Rules and Safety at Poly Ilaro Computer Lab

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Lab Rules & Safety.
Write the rule and safety working in a computer engineering lab


Keep the lab clean and organized: Always maintain a clean and organized work area
to prevent accidents, and to make it easier to find the tools and equipment you

Follow lab procedures and protocols: Be sure to follow all lab procedures and
protocols, including those related to safety, handling equipment, and reporting
accidents or incidents.

Wear appropriate attire: Wear appropriate clothing and protective gear, including
lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses, to protect yourself from potential hazards.

Do not eat or drink in the lab: Eating and drinking in the lab is strictly
prohibited as it can contaminate the workspace and equipment.

Do not work alone: Always work in pairs or groups, especially when working with
hazardous materials or equipment.


Familiarize yourself with the lab layout and equipment: Before beginning work,
ensure that you are familiar with the layout of the lab and the location of all the
equipment you will be using.

Use equipment safely: Use equipment only for its intended purpose and ensure that
it is in good working condition before use.

Handle chemicals safely: Always handle chemicals with care, wear