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A. Use the correct verb to show personal preferences (5 pts. – 1 each).

1. Martha __________ going for walks at night. She says the fresh cool air relaxes her.
a. enjoys c. calm and cool
b. doesn’t mind d. can’t stand

2. Jonathan ___________ working until late. It makes its work load much lighter for the
next day.
a. avoids c. not afraid
b. doesn't mind d. feels like

3. Sara loves to eat healthy, organic food, so she __________ on buying everything
fresh the same day.
a. enjoys c. can’t stand
b. prefers d. insists

4. Ian _______ history. He’s got a large collection of his ancient artifacts from cultures
a. prefers c. feels like
b. is into d. can’t stand

B. Use the correct personality trait pair to best describe the person below.
(4 pts. – 1 each)

1. Steve had a hard time during the trip. He was sick a lot, but he never complained once.
a. calm and cool c. shy and reserved
b. laid-back and relaxed d. strong and independent

2. I love being in a relationship with Janice. She is quite transparent and trustworthy. And she'll
always tell you what's in her mind.
a. shy and reserved c. honest and sincere
b. calm and cool d. kind and generous

3. Mary’s family raised her to never be afraid of challenges. Plus, she took martial art classes
when she was young, and was the school president during senior year.
a. strong and independentc. wild and crazy
b. kind and generous d. friendly and outgoing
4. You'll always find everything in its right place in Jeremy’s room, and there is never any mess
thrown around.
a. kind and generous c. neat and tidy
b. strong and independentd. laid-back and relaxed

C. Make a sentence with each of the following verbs – Each sentence must contain the structure
verb + infinite or verb + gerund according to the verb. (4 pts. – 1 each).
1. Deny: __________________________________________________________________
The suspect denied being at the scene of the crime when questioned by the police.

2. Discuss: ________________________________________________________________
We decided to discuss the project during the team meeting tomorrow.

3. Claim: After
the accident, the driver claimed that the traffic light malfunctioned.

4. Pretend: _________________________________________________________________
She didn't want to go to the party, so she pretended to have a prior commitment.

D. Make two sentences: one with stop + gerund, one with stop + infinitive. (2 pts. – 1 each).
1. She
stopped dancing when the music suddenly went silent.

2. He
stopped to buy a coffee on his way to work this morning.

E. Replace the underlined word for its synonym (5 pts. - 1 each).

1. I’m so excited to see my grandmother’s sister again. It’s been years since i saw her.
a. great- cousin c. cousin
b. great-aunt d. cousin
2. A: that’s a great painting
B: Yes, my brother’s wife made it. she’s a great artist
a. step-sister c. great-sister
b. sister-in-law d. wife-in-law
3. I have to buy a gift for my mother's nephew. He turned 5 today.
a. step nephew c. brother
b. cousin d. nephew
4. Jonathan is a truly inviting person. I’m so lucky to be married to his daughter
a. brother in law c. cousin
b. father d. father-in –law
5. Claudia is the aunt of my grandfather, she’s very old. She’s my ___________.
a. greatmother c. great great aunt.
b. great grandaunt d. gran greatmother.

F. Identify the kind of family described in each sentence. (5 pts.– 1 each)

childless nuclear two-income single-parent extended

1. Sam spends afternoons at his grandparents’ house. Then early evening, his parents pick him
up after work. it is a ___________________
2. The Sheppard family always take vacations together. They rent a two room in a hotel,
wherever they go. They are a ___________
NUCLEAR family
3. Lisa and Jason always have plenty of time to do their favorite pastimes.
They are a __________
4. Though Laura doesn’t have any siblings, she enjoys the company of her cousins and younger
aunt, who live with her and her mother. They are a ___________
5. Catalina’s always alone in the house because her two parents work, it’s a _________

However they eat together every night.

In Session Task – Presentation (PPT):
- Remember to make a PPT only with images and few words (complete sentences are not
- The presentation must last from 7 to 10 minutes.
- During the presentation, speak naturally not by memory.
- Be ready to have a short conversation with the teacher in charge after you finish the
SLIDE 1 = Describe your personality type and justify your answer.
Explain how you have changed over the last years.

SLIDE 2 = Describe the kind of family you belong to and explain the positive and negative aspects of it.

SLIDE 3 = Explain what useful strategies can be utilized to deal with difficult people

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