone else, who’s rolling, say how A Threat… 2 Raise the Dead 5 Rip a hole in time GM Table
you try to help and make a roll. if you succeed, give them +1d6 for 1 Zorgon The Conqueror 4 Space Pirates 3 Enslave the Elves 6 Fix everything During…
that action. 2 The Hive Armada 5 Cyber Zombies 1 A relentless sandstorm 4 A siege at the stronghold
3 Rogue Captain 6 Alien Brain Worms 2 A mass migration 5 The solar eclipse orgy
GM: Create an Adventure Wants to… 3 A drought or famine 6 A deadly plague
Use the GM Table to create a game. Choose or roll an item for each A Threat…
1 Destroy/Corrupt 4 Protect/Empower
section. Use your imagination to fill in the rest. 1 A rival warlord 4 A gang of marauders
2 Steal/Capture 5 Build/Synthesize
2 An army of mutants 5 The warlord’s traitor shaman
GM: Run the Game 3 Bond with 6 Pacify/Occupy
3 The Faceless One 6 The Hell-Burner Cult
Play to find out how they defeat the threat. introduce the threat by The…
1 Space Pirate King/Queen 4 Quantum Tunnel Wants To…
showing evidence of its recent badness. Before a threat does 1 Destroy 4 Salvage
something to the characters, show signs that it’s about to happen, 2 Void Crystals 5 Ancient Space Ruin
3 Star Deardnought 6 Alien Artifact 2 Steal 5 Build
then ask them what they do. “Zorgon charges the mega-cannons on 3 Corrupt 6 Defend
his ship. What do you do?” “Daneela pours you a glass of Arcturan Which will…
1 Destroy a solar system 4 Start a war/invasion The…
whiskey and slips her arm around your waist. What do you do?”. 1 Cache of pre-war weapons 4 Only working airplane
2 Reverse time 5 Rip a hole in reality
Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan 2 Fastest card in the land 5 Undiscovered stronghold
3 Enslave a planet 6 Fix everything
outcomes—let the chips fall where they may. use failures to push the 3 Main water source 6 First perfectly healthy baby
action forward. the situation always changes after a roll, for good or Which will…
ill. Ask questions and build on the answers. “Have any of you 1 Start a war with rivals 4 Reveal the map to Paradise
encountered a Void Cultist before? Where? What happened?” 2 Break the Reaver Truce 5 Summon The Great Beast
3 Attract the magnetic tempest 6 Detonate False God A-bomb
Halfway through the adventure, roll 1d6; on a 1-5, reroll the
adventure detail in that category.
Senate & Sabers L&F Hack Neon & Chrome L&F Hack Power & Responsibility L&F Hack Sanity & Sorcery L&F Hack
Star Wars by Unknown Cyberpunk by Odog4ever Super Heroes by Stew “DigitalRaven” Wilson, based on inspiration from the Cosmic Horror by Ratpick, AlphaDog, Evil Mastermind, potatocubed, DigitalRaven,
SomethingAwful Tradgames forum BrainParasite, unseenlibrarian, Siivola, Tulul, Yawgmoth, gradenko_2000, Galaga
You are on Jabiim for one reason or another. The Republic is being You are a pawn in the near-future shadow wars between corporations. Galaxian, from the SomethingAwful Tradgames forum. Layout by Stew
thoroughly routed and you’re running low on supplies. You need to get Usually it’s all business in this sprawling metropolis you call home, but You are the World’s Mightiest Heroes, a pantheon of paragons who “DigitalRaven” Wilson

off planet quick, luckily the Republic is evacuating just about anyone some very powerful people have taken a personal interest in your use your incredible powers, knowledge, and skills to save the world You are investigators who have discovered some of the terrible truth
who will leave the planet. Now it’s just you and the 3-4 others on a skillset; if you don’t make them happy you could lose everything you from the kind of insane threats that show up in a world of jet-powered about the universe. Perhaps you have read a blasphemous tome, or
Corvette to Naboo. Well, you all, and the unconscious being in the hold most dear... apes and time travel. The Explorers of the Unknown have returned from been the victim of a deranged cult. Whatever it was, you have
bacta tank. their latest adventure, but they’re not alone. Something has come with encountered something beyond human ken and it is slowly driving you
Stats Stats them, and now it threatens the world! mad. Can you keep it together long enough to save the world from
Neon (roll under): Intuition, violence, persuasion; wild horrors beyond spacetime
Senate (roll under): charisma, preparation, intellect Stats
Sabers (roll over): strength, speed, toughness passionate action.
Power (roll under): Superpowers, supertech, or incredible skills. Stats
Chrome (roll over): Technology; hacking; analyzing; calm precise Sanity (roll under): Reason and traditional techniques
Responsibility (roll over): Mundane things, reassuring, threatening,
Character Creation action.
spending billions. Sorcery (roll over): Knowledge of the Mythos.
Choose Style: alien, headstrong, intellectual, dangerous, droid, Character Creation
clone. Choose Role: Medic, Padawan, Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Ace Character Creation Character Creation
Choose Style: Corporate, Street, Cool, Edgy, Dangerous, or Sneaky. Choose Style: Curious, Intrepid, Obsessed, Rational, Studious, or
Pilot, Assassin. Decide if Force Sensitive: Padawans are always Choose Source of superpowers: Cosmic, Magic, Mutation, Science,
Choose Role: Hacker, Reporter, Drone Operator, Infiltrator, Ex- Two-Fiste Choose Role: Investigator, Socialite, Cop, Scientist, Hobo,
Force Sensitive. Droids and Clones are never Force sensitivity. Technology, or Training. Choose a Calling: Adventure, Explorer,
Soldier, Technician. Choose Number: from 2 to 5. Higher number is or Occultist. Choose Number: from 2 to 3. Higher number is more
Everyone else can choose (or roll).Choose Number: from 2 to 5. Glory, Investigator, Protector, Repentant. Choose Number: from 2 to
more Neon. Lower number is more Chrome. Give Name: Give your Sorcery. Lower number is more Sanity. Give Name: A memorable
Higher number is more Senate. Lower number is more Sabers. Give 4. Higher number is more Power. Lower number is more
character a name befitting a disposable asset: a technological name, investigator’s name appropriate for their role and social class. Lady
Name: Give your character a cool Star Wars name like Bozden Responsibility. Give Name: A code name or appellation appropriate
a violent name, an animal name, a mystical name. You Have: a Fotherington- Smythe, Mac Shovel, or something. You Have: period-
Darkhallow or something. You have: 1 DC-15A Blaster Rifle (with to her powers and personality. Arachnaut, Golden Ghost, Sky-
personal access device, a loud weapon, a quiet weapon, a body appropriate clothing, contacts in society, access to a mode of
stun capabilities), 1d6 x 10 Credits, and a comlink. Unless you are a Woman, Excelsior. You Have: a superhero costume, superpowers
part replaced & improved by technology, a piece of gear to fit your transport, a firearm (pistol or shotgun) possibly an occult library, a
Padawan, then you have a lightsaber. (And also a comlink.). Player (defined how you want) or incredible training, contacts in society, a
role Player goal: Complete the mission, be a professional; do it with science laboratory, or explosives. Player goal: Get your character
Goal: To get involved in the war to reunite the galaxy. With Blasters, home base stocked with gadgets and training rooms, a super-jet or
style. Choose or Create Character Goal: Get revenge, Build your involved in dangerous Mythos investigations and try to save the
Plasma Swords and Space Magic. Choose or Create Character transport, possibly a secret identity, government backing. Player
Reputation, Get Paid, Repay a Debt, Change the Status Quo, world. Choose or Create Character Goal: Understand New Truths,
Goal: Do Bad@$$ stunts, avenge a love one, protect my friends, goal: Get your character involved in high-octane super heroics.
