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Introdu ctio n
If a number of_b?dies are assembled in such
a way that the motion of one causes constrain
to the o~he~s, it is known as a mechanisf. A ed and predictable motion
mec hanism t ransmits and modifies a motion.
a comb~nation of me~hanisms which, apar A machine is a mechanism or
t from impa rting definite motions to the parts
the available mechanical energy into some , also transmits and modifies
to start with its study. ki nd of desir ed work. Thus a mechanism is
a fundamental unit and one has
The study of a mechanism involves its ana
as well as synthesis. Analysis is the study of
moti ons Piston
and forces concerning different parts of an
mechanism, whereas synthesis involves the
of its different parts. In a mechanism, the
parts are so proportioned and related
that the
motion of one imparts requisite motions
to the Cylinder
others and the parts are able to withstand the
impressed upon them. However, the stud
y of the
relative motions of the parts does not depe
nd on
the strength and the actual shapes of the parts Fig. 1.1
In a reciprocating engine, the displacemen
t of the piston depends upon the lengths of
crank (Fig. 1.1). It is independent of the bear the connecting rod and the
ing strength of the parts or whether they are
or not. Thus for the study of motions, it is able to withstand the forces
immaterial if a machine part is made of mild
it is not necessary to know the actual shape steel , cast iron or wood. Also,
and area of the cross section of the part. Thus
different parts of a mechanism, the study , for the study of motions of
of forces is not necessary and can be neglecte
therefore, can be divided into the following d. The study of mechanisms,
Kinematics It deals with the relative motions
of different parts of a mechanism without
the forces producing the motions. Thus, it taking into consideration
is the study, from a geometric point of view
velocity and acceleration of a part of a mec , to know the displacement,
Dynamics It involves the calculations of force
s impressed upon different parts of a mec
either static or dynamic. Dynamics is furth hanism. The forces can be
er subdivided into kinetics and statics. Kine
the body is in motion whereas statics deals tics is the study of forces when
with forces when the body is stationary.


As mentioned earlier, a combination of a num
ber of bodies (usually rigid) assembled in such
motion of one causes constrained and predictab a way that the
function of a mechanism is to transmit and mod le motion to the others is known as a mechanism. Thus, the
ify a motion.
n 11,e,,ry of Madunr•

AmochlM is a mechanism or a combination of mechanisms which, npurt from impnrtlng definite motio.Jl#
to the parts, also transmits and modifies the available mechanical energy 11110 some k111d of deNlrcd worJi . II
,'WedUin<fm5 and Machines

that d1rcct1on encl thus rs a successfully constrained motion. Sim1lacly, a piston in a cyl inder of an
is neither a source of energy nor a producer of work but helps m proper utih,o tion of the some. I he motive
internal combustion engine rs made to have only rec,procaung mot1on and no rotary motion due to
power has 10 be derived from cxtcmal sources. constrain of the piston pin. Also, the valve of an IC engine rs kept on the seat by the force of a spring
A slider-crank rncchani&m (Hg. 1.2 ) conve rts the rec1procat111g 111011011 of u ~hde1 11110 1olury motion of lhc
and thu, has ,uccessfully constrained motron
crank or v1cc-vcr..u . I lowcvcr, when it is used as an
automobile c11g111e by adding val ve rncchu111 s111, etc.,
it becomes a machine which conve rts the uva al able ~
- - - - -68
energy (force on the piston) i1110 the desire<! energy ~
(lorquc of the crank-shall ). The torque is w,cd to I A body i1111u1d to~ rigid rf under the action of forces, 1t does not suffer any d~tortion or the distance between
move u vehicle. Reciprocating pumps, reci proca ting uny two po111t11 on at remarns constant,
compressors and steam eng111es arc other exa mples I ig. J.2 lkrl,ltml bodies arc those which are rigid for the purposes Ibey have to serve. Apart from rigid bodies,
of muchincs derived from the slider crank mechanism. there ore 11omc ,emi-rtgid b<,d1e1 which are normally tlex1ble, but under certain loading conditions act as
Some other examples of mechanisms ore typewriters, clocks, w.11chcs, srm ng toys, etc In each of' theHc, rigid bodies for the limited purpose and thw are resistant bodies. A bell 1s ngid when subjected to tensile
the force or energy provid1•d i, 1101 more th nn whtl1 is required to overcome the f'riet,on of the portH und which forces. Therefore, the belt-dnve acu u a resisrant body. Similarly, tlu1ds can also act as resistant bodies when
as u111i1cd Just 10 get the desired 111011011 of the mechanism nnd not to obtuin ,my U\efu l work. compressed as in case of a hydraulic preM. for some purposes. spnngs are al'iO resistant bodies.
These days, resistant bodies are usually referred as rrgid bodies.


1.4 LINK
l here ure three types of constru mcd 111011011:
A mecha nism is made of a number of resistant bodres out of which some may have motions relative to
(I) Com11felt'ly ro11stl'aln cd motion When the motion between two clements ofu pair is in u definite the others. A res1stan1 body or a group ofn:srstant bodl.CS with ngui conncctl0nS prcvcnlrng their relativl
direction 1rreHpect1 ve of the dm:ction of the force applied, it is know n us comp letely constrained motion. movement is known as a link. A link may also be defined as 11 member or 11 combmation of members of ,1
1 he construmcd motion may be linear ~ ~ mechanism, connecting other members and having mot10n n:l.ibvc to tbaliTbua, a lmk may consist of one or
or rotu ry The 1,hd 11111 pair of 1-ig. I .J(u) -------------- more resis~ nt bodies. A slider-crank mechanism consists of four links: frame and guides, crank, connecting-
nnd the lumans pmrnfhg. I .3(b) ore the - - _:_--:;_:=:_--:; · · - rod and slider. ll owever, the frame may consist of bearings for the crankshaft. The crank link may have a
examples uflh e completely construi ned crankshaft and nywheel also, forming one link having no relative motion of these.
111nt1on In sladmg p[m, the inner prism A I ink is also known as kinematic link or element.
(o) (b)
c1111 only slide inside the hollow prism. Links can be classified into binary, ternary
fn cnse of n turning poir, the inner shun 1
1 ig. l.3 and quaternary depending upon therr ends
c11n ho ve only rolury motion due to collars al the ends. fn euch cosc the force has to be app lied in u on which revo lute or turning pairs (Sec. 1.5)
purtaeulur dm;ction for 1hc required motion. can be placed. The links shown in Fig 1.6 BtnaryUnk Temaryllnk Quaternary hnk
arc rigid links and there is no relative motion
(II) l11co111plrtely ro11s/rnl11rrl 1110/lon When the motion between two elemen ts of Load Fig. 1.6
between lhejoi nts within the link.
a pui r is possible in more th un one direction ond dependR

upon the direction of the force nppl ied, it is known us
E f-·········
·············• ,ncomplctcly constroincd motion. ro r exn mplc, if the 1.5 KINEMATI C PAIR
turning pnir of Fig. 1.4 docs not huve co ll urs, 1he inner
\ hull muy hove sliding or ro tury molion depending A kincmmic paii 01 simply a pair i, u joint of two links h:lving relative motion between thert. ln a slider-
upon the di rec tion or the force uppl ied. lfoc h motion is crank 111ccho11 1sm (Fig. 1.2), the link 2 rotates relative to the link I nnd constitutes a revolutc or turning pair.
independent of the other. Simi larly, Imks 2, 3 und 3, 4 constitute turning pain;. Link 4 (slider) reciprocates relative to the link I and is
11 sliding puir.
(Ill) Snccess/111/y co11stml11 ed 1110//011 When 1he motion between two clemen ts or 11
f>!'ir i~ poss1bl~ in more th un one direction but is mode to hove mot ion onl y in one Types of I<i111•11111/lc Pnirs kinematic pairs can be classified according to
drrect1 011 by usmg som e cx temul mcuns, it is u success full y conslra in cd motion. For • noturc or contnct
Footstap boorlng
cxu,_nple, '.' sha ll in u foot step bea ring muy huve vcrticu l motion upu1t rron, ro tury • nature or mcchnnicnl constmint
mori on (Fag. 1.5). But due to loud uppli cd on the shofl it is construi ncd to move in Pig. ·1.5 • nuture of relative motion
Mechu,u~ms and Machines
• 77r,,_,,y,•/,lt,1.-h111<-;
. di g to Nature of Contact . , (c) J<ol/i11g Pair When the links of a pair have a rolling motion relative to each other, they form a ro ll ing
f(inematic Pairs accor n . ~ . a contact between the members ts known as a lower puir, e.g., o ro lling wheel on a Oat surface, ball and roller bearings, etc. fn a ball bearing [f!g. l .8~c)J, the ba ll
, . of Jinks ha1111g sur,acc o1 arc und the shun eonstllute one rolling pair whereas the ball and the bearing is the second rollmg pair.
(a) Loll•er Parr Afair fthe tllO links are similar.
oniact sunaces o I , ,
(d) Scl'l'W Pair (Ilelica l Pa ir) If two mating Jinks have a tumingas well as sliding motion between them,
p.1ir. Th cc . . bearing all pairs ofa slider-crank 111cc 1a111s111, un1 vcrsul
Nut turning on a screw, shaft rotaung ,n a , ' 111ey from u screw pair. This is achieved by culling matching threads on the two links.
Tbc lcud screw und the nut of a lathe is a screw pair [Fig. I .8(d)J.
J·oint, etc. -h · Lor line contact between tJ1e Im · Tl io
· k' S, ·1t 1·s k-nown as· u I11·g I1c1· pu1r,
Higlter Pair When a pair as a ~01'.1 . (e) Spiter/cal Pair When one link in the fonn of a sphere turns inside a .fixed link. it is a spherical pair.
(b) rfa l'the two links are d1ss11111lar. . The ba ll and socket joint is a spherical pair [Fig. J.8(e)J,
contact su ces o
Wheel rolling on a surfuce, cam and follower pair, tooth gears, ball and roller beanngs, etc,
J(inematic Pairs according to Nature of Mechanical Constraint 1.6 TYPES OF JOINTS
(a) Closed Pair When the eleme~ts o~ a pair are held together mecbaoically, it is known as a closed pair. The usual types of joints in a chain are
The rwo elements are geometrically 1denttcal; one • Binary joint T
is solid and full and the other is hollow or open. • Ternary joint
The latter not only envelops the former but also • Quaternary joint
encloses it. The contact between the two can be Bi11anJ Joint If two links are joined at the same
broken only by destruction of at least one of the connection, it is called a binary joint. For example, fig.
members. / Cam J.9 shows a chai n witll two binary joints named B. B 8
All the lower pairs and some of the higher pairs
are closed pairs. A cam and follower pair (higher Temary Joint Ifthree links arejoinedataconnection,
pair) shown in Fig. I .7(a) and a screw pair (lower it is known as a ternary joint. It is considered equivalent
pair) belong to the closed pair category. to two binary joints since fixing of any one link T
(b) Unclosed Pair When two links of a pair constitutes two binary joints with each of the other two
are in contact either due to force of gravity or links. In Fig. 1.9 ternary links are mentioned as T. Fig.1.9
(a) (b)
some spring action, they constitute an unclosed
QuaternanJ Joint If four links are joined at a connection, it is known as a quaternary joint. It is considered
pair. In this, the links are not held together F ig.1.1
equivalent to three binary joints since fixing of any one link constitutes three binary joints. Figure 1.9 shows
mechanically, e.g., cam and foUower pair of
one quaternary joint.
Fig. I.7(b).
In general, if n nwnber of links are connected at a joint, itis equivalent to (n- 1) binary joints.
Kinematic Pairs according to Nature of Relative Motion
(a) Slidi11g Pair ff two links have a
sliding motion relative to each other, they
form a sliding pair. 0-€P- B·•II 1.7 DEGREES OF FREEDOM
An unconstrained rigid body moving in space can describe the
DJ r
A rectangular rod in a rectangular hole following independent motions (Fig. I. I0):
(a) (b) (c)
in a prism is a sliding pair [Fig. l.8(a)]. I. Translational motions along any three mutually
perpendicular axes x, y and z
(b) Turning Pair When one link has a
turning or revolving motion relative to the
2. Rotational motions about these axes )1
Thus, a rigid body possesses six degrees of freedom. The ~ -- - - - - + X
other, they constitute a turning or revolving
pair [Fig. 1.8(b)]. connection ofa link with another imposes certain constraints on
their relative motion. The number of restraints con never be zero
In a slider-crank mechanism, al! pairs
ex_cept the_slider aod guide pair are turning Uoint is disconnecced) or six Uoint becomes solid).
(d) (e) Degrees of freedom of a pair is defined as the number of
pairs. A Clfcu/ar shaft revolving inside a
bearing is a turning pair. independent relative motions, botJ1 translational and rotational, I
Fig.1.8 a pair can have. I Fig.1.10
Degrees of freedom= 6 - Number of restraints
Jk kt11 HI pHtf 'Alt ft If 7


