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Below are the 5 User stories for which Acceptance Criteria and

wireframes need to be drawn.

US1- As a bank customer, I want to be able to check my account balance

quickly and easily using the mobile app, so that I can keep track of my finances
without visiting a branch or using a computer.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I have logged in to the home page of the App and navigated to the
savings account details.

When I click on “View Balance”

Then I should be able to see the balance appear on the screen in the form of
numbers with two decimals.
US2- As a bank customer I want to add a payee so that I can transfer funds

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the home page and have navigated to the “Send Money” option

When I click on the “Send Money” option

Then I should be able to see the “Add/Manage Payee” option

When I click on the “Add/Manage Payee” option

Scenario 1: Given I want to add an account of ICICI bank

When I click on the Add New Payee and tick on the ICICI Bank option

Then the bank details appear on the screen

When I enter the details of the account to which I want to send money

Then I should be able to see account details on my Payee List

Scenario 2: Given I want to add an account outside of ICICI bank

When I click on the Add New Payee and tick on the other Bank option

Then the bank details appear on the screen

When I enter the details of the account to which I want to send money

Then the accounts added to Payee List

US3- As a bank customer, I want to transfer funds from my checking account to
my savings account through the mobile app, so that I can manage my money
efficiently and make use of better interest rates.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I have logged in to the App and my payee account has been already
added as a beneficiary.

When I click on the “Send Money” option on the home page

Then I see the list of account details which has registered as payee

When I choose the savings account which I intend to transfer

Then I should be able to see the amount box where proceed button should be in
grey colour
When I enter the amount which is equal to or less than the balance amount and
click on the “Proceed” button, which is already converted to blue color.

Then I receive a 4-digit OTP in my bank-registered mobile number or registered

mail id for verification.

When I enter the right OTP number on pop-up appeared on the screen and press

Then I shall be receiving a confirmation message on my registered mobile

number and the amount transfers to an intended payee’s saving account
Scenario 1: When I have entered a higher amount than the available balance

Then I should be able to see the proceed button not turning into red but remains
as grey and a pop-up opens up that reminds me saying “Please enter less or
equal to the available balance
Scenario 2- When I entered the wrong OTP on the pop-up displayed

Then I should be able to see a new pop-up that displays the message “Invalid
OTP, Please Enter Valid OTP to Proceed”
US5- As a bank customer, I want to pay my utility bills using the mobile app, so
that I can conveniently manage my expenses from one platform.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the home page and navigated the “Bill Pay & Recharge” option

When I click on the “Bill Pay & Recharge” option

Then it opens another page where I can see all utility options listed like
Electricity, Water, Gas, etc.

When I click on one option, for example, Electricity Bill

Then I should be able to see all the details like the Biller’s name, Consumer
number, and Amount

When I click on the drop-down of biller name, multiple billers appear in the drop-

Then I select the right biller name as per my requirement

Scenario 1: When I enter a valid consumer number

Then I should be able to see the due amount which is in numeric with two

When I click on the proceed button

Then I shall receive a payment successful message to my registered mobile

number as payment confirmation

Scenario 2: When I enter an invalid consumer number

Then I should not be able to see any fetch amount and pops up comes up
showing “Please enter correct Consumer Number”
US6- As a bank customer, I want to view a history of my recent transactions on
the mobile app, so that I can keep track of my spending and income.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the home page of the App and navigated the “statement” option

When I click on the “Statement” option

Then I should be able to see an option of “Last 10 Transactions” and “Detailed


When I click on the “Last 10 Transactions” options

Then I should be able to see the history of the last 10 transactions list
US7- As a bank customer, I want to view the detailed statement of my
transactions on the mobile app, so that I can keep track of my spending and

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the home page of the App and navigated the “Detailed
Statement” option

When I click on the “Detailed Statement” option

Then I should be able to see various options like the “Last Month”, “Last 3
Months”, “Last 6 Months” and “Last Year”

When I want the last month’s history, I click on the “Last Month” option

Then I should be able to see all transaction details for the last month
US8- As a bank customer, I want to be able to locate the nearest ATM using the
mobile app, so that I can easily withdraw cash without any hassle.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the home page of the App, switched on Google location on my

mobile and navigated to the “Service” option.

When I click on the “Service” option

Then I should be able to see the “ATM Finder” option

When I click on the option of “ATM Finder”

Then I should be able to see a list of ATMs in a radius of 1km

When I click on one as per my preference

Then the system comes out of the bank app and redirects the system to Google
Maps, where I can easily navigate to the ATM location.

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