Become a Legend. Save the World, Uncover Mysteries, Prove Your Innocence,
destroy the Sith, achieve balance, prove them wrong. Give Uncover the bad guys, leap tall buildings, blast people with energy
Investigate the Weird, Protect Humanity, or Comprehend the Mythos
Characteristics: For example: Defector, famous doctor, on your first Create a Contact beams, and be a role model to others. Choose or Create Character
mission… (See full game for entire characteristics table) Goal: Atone for Past Sins, Fix Something, Protect Humanity, Save the
Pick two worlds your contact, named Plug, still has connections
World, Uncover the Truth, or Be Awesome.
Encountering mythos
with: Corporate, Military, Criminal, Hacking, Media, Research &
The Force Development. Pick on of Plug’s flaws: Demanding, Greedy, Lazy,
When a character encounters the Mythos, they have two options: if
The Force is an energy field that connects all living things in the GM Table they run and hide, they don’t increase their number but don’t get the
Forgetful, Paranoid, Careless. clue. If they face it head on, they get the clue but increase their
galaxy. The power of the Force could be harnessed by beings who A Threat…
number by +1. If your number hits 6, your character is unplayable
were sensitive to it. It exists as a duality. Its two sides, the Ashla and GM Table 1 Professor Pain 4 A Giant Robot
Bogan, the Light and Dark. Force Sensitives will align themselves with 2 The Serpent Empire 5 Aliens!
the Light, Dark or the tenuous balance between the two.
The team is blackmailed into…
3 Atlantis 6 Evil Gods
GM Table
1 Eliminating 4 Delivering A Threat…
If you’re using The Force, roll 1d6. 2,4 or 6: Force is with you. 1, 3 or 2 Sabotaging 5 Stealing Wants to…
1 Academic gone mad 4 Political Extremist
5: You fail. Players can’t help on a Force Roll but if one or more 3 Recovering 6 Investigating 1 Destroy/Corrupt 4 Protect/Empower
2 Unknowing crime boss 5 Reckless industrialist
players succeed in each roll the magnitude of the effect increases. The… 2 Steal/Capture 5 Build/Synthesize
3 False prophet 6 Desperate Victim
1 Data 4 Drugs 3 Bond with/Consume 6 Pacify/Occupy
Wants to…
Dark Side usage succeed on a 5 as well but if fail there’s a 2 Person of interest 5 Container The…
1 Destroy 4 Awaken/Activate
complication, cost or harm. 3 Research 6 Weapons 1 United States 4 Freedom Force
2 Enact/Perform 5 Seize
Protected by… 2 SteranKorp 5 Kirby Building
If you’re using The Force to help a person, make a roll, if succeed 3 Merge with 6 Hide
1 Corporate Security 4 Gangers 3 Earth’s Magnetic Field 6 Cosmic Dodecahedron
give him +1d6 which can be rerolled once. The…
2 Bounty Hunters 5 Terrorists Which will…
1 Innocent 4 Black altar
GM Table 3 Drones/AI 6 Assassins 1 Start a war/Ivastion 4 Enslave the planet
2 Hybrid abomination 5 Cannibalistic ritual
A Threat… Failing the mission results in… 2 Open the Negative Universe 5 Re-write history
3 Human-skinned tome 6 Buried alien intelligence
1 General Grievous 4 Militant Droid Rights Activists 1 Being subjected to 4 Confiscation of financial 3 Destroy the world 6 Fix everything
Which will…
5 Confederacy of Independent experimentation/torture assets 1 Summon unspeakable evil 4 Ascend them into godhood
2 Assajj Ventress 2 Destruction of personal or 5 Activation of indentured
Systems 2 Destroy an entire city 5 Create a depraved artefact
3 Criminal Syndicate 6 Death Watch professional reputation servitude contract
3 Open a portal to the beyond 6 Fix everything
Wants to… 3 Detonation of implanted 6 Being framed for a
1 Destroy/Corrupt 4 Protect/Empower explosives heinous act
1 Squamous 4 Amorphous
2 Steal/Capture 5 Build/Synthesize 2 Non-Euclidian 5 Unutterable
3 Trick/Deceive/Sabotage 6 Blockade/Invade 3 Cyclopean 6 Foetid
The… When a character encounters the Mythos, they have two options: if
1 Army 4 Chancellor they run and hide, they don’t increase their number but don’t get the
2 Starship prototype 5 Geonosis/planet clue. If they face it head on, they get the clue but increase their
3 Hyperspace Lane 6 Ancient force artifact number by +1. If your number hits 6, your character is unplayable
Which will…
1 Destroy the Galaxy 4 Destroy the Jedi
2 Start aar/anger syndicate 5 Enslave the Planet
3 Arm Dangerous People 6 Balance the Force
Honey Heist The Witch is Dead
By Grant Howitt - lookrobot.co.uk An RPG about murder y Grant Howitt - lookrobot.co.uk
Requirements: At least one six sided die (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and one For the Game Master Requirements: At least one ten sided die (d10), two or more players (one Game Master an and GM Tables
or more players). When a player rolls dice and the lowest dice they roll is a 6 , one or more players). The village is… Roll Twice
It’s HoneyCon 2018 . You are about to undertake The Greatest Heist introduce a twist or unseen complication into proceedings Once upon a time there was a kind and wise and beautiful witch who 1 Under the thumb of the baron
the World Has Ever Seen. Two things: lived in the forest with her familiars, and her life was peaceful and 2 Filled with cheery gnomes
The Setting (HoneyCon is being held in a…)
One: You have a complex plan that requires precise planning. happy until a fucking witch hunter broke into her cottage and 3 Controlled by a creepy cult
1 Creepy 1 Lakeside camp
Two: You are a goddamn bear. dragged her out and fucking murdered her and now she’s dead. But 4 Devoutly religious
2 Busy 2 Fishing village
if you get revenge and kill him and bring his eyes to her corpse 5 Incredibly superstitious
3 Run-down 3 Metropolitan city
Creating Your Bear 4 Beautiful 4 Convention center within a week she’ll come back to life. Or so you’ve heard. Even if it 6 At war with forest tribes
Roll 3d6 to determine your descriptor, role, and your species/skill. doesn’t work, at least he’s dead. 7 Built around a wizard college
5 Dangerous 5 Truck convoy
8 Full of hardy mining folk
Descriptor 6 Lavish 6 Wilderness retreat The Witch Hunter has retreated to the village, the fucking coward; 9 Shady and dangerous
1 Rookie 4 Un-hinged The Prize (Aside from loads of honey, the prize is…) get him. 10 Oppressively Perfect
2 Washed-up 5 Slick 1 Ultra-dense mega-honey from especially posh bees
The witch hunter is…
3 Retired 6 Incompetent 2 A briefcase of pure Manuka extract worth over $5 million Rules 1 Armored and tough 6 Magical and jealous
Species 3 The Queen of All Bees, Once Exiled, Now Returned When you try to do something roll a d10 and add your most 2 Wizened and wise 7 Clever and cruel
1 Grizzly (terrify) 4 Black (climb) 4 Black Orchid Honey, which turns anyone who eats it into a goth relevant trait. The GM tells you what the challenge rating is you 3 Drunk and violent 8 Duplicitous
2 Polar (swim) 5 Sun (sense honey) 5 Abraham Lincoln’s beehive, thought to be haunted by his ghost need to equal or beat to succeed. If the task is dangerous, you gain 4 Pious and aggressive 9 Jolly and well-meaning
3 Panda (eats anything that 6 Miss Universe 2018, an especially attractive bee a point of danger if you fail. If you ever roll equal to or under your
6 Honey Badger (carnage) 5 Guarded and cowardly 10 Headstrong and wild
looks like bamboo) Security (The convention’s prizes are protected by…) Roll Twice danger, you’re in serious trouble – dead, trapped, lost, or captured. But there’s the twist… Keep this a secret!