•~"""~''"""whI{.' t2e-
i... f •I
lkf!Cnd1nl! ufl!ll1 the nurn,"'r" re~ r~
, IOI* Jlll!"l'Cu OJI
., ti IC rc,1,11ivc 1110110n of 1hc two lfnk-w1111c1.:lcd l111&clh1·1,
I I I Cfi the pouthlc fonn of each cloN•
/ (ti?
\,& 7~ (l')1

f! -, : '1 fJ~ Pc: G D

. /
;-1:r!-:,. ~--

, ll/


(i) (i)

f•J, 1 :'2

Jn case the motion of a link results in indefinite rnolJOllS of other fink,, If II a nm,,kJnematic ,hain
[Fig. l.12(d)J, However, some authors prefer to calf aJJ c:baim havin; relative moCJom of the Jinks as
Fig.LU kinematic chains.
, ~ t chain does not allow any~ ofa ~ e r.o the odler- (rig. 1.12(eJ),
Differm foons of each class have also been shown in Fig. 1.11. Remember that a particular relative motion
bcnr,ccn two links of a pair IIJIISt be indcpeodmt of the other relative motions ~ the pair can have. A ~ew
mi llDI pairpmnils trallSbtiooal mi IUC!liooa.l molioos. However, as the two motIOns cannot be accomplished L10 LINKAGE, MECHANISM AND STRUCTURE
~ - a semi.· ml ma p:rir is a kinr.maric pair of the fifih class and not of the fourth class.
A linkage is obtained if one of the links of a kinamtic chain is fiud to die~ If motion of any of the
~ oveal>le links results in definite motions ofdieocbers, ~ linbgr is known as a mechani1111. However, this
U KINEMATIC CHAIX distinction between a mechanism and a linkage is hardly foDowcd and each cm be referred in place of the
Aliniemi:lric da:zil, i s m ~ oflints in which the reJative motions of the links is possible and the motion other.
ofexhrmm-c10 c,eomer isddimle [rrg..J.U (a), (b), and (c)J. .J[pne of the links of a redundant chain is fixed. it is known a s ~ or a ~~fer,,. To obtain
constrained or definite motions of some of the links of a linbgc (or mccbanism), it is ncces5ary to know how
many inputs are needed. In some mechanisms, only one input is irassary that detmnioes the motions of
Kinematic pair
Restraints OJI other links and it is said to have one degree of freedom. In other mccbanisms, two inputs may be occessary to
r. .
get constrained motions of the other links and they are said to have two degrees of freedom.. and so on.
( The degree of freedom of a structure or a locked system is zero. A structure with negative degree of
freedom is known as a superstructure.
1• 0 Sphere-plane a .,I
D 2 1• 2 0 Sphcre-<}iinder b
m 1• 3 0 Spheric d
A mechanism may consist of a number of pairs belonging to different classes ha,·ino different nwnber of
3"" ~
~ cylinder
restraints. It is also possible that some of the restraints imposed on the individual links
are common or

t• general to all the links of the mechanism. According to the number of these general or common restraints.
I\ .!

3 Slomd-spberic g
a m~banism may be classified into a different order. A zero.order mechanism ,.;n
have 00 such general
.:! ~ C}iinder h
~ Of course, some of the pairs may ha,-e individual restraints. A first-order mechanism bas one general
5 1• Cylinder (colbmf)
restram~ a second-order mechanism bas two general restraints, and so on. up to the fifth order. A sixth-order
~ 2 3 Prunmic mechanism cannot exist since all the links become stationary and no movement is possible.
E.xpn"Sl'ins. rhc:- munt>c:-r of deg!\.'<.":- l,fth.,"\ll,m l,f :1 linl..,1~l' 111 tl.'11n~ ,,f thl' mm~hl.'r 111' link~ nnd thl• 1H1111hl.'i
of P31r l'Onn1.."'\:'t1,, ns ofditlcl\:'nt ty~s 1s ! n :1~ •111111/>..••· snitlt.•,,.,. 1-i.~1\'t'., rtfj"'l"'l0111 of n llll'l.'hn111~111 111
SJ'-,-_~ l.'an t,,:- JC:-11.'0lltlled 3$ t.._,ltl)\\ S:
- .v
,\ I,
V c,,
No c"css rurn ,ng p ur
One c~ccss ruming pair
\l~d,,1111,m< 111,I \I,, 11111,

Let Two c~cess rumrng p:urs

Ullll ~ll OIi
\ = tot:ll number oflmk:- m a llll'<."h:mi:;m I hu s. I\ Ith the 111crcu~c in the number of Imh, rhc number of excess rumrng pairs goc., o n 1nc.: n:,1sing.
F = de-gn.--cs of fu.-....--d ...,m
Ck tti11u the rl·qu trcd nu mber of turning fllllrs from rhc required number of bmnry links 1s not poss 1ok.
P 1 = nwnbcr ofp:iin-: hs,ing l,ne d~--n.'c.." offtct,(fom
rh l•1dorc, the e,cc~s or the odc.l1t1onal p:11rs or Jornts can be obtained only from the links hav ing mo re thnn
P~ '= numberofpmn-: ha,i l\g two Jegnx-s offu.'<.--dom. and so on two Jo111111g porn ts, J e., ternary or quaternary

In 3 mechanism. one link is lhed. links, etc. 5

lberefore. For o six-link chain, some of tJ1e possible
Xumber of mo\';ible links= \ - I <4 3 5 3
types ore Watts six-bo r chom, in which
Xumberofdem-ees of freedom of( ~ - I) mm-:ible linl..s = 6(.\' - I ) the ternary links ore directly connected
Each pmr ha,~g one degree of freedom imposes 5 restraints on the mechan ism. reducing its degrees of 8 6 1
[Fig. 1.1 3(0)] and Stephenson's six-bar
freedom b~ 5P1• chain, in which ternary links are not directly (a) (b) (c)
Each pmr two degrees of freedom \\i ll impose 4 restraints. reducing the degrees of freedom of the connected [Fig. l.J3(b)]. Another possibility
mecha.nism bv 4P,. is also shown in Fig. 1.1 3(c). However, this Fig. 1.13
Similrui). ~ther=-pairs having 3. 4 and 5 degrees of freedom reduce the degrees of freedom of the mechanism. chain is not a six-link chain but a fo ur-link
Thus. chain as links I, 2 and 3 are, in fact, one link only with oo rel.atne motion of these links.
( 1.1) Two excess turning pairs required for an eight-link chain can be obtained by using (apart from binary
links) :
The above criterion is hardly necessary to find the degrees of freedom, as space mechanisms, especially of
the zero order are not practical. Most of the mechanisms are two-dimensional such as a four-link or a slider- four ternary links [Figs 1.14(a) and (b)J
two quaternary links [Fig. l.14(c)J
crank mechanism in ll.1Iich displacement is possible along two axes (one restraint) and rotation a bout only
one axis (two restraints). Thus, there are three general restraints. one quaternary and two ternary links [Fig. J. l4(d)J.
Therefore, for plane mechanisms, the following relation may be used to find the degrees of freedom

F=3(N - 1)-2P1 -1P2 (1.2)
This is known as Gruebler s criterion for degrees of freedom ofplane mechanisms in which each mova ble

link possesses three degrees of freedom. Each pair with one degree of freedom imposes two further restraints
on the mechanisms, thus reducing its degrees of freedom. Similarly, each pair with two degrees of freedom
reduces the degrees of freedom of the mechanism at the rate of one restraint each.
(a} (c}
Some authors mention the above relation as Kutzbacks criterion and a simplified relation [F = 3 (N-1 )- 2PiJ
which is applicable to linkages with a single degree of freedom only as Gruebler's criterion. However, many

authors make no distinction between Kutzback's criterion and Gruebler's criterion .
Thus, for linkages with a single degree of freedom only, P2 = 0
F = 3(N - l) - 2P1 (1.3) ~3

