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PART 1 LESSON 2 Definition, Role, and Subfields…

Name : __________________________________________
Program and Year : __________________________________________
Course : __________________________________________
Class Schedule : __________________________________________

II. Infographics

Directions: In a group of five, design an infographic about the definition

and subfields of linguistics. Your submission should be your
original work. You may use infographics software or sites.

Scoring Progression

5 - Excellent
4 - Outstanding
3 - Average
4 - Needs Improvement
1 - Poor

Aspect Description Score

Content Accurate and detailed information is provided.
Organization Information is systematically organized and supports
readers’ comprehension of the main message.
Visual Appeal Fonts, colors, layouts, and visual elements meaningfully
contribute to the infographic’s ability to convey the
overall message.
Citation and Full bibliographic citations are included for all sources
Mechanics referenced. The infographic is free of spelling or
grammatical errors.
Total score /20

©2021 Caraga State Universityl Department of Communication and Humanities EL 100 (Introduction to Linguistics) 16

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