Role 1 Armed guards 4 CCTG network Using magic is always dangerous. The GM’s characters don’t use 1 The village is in on it
1 Muscle 4 Hacker 2 Electronically-locked doors 5 An “impenetrable” vault dice; they force you to roll them. 2 A rival witch set her up
2 Brains 5 Thief 3 Laser tripwire grids 6 Poison gas
Remember: most tasks that are normal to humans are difficult for 3 The witch hunter didn’t do it
3 Driver 6 Face The Organizer (You know that the convention organizer is…)
animals, unless they’re broken down into smaller steps: remember, 4 The witch hunter is waiting for you
Hat (optional but extremely fabulous) 4 Maybe too obsessed with
1 Cunning an sly you don’t have opposable thumbs, and all you know of the human 5 The village folk are having a festival
1 Trilby 5 Cowboy honey
world is what the witch taught you. You can talk to other animals of 6 The witch hunter died and is being buried
2 Top Hat 6 Fez 2 Greedy and wicked 5 A spoiled trust fund kid
the same, or similar species. (You can lower your danger by solving, 7 There are two (rival) witch-hunters in town
3 Bowler 7 Crown 3 Clueless and exploitable 6 Ruthless and corrupt
or running away from, your problems.) 8 The village is abandoned
4 Flat Cap 8 Roll Twice The Twist! (But little do thy now…) Keep this a secret!
9 The witch hunter has just dragged a suspect in for interrogation
Name your bear, if you want. You’re not a talking bear, per se, but 1 This place is rigged to blow! 4 They’ve been set up! Challenge Rating 10 The village hates the witch hunter
you can sort of mangle human speech through your bear mouth, 2 The cops are en route! 5 The prize is a fake! 6 Simple 9 Difficult
maybe? (You can talk to each other, though.) 3 Look – a rival team of bears! 6 The bees are angry! 7 Basic 10 Near Impossible
8 Challenging
Stats & Actions
You have two stats: Bear and Criminal . Both start at 3.
Use Bear to: maul stuff, run and climb, shrug off damage, scare
people, and generally do bear stuff. Clever: Interact with humans and understand them
Use Criminal to: do anything not directly related to being a bear. Fierce: Scare, drag, push, carry, bite, scratch…
Sly: Sneak, steal, hide…
When you act (and the outcome is in doubt) roll a d6 . If it’s equal to Quick: Outpace, climb, evade…
or under the relevant stat, you succeed. If it’s over, you fail. If you’re
using your species’ Skill or doing something covered by your Role , Roll a d10 to see what animal you are
roll 2 dice and use the lowest. 1d10 Animal Clever Fierce Sly Quick
1 Fox 2 2 1 1
Changing States 2 Cat 0 1 3 2
Frustration: When the plan fails and you run into difficulty, move 3 Toad 1 0 2 1
one point from Criminal into Bear. 4 Spider 2 0 3 1
Greed: When the plan goes off without a hitch, move one point from 5 Owl 3 1 1 2
Bear into Criminal. 6 Hare 0 0 2 3 Roll For Shoes
You can voluntarily move one point from Bear to Criminal by 7 Magpie 2 1 1 2 Super Tiny RPG by Dweird - story-games.com/forums/profile/DWeird
doing a flashback scene in which you and the other bears plan out 8 Crow 2 1 2 1 Requirements: At least one six sided die (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and one
or more players).
the heist over coffee and cigarettes in the back room of a seedy 9 Dog 1 3 0 1
bar. 10 Rat 1 0 2 3  Say what you do and roll a number of six sided dice.
You can voluntarily move one point from Criminal to Bear by  If the sum of your roll is higher than the opposing roll (either
eating a load of honey. Spells another player or the game master), the thing you wanted to
Roll a d10 to see what spell your witch taught you: happen, happens.
If your Criminal stat ever reaches 6: You are lured into a life of Spells
crime and betray the party.  The number of the d6s you roll is determined by the level of skill
1 Unseen Hand you have.
If your Bear stat ever reaches 6: You flip out bear-style and lose it, 2 Conjure Light
presumably to be picked up by animal control in a half hour or so.  At start, you have only one skill: Do anything 1.
3 Speak Human
 If you roll all sixes on your roll, you can get new skill one level
4 Lock/Unlock, Open/Close
higher than the one you used for the action. The skill must be a
5 Conjure Dinner
subset of what happened to you in the action (Say, Athletics 2 if
6 Make Flame
you were climbing a wall, or Teeth of Biting 2 if you were eating
7 Tidy, Clean, and Mend
a cake).
8 Plant Growth
9 Distract/Confuse  For every roll you fail, you get 1 XP.
10 Make Book Read Itself Aloud  XP can be used to change a die into a 6 to get a new skill but not
None of these are flashy – little bits of hedge magic to help out for success purposes.
around the house. But they’ll have to do.
So1um knowledge to summon two spirits. A spirit has a name, an
appearance, and two domains of power (flame, shadow, stone,
The Die of Fate
Sometimes the GM will roll the die of fate to see how the situation is
A solo RPG by Matt Jackson – msjx.org
The original game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Gear & Loot lightning, secrets, fear, etc.). established. Low numbers are ill-fortune, high numbers are good
3.0 Unported License creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ and has been modified by Useful gear allows you to reroll one die once when performing a To summon a spirit you know: you require one of the following: fortune (or at least not misery). The die of fate might be rolled to
the creator of this document for formatting purposes.