Most of the linkages are expected to have one degree of freedom so that with one input to a ny of the Jinks,
a constrained motion of the others is obtained.
(b) (d}
I •3(N l) - 2P1 Fig.1.14 6 3
Now, co nsider th e kin ematic chain shown in Fig. 1.15. It has 8 links, but only
.1.P 1 3N 4 (1.4) three tcm ary links. r lowcvcr, the links 6, 7 and 8 constitute a double pair so that the 2
A.~ P, tmd Narc to be whole numbers, the relation can be satisfied only if N is even . For possible linkages tota l number of pa irs is again 10. The degree of freedom of such a linkage will be 1
1odc of/, i1111Jy linh only , F = 3 (8 - I) - 2 X I 0
= ! Fig.1.15
10 J11<W1/ ,,(,\fac/1111t'> 'vfrc/m11i-i11, 011d Mad1111cs 11

ft rnry or quaternary links in a chain can be reduced by providing double

This shows that the mun ber o en , ' 3 (N I) 2/' 1 I/' /,
Joints also. . - ns fonnu\ated by the author prov1c. 1ct \1c dcg1cc
. , o1·1·rec•d 0111 und ti tc nu1nuor whc1u / , IA lho numhcr of redundant d~grccs of
The follow tn!!. empmcn 1re 1a1io ' . k' . I I k frcctlo111 . Now. us lhc obove,~m ha~ a cam
. •~ 1 I b 'r of \inks and the number of loops 111 a ·111c111nllc c Ill n uro now 11,
ofjomtsmohnkagew1cnt:emnn c_ •• ,·.
p111r, It~ dey1co of freedom must he found from
These relations arc \'ulid for linkages "1th tum111g p,ms,
Oruchlcr•~ criterion.
F= \ ' (2/ + I) (1.5)
'fotul number ofhnh 4
p -X+(L I) (1.6) Number of pu1rs with I degree of freedom • 3
where Number of puirRwith 2 degrees of freedom• f
L ~ number of\oops in a linkage. F 3(N I) 2/'1-1/'2 F,
Thus. for different number of loops in a linkngc, the degrees of 3(4 I) 2x3-lxl I
T,, blct.2
ft\'<.'l.lom and the- number of pairs are ns shown in Tobie 1.2. - 1
for t•,ample. if in a linkage, there nre 4 l~~p~ and 11 l!n~s, its F fig. 1.1;
de1,1.ree of fn,--d,,m will be 2 and the- number ot JOmts, 14. Snmlnrly,
N-3 N
,f; \ h..,s 3 \o-,p..~ it \11111'.'(JUire 8 lin\.. s to hn,c one degree of .V-5 N+l I Exn111ple 1.1 For the kinematic linkages Solution
frl.'<d,'lll, Q hnl..s to haw 2 dc-grees offrl.'t.'<iom, 7 linl..s to hn, e I degree
N+2 shown III Fig. I 18. calculate (a) .Vb=4;.V,=4; Nc=O; N•8, L=4
,,ffu,,t..""· etc.
Sonl<.'11mcs.. all the atx), e empiricnl relntions cnn giw incom:ct
~11~ t'..g.., F'\g..Ll6la) has S lin\...s_ 6 n1ming pairs and 2 loops. Thus, 1------''-'_ 11___N + 4
N () N+3 @ 1hefolloll'i11g·
• the 111,mber of hinary finks (N,J
P1 "' 11 by counting
or P1 = (N+L-1)= II
• the 1111111bar of temary fink~ (N,) F =3(N-I)-2P 1
it 1s a ~m1cn1re \\ i1h ?Ct\) degree of freedom. Howe, er, if the links nro .._n_nd_~_o_o_n_ _ _ _ _ _~ • the• 1111111ber of other (quatcrnan•, etc.) links
. =3(8-l)-2xlf:-I
Mr.\l~niin~11cha\\a~ nsAA,)\11\inFig. Ll6lb),ndcl111>/t'J><1ro/le/ogm111 (NJ '
~.i,_,,:,·" ith ,me d,:,gree- ,)ff~'dom is obtained, This is due to the reason that the lengths of the hnks or ot~cr or F =- N-(2L+ I)
• the 1111111bC'r of total links (N) = 8-(2x4 + l)=-1
,bnl<.~'11'1\;\l l'l\'P..'ltlcs are nC\I i.'\,nsidel\'d in these cmpincol relntions. So, e,ceptions ore bound to come with • the n11111bcr a{ loops fl)
~1~1 k1~11\., N' l','\t:\lle-1 hnl..s_ The linkuge has negati\e degree of freedom
• the 1111111bcr o.fjoi11ts or pairs (P 1) and thus is a superstructure.
S1'1,l<'lim,'~ \\l-~~1em m~ h~\ e ,me wnwre linl,;s \\hkh do not introd11ce nny extra constrnint. Such links • rhe 1111111&,,,- of dcg,r:t•s ofJh:i•do111 (F)
;ll\" l.n..",n a., '\'\4tN,J,w /i1t-l, and M\"'l11ld nCII be ~1mted IQ find the degree of freedom. for example, the (b) Nb=4;t-.,-4, -'v',=O; N=S ;l = 3
nW\~m.'1" ,,ff\ll, I.IN,\\) h..,~ ~ lm\...s_ b111 the flmction Qfthe nwchnnism is not nlfocted e,en ifnn) one of P1 = 10 (by counting)
1~ hnh ~, 4 ,'1' ~ are ren~,,\'\t. Tt\\18- the eft«-the num\ler Qflinls in this cnse is 4 with 4 turning poirs, ond 5 ' or P1 =(N+L-1)=10

lb"-, h;\., Nl<' ,ks.~ ,,f~l,mt 5
7 F - N - (2L + 1) - S - (2 x 3 + I) = I
8 or F =3(i\'- l)-2P 1
2 0 -3{S-l)-2xl0=\

1 1 i.e.. the lin\...ngc has a constrained motion
(n) (b) when one of the seven mo,ing links is driven
by !lll c,tcmnl source.
\;uwww t» uau \ (c) .Vh-7;N,-2;V,,=2; N=\l
1 (I) (b) L 5; P1 - 15
F- V - (:!L .._ I) 11 - ('.2 x 5 + I) = 0
Ii~, l, l11 Therefore, the link.age is n structure.

:S,\1 1\"\ '"-'~ '"I(' 1\11\\\'{I.' h~t~ ,,f\\ \11''\'h-'\m~m ,':"' t,,:, "'"'''' "ith\)\lt ,,m,sil~ m~ 1"\~llon tn the rest of
1 Exo111plr 1.2 Srall' 11'hrtlwr rhe linkages sho11'n
,,, "'' ,,t t~' ll\<.'\¾ni,01 S11\'h \\ Im\.. 1, ~'"' "' h.;, ea ml\t111f,1NI <~t'rt' 11{fimA1111. rhm, in n medmni~m. in Fig. 1.19 are meclia111~~111s
•• ..,, \\\'\',\;Ir\ "' l\\\~1'~ ,' '"'~ l, 1h l'r 1\1' "' l\\\\'l<l~llle th,, ,k~t\'\' \\f ll\'\'\l,1m ,,r the \\h\lle m,~honi~m.

