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Tasmiah, you're stepping up, but it's all in vain,

Your rhymes are weak, like a drizzle in the rain.

Claiming to be fierce, but your flow's a disaster,
I'll tear you apart, lyrical master.

Tasmiah MAAGI,5
I'll leave you speechless, caughtAAAAAAAAAAAA in my snare.
SDYou think you're a star, but you're just a fleeting light,
I'll shine brighter, AAAAAA
5165outshine you with all my might.
Tasmiah MAA5leep.
You talk and talk, but we're lSSSSost in the haze,
Trying to decipher ySour words, like navigating a maze.

Your monotone voice is like a lullaby,

I'd rather watch paint dry, oh my oh my.
You claim to be wise, a font of knowledge so grand,
But honestly, I'd rather be anywhere but your class, man.

You drone on and on, like a broken record stuck,

Students dropping like flies, out of sheer bad luck.
You think you're the boss, the king of the class,
But we're just counting down the minutes till we can escape your grasp.

So Hasan sir, take a break, give us a rest,

We deserve some excitement, not this snooze-fest.
Your lectures might be torture, but we'll survive,
And maybe, just maybe, one day we'll actually thrive.

(Verse 1)
In the city streets, where legends are made,
There's a name that shines, never will fade.
Kaif, sir, the GOAT, in the spotlight's glow,
A champion's heart, with a fiery flow.

Through challenges faced, he's never slowed,
A journey of triumph, in stories told.
With passion and grit, he's reached the peak,
In every battle, his victory streak.

Kaif sir, THE GOAT, on a meteoric rise,
With skill and courage, reaching for the skies.
A leader, a fighter, an inspiration so true,
In the world of greatness, Kaif shines through.

(Verse 2)
From humble beginnings, he's come so far,
A guiding light, like a distant star.
His dedication burns, brighter each day,
With unwavering spirit, he paves the way.

Through highs and lows, he's stood the test,
His unwavering spirit, his will is the best.
In challenges faced, he never bows down,
Kaif, sir, the GOAT, wears victory's crown.

(Chorus) Kaif sir, THE GOAT, on a meteoric rise, With skill and courage, reaching
for the skies. A leader, a fighter, an inspiration so true, In the world of
greatness, Kaif shines through.(Bridge) In the arena of dreams, where battles
unfold, Kaif's strength and passion, a story untold. His legacy's written in
victories won, A symbol of greatness, second to none.(Pre-Chorus) Through hard-
fought battles, he's stood tall, Breaking down barriers, breaking through walls.
With every triumph, a new chapter's penned, In the book of legends, Kaif's at the
end.(Chorus) Kaif sir, THE GOAT, on a meteoric rise, With skill and courage,
reaching for the skies. A leader, a fighter, an inspiration so true, In the world
of greatness, Kaif shines through.(Outro) So let the world sing, with voices raised
high, Kaif sir, THE GOAT, across the sky. A name that'll echo through ages to be,
In the heart of triumph, forever free.

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