Requirements: At least three six sided die (d6). One Player. task for which the piece of gear was intended. Dice are then  1 hour of uninterrupted ritual. establish the weather, indicate a random NPC’s general attitude, or
compared again to determine the outcome of the contest. Characters  A dose of quicksilver—a mild poison and addictive drug. (10s per to determine if a wandering monster appears. The GM may also roll
Create Your Hero can only benefit from one piece of gear, weapon, or armor per use). If you drink more quicksilver doses in a day than your Level the die of fate if the PCs take some action for which sheer chance is
Stats: Roll 3d6 for each stat. Body, Mind, and Spirit. Count each die check and are only allowed to reroll one die once perc heck. Note you must attempt to resist its negative effects with a CON roll. the only factor in the outcome.
with even number for each stat. If no even numbers are rolled that that in combat it is assumed all are properly armed/armored and  A magic item containing a bound spirit. A Wizard may command
stat is 1. HP: For Hit Points roll 2d6. Each even die + Body stat = this rule would not be applicable. a spirit to perform a single magical effect hat falls within its XP & Levels
HP. Cliché: Roll 2d6. Each even die gives one cliché. Example clichés: As you level up you get rewards according to the table below.
domains (it’s a good idea to give specific commands; spirits and
The veteran warrior, Nimble-fingered rogue, Sneaky little bastard, Sample Characters demons can be capricious and cruel). Attrib.
Lvl Hit Dice Skills Abbilit. Dmg. XP Total
Spellbinder of the elemental flames, Priest of Asaradin, Sticky Alessandor the Blade B:2 M:1 S:1 HP:2 Cleric of Pastorin, Master of max +3
Magical attacks do 2d6+level or 3d6+level damage if they aree 1 1+CON 1+1 - 2 0
fingers, Smuggler with a heart of gold. Optionally: Determin past, the Duel.
specially suited to the situation(using fire against a Frost Wraith, for 2 +1 1000
looks, quirks, etc. Name: Name your character Story: Figure out why Byran Spellslinger B:1 M:3 S:2 HP:1 Mage of the Forgotten, Water
example) 3 +1 +1 3000
your character is there and where they are in their story. This is a Splendids, Adaptus of the Gilded Staff of Dur.
4 +1 +1 6000
short description of where our hero is and what's happening. Imagine
Sample Monsters Character Creations 5 +1d6 10000
a starting point for your adventure. Are you stealing space station Attributes: Roll 2d6 for each (STR, INT, DEX, WIS, CON, CHA). On a 6 +1 +1 +1 15000
plans? Are you plundering a tomb? Goblin: B:1 M:1 S:2 HP:1 Sneaky little bastard. 7 +1 21000
6-, thevalue is 0. On a 7-9, the value is +1. On a 10 or 11, the
Beholder: B:2 M:4 S:3 HP:4 Spell-casting eyeballs. 8 +1 28000
value is +2. On a 12, the value is +3. Choose one skill in addition
Begin Asking Questions Owlbear: B:4 M:1 S:3 HP:5 Grapple, Berserk.
to any granted by your class (Athletics, Awareness, Deception,
9 +1 +1 36000
To begin, ask a question with yes/no answer. Keep it simple. For Squidhead: B:2 M:5 S:4 HP:6 Mind control, Illusion magic. 10 +1 +1 +1d6 45000
Decipher, Heal, Leadership, Lore, Stealth, Survival) You get 1 XP for each silver piece worth of treasure or coin that
example: Are guards present? Do I encounter a trap? For each Troll: B:4 M:1 S:2 HP:4 Regeneration.
You have 1 Hit Die (d6) + extra hit dice equal to your CON. Roll all you loot from the dungeon. You also get XP for defeating enemies
question roll 1d6 and consult table for results. If applicable cliché or Zombie: B:1 M:1 S:1 HP:1 Silent, Infection.
your hit dice and keep a number equal to your level to determine and completing quests (10 XP for something easy up to 200+ for a
advantage roll 2d6 and use best result. With disadvantage roll 2d6
your HP. When you rest and consume a ration/waterskin/wineskin, really tough one) but mainly it’s about the looting.
and use worst result.
you may re-roll your HP. If you are attended by a healer, roll an
Result extra hit die. Fighters get Athletics. Choose two special abilities: Names
1 No, And Things went really bad World of Dungeons Skirmish (+1 damage and worn armor counts as one type lighter), True names have power. If you tell someone your true name, they
A Dungeon World Inspired RPG by John Harper - onesevendesign.com
2 No Requirements: At least two six sided dice (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and one Tough (+1 armor), Slay (+2 melee damage), Hardy (+6HP). can attempt to have you raised from the dead if you met your end
3 No, But Softens the blow or more players). Thieves get Stealth. Choose two special abilities: Backstab (attack before your time. Choose a true name below.
4 Yes, But Successful but with a drawback from concealment to do +3 damage), Lucky (once per day, turn a North-Lands: Arnar, Lárus, Magni, Rúnar, Skúli, Ásmundur, Barði,
5 Yes Equipment miss into a partial success), Reflexes (you always go first and can Júrek, Eymundur, Falur, Rúrik, Skjöldur, Brimi, Yrsa, Þura, Árdís, Bára,
6 Yes, And All kinds of awesome.. You start with 60 silver pieces. Light Weapon (10s): d6. May be react when suddenly surprised), Tinker (you can attempt to quickly Úlfrún, Valdís, Fríða, Dóra, Auðrún, Freydís, Júnía, Kára, Einhildur,
Yes, And… wielded as a secondary weapon, allowing you to re-roll damage pick a lock, pick a pocket, or disarm a trap). Clerics get Decipher Pála, Róhildur, Úlfdís, Fjóla.