''" ,'\;tm•, ,\ 1 •~ \11\\~1""'" '"''" n in I~, I I , "'lkr' ,'nn Mnte nt>1111t its ll\lS "ithout et1ns11~ on) (o)
@ 11'/th om• dt!grc.•IJ of freedom. if
1101, moke suitable changes. The
m,,, ,'""-"" t\\ '"'' l\',1 ,,r,,, ,,r
\l'-.'\'l\$m"\\ l't\11, '"" 1"<,'\'h-'\lli~l\\ l'Cl'l'C~'I\I~ t\ l\'\lnmhll\l \\~~IW 11'.'l.'\l\)I\\, rig, 1, tS 1111111htr of li11ks should 1101 be
h1 '~'\' ,\t':ii l'°t\\~•1l,,m ,,,,,\',, ~ ''""" """""~"11,k1:1\'\' ,,fth,,11,m, th,, .;,t)(",•th,, 11~~1\,' ,,fth.'<..'\lom ,~ ,~11·ied by mill\' than 1.
~~~ . .
'm, ,'
12 Tir<'()f_V of A111d1111cs
M,·cl10111<111s and Mach111r, 13
(b) The linkage has 4 loops und 11 links.
RclcITing Table 1.2, it has 2 degrees or
lh:edom. With 4 loops and I degree or As the effective degree of freedom 1s zero. JI

freedom , the number of links s!1ould be IO 1s a locked system.
and the number of joints 13. 1 hrce excess 5
0 0 1
joints can be fonncd by
1 1
(a} 6 ternary links or
4 ternary links and I qt111tcrnnry link or 1
(a) (b)
2 tcmary links, und 2 quaternary links, or

fl ~
3 quaternary links, or 2
{IS 1
a combination ternary and quaternary
links with double joints.
Figure 1.20(6) shows one of the possible
fig. L23

(c) The mechanism has a cam pair. Therefore,

(e} (c) There are 4 loops and 8 links. its degree of freedom must be found from
(C} F=N-(2L+)=8-(4x2+ 1)=-1 Gruebler's criterion.
Fig. 1.21 Total numberoflinks = 7 (Fig. 1.23)
It is a superstructure. With 4 loops, the
Number of pairs with I degree of freedom
number of links must be IO to obtain one Solution =8
degree of freedom. As the number of links
(d} (a) The mechanism has a sliding pair. Therefore.. Number of pairs with 2 degrees of freedom
is not to be increased by more than one. the =I
its degree of freedom must be found from
Fig. 1.19 number of loops has to be decreased. With Gruebler's criterion. F=3 (N-l)-2P 1 -P2
3 loops, 8 links and 10 joints. the required
S,1/11ti1111 (a} The linknge has 2 loops nnd 5 links. Total number of links= 8 (Fig. 1.22) =3(7-l)-2x8-I=I
linkage can be designed. One of the many
F= \ (11+1}=5- (2x1+1) = 0 Number of pairs with I degree of freedom Thus., it is a mechanism with one degree of
solutions is shown in Fig. I .20(c). = 10
Thus. ii is a strucrure. Referring Table 1.2. freedom.
(d) It has 5 loops and 12 links. Referring Table (At the slider, one sliding pair and two
li.1r n 2-loop mechanism. " should be si:\ 10 1.2. it has I degree of freedom and thus is a turning pairs) Example 1.4 How ma11y unique mecha-
hm e one degree of freedom. Thus. one more mechanism.
link should be added to the linkage to mnke F =3 (N-l)-2P 1 -P2 nisms can be obtained from
(e) The mechanism has a cam pair, therefore, =3(8- l) -2x 10 -0=1
it a mechanism of F= I. One of the possible the 8-lmk Tdnematic chain
its degree of freedom must be found from

solu1ions hns been shown in Fig. l.10(n}. Thus, it is a mechanism with a single degree shown in Fig. 1.24?

Gruebler"s criterion. of freedom.
S 8 Total number of links = 5
Number of pairs with I degree of freedom

2 =5
Number of pairs with 2 degrees of freedom
8 1

1 1 1 1 F = 3(N - l) - 2P 1 -P~ 1 Fig.1.2~
= 3(5 - 1) - 2 x 5- I = I
Sol11tio11 The kinematic chain has 8 links in all. A
Thus. it is a mechanism with one degree of Fig.1.22 unique mechanism is obtained by fixi ng one of the
freedom. (b) The system has a redundant degree of links to the ground each time and retaining only one
freedom as the rod of the mechanism can out of the symmetric mechanisms thus obtained.
"C.rn111µle 1.3 Determine the degree of
slide without causing any movement in the The given kinematic chain is symmetric about
ji-rcdom of the mechanisms rest of the mechanism. links 3 or 7. Thus, identical inversions (mechanisms)
1 shoirn i11 Fig. 1.21. :. e!Tective degree of freedom
(c) are obtained if the links 2, I, 8 or 4, 5, 6 are fixed.
= 3(N-l)-2P 1 -P,-F ln addition, two more unique mechanisms can be
Fig. 1.20 =3(4 - l) - 2X4 - 0 :_ l : 0 obtained from the 8-link kinematic chain as shown
in Fig. l.25.
ML'(/111111sm., 1111d M//clunc., 15

A linkage /,as 11 links c111d 4 1. Sil ding Pairs in Place of Turning Pairs
Example 1.5
I·lgurc I.26(u) shows a four-link mechanism. Let the length of the link 4 be increased to tniinily so ~t ~
loops. Calc11lale its degree th
of freec/0111 am/ lhe 1111111/Jer lies 111 Infinity, Now, with the rotation of the fink 2, C will have a linear motion perpendicular to the ax'.s 0
of le/'llatJ' a11d q11ale1·11ewy the fink 4, 'I he some motion of C can be obtained 1fthe fink 4 is replaced by a slider. and guides arc provided
li11ks ii 11'ill have if ii ltas for il8 111ollo11 as shown in I 1g. I .26(b). In this case, the axis of the slider does not pass through A and _the re
0111)' single 111mi11g pairs. Is un ccccnlricily. Figure l .26(c) shows a slider-crank mechanism with no eccentricity. In this way. a bmary
link is replaced by a slider pair.
Sol11tio11 F = N - (2l + I) = II - (2 x 4 + 1) =2 Nole that the axis of the sliding pair must be in the plane of the linkage or parallel to it.
p =N+ (L - 1) = II + (4 - I) = 14 Similarly, the turning pair al A can also be replaced by a sliding pair by providing a slider with guides at
The link!ge has 3 excess joi nts and if all the 8 [Fig. I .26(d)).
joints are single turning pairs, the excess joints can In case the axes of the two slidmg pairs are in one line or parallel, the two sliders along with the link 3 act
be provided either by as one link with no relative motion among these finks. Then the arrangement ceases to be a linkage. Thus, in
• 6 ternary links or order to replace two turning pairs in a linkage with sliding pairs, the axes of the sliding pairs must intersect.
• 4 ternary links and one quaternary link or In the same way, the turning pairs at Band C can be replaced by sliding pairs by fixing a slider to any of
• 2 ternary links and two quaternary links or the two links forming the pair [Figs l .26(e) and (t)J. Figure l .26(g) shows both of the turning pairs at Band
• 3 quaternary links C replaced by sliding pairs.

2. Spring in Place of Turning Pairs

The action of a spring is lo elongate or to shorten as it becomes in tension or in compression. A simJlar
variation in length is accomplished by two binary links joined by a turning pair. In Fig, I .27(a). the length AB

. . airs of lane mechanisms by other types of pairs having one or two degrees
varies as OB is moved away or towards point A. Figure l.27(b) shows a 6-link mechanism in which links 4
It is possible to replace tumm~ P p . Tl . can be done according to some set rules so that the new
has sliding pairs or cam pairs. 11 5 . . and 5 have been sbown replaced by a spring.
of free dom, sue d f freedom and are ki nematically sum lar.
mechanismsals~olure~hes,me ''''''°' , c•

, '-~ { _TT , :E -- 0

O at ro
1 (a) 1 (b) (c) (a) (b) (c)

Fig. l .2i

2 8 Remember that the spring is not a rigid link but is simulating the action of two binary links joined by a
turning pair. Therefore, to find the degree of freedom of such a mechanism, the spring has to be replaced by

Dat oo

2_, _ _,_ . "

' ~

the binary links.

3. Cam Pair in Place of Turning Pair

A cam pair has two degrees of freedom. For linkages with one degree of freedom, application of Gruebler's
equation yields,

F =3(N- 1) -2P 1- 1P2

or I = 3/V - 3 - 2P 1 - I x 1
or P, = - 2 -

Fig. 1.26

16 T/1<"0,Y<ifMnc/11 11es •
one ca m pair in a mec hanis m wi th one deg ree o r freedom, th e num be r o l link s li lll]
This show~ that to Iiave Softllion . . . . t two binary linb
turning pairs should be as belo~ :
N = 3,
N = 5,
P, - 2
P, = 5
YT·{ y~5
fl 6~ -
(aJ A spnng is cqu1va 1cnt o ,
connected by a turning pair. A cam pa
. i r i!>

e u1va/cnt of one binary _link with tum1!1g

N = 7, P, = 8 tl1 1 1
;irs al each end. The equivalent chain with
P, ~
N= 9,
11 nd 1 turning pairs is shown in Fig. 1-32 <aJ.
a so ~n. t • ig pairs onl y (Tab le 1.2) indicates tha t a co m pair co n be
. of this w ith lmkages 1iav111g umu (a) (b)
A companson . 'nk with two turn ing pairs at each end. . . .

replaced by one binary It . o f a four-link mechanism) wi th two tu m 1ng _pa irs at 11s ends_ rep laced by a
fi gu_re I .28(a) shows ~ ;;.~~s at th e point o f contact x of the two ca ms l~e at D and C. Fig ures I .28(b)
cam pair. The cen~es of c:ith tum in pairs at 8 and C rep laced by a cam_pair. T he cent~cs of c urv~ lu re at

,,.,,,ooore: :.
and (c) show the hnk ~ C and C re~ ectively. Figu re I .28(d) shows equ iva len t mecharn sm for a di sc cam
the point of contact X he at 8 p Tl es of curvatu re of th e cam and the fo ll ower at the instant (al
with reciprocating curved-face fo ll ower. ie cen Ir 1
~ A~
fig. 1 .30

Figure I .30(a) shows a Watt's chain in which the

J? _, T ternary links are directly connected. Thus, any of

the binary links 2 or 6 can be replaced by a slider

10 o bta in a slider-crank mechanism. Figure 1.30 (b)
and (c) show two variations of the slider obtained
by replacing tb e binary link 6. The slider-crank
A (a)
X A (b) C (oJ mechanism of Fig. l.30(c) is known as beam engine. (b)

F,xamp le l.7 Sketch the eqt.tiYalent kinema-

tic chains with fuming pairsfor
@ the chains shown in Fig. 1.31.

