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3 - Actions 

It’s 2018. The government is corrupt, sexuality is a spectrum, and to top it 
all off, you have student loans to pay! There’s only one thing to do: Pull off 
the biggest heist ever imagined. Looks like it’s time to.... 
When you act, and the outcome is in doubt, roll a D6. If it’s 
equal to or under the relevant stat, you succeed. If it’s over the 
stat, you fail. 
If you’re using your skill, or doing something related to your 
role, roll 2d6 and pick the lowest. 
If you succeed on a roll, you can attempt to push your luck to 
  impress your crush by being a ​Gay Criminal​. Roll the stat you 
​A Game By Evan Saft(@NamesEquipped)  didn’t use, and if you succeed, mark one ​fabulous​ on your 
Hacked from Honey Heist by Grant Howitt  sheet. If you don’t succeed, introduce a complication. 
1 - Character Creation  4 - Stat Changes 
First​, ​roll 2d6 to determine you Style and Role.  Desperation​: When the plan fails and you run into difficulty, 
move one point from ​Gay ​into ​Criminal​. 
​Style Skill Role   

1  Activist  Organize Protests    1  Muscle  Overconfidence​: When the plan goes off without a hitch, 
move one point from ​Criminal ​into ​Gay​.  
2  Anarchist  Explosives    2  Mastermind 
3  Hot Mess  Make a Scene    3  Driver  You can voluntarily move one point from ​Gay ​to ​Criminal ​by 
4  FLANNEL  Power Tools    4  Hacker 
doing a flashback scene to when you were planning out the 
heist over brunch and vapes. 
5  Swamp Witch  Spiteful Magiks    5  Thief   
6  Actual Literal Bear  Bear Things    6  Face  You can voluntarily move one point of ​Criminal ​into ​Gay ​by 
making an awkward advance towards one(or both) of your 
Next​,​ decide what your name is, and figure out your pronouns.  crushes. 
Spin​ ​a bottle. You have a crush on whomever it lands on.  5 - The End 
THEY CAN NEVER KNOW.   If your ​Criminal ​stat ever reaches 6, you are lured into a life 
  of crime and betray the party.  
Finally, ​spin it again. If it lands on another person, you have a   
crush on them too. If it lands on the same person, you are head  If your ​Gay ​stat ever reaches 6, you just can’t hold it in 
over heels in love and they can ​SUPER NEVER KNOW.   anymore, and you immediately confess your feelings to one(or 
  both) of your crushes, and flee before they have the chance to 
2 - Stats  respond.  
You have two stats. ​Each starts with 3 points 
If you have accumulated 3 ​fabulous​ marks, at any point you 
GAY​: Use to do anything ​flamboyant​; seduce, do acrobatics, 
may immediately overcome any obstacle by deciding to confess 
have slow-mo gunfights. 
your feelings willingly and make a sacrifice, removing yourself 
CRIMINAL​: Use to do anything ​sneaky​; pick locks, blend into  from the action until the end of the heist. 
a crowd; crawl through vents   
You cannot
​ perform actions that are not ​flamboyant​ or 
sneaky​, because let’s face it, you don’t do anything by halves. 

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