1 Nothing significant happens once per attack. Includes daggers, short swords, and hand axes. and Heal. Choose two special abilities: Bless (with holy water, you Imperium: Zahiel, Akhivar, Aram, Shun, Azur, Khadon, Awidam,
2 An obstacle or something that aids the hero Martial Weapon (30s): d6+1. Must be wielded in main hand. can anoint items so they are considered holy and magical—+3 Awrahim, Balishar, Dom, Ashur, Eilram, Khnan, Nirar, Romrama,
3 A unique feature or situation Includes long swords, hammers, axes, spears etc. Great Weapon damage vs. evil—for a short time), Cure (you can attempt to Yomadan, Farrokh, Shahruz, Shahkam, Tahmatan, Kurosh, Hamid,
4 A unique feature or situation (40s): d6+2 damage. Uses two hands. Includes two-handed swords, neutralize poisons, remove curses, or heal wounds with a touch), Turn Anoshiravan, Esfandiyar, Sahand, Shaahin, Kamraan, Adar, Aram,
5 NPC (1-3 friendly, 4-5 neutral, 6 not friendly) battle-axes and pole arms. Shortbow (10s): d6. Also slings etc. Bow (you can attempt to hold undead at bay with the power of your faith Zahir, Khojasteh, Omid, Arsalan, Aruhai, Awita, Damrina, Eilina,
6 Monster (1 friendly, 2-3 neutral, 4-6 not friendly) (30s): d6+1. Also crossbows, pistols etc. and a holy symbol), Vision (drink holy water to commune with your Hano, Khannah, Markita, Nashiram, Ninsina, Rashomta, Sharokina,
Heavy Bow/Gun (50s): d6+2 Damage if firing from a stationary deity for divine guidance). Wizards get Lore. You begin with two Zari, Darya, Shadi, Alaaleh, Kiana, Zahra, Taraneh, Samaneh, Zhila,
Contests position. Includes arbalests and muskets. Light Armor (30s): Armor 1. spirits you can summon (see MAGIC, opposite). You get Summon and Parya, Azita, Sahra, Tajie, Shahla, Mirza, Keiva, Farzin, Zain, ,
When your character comes into dangerous or risky situations, Full Armor (60s): Armor 2. Always has a helm. Makes it very hard to choose one other special ability: Cantrips (you know three simple Ramak, Hamun, Mehrshad, Jaleh, Fereshteh, Asha, Ghazaaleh,
determine Difficulty (either via narrator license or dice, see below). run, move quietly, swim, leap etc. Shield (10s): +1 Armor. magical powers: Candle, Shadow, Throw Voice), Command (you can Suriya, Afsaneh, Soraya, Bahareh, Leili, Delara, Setareh, Nava,
Use dice equal to Body, Mind, or Spirit for the contest, adding one Adventuring Gear (2s each): 20ft Rope, Iron Spike, Chalk, attempt to command any spirit, demon, etc.), Ritual (you may Azadeh.
die to the roll if a cliché is applicable. If one die rolls equal to the Parchment, Flint/Steel, Torches (4), Tent, Dice, Caltrops (slows perform occult rituals—detailed in ancient tomes and scrolls—and Regency: Caul, Aleand, Thomer, Vaude, Andrel, Villem, Laudius,
Difficulty or higher, you succeed. pursuers), Bandages, Travel Rations, Waterskin, Wineskin. Tools (5s begin with two known rituals). Menry, Wester, Bragon, Wardius, Brance, Brutlas, Canter, Vaunt,
Difficulty each): Crowbar, Hatchet, Animal Trap, Lockpicks, Pen & Pot of Ink, Rangers get Survival. Choose two special abilities: Pet (you have a Clance, Arcus, Clard, Colius, Mortio, Couvlas, Noretta, Octadia,
1 Automatic 4 Average Fishing Pole, Shovel, Grappling Hook, Pickaxe, Collapsible Pole. royal and effective animal companion), Scout (when you scout ahead Linea, Montess, Verbela, Solk, Vercy, , Boury, Ardent, Vornan,
2 Simple 5 Tricky Occult Items (10s each): Quicksilver (per dose), Pouch of Bone Dust, you always spot the target before it spots you), Volley (+2 ranged Cambel, Somer, Vauphria, Orset, Ducell.
3 Easy 6 Hard Vial of Holy Water (one use), Vial of Blood, Ritual Incense and Oils. damage), Wild (you can converse with and attempt to command Xanathar & Islands: Hanif, Sefu, Mbizi, Ubaid, Zuberi, Yahya,
Fancy Items (20s each): Mirror, Lantern, Spyglass, Sand Timer, animals). Darwishi, Ishaq, Osaze, Nkosi, Najja, Abuakar, Jibade, Onuris,
Combat Board Game, Elaborate Clothes, Holy Symbols and other charms. Make your own class: Choose a class skill and two special abilities Bennu, Fukayna, Abibah, Theoris, Umayma, Walidah, Acenath,
Combat is like contests with each opponent making a single attack. Fire Oil (20s per flask): Sets an area on fire (d6+1 damage/round Jamila, Panya, Sagira, Masika, Rehema, Nabirye, Oseye, Meht,
Instead of beating difficulty, each side rolls dice equal to applicable for 3 rounds unless extinguished). Fills a lantern 10 times. Boats: Rolling the Dice Kakra, Maibe, Zaliki, Amahté, Djadao, Suten, Anu, Sokkwi, ,
stat (adding 1d6 if cliché applies) and compare results. High roll Rowboat (50s) to Galley (200,000s). Carts: Cart (30s) to Wagon When you attempt something risky: sum 2d6 and add one of your Muntutep, Kahotep, Sinuhé, Adjo, Ibenré, Khenti, Anhuri, Kemnebi,
wins. If Tie, attack is a draw and no damage is cause. (100s). Taverns: 1s to Sleep, 1s to Eat, 1s to Get Drunk. Property: attribute scores, based on the action you’re taking. (The GM will tell Rasui, Nomti, Remmao.
Success in combat: Substract one HP from the enemy. House (1,000s) to Manor (100,000). Horses: Mule (30s), Horse you some of the possible consequences before you roll, so you can Uru & The Great Desert: Harud, Kothás, Vinid, Hasau, Kassai, Yosol,
Fail in combat: You may reduce Bode score instead of HP but future (100s), Warhorse (1,000s). decide if it’s worth the risk or if you want to revise your action.) Meyem, Kañañ, Mór, Syar, Morug, Násu, Sesut, Lástal, Faraz, Dhár,
Body rolls use new stat.
Kathkár, Hosor, Nawar, Luyun, Kúlul, Kánan, Nilázem, Séliyál, Elizdi,
Death: When Body or HP reaches zero. Hirelings A total of 6 or less is a miss: things don’t go well and the risk turns
Mykiri, Nábi, Kíring, Ñíhlendu, Ráka, Sóna.
Heal: Heal 1HP for each 8 hours of rest. Heal 1Body once per day. Cost per day. Torch Bearer (2s): 3HP, Knife. Guide (5s): 6HP, Knife, out badly. A total of 7-9 is a partial success: you do it, but there’s
some cost, compromise, retribution, harm, etc. A total of 10 or more Ankhyra & Cythonis: Erasmé, Pollux, Pierroc, Épiers, Demophon,
Lantern, Rope. Armsman (20s): 12HP, Spear, Shield, Light Armor. Anvean, Thersandre, Orêt, Sinon, Eumel, Christoph, Erix, Eupendre,
Expert (20s): 6HP, Skill 4, Dagger, Bow. Champion (60s): 18HP, Full is a full success: you do it without complications. And a total of 12
or more is a critical success: you do it perfectly to some extra Cadme, Icare, Perdix, Cerçon, Chrysothème, Thalia, Medée,
Armor, Halberd, Sword, Shield, Dagger. Pandarée, Danaë, Macharia, Ariane, Êtenou, Adara, Cyrene,
benefit or advantage.