O 0'®_- \

Fig. 1.28

Fig. 1.32
Examplel.6 Sketch a few slider-crank
mechanisms derived fram (b) A slider pair can be rep laced by one link
Stephenson .s and Watt .s six-
bar chains.
1 1
- (a) (b)
with a turning pair at the other end . A cam
pair with a roller follower can be replaced by
a binary link with turning pairs at each end
Solution Figure I .29(a) shows a Stephenson 's (a ) (b)
similar to the case of a c urved-face follower
chain in which the ternary links are not directly • 4
of Fig. l .28(d ). the eq uivalent chain is shown

connected. Thus, any of the binary links 3 or 6
in Fig. l.32(b ).
can be replaced by a slider to obtain a slider-crank
(c) The equivalent chai n h a s been shown in
mechanism as shown in Fig. l.29(b) aod (c).
Fig. l.3 2(c).
1 (c) 1 (c)

Fig. 1.29 Fig.1.31

18 11,,'llry oJMad1i11ts
JJ--------- -- .
Mechnmsms and Maddnes

fi II . clc or act as a crank. The

·1hus, d Jij less than a, I, and 1·, i.e., 11 is the sh(Jrtest llnk ,fa ,s to rot.ate a u5t c,r 0 f 1h t ith d. the
1.13 THE FOUR-BAR CHAIN ubove inequalities also suggest that out of a, hand r·, whichever is the longe , e sum • , _a
(o, the 'link
A four-bar chain is the most fundamental of th~ plane kin~ma!ic c~~ins. It is a m~~h prclcrrcd mcchun1 shortcKI link will be less than the sum of the remaining two links, Thus. the necessary conditions
dei ice for the mechanisation and control of mouon due to ats s1mphc1ty and vcrsalahly. Bas ically It 11 cu1
of four rigid links which are connected in the fom1 of a quadrilateral by four pin-joints. When one ~f
is fixed. it is known as a linkage or mechanism. A link that makes complete revolution is called the er ie ks
tt ~%
a to be u crunk is
• !he shortest link is fixed, and
• lhc sum of the shortest and the longest Jinks is less than the JUm of the other two links.
link opposite to the fixed link is called the coupler. and the fourth link is ca lled a lel'er or rocker if il O"''. 1• the In a simi lar way, it can be shown that if
or another crank, if it rotates. sci Iates the link c is to rotate through a full circle,
Note that it is i~possible to have a four-bar linkage if the l~ngth a~ i.e., ifi l is to be a crank then the conditions
~ 10 be realised are the same as above. Also,
ofone of the links 1s greater than the sum of the other three. This bas
been shown in Fig. 1.33 in which the length of link d is more than the it can be shown that if both the links a and
sum of lengths of a, band c, and therefore, this linkage carmot exist. c rotate through full circles, the link b also
Consider a four-link mechanism shown in Fig. i .34(a) in which Fig. l.33 makes one complete revolution relative to
the length a of the link AB is more than d, the length of the fixed link AD. The linkage has been sh
various positions. It can be observed from these configurations that if the link a is to rotate throu;ivn in
. the fixed link d.
The mechanism thus obtained is known
-- --- --
re1·olution. i.e., ifit is to be a crank, then the following conditions must be met: a full as crank-crank or double-crank or drag-
crank mechanism or rotary-rotary converter.
Figure 1.35 shows all the three links a, band
C c rotating through one complete revolution.

.6 0
8 In the above consideration, the rotation of
the links is observed relative to the fixed link
d. Now, consider the movement of b relative
to either a or c. The complete rotation of b
relative to a is possible if the angle LABC
can be more 180° and relative to c if
A A d Fig. 1.35
d the angle LDCB more than 180°. From the
(b) ~~sitions of the links in Fig. l.35(b) and (c),
it ts clear that these ~gles c'.1°°ot become more than 180° for the above stated conditions
. link
. . of which
two adjacent links remains th e same .rrrespectrve .
Now, as fram diffi motJ.on between

A~ b
fixed to the
of chain will be ~ foll::~: . 1s
mecbarusms (known as inversions) obtained by fixing different links of this kind

'\ C


From Fig. U 4(b), d + 11 < b + c (i)

From Fig. l.34(r), d +" < 11 + b (ti)
\II Fig, l.34(d),
From b < (' + (n" _ ,f) or d +h <c+a (iii)
t1lllQ(i)11nd (ii), Jd +a +- r <?.b +a .. r
(a) (b) (c)
,)r d, h
Sinul.irl., , ntfdin.,Q (ii) nnd (iii) nm! (i") 1(")
d ' ,1 ' II nm I \\ ~ g1:t Fig. 1.36
.in,/ d , ,,
dM l
fjio 11,r,,rv ,,f Mntl1111r•
l(any of the adJacent IJnkH of lmk fl. 1,c., a orris fixed. d cun hove 11 111II ,cvol11tfo,1 (< ,11nk) ,11111 the
1 hnk opposite to it oscillate.~ (rock 11 ) In l·,g. l J<,(11), a,~ /1,icd, d '" the ctrHlk r111d h 011clll111c11 whcic,i~
inf· Jg. 1.J<,(b), c JS fixed, d ,~ 1hc crank ond /, o~c1llute11. I he mech1J11JHlll 1H known u~ ( n111k 1m ;,,,, JII
, ra11k-lever meclumi.1111 or mtory-mr-dlari11J.: crmverrer
2. l(rhe link opposite 10 the shoncst 1111k, LC., link" IS /i,icd ond the 4lwnesl lrnk d 111 ,nude u COllf)lcr, the
orhcr two l,nks a and c would oscillate (hg , I .36(e)J, Ilic meehan111m 111 known u11 u rr1f'k1•1 1,1rk,•i
d11uh!e-mcker or douh/e-/ever mechani.'111 or o.1c//latl111:-o,1cfllatl11,: crmve11t!1
!,,,,.r 1/r.
: ·~l"""q"""' /0
A l,nkagc which the sum of the lcngthJ of the longest an_d the shoncst hnk!I i11lc1111 1h11n lhc 1111111 ol lfiu
lengths of the other two links, is known as a cla,s-1, four-bar hnka~c. .
When the sum of the lengths of the largest and the shorted hnks JS more than the swn of ~he lcng1h11 of the C'~ I '.
other two links, the linkage is known as a clau·-/1, four-bar linkage. In such a Jrnkoge, n,ung o/ any ol the
links always results in a rocker-rocker mcchamsm. In other words, the mechanism ond Its invcniions give lhc
·-'!~ _,./ \
same type of motion (ofa douh/e-rocker mechanism).
The above observations arc summarised in Grashof's law which states that ofour-har mechan!.vm ha.r at
least o11e revolving link if rhe sum of the lengths of the largest a11d tire .Jhortest /Inks Is lhan the .rum of
J •&- 1.3tl
lengths ofthe other two links.
Further. if the shortest fink is fixed, the chain will act as a double-crank mechanism in which Jinks adjacent
to the fixed link will have complete revolutions. lf the link opposite to the shortest link is fixed, the chain will When any of the longer link• it tixe<l, two cranli:.-f'ocker rn«banifflu are obtained (flg.. f J8(bJ and (c:,J
act as double-rocker mechanism in which Jinks adjacent to the fixed link will oscillate, If the link adjacent to
the shortest link isfixed, the chain will act as crank-rocker mechanism in which the shortest link will revolve
and the link adjacent to the fixed link will oscillate. Shortat lmkfixed, i.e~ when the link with~
Jfthe sum of the lengths of the largest and the shorted links is equal to the sum of the lengths of the other Example1,8 f ,ind all lhe ,nversion of th e
length is fi.u.d. the chain wiJI act as double-aank
t1',o links. i.e., when equalities exist, the four inversions, in general, resull in mechanisms similar to those as chain g iven ,n Fig. / ,39,
given by Grashors law. except that sometimes the Jinks may become collinear and may have to be guided in
the proper (fin:aion. UsualJy, the purpose is served by the inertia of the Jinks. A few special cases may arise
@ mechanism in which I.inks with lengths of 12 mm
and 8 mm will have complc:ic rc:voluuons_
Link opp<mte to the shortest link faced, Le,, when
•-hen equalities exist. For example, parallel-crankfour-bar linkage and deltoid linkage, the link with 10-mm leng&h is med. the cham will
b act as double-cocker mechanism in which Jinks with
Paralkl-Crank Four-Bar Linkage If in
a four-bar linkage, two opposite links 12mm lengths of J 2 mm and 8 mm will oscillate-
are paraIJeJ and equal in length, then Link adjacent lo the shortat linkfaced, i.e .• when
any of the links am be made Jixed The 10mm any of the links adjacent to the shortest link. -
hvo links adjacent to the Jixed link will I~ wi~ a length of 12-mrn or 8 mm is fixed. L~
always act as hvo cranks. The four links chain will act as aank-rocker mechanism m which
focm a parallelogram in an the positions Fig. L37 3mm
~e s h ~ link of3-mm length will re·1,olve and the
of the cranks,. provided the cranks rotate link with I 0-mm length will oscillate..
in the same sense as shown in Fig. 1.37. 8mm
TIJe ofsoch ~ medrmism is made in the coupled wheels of a locomotive in which the rotary motion of
Exnmple 1.9 Figure 1.40 shows some
<J1JC_-.-bed is u:msmino:f ro rhe odJa whee'- For kinematic analysis, link dis treated as fi."Ced and the relative
= Fig. L.39 four-link mechanisms in
moi102S ofrbe Olber linl:s

ofiJ Lutblge
fuoDd. Howe~·er-, in fuel_ d bas a uanslarory motion parallel to the rails.
In a deltoid linkage (Fig. 1.38), the equal links are a djacent to each othez: When Solution @ which the figures indicate the
dimensions in standard unils
::{1on t h e ~ ~ is 5xed, a ~ouble-aank mechanism is obtained in which one revol~tion of (a) Length of the longest link= 12 mm of lengrk Indicate the f)pe
liro:. .: cau: ~ re;:,:,~ of the other shorter link As shown in Fig. 1.38 (a), when the Length of the shortest link= 3 mm
L~gth of other links = IO mm and 8 mm
of each mechanism whether crank-rocker or
full ~ "Olutiorn.. ~ .a ubon dild assumes the position OC', the link a has completed a double-crank or double-roclcer.
