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Lab Report: Electroencephalography (EEG)

Recognizing Artifacts

1. Three sources of artifacts in EEG recordings include sound, eye

movements (blinking/ following objects with eyes), and head
Alpha & Beta Rhythm

1. The alpha waves are clearer when relaxed, we did this by

following the instructions on the lab which said that the person had
to be sitting in a comfortably position, little movement and closing
the eyes.
2. The alpha waves mean that the person is in a relaxed state but not
asleep where there is cortical activation.
Effects of mental Activity

1. The mental arithmetic seemed to decrease the alpha wave

2. This could mean that the alpha waves indicate a relaxed and
calm state therefore the mental arithmetic was not relaxing.
Effects of Auditory Stimulation

1. Music with a more calming nature led to more activity in the alpha
waves however more upbeat and fast music led to a decrease in the
alpha wave activity. However, it was more subtle than the decrease
seen when doing mental arithmetic.
2. I account for these finding similarly to the arithmetic findings
because clam music relaxed me the most leading to more activity
in the alpha waves in contrast to faster and more upbeat music was
less relaxing causing less activity in alpha waves.

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