Magic Skills: If you have an applicable skill, you can’t miss. A roll of 6 or Laetitia, Cleite, Éande, Nephele, Ouranie, Lyra, Pasiphaë,
Most magic requires summoning a spirit, demon, or elemental to less counts as a partial success, but with a bigger compromise or Andromède, Ioannes, Makarios, Niphon, Theodoulos, Alexios,
perform supernatural effects. A Wizard begins play with the occult complication than a 7-9 result. Theodoros, Leontios, Andronikos.
Flash Fantasy Spacetrucker
By Ray Otus - jellysaw.com By Ray Otus - jellysaw.com
Powered by the Apocalypse mechanic by Vincent Baker and Thronelands by Sean Wills. Minima Magic Powered by the Apocalypse mechanic by Vincent Baker and Thronelands by Sean Wills. Minima Referee
d6 mechanic by Norbert G. Matausch and Thronelands by Sean Wills. This original game is Players name and describe their own spells! Casting without your d6 mechanic by Norbert G. Matausch and Thronelands by Sean Wills. This original game is Play the world and everything in it. Call for a roll when a character
licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ and has been licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. This game
modified by the creator of this document for formatting purposes. character having the matching Trait is impossible. Complex spells has been modified by the creator of this document for formatting purposes. tries something dangerous or difficult. Just say it happens if it’s real
Requirements: At least four six sided dice (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and and/or major effects will be at a disadvantage. Simple spells/minor Requirements: At least three six sided dice (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and easy, and can’t if it’s impossible.
one or more players). one or more players).
effects bring advantage. GM says. Aces cause backlash: explosions,
This game has two versions. Powered by the Apocalypse rules and This game has two versions. Powered by the Apocalypse rules and Failure leaves a character open to injury, capture, or worse. Anyone
mutations, etc.
Minimal d6 rules for making Rolling the Dice. Pick one system Minimal d6 rules for making Rolling the Dice. Pick one system injured must roll to remain active. If they fail they are Out Of Action
Schools of Magic/Traits:
depending on your preferences. depending on your preferences. (OoA) until healed up.
Abjure: block, banish, protect
Push hard on Aces! Knock a character OoA (no saving roll), cause
Conjure: summon/control things and creatures from thin air
Chracters Divine: understand/glimpse the past, present, or future
“Hey good buddies, this here’s Ace Milligan. We got a load for the collateral damage, use their trait against them, separate the party,
Choose a name, Roll 1d6 to determine available classes. Choose a Big Banana. Any eyes out there? C’mon.” pin them down – think dangerously!
Enchant: entrance/beguile, craft an object of power at great cost “Ace, you old fart. This is Papa Smurf. You better watch that lead foot
class and pick 2 Traits. Your Best Ability is in parentheses. When dramatically appropriate, a character reaches a new
Evoke: harness the elements o’ yours. The Bears are in the woods and someone stole their porridge!”
1. Soldier or Barbarian (STR): Defender, Berserker, Resistance experience level and picks another trait. With your OK they can pick
Illusion: deception and trickery “I read you 9x9 Papa Smurf. But I got a live cat in this box and I’m
(specify: toxins, physical damage, spells, mental domination, fatigue), from another list or create a brand new trait.
Necromancy: play with the forces of life, death, and undeath about to put the hammer down. Pass the signal to anybody with ears
Bend/Break, Extra Attack
2. Thief, Bard, or Artificer (DEX): Perform, Detect/Disable, Game Master on. We gonna blow some fur off those Smokeys! Anybody who wants Tropes
Streetwise, Gadgets!, Read Runes, Acrobatics, Climb/Swim, Sneak, Play the world and everything in it. When a character tries in this congo line is welcome.”  Style is king, money talks, reckless words get you shot.
Steal, Barter something dangerous or difficult, call for a roll. “Yeeeee-ha! This here’s Fuzz-E-T,comin’ at your 6. We got us a  Galactic Citizens’ Band (CB) radio; characters talk in code/slang.
3. Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock (INT): Abjuration, Conjuration, Don’t roll for easy; it just happens. convoy!”  Power drunk imperial cops love to harass, fine, and worse.
Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Don’t roll for impossible; it doesn’t.  Truckstops = info, fuel, jobs, R&R.
Transmutation, Lore/Language (specify 2), Familiar After the roll, the fiction always moves forward! Don’t allow second+ Characters
Roll land pick 1 Trait (2 for a single session campaign)  Everybody is kung fu fighting.
4. Cleric or Paladin (CHA): Heal, Turn Undead, Smite Unholy, attempts unless something in the situation changes.
Compel Truth, Resist Evil, Divination, Abjuration, Conjuration, 1. Ace Milligan: Space Trucker, Gambler, Drinker  Funky/trucker music required.
Enchantment, Religious Lore Failure 2. Venus Moonglider: Funk Master, Kung Fu, Crowbar
On a fail, consider using “fail forward” by granting a minimum 3. Switch Witch: Deep Logic, Sex Machine, Modular Start
5. Ranger or Druid (WIS): Evocation, Track, Bow Master, Animal Set the group’s Resources die to 1 and explain they hard up for
Companion, Animal Forms (specify 2), Nature Lore success but with a serious drawback or complication. Trouble is often 4. Star Raven: Shadowbender, Thief, Asshole
more interesting than failure! Failure leaves a character open to 5. Thing: Savage, Animal Senses, Heavy Blaster cash. Increase/decrease as appropriate. To buy anything significant
6. Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, or Hobbit: Choose one of these races. Then they have to roll 1d6 ≤ Resources.
roll again to determine your class, ignoring 6s. Pick only 1 Trait of injury, capture, or worse. Characters usually get a roll to remain 6. Rigby (sentient space truck): Emergency Reserves, Ancient Mind,
active. On a fail they are Out Of Action (OoA) until healed. Big Rig friends Roll up a mission and a maniac who wants them to fail.
that class. Your other Trait is your race.
Push hard on Aces! Cause collateral damage, use their Trait against Describe yourself and feel free to get your freak on – add cosmetic Suggestion: start with a chase/fight then flash back to a truck stop.
Write down your name, class, traits, and best ability.
them, separate the party, pin them down, even knock a character details suitable to a galaxy full of species. Someone should play
Abilities OoA with no saving roll. Think dangerously! Ace. If no one plays Rigby, the Ref or the group controls it; players’
Traits are play notes for the Ref.
Your best ability is determined by your class. Abilities are: choice.
STR: physical strength
Resources 1. Z-Ro: Star Wizard, Egomaniac, Harsh Jams
DEX: dexterity, agility, speed
Set the party’s resources die (1d6) to 1; explain that they are nearly Rolling the Dice Minimal d6 2. Shaka Vudu: Undead, Jinx!, Tophat of Holding
broke. Raise/lower as appropriate. To buy something significant, Describe what your character is doing. Roll 2d6 if the outcome is 3. Ultravioletbeard: Pirate, Force Hook, Cyber-parrot
INT: intelligence, logic, ability to learn 4. Mr. X: Weapons Dealer, Spies, Endless Cash
they must roll less or equal to their available Resources. uncertain (to hit, evade, try, save, etc. as the Referee asks). ). A 5 or
CHA: charisma, magnetism, force of will, social graces 5. Lou “Tick-Tock” Galante: Godfather, Cops on Payroll, Boom!