Smee 12 "':' 3 < 10 + 8, it belongs to the class-
I mechams~ . and according to Grasboff's
law. three d1snnct inversions are possible.
Mechanisms and Macl11nes 23
22 TT,ro,y of Machi,,cs
Length of ol her links 8 and 7
Since 8 + 4 6 + 6, it belongs to the class,. As DEF is a locked chain with three links, the
Since JO + 4 "- 8 + 7, it belongs lo the cluss.,
J mechanism. As the shortest link 1s fixed, it is a link £Frevolves with the revolving of ED. With the

mechanism. In !l~is c?se as the_li,_1k udJucc,11
double-crank mechanism and thus EF ond AG can revolving of ED, AG also revolves.
10 the shortest_lrnk rs /1xed, rt 1s u crunk.
rocker 1nechan1s111. revolve fully.

E.w1111ple1.10 Figum 1.4 I sl,011w a plw,e

111ec/,a11/.1·111 /11 \111,lc/1 //,efigu,'c!,\·
4 i11dlcate tl,e d/111e11s/011s 1, 1 Tho 111echa11/ca/ ctdvctntage (MAJ of a mechanism
5 standard 1111/ts of le11gtl,, n,<' i~ the rutio of the output force or torque to the input
(a) slider C is tl,e drive,: /Viii the force or torque at any instant, Thus for the linkage t>C"
liuk AG revolve or oscillate? of Fig. 1.42, if friction and inertia forces are ignored

{j .u
D and lhe input torque T2 is applied to the link 2 to
drive the output link 4 with a resisting torque T4
Power input= Power output
Tz aJi = T4 m4
or MA=!l= m2
9 8 7777T Ti m4 fig. 1.42
(c) Thus, it is the reciprocal of the velocity ratio. In
Fig. 140 Fig.1.41 case of crank-rocker mechanisms, the velocity a,4 of the output link DC (rocker) becomes zero at the extreme
positions (AB' C'D and AB"C'D), i.e., when the input link AB is in line with the coupler BC and the angle y
between them is either zero or l 80°, it makes the mechanical advantage to be infinite at such positions. Only
Sol11tio11 Solution The mechanism has three sub-chains:
a small input torque can overcome a large output torque load. The extreme positions of the linkage are known
(a) Lcogth of the longest link= 9 (i) ABC, a slider-crank chain as toggle positions.
Length of the shortest link= 5 (ii) ABDE, a four-bar chain
Length of other links = 7 and 6 (iii) AEFG, a four-bar chain
Since 9 + 5 > 7 + 6, it does not belong to the 1.15 TRANSMISSION ANGLE
DEF is a locked chain as it has only three
class-I mechanism. Therefore, it is a double-
links. ~e ang~e µ b~twee~ the output link a~d the coupler is known as transmission angle. In Fig. 1.43, if the
rocker mechanism.
• As the length BC is more than the length AB link A_B 1s the mput lmk, t~e force applied to the output link DC is transmitted through the coupler BC. for
(b) Leogth of the longest link = 9
plus the offset of 2 units, AB acts as a crank a pa~1cular value of force 1~ t~e coupler rod, the torque transmitted to the output link (about the point D) is
Leogth of the shortest link= 4
and can revolve about A. maxu~um when the transm1~s1on angleµ is 90°. If links BC and DC become coincident, the transmission
Leogth of other links = 7 aod 7
• In the chain ABDE, angle 1s zero and the mechanism would lock or jam. Ifµ deviates C
Since 9 + 4 < 7 ~ 7, it belongs to the class-I
Length of the longest link= 8 significantly from 90°, the torque on the output link decreases.
mechaoism. In this case as the shortest link
Length of the shortest link = 4 Sometimes, it may not be sufficient to overcome the friction in
is fixed, it is a double-crank mechanism.
the system and the mechanism may be locked or jammed. Hence B
(c} Length of the longest link= JO Length of other links= 8 and 6
µ is usually kept more than 45°. The best mechanisms therefore
Length of the shortest link= 5 Since 8 + 4 < 8 + 6, it belongs to the class-I have a transmission angle that does not deviate much from 90°. '
Length of other links = 9 aod 7 mechanism. lo this case as the shortest link is fixed Applying cosine law to triangles ABD and BCD (Fig. 1.43 ), k
Since IO+ 5 < 9 + 7, it belongs to the class-I it is a double-crank mechanism and thus AB and ED a1-+cfl-2adcos 0=k2 (i)
mechanism. In this case as the link opposite can revolve fully. and fl- + c2- 2bc cosµ= k2 (ii)
to the shortest link is fixed, it is a double- • In the chain AEFG, From (i) and (ii),
rocker mechanism. Length of the longest link= 8 c? + cfl-2ad cos 0 =fl-+ c2-2bc cosµ D
A d
(d) Length of the longest link = JO or a1-+cfl-fl--c2-2adcos 0+ 2bc cosµ= O
Length of the shortest linJc = 4 Fig.L43
Length of the shortest link= 4
Length of other links = 6 and 6
M~ luuusm und \,I,, lttn.-S
24 Thc.'\Jry t'] ,\ 1,1d1t11cs

(c) In this mecham,m.
The ma,imum or minimum values of.t h e ~
transmission angle can be found by puttmg µ,,,,.. w~ µ I~ = 0.25 Length of the longest link 7
dµ,d0 equal to zero. b c Length oflhe shortest lmk = J
Dilfen:ntiating tl1e above equation with µ 104.5" Length of other hnk.s 6 and 6
respect to 0. Mh1111w111 tru11sm1 Ns1011 angle 1s when (J ,s <Y' Since 7 + 3 < 6 ,.. 6. it belongs to the class- I
(Ill~. I 47(b)J, mc:chamsm. In this case as the shortest hnk ,s fixed.
2 ad sin 0 - 2bcsin µ . ~; =0 rhuH (d a ) 2 /,7 ➔ ,:i 21H cos p ,t 15 a double--erank or drag-hnk mechanism.
a d (3 I ) 2 32 ➔ 22 2 I". 3 X 2 C-OS µ
dµ ad sin 0 (b)
(a) 4 9 + 4 12 cos µ I• --l

70= bcsinµ
Fig . 1.44
TI1w,. if dµ 'd0 is to be zero. tl1e tcllll ad cos µ =+ 0.75

sin0 has 10 be zero which means 0 is either 0° A~b
or 180". It can be seen thatµ ismaximwn when_0
is I 8O° and minimwn when 0is 0°. However, this
would be applicable to the mecharusms in w~ich ~- A, µ = 41 .4°
(b) Ia thi s mechan ism,
Leng th of th e longest link= JO
B a
A d 0 (b)

the link a is able to assume diese angles, ,.e., C
Length oflhe shortest link= 6
in double-crank or crank-rocker mechanisms. Length of oth er links = 8 and 7 Fig.1A9
Figures l.44(a) and (b) show a crank-rocker Since 10 + 6 > 8 + 7, il belongs to the class-II
m~hanism indicating the positions of die d d mechanism and thus is a double-rocker mechanism. Maximum trammission angle lS when 8 is 180°
maximum and the minimum rransmission angles. (a) (b) (Fig. l.49(a)].

Figures J.45(a) and (b) show the maximum and
Fig. 1.45 Tims (a+ d'f = b2 + c2-2bc cosµ
the minimum transmission angles for a double-
(6 + 3)2 = ~ + 72 - 2 X 6 X 7 COSµ
rocker mechanism
81 =36+49-84cosµ
Example z.n Find the maximum and Solution 4
minimum transmission m1g/es (a) In this mechanism, cosµ = - 84- = 0476
far the mechanisms shown i11 Length of the longes t link = 3
Fig. 1.46. The.figures indicate Length of the shortest link = 1 A d D µ=8727"
the dimensions in slandard Length of other links = 3 and 2 (b) Minimum transmission angle is when 0 is 0°
units oflength. Since 3 + l < 3 + 2, it belongs to th e class r [Fig. l.49(b)]. ~
Fig. 1.48
mechanism. In this case as the link adj acent to the Thus (a-df = li1 +c2-2bc cos ,u

~: :Q ~ ~
shortest link is fixed, it is a crank-rocker mechanism. M axi mum transmission angle is when 0 is 180° (6-3)2 =62 + 7 2 -2 X 6 X 7 COSµ
[Fig. l.48(a)), 9 = 36 +49-84 cosµ
Thus, (a+ d) 2 = b2 + c 2 - 2bc cosµ
(7 + 8)2 = 6 2 + 102 - 2 X 6 X 10 COS ,U cos .u = T4' = 0.9048

225 = 36 + 100- 120 cosµ
µ=2 52°
3 d B d cosµ =- ~
= -0 .742
(a) aaA d D B d
(a) (b) µ = 137.9° Examp le 1.12 A crank-rocker mechanism
has a 70-mm fi.:ed link, a

Maximum transmission ang le is when 0 is 180°

Minimum transm ission angle is when the ano!e
at B is 180° [Fig. 1.48(b)J,
Thus,cP =(a+ b) 2 + c 2 -2(a + b)c cosµ
"' @ 20-mmcrank,a50-mmcoupler,
and a 70-mm rocke,: Draw the
[Fig. l.47(a)J, 82 = (7 + 6) 2 + I 0 2 - 2(7 + 6) X 10 x cos µ mechanism and determine
3 d
Thus (a + d)2 = b2 + c2- 2bc cosµ 64 = 169 + I 00 - 260 cos µ the mm:imum and minimum values of the
205 transmission angle. L ocate the two toggle
(1 + 3>2 = 3 2 + 2 2 - 2 X 3 X 2 COSµ cos µ = 260 = 0.788
Fig.1.46 p os itions and find the corresponding
16 = 9 + 4 - 12 cos µ
µ =38° crank ang les and the transmission angles.
Mecharusms p,ul M,,chml'!!
• 11,eoryofMt1,-h1rtCS
Since 70 +. 20 < 7~ + 50, it belong~
class-I mechanism. In thrs case as th e li nk , ,0 Ilic
10 the shortes t link is fixed , it is a cr•r11 kldJuccn1 t 16 Tl W SJ.JDUR-CRANK CHAIN ·ngle r/1der-crank
95.7' mechanism. ' · rocker • . . , . , r chain is replaced by a sliding p~ir, it bcromcs:;~bar chain to get a
50 C Maxim um trans missio n ang le is when O is
[Fig. J.50(a)J,
Thus (a + d) 2 = b + c2- 2bc cos µ
18(Jo chain or Himply u .vllder•l'l'(ot
do11hle s/lder-cnmk chain c~. , ,
.d;°~'~) 1;:~1t:
in a slider-crank chain, the straight h;e
dis Jacecf, The distance e t,etween . e
When one ol th c turn1ng pu1rHo l " tou;-ba, l possible to replace two slidmg pairs o_fa f; th of the slider may
pivot O and the
nk chain
B 20 A 70 2 2 2
(20 + 70) = 50 + 70 - 2 X soX 70 Cos be pussir~g throughft l~c "7,~d P!sv;~ ,~~::~rel an~ the chain so form~ an offset .,l~~aas its inversions.
straight J,nc palh o 1. es • er~ cd b fl , , different links of a kinematic chain are
(a) (mm) 8 J00 = 2500 + 4900 - 7000 cos µ Jl Di/Tcrcnt mechanisms obtam , Y '."mg . .,
C cosµ =-0. 1 A slider-cra nk chain has the foll owing mvers1ons.
µ = 95.7°

Firs t Inversion

Minimum tra nsmission angle is when 0 is O•
[Fig. I .S0(b)], This inversion is obtained when lin k I is
2 2 2
Thus (70 - 20) = 50 + 70 - 2 x 50 x 70 c fi xed and links 2 and 4 are made the crank
2500 = 2500 + 4900 - 7000 cos µ os µ and the slider respec ti vely [Fig. l .5 I (a)]. 1 (a) 1
