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Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) A database is used by an international clothing retail chain with outlets in many
Caribbean islands. Suggest how senior management can use this database when making
decisions about products in relation to the following.

 Location of products
 Access to products
 Query data to determine trends or information needs

………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

(b) The customer service representatives at one of the clothing retail outlets maintain a database
of customers and their orders. Table 1 is an extract from the clothing retail outlet’s database.


Customer FirstName LastName Address Order Product Quantity Unit
No. No. Price
111 Joan Brathwaite Saint Lucia 050 Shirt 100 10.00
112 Gregg Lynch Trinidad 051 Pants 100 105.50
123 Harry Goddard Barbados 052 Belt 10 10.00
111 Joan Brathwaite Saint Lucia 053 Dress 20 75.00
114 Kelly Roberts St Vincent 054 Swimsuit 200 52.00
112 Gregg Lynch Trinidad 055 Jacket 50 300.00

(i) A recommendation was made for the database to be normalized. Identify TWO
features of Table 1 that justify this recommendation.
……………………………………………………………………… [2 marks]
(ii) Show the resulting table(s) if the database were to be normalized to the second
normal form (2NF).

[10 marks]
2. (a) At a health testing facility, large volumes of data are stored, retrieved and transmitted
daily in relation to patients, tests results and other aspects of the testing facility.

The system at the health testing facility operates as follows:

 Each patient has an ID number.

 Data (ID number, Name, Date of test, Type of test, Test result) on each patient is
stored in database.
 A nurse enters the patient’s ID number, name, type of test, data and cost of the test.
 The total to be paid by the patient is calculated.
 The customer pays for the test(s) taken.
 A detailed email is printed and given to the customer.

(i) Draw a Level 1 DFD, with no more than three processes, to depict the flow of
data in the system described above.

[6 marks]

(ii) A record is to be added to the patient table. Write an SQL statement to add
data for patient Joan Burrows, whose ID number is 850230-45. She took a
CAT scan on 3 March 2022 and the test result was normal.
…………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]
(b) A manager of a manufacturing plant designs and uses a relational database to monitor the
usage of machines by operators. The manufacturing plant is divided into sections, with
each section being responsible for a machine, and there are five to fifteen operators in
each section.

(i) Describe FULLY the relationship that exists between the ‘machine’ and the

[2 marks]

(ii) Draw an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for the manufacturing plant.

[4 marks]
Answer ALL questions.

3. (a) Roberta wants to open a small business retailing beauty products. Explain why she should
utilize information technology (IT) tools to manage the day-to-day operations. Include
TWO reasons in your response.

[4 marks]

(b) Information is valuable but the quality of the information is dependent on certain
characteristics. Describe TWO characteristics of an information source that would justify
rejecting the information.
[4 marks]
(c) Spreadsheet and database applications have several similarities. Describe TWO features
of spreadsheet applications that make them more appropriate than database applications
for statistical use.
[4 marks]

(d) Roberta decided to create presentations for her customers to share information about the
correct use of several of the products she is retailing.

(i) State the TWO most appropriate formats that may be used in the presentations
designed for a group of her customers.

[2 marks]

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (d) (i).

[1 mark]
4. (a) Roger is a coach of cricket, basketball, netball and football at a semi-professional club.
However, after a couple of months, he noted that his players’ techniques were not

(i) Explain how Roger can use TWO emerging technologies during his training
sessions to gather information for analysis to address this problem.

[4 marks]

(ii) Discuss TWO communication tools that may be used by Roger to share his
analysis with the players and to receive their feedback.

[6 marks]
(b) A company has approached Roger with information about players’ training ability, which
is different from what he gleaned in his analysis.

(i) Outline TWO ways in which the company should confirm the reliability of the

[4 marks]

(ii) Identify ONE information source, other than the club, from which the company
could have obtained information about the player’s training ability.

[1 mark]
5. Beautiful Living is an Interior Decorating Company that has contracted you to write the HTML
code for their web-page. Figure 2 is a sketch of the web-page that they would like to develop.

Figure 2

(a) Write the HTML code to produce the web page illustrated in Figure 2.

[12 marks]
(b) Outline an alternative method to writing HTML code for developing a web page.

[1 mark]

(c) Distinguish between the terms ‘blog’ and ‘wiki’.


[2 marks]

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