6 on any die = success.
WIS: wisdom, senses, insight/intuition Advancement Advantage: For advantage of any kind (item, related Trait, superior 6. Sister Sinistra: Zealot, Torturer, Brainwasher
(No CON; resistances come from Traits.) When dramatically appropriate, a character reaches a new
tactics) roll 3d6 instead.
Rolling the Dice Minimal d6 experience level and picks another Trait. With your OK they can
Disadvantage: For disadvantage of any kind (ambushed, injured, Minions & Monsters
pick from another list or create a brand new Trait. If it ever matters Robot Assassins, Blobs, Grays, Spider Soldiers, Vampires, Cactus
Describe what your character is doing. Roll 2d6 if the outcome is blinded) roll 1d6 instead.
your “level” is your number of Traits -1. Characters begin at level 1 Goons, Space Kraken, Sparkly Evil Gas Cloud, Forgotten God, Cat
uncertain (to hit, evade, try, save, etc. as the GM asks). A 5 or 6 on Advantages/disadvantages do NOT stack and you never roll more
with 2 Traits. Ninjas, Laser-Eyed Space Pterodactyl
any die = success. than 3d6 or less than 1d6!
Advantage: For advantage of any kind (item, related Trait, superior
tactics, Best Ability) roll 3d6 instead. Rolling the Dice Powered by the Apocalypse Missions
Describe what your character is doing. Roll 2d6 if the outcome is Roll and pick 1 or more complications.
Disadvantage: For disadvantage of any kind (ambushed, injured,
uncertain (to hit, evade, try, save, etc. as the Referee asks). 1. On the Run: Bounty Hunters, In Debt, Hot Goods
blinded) roll 1d6 instead.
Advantage: +1 to the roll’s resulst for advantage of any kind (item, 2. Party Cruise: Rich Pricks, Hippies, Gross Aliens
Advantages/disadvantages do NOT stack and you never roll more
trait, superior tactics) 3. Conscripted by Imperials: “Morale” Officer, Suicide Mission,
than 3d6 or less than 1d6!
Disadvantage: -1 to the roll’s result for a major disadvantage License Threatened
Rolling the Dice Powered by the Apocalypse (ambushed, injured, blinded) 4. Salvage Opportunity: Racing Others, Uncharted Space, Infested
Describe what your character is doing. Roll 2d6 if the outcome is A 6 or less: fail, things get worse! Hulk, It’s a Trap!
uncertain (to hit, evade, try, save, etc. as the GM asks). A 7-9: success, but temporary, incomplete, or with a drawback. 5. Smuggle Something: Medicine, Aliens, Mystery Box
Advantage: +1 to the roll’s results for advantage of any kind (item, A 10+: full success. 6. Haulin’ Cargo: Hazardous, Overweight, Rush Job
trait, superior tactics, Best Ability)
Disadvantage: -1 to the roll’s result for a major disadvantage Aces Planet Names
If you roll double 1s, something really bad happens! The GM says Ariana, Bolo, Clovis, Dank, Eerie, Fang IV, Galapagos, Hel, Kufu,
(ambushed, injured, blinded)
what. However, if the character can later reveal how “it’s all part of Leroy, Modron, Nechrome, Opar, Ramses V, Trandor, Ventos Prime,
A 6 or less: fail, things get worse!
my plan” or puts a foe “right where I want them!” the next roll is Zabezia
A 7-9: success, but temporary, incomplete, or with a drawback.
A 10+: full success. always made with 3d6 (when using Minimal d6) or +2 (when using
Powered by the Apocalypse).
If you roll double 1s, something really bad happens! The GM says
what. However, if the character can later reveal how “it’s all part of
my plan” or puts a foe “right where I want them!” the next roll is
always made with 3d6 (when using Minimal d6) or +2 (when using
Powered by the Apocalypse).
Cheat Your Own Adventure Tango
A good-natured Game Poem parodying the Adventure Books of old by Shane Mclean, with By Nathan Knaack - nathanknaack.com
the Pompey Crew Design team. Playtested at London Indie RPG Meet and Indiecon ’12. To Playing the Game This game has been modified by the creator of this document for formatting purposes.
Ranged and thrown weapons do not require ammunition. A kit gives
comment head over to ukroleplayers.com. This game been modified by the creator of this The oldest person present is the first player—the Reader of the Requirements: At least one set of polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), two or more advantage on trait rolls for a non-combat purpose. Your party
document for formatting purposes. players (one Game Master and one or more players). begins play with 1 wealth. Broken equipment can be repaired in the
Requirements: At least two six sided dice (d6), two or more players (one Game Master and one book. The Reader should pick up the dice and then narrate a short
field by rolling intelligence against d8, or in a settlement for 1
or more players). paragraph or two of adventure starting text from an adventure Traits and Advancement wealth if the roll fails.
You eagerly open the book at page 1 and begin your journey of page- book. Keep it short and snappy, and don’t be too precise; leave the Your character has four traits: strength, dexterity, intelligence, and
flips and hard choices. Ahead of you lies an adventure in which you other players plenty of room for choices. charisma. You start with one trait at d8, one at d6, and two at d4. Adventures and Rewards
decide your destiny! Maybe this is the book you will get through Once the Reader has said his or her bit it’s over to the other players; Upon completing an adventure, you raise one trait a die value, up to You increase your traits and earn wealth by going on adventures.
without dying? If not, there’s always a do-over. What are you waiting each player then presents an option for the Reader. These should be a maximum of d12. Rolling intelligence against d8 reveals some detail about an
for? Go and cheat your own adventure! presented in the style of “To do xxxxxx turn to page xxx”. Any adventure. Rolling charisma against d6 increases the wealth reward
page number will do. Dice and Challenges by 1. Each character may attempt each of these rolls once per
Create an Adventure Roll your trait against the difficulty set by the narrator, which scales adventure.
Roll 2d6 to determine the title of your book. Roll twice, once for each The Reader should pass the dice to the player with the most fun or
from d4 for easy to d20 for complicated. If you tie, you achieve
table. Make you read the title out in a suitably dramatic manner! interesting option. That player should look at the lowest Difficulty
partial success or success with some drawback. Whenever you roll Talents Optional Rule
First roll… rating on the Character Sheet, roll 2d6, and compare the result to When you advance, you can choose one of the following talents
the maximum, you may trade the result to roll the next higher die. If
2 The Forest 8 The Port the lowest difficulty rating that hasn’t been crossed out. No matter instead of raising a trait. The narrator might also allow each
you have advantage, roll twice and take the higher result; if you
3 The Caverns 9 The Swamp the result, every time you roll you cross off the lowest Difficulty on character to choose one talent at the start of the game.
have disadvantage, roll twice and take the lower result. To help an
4 The Keep 10 The Island the sheet. Burly: You don't have disadvantage on dexterity rolls to avoid
ally, make the same roll; on an even number, add +1, but on a
5 The Crypt 11 The Hills If the roll is equal to or higher than the lowest Difficulty: The natural 1, subtract -1. attacks while wearing armor.
6 The Dungeons 12 The Ring choice was wise and the adventurer is safe to proceed. The rolling Calm: You don't have disadvantage when using a ranged weapon
7 The Catacombs player becomes the new Reader and carries on the story from the Initiative and Actions to attack a close target.
…Second roll choice, narrating a few paragraphs and stopping for the other Each character rolls dexterity or intelligence against the enemies; Courageous: You can roll charisma to gain advantage on initiative
2 of Doom! 8 of Midnight! players to make a choice. the highest roll determines which side goes first. Each character and rolls even when surprised.
3 of Evil! 9 of War! If the roll is less than the lowest Difficulty: the choice was… less enemy gets one action per turn. You can move and make a melee Deft: You can use dexterity for attack rolls with one-handed
4 of Misery! 10 of Ice! wise. The rolling player then narrates a death scene for the brave attack as one action. Unless you are ambushed, rolling charisma weapons.
5 of Despair! 11 of Fire! adventurer. Make it short but over-the-top. Then hand the dice back before a battle gives your side advantage on its initiative rolls. Gentle: If you succeed on an intelligence roll to heal wounds with an
6 of Zalkhir 12 of Eternal Stench even number, you heal two wounds.
7 of Death!
to the Reader, who selects another choice and passes the dice again. Weapons and Armor
Luckily (because if you are going to cheat, you may as well do it Melee attacks use strength. Ranged and throwing attacks use Handy: You only need to roll intelligence against d6 to repair
Not Sure How To Start The Story Read this: “Your quest begins for properly) this second choice is always safe and no roll is required— dexterity. Two-handed weapons give advantage on causing wounds. broken equipment.
the treasure of The Dungeons of Zalkir. With a sword in one hand and success is automatic! Using two one-handed weapons lets you attack two close targets, or Hasty: You can reload a ranged weapon without using an action.
a burning brand in the other you stride into the darkness. The slope The closer you get to having crossed off all twelve Difficulty two near targets with one-handed ranged or throwing weapons. Helpful: You don't subtract -1 from an ally's roll when you roll a
continues down into the dank tunnels until it open into a large room numbers, the closer to the objective you are, so make sure the story Throwing weapons can hit close or near targets and only require one natural 1 while helping.
ringed with the leering statues of gargoyles, a sturdy door in each wall. reflects that. hand. Ranged weapons can hit near and far targets. Unarmed Nimble: You can move and make a ranged or throwing weapon
The door ahead is marked with the sigil of the evil wizard Zalkir. There attacks have disadvantage. Shields give advantage on dexterity attack as one action.
is a small wooden box in the centre of the room.” The other players Ending the Game rolls to avoid attacks. Armor gives advantage on strength rolls to Precise: You can help an nearby ally in combat with a ranged or
then present choices. The game ends when the number 12 is crossed off with a victory avoid wounds, but gives disadvantage on all dexterity rolls. throwing weapon.
scene. If you fail on the roll at the 12 point then just cheat your way Rugged: You don't have disadvantage when healing your own
Create the Reader’s Character to an ending as you would on a normal failure. Wounds and Healing wounds.
The group creates a single character. When you get hit, roll strength against it to determine if you are Shrewd: You can roll charisma twice to increase the wealth reward
Determine a name, character class, and a make up some equipment If you manage to roll that double six and succeed on the final roll
wounded. Each wound causes a trait of your choice to gain for an adventure by up to 2.
the character carries (sword, burning brand, etc.) and perhaps some then you join the elite ranks of the few to finish a book without
disadvantage. When all your traits have disadvantage, you are Studious: You can roll intelligence up to three times to learn as many
stats (stamina, skill, etc.). All of these are just for inspiration. cheating at the end!
unconscious. If your whole party is unconscious, they are defeated. details about an adventure.
The character has also a Difficulty table (which is important):
Play Advice After each battle, unconscious characters wake up. You may avoid Tireless: You can carry up to seven pieces of equipment.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The Reader should always address the game in the second person taking a wound by allowing a piece of equipment of your choice to Trained: You don't have disadvantage with unarmed attacks. If you
(“you walk down a tunnel”, or “you defeat the goblin”). become broken and nonfunctional. Once per scene, you can roll gain advantage with an unarmed attack, you don't have
intelligence against d6 to heal a wound, with disadvantage on disadvantage on damage rolls, either.
Occasionally make references to items or previous books, for healing yourself. Wily: You don't have disadvantage when using a throwing weapon
example “If you chose the rope turn to page 948”, “If you helped as a melee weapon. You can use either strength or dexterity for
the Dwarves in a The Castle of The Huge Beards turn to page 43”. Ranges and Movement attack and damage rolls with throwing weapons.
Add mysterious old men, monsters and obvious traps! There are three relative ranges: close, near, and far. You can move
one range increment as an action. Cover gives advantage on Skills Optional Rule
A Few Example Choices dexterity rolls to avoid ranged and throwing weapon attacks. Whenever you try to overcome a challenge, you roll the relevant
“To search for hidden doors turn to page 74.”
“To flee from danger turn to page 65.”
Enemies and Defenses attribute and skill dice, taking the highest result. You begin the game
Enemies and hazards are ranked from d4 to d20. Enemies can be with one skill at d6 and three at d4. Note that some genres and
“To challenge the old man to a riddle contest in return for the key to settings could have very different skill lists.
minor or major. Minor enemies only take one wound to defeat, but
the locked door turn to page 5.” Contemporary: academics, acrobatics, animals, athletics, deception,
major enemies require three and could also have special abilities.
When an enemy attacks, roll dexterity to avoid it. If the attack hits drive, endurance, intimidation, larceny, mechanics, medicine,
you, roll strength to prevent taking a wound. You can use charisma performance, persuasion, stealth, strategy, streetwise, survival
to taunt an enemy, forcing it to attack you until another character Science Fiction: academics, acrobatics, athletics, deception,
attacks it, or misdirect it, preventing it from attacking you until you endurance, intimidation, medicine, navigation, performance,
attack it. If your party outnumbers all remaining minions or wounded persuasion, planetology, security, stealth, strategy, streetwise,
elites, you may roll charisma to intimidate them into fleeing if technology, xenobiology
they’re able or surrendering if not. Fantasy: academics, acrobatics, alchemy, animals, athletics,
deception, endurance, herbalism, intimidation, nature, performance,
Equipment and Wealth persuasion, spellcraft, stealth, strategy, streetwise, thievery,
You begin play with two pieces of equipment, including weapons, dexterity rolls to avoid ranged and throwing weapon attacks.
armor, and kits. You may carry up to four pieces of equipment.

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