Fig. 1.51
cos µ = 0.7 Applications .
A 8 (b) D 1. Reciprocati ng engme
µ = 45.6°
2. Reciprocating compressor . . . (p. ston) is the driver and if it is a compressor,
C Th e two toggle positions are shown in Figs 1.50(c) As shown in Fig. 1.5l(b), if it is a rec rprocatrng eogme,
4 1
and (d).
b 77.6'
2 (crank) is th e dri ver.
Transmission ang le for fi rs t position,

cf2 = (b - a) 2 + c2-2(b- a)c cos µ Second Inversion
70 2 = 30 2 + 70 2 - 2 X 30 X 70 cos µ Fixing of tb e fink 2 of a slider-crank chai n
4900 = 900 + 4900 - 4200 cos µ resul ts in the second invers ion. 1 (a)

8 cos µ = 0.2 14 Thes lider-crank.mecbanism ofFig. 1.5 1(a)

can also be drawn as shown in F ig. 11 .52(a).
C µ = 77.6°
Further, when its li nk 2 is fixed inst~ad of
As c and d are of equal length [Fig. J.SO(c)],
the fink J, the link 3 along w ith tb e s ltder a t
it is an isosceles triang le and thus input angle
60° its end B becomes a crank. This makes the
0 = (77.6° + 180°) = 257.6° link I to rotate abo ut O along w ith th e s lider
Tra nsmission ang le for second position Fig. which also reciprocates on it [Fig. l.52(b)].
l .50(d),
cf-= (b + a) 2 + c2-2(b + a)c cosµ Applications .
I. Whitworth quick-return mechamsm Fig. 1.52
70 2 = 70 2 + 70 2 - 2 X 70 X 70 COSµ 2. Rotary engine
(d) d D 4900 = 4900 + 4900 - 9800 cosµ
Whitworth Quick-Return Mechanism It is a mechanism used in w orks hops to cut metals. The ~mward
cos µ = 0.5
stroke takes a little longer and cuts the metal whereas the return stroke is idle and takes a shorter penod.
Fig. 1.50 µ =60° Slider 4 rotates in a circle about A and slides on the link I [Fig. l .52(c)] . C is a point on the link 1 extend ed
(or as a ll the sides of the triangle of Fig. l.50(d) backwards where the link 5 is pivoted. The other end of the link 5 is p ivoted to the tool, the forward stroke of
ution In this mechanism are of equal length, it is arr equilateral triangle and which cuts the metal. Tl1e axis of motion of the s lider 6 (tool) passes through O and is perpend icu lar to OA ,
Length of the longest iink = 70 mm thus transmission ang le is equal to 60°) the fixed link. The crank 3 rotates in the co unter-clockwise direction.
Length of the shortest link = 20 mm And the input ang le, 0 = 60° Initially, let the slider 4 be at B' so that C be at C. Cutting tool 6 w ill be in the extreme left p osition. W ith
Length of other links = 70 and 50 mm • The above resu lts can also be obtained the movement of the crank, the slider traverses the pa th B'BB" w hereas the point C moves through CCC'.
graphically by drawing the figures to scale Cutting tool 6 will have the foiward s troke. Finally, the s lider B assumes the pos ition B" and th e c u tti ng too l
and measuring the angles. 6 is in the extreme right position. T he time taken for the forwa rd s troke of the s lider 6 is proportio na l to th e
obtuse angle B"AB' at A.
Mec!to111,111, and Mad1mes 29
28 n,,wy ,,( \111d1111,·s
. c ,a1h B"IJ"'B' and C passes through
Similarly, the slider 4 compleles lhe rest of the circ!c throu~
1 11
is propo rlional to the ucule angle 1 lgurc I .55(b) shows the extreme pos1t1ons
of lhc oscilluling guide 4 The time of the c<o\-. s
C'C"C'. There is backward stroke of the tool 6. The tune take ,
fo1wu rd stroke 1s proportional to the angle O
B"AB' at A. 0
wltcrcus for the re turn stroke, 11 ,s proportional
Let to angle /J, provided the crank rotates
9 - obtuse angle 8 AB" at A
/3 acute angle B'AB" al A
Comruring a cronk and slotted-lever qu1ck-
4 3
Then, rc1urn mechanism with a Whitworth quick-
Time of culling 0 return mechanism, the following observations
Timcofrctum = /3 arc made: 8
. . I 52(b) 1I can be observed that I. Crank 3 of the Whitworth mechanism 1s (a) (b)
Rotary E11gi11c Rcfcmng Fig. · ' b o and the
8 00 1
A 11i11e-cyli11der ro1a1y engine longer than its fixed link 2 whereas the
wtlh the rotation of tl,c ltnk 3, the link .1 rotates . . ade crank 2 of the slotted-lever mechanism Fig. 1.55
slider 4 reciprocates on it. This also impltcs that if the sltdcr ~ m is shorter than its fixed link 3,
to reciprocate on the link I, the crank 3 will rotate about A an 2. Coupler link I of the Whitworth mechanism makes
the link I about 0. · 1 and complete rotations about its pivoted joint O with the fixed
In a rotary engine, the slider is replaced by a ~15 on f link. However, the coupler link 4 of the slotted-lever
ihe link I by a cylinder pivoted at O. Morc~vcr, instead o mechanism oscillates about its pivot B.
one eylinde~ seven or nine cylinders symmetncally placed at
3. The coupler link holding the tool can be pivoted to the
regular inte~als tn the same plane or in parallel planes, arc
main coupler link at any convenient point C in both
u~d. All the cylinders rotate about the same fixed centre and
cases. However, for the same displacement of the tool., it
form a halanccd system. The fixed link 2 is also common to
is more convenient if the point C is taken on the extension
all cyltnder~(Fig. 1.53). of the mai n coupler link (towards the pivot with the fixed
Jhu1, in a ro1ary engine, the crank 2 is fixed and the body A slurping machine. Shaping machines are
link) in case of the Whitworth mechanism and beyond
I rotala whereaJ ,n a reciprocating engine ( I st inversion), the fitted with quick-return mechanisms.
the extreme position of the slider in the slotted-lever
hody I 1J fixed and the crank 2 rotate!/. mechanism. o
Pig. 1.53
Third Inversion
Fourth Inversion
Hy fixing the hnk 3 of the ~lider• A 3 8 If the link 4 of the slider-crank mechanism is fixed, the A
crank mcchani1m, the third
fourth inversion is obtained [Fig. I.56(a)]. Link 3 can
,nver,ic,n i, obtained (f ig, I.S4(a)J, oscillate about the fixed pivot Bon the link 4. This makes
Now the link 2 IJjplin act, at a crank 3
O 1 8 4 3 the end A of the link 2 to oscillate about B and the end O
and the link 4 OM:illatc•. to reciprocate along the axis of the fixed link 4.
(aJ (b) B
Application Hand-pump
I (J11Ctlfatin1 cylinder tnjine Hg.1.54 Figure l ,56(b) shows a hand-pump, Link 4 is made in
Z. ( rank and •lottcd-ltvtr
the form of a cylinder and a plunger fixed to the link I
reciprocates in it.
(a) (b)
01dll11tln3 C1jll1tder Lnglne A• ~hr,wn in f'ig, IJ4(b), the link 4 is made in the rorm of a cylinder and a
puton 1•f, to !hetn<I of the link I, The pi~u,n reciprocate/I in8idc the cylinder pivoted to the lixed link 3.
I hu rr1JnJl#m1:nt ,. k,u:,wr, m,willating cylinder engine, In which the piHton rcciprocatc8in the oscillating
Fig. 1.56

"Jlwkr, the cr11nk rMatu, Example 1.13 The length uf !he fixed link
f" and 6/llffe~/,ever Meclt1ml1m Jr •Jidcr,
i.°'~1 ' 11 ~:~ rdc 11nd the pi4tfln m the fi,rm of a
the cylinder of an (11Je/llatins, c,-ylinder engine is made in the
the 11rrantv,;ment a# shown in Pig I 55(~) i!I obtained
uf " crunk and slotted-lever
111eclu111ism Is 250 mm (llld
(i) inclination of the slotted lever with the
vertical in the extreme position,
(ii) ratio of the time of cutting stroke to the
• ,c trim,,_ ffrl:itc11111,t,111 tf, the 1'Uidc 4 IJM:illlltcub, t IJ At , C' . , . , that of !he crank is I 00 mm. time ofreturn stroke, and
tl,c ,,11,c, cr,tf r,J wliic;h i• canne<;tcd '" the cutti, 11 ,, It,~ ·,,., a ~mnt . the guide, the link 5 i11 pi voled,
Ir, 14/0 r,f/JUI>', 11 p1V11u:d JOtnt.
Detem1111e the
JO 11,cory ofMad1111cs ,\tfrl/r,mi<ms o.nd M,u-J11r1e$ 31

th cos T
/3 -- ~OA = ~250 = 0.4
(iii) length of the stroke, if the /cflg/1, ~if ' '
slo11ed le1·er is 450 mm ofld il,e "'.'e Q
1 Squnrrng and adding,
stroke passes through the extremepo.l'itions ___:.C__2 +1-=cos 2
O+sin 2 O=l
c1lth<!free end oft/1<! le1·<!r. or
.J!__=66.4° or /J = 132.8° (BC) 2
(i) A ngle of the s lotted lever wit h the \lo. This is the equation of an ellipse. Therefore, the path traced by C 1s an ellipse with the ~cm,-major and
Solution Refer Fig. I .57. a /2 = 900- 66.4" - 23.60 it1c11/ semi-minor uxe11 heing equal lo AC and BC respectively.
R When (' is the midpoint of AB, AC= BC.
.. Timeofcu ttiogstroke und
(u) Timeofretums troke _x_i_ +-y_i_ = I or x2+y2=(AC)2
360° - fJ 360° - 132.8° (BC) 2 (AC) 2
p p• =--/J--= 132.8° 1.7 1 which is the equation of a circle with AC ( BC) a.. the radius of the circle.
(iii) Length of stroke= S'S" = R'R"
Second Inversion
= 2 AR'. sin ( a /2)
If any of the slide-blocks of the first inversioc is fixed. the second inversion of the double-slider-crank cham
Fig.1.57 = 2 x 450 sin 23.60 is obtained. When the link 4 is fixed, the end B of the crank 3 rotates abom A and the link I reciprocates in

= 360.3 mm the horizontal direction.
OA =250mm OP'=OP'' = 100 mm
AR'=AR"=AR= 450 mm Application Scotch yoke
Scotch Yoke A scotch-yoke mechanism (Fig. 1.59) is used to -
convert lhe rotary motion into a sliding motion.. As the crank 3 rotates. 4
A four-bar chain having two turning and two sliding pairs such t~at two pa~s of~Je same kind are adjacent is the horizontal portion of the link I slides or reciprocates in the fixed
known as a double-slider-crank chain [Fig. l.58(a)]. The fo !Jowmg are 1ts mvers10ns. link 4.
y Fig. 1.59
First Inversion Third Inversion
This inversion is obtained when the link This inversion is obtained when the link 3 of the first inversion is fixed -----
1 is fixed and the two adjacent pairs 23 and the link 1 is free to move.
and 34 are turning pairs and the other two The rotation of the link l bas been shown in Fig. 1.60 in which the full
pairs 12 and 41 sliding pairs. lines show the initial position. With rotation of the link 4 through 45° in
the clockwise direction, the links I and 2 rotate through the same angle
Application Ellip tical trammel whereas the midpoint of the link 1 rotates through 90° in a circle with the
Elliptical Trammel Figure J.58(b)
shows an elliptical trammel in which the
fixed link 1 is in the foIIll of guides for
,~f, ~x length oflink 3 as diameter. Thus, the angular velocity of the midpoint of
the link I is twice that of links 2 and 4 .
The sliding velocity of the link l relative to the link 4 will be maximum

sliders 2 and 4. With the movement of the when the midpoint of the link l is at the axis of the link 4. In this position,
sliders, any poin t Con the link 3, except the sliding velocity is equal to the tangential velocity of the midpoint of Fig.1.60
the midpoint of AB will trace an ellipse the link 1.
on a fixed plate. The midpoint of AB will 1 Maximum sliding velocity= tangential velocity of midpoint of the link l
trace a circle. (a)
= angular velocity of midpoint of the link l x radius
Let at any instant, the link 3 make = (2 x angular velocity of the link 4) x (distance betv,een a,xes oflinks 2 and 4)/2
~gle 0 with the X-ax is. Considering the Fig.1.581 = angular velocity oflink 4 x distance between axes of links 2 and 4
displacements of the sliders from the centre of the trammel, The sliding velocity of the link 1 relative to the link 4 is zero when the midpoint ofl is on the axis of the link 2.

x=BCcos 0and y=ACsin 0 Application Oldham's coupling

BC= cos0 and Jc= sin0 Oldham's Couplillg If the rotating links 2 and 4 of the mechanism are replaced by two shafts, one can act
as the driver and the other as the driven shaft with their axes at the pivots of links 2 and 4.
r ft /ifl,.,11,,1M111ll/11r•

/, 11111

,! 11111 II


l llf, 1.1, 1

,w,,Wlll;"t· r
1 ,. 1111 w1111cLI 1w11 1111111/ll!I 11/11,11 11 w /11 11 1/u
11 11 11 1111 1 , V / ~ W / / / P/ / / / / I'
I 1,,,,,1 I /,I 111iow11 ,,,, "' 111111 "''""'"' '" I l /11111µ<'11 "' ''" , 111/1111111 / llll 11111111111":1 / /11111111111,11
111 11 1 1 .4
dl~f1111l·c ill'lw,•l'II tl1d1 11~1·11 l11 •1111111 11 :, ~~ ,";:~ 11 1111 wit/th ,1" 11111v11c X 11/ fli t /111/i I /11 llflc1I 1111 ,1 ,,,,_
h1•1,, 11,,,,. ,q11,•111•11t1111, the 111111 :.l 11111 111111111 u1J 2•
,, :, "'"""i; y 111 1lu/111111uli:11 111 11w ll1lfl 11111/ w1,1, 1,
11111111111 1111
h11~ II ~1111111v 1111,,11111 I Ill~ I I•"'"'" 'l,wltll "1'" flti; /111c11111:d/llfc /111~ I 11/1111•11 /11 1111; IWII 11111,~ /11 ''"' lw11
Ill~ 111 Ille 1cu;q11 ol fhtJ llilllP,d 11/ lhc 111111/J 4 I IIIII, li~U/l
fl111111c11 while l111vl11g Ille "'':"Y 11111111111 • lillci1ru:,/11tl'-' 1,,i:, •1; c1c11 c.:rllic11111:/11,;/1; wi lh d/1111111cc l,111w11c;11 I/ii,: ~ /✓ oache, inlintty. Jn a WJM eru~. a larlJ#
t\11 ,11, 111l1111c,I i:111/11:1, llti tllltl/! 111111111 11ti; ,111 /ly 11 1c1tt h 11111 u11c /111/1c 11/111 wJ/1 ht 1/11; 111:J/11/1crn1 A11 rt 1'1, 1111111 10. '/ 1111• fora 11m:1II 1taliw"~'he " ' " 1 • appt 1, -1Jow• anmher .uc:h '""ham•m,
II u:,- 11I 111,· 11/111/111 "" 1/1111r,c1c1, / he 1111111/11111111 "111 '/Ill' vc " , I I
vd,11 lly ol Ille 1111111111111111/ Ille 1111c11111:il/11lc 11/111,; 11lllll1' lhc t,;,ri:11111
Mu~/IIIUIII 1tllilmn w:l<!cl1y 1,1:1/J1l11m1I vcl111,;/ly 11/11/IU llli; 1:lrc11 llf /Ill I
rc11i1111111~ 111 /J 11111vcrcmm: wifh a 11mall force/- 111 ff11• way :fl1,sJJtC lfiU )

, • 11111.11/ur vi;/111;/ly o/ 11/111/1 / d/111/JIJC(l /Jt;IWCCII 11/111/1 11 lndex1t115 MC!chan1,,rni, a Clf'-"'Ular • mu, a number of
1 ,,r
An fnt/1 x/n11 111n-h11Ml111t1 111:rvc11 the purf'(M d1vid1n1 Che periphery of pica
1//11 lllt!J.ll/ 111/!Ill' lt11i'ntl1 1tl/111,,
i:,111111 l'llrl#, l111lcxl111& ill ~11cridly ,fonc "'' jp:/Jt cuflmJ or m1lh?I ,nac~nc,, ltd ,n a head~ lf"•J-
!lfl' tfltrltll/l'I' 111'/Wl'l'II /WII ,ft,, lndcn111~ Jn41Ch1111i1J111 cm11i11t11 of an index head ,n whic:h a IPfndle ,, CJJrr ndle A 4'1
Jlllf'lllkl 1/Jt(//.f !If JI{ /1111/
11t1d ///l'y I/fl' /'lltllll'l'INI /Jy
pft1t'I' t1fllllfl /IN J',l'l/11 •11/
/ J,1(ii)J. '/ lie w,,ri:. w be l111lc,v.C'J i11 held either ~ween untr~"' in• chuc:1-; attached to 1~ AP end
1'1/ilh wor111 wl11:4ll driven by a 11in~/c,thrc~I right.hand worm ,. ulw fitted to lhe lPfndlc, At the
" t,e
1111 (J/t/lt1111/ .f { ll!lfll/t1J1. /lt11 So/ut/1111 111 (,(} worm 11h11 1t :m a1/jw11SJt,/c imlex cmnl( with a h~ndle and a plunger p!n i• al,w, litkd, The ~tun~ p~n can
dr/v/1111 !f/111/1 n•v11!wir 111 M11x/11111m v-cfocily 11I 11l 1d111s (/}/ ti nllldc w Ill i11u1 1my h11lc in the intJc;,; pla~ which ha11 a number of c1rcln of "'lually • ~ hole• •• •h'1wn
ft;// rplll Whul wlll hr1 //t(! ; l'I,;, / .f,3(1,), An index head i11 u11u:1lly pr,w1dcd with a number of interchangeable 1nda pl~ to cover a
l1,.7i /(J(JJI', 11
n11u/!1111111 lffJt1l'd r!I lflld/1111 11/ {J J(J2 ,,,,. wltlc ri, 111F 11I work, Jfowevcr, the f1iurc 11how• "nly the cm:le or 17 holcll for ukc: of danty
A11 th'-1 worm wheel h1111 40 wclh, the number or rc:voluw,,,. of the index cran1' t"'luircd to ~J,..c oru:
rcvoluliot1 ol'thc work ,,, 11 1111, 40, 'I h4: number rc:volutson• of the crank.~ (or a proper div11,,m of the
worr mto thi.: (J4:11ircd 11umf,cr of div,.,,,,, •• can bc calcula~ a• follow•:
J:18 MISCCU ,,ANfOU9 MHCIIJ\NJ9M9 • J{ u work i11 u, f,c divided inw 40 divi11iom1, the crllnk 11hould bc 11vcn one compl~ rc:v'11ut,on; If 20
'1ivi,,ion11, two ri:volution11 for each divi11ion, and 110 cm,
Snap,Action Mechan1&mfi • If the worlr. /11 1'1 be divided inu, l(,tJ div/111""'• obviou11Jy the crllnk 1ilwuld bc mtaled thmu,it1 ,,ne--
'/1~ 1t~1:i11,,.,,,, u'"' w 1,vi;r1;1,mc 11 lsirg,t; r4111i111Uncc i,f 11 mcml,ur witli 11 11nwll drivini force arc known /'ourth 11/' a rota1w11 r or 11uch caM.1•, an 1rnkx pllltc with a number of lu,lc!I d1v111lble by 4 #tJCh a• with
a• .M11J1111f/111111r 1117.g/l' "~h11ni•m11, '/hi;y /Ind lhuir uiu: ill II v1,r/ety 11/ tr111chini:11 Much 111111tonc cru&licr# 16 or 20 h11/c• can be cho~n,
cmfJIMIIIIJ ,,,~,. 11wiu:1~, ~, I iSJUft: J.f,2(11) 11lww11 1111c/1 11 type 11/' 111ccl11111i11m in which link# of' l:'/11/'j • JI the worl< i11 to be divid4W mao 13/, part•, the U\C of the: ,ndcx plate will bc e11cmt1al 111,u:e the: mtati,m
lt:11~11• 4 aruJ 5 11rc w,111«,1cd f,y II piwn~J Joint sll //, Unk 4 i11 free lo oru:i//utc 11rn,ut the pivot C :md the link oflhc crank lorcuch divi11lon will be 411/13(, or t,v~cntecnth ofa wrn, ·n,wi, a plate with 17 ho/cli
5 111 C11111'U:t:tcd u, a 1llidi1,1 li11J, (,, Ur,k 3 Jom11 linh 4 :md 5, When force /11 11pplic:d 111 11,i; point JJ through ,,I
i1111Clcctl.Jd in 1hi11 caM.l, 'Io obv,utc the nccc1111ity of countini the hole11 at each partial turn the crimk,
ti~ l1111' 3, 1/ui ,11flJPc a t:kl,;re1au 11nd J,nk11 4 1'nd 5 tend t,, bccmr1c col//11car, At llw, m1tt1ml, thi: force i, an index """'r with two 11rm11 which can be ,cl and clamped tojp:iher at any anilc i11 aliu, av11il11blc, In
veatly mull1pluul at II, 1,c,, a very 111r1all force i11 required to 11vcrc11mc a ivcat rc11i1Jwncc /( at the 11/idcr JJ,ii 1hl11 c1111e, 1hi11 car, he 11el to mea•urc off j 11pacc11, St:1ninj with the erun~pin in the hole"•" cut w,,u/d
;• ~;wu 11 farg,t; '~"~cmenl 111 II pmd11Uli a relatively 11/ight di11p/ilccmcnt 111 llu: 1lidcr at /J, A11 the a111'1r fl f,c m11dc in the work, 'I he cr1111~ i• rotated and the pin i• m.ulc to enter into the hole h, j divi11ion1111part
1IJIJ1r.'l'acfµ;• /A:fl,, fta(;lfllfJ .1t 11,e pivot ~,ccim11:11 ~,ua/ t,1I( and for for~ bal:m~ ;11 Jiu: link /J( ' ,,, JJIJ, and 11 ~111d cut i11 m:1dc in the work, Jn a 11imilar way, a third cut i• m11dc by rotatinj thc cm11r ;1u;1ir,
throu"11 live dlvi11i111111 with the help of an index 11CCtor, and MJ on. U11ually, index tablc11 :ire provid~I
u, ll#certain the 11umbcr ofturn11 of the crank anti tht number of hole# for the 1tivcn c111u;,
wh~ol Splndlo
~ ~

0:.~} Plungor

pin ~~ llnndlo

_I~ -~,d~;
I -------·-·- ----· -.
lndox _►
pinto lndox


fig.1.63 Index plnte of n11 i11dt'xi11g 111eclia11is111


1. Kinematics deals with the relative motions of or a combination of mechanisms which, apart
different parts of a mechanism without taking Into from Imparting definite motions to the parts, al~
consideration the forces producing the motions transmits and modifies the available mechan1Ca
whereas dynamics involves the calculation offorces energy Into some kind of useful work. .
impressed upon different parts of a mechanism, 3. There are three types of constra1ne . d n,011on
2. Mechanism is a combination of a number of rigid completely constrained, incompletely constram
bodies assembled in such a way that the motion and successfully constrained. . tant
of one causes constrained and predictable motion .
4. A link Is a resistant bo dy or a grou p of .res1stheir
of the others whereas a machine Is a mechanism bodies with rigid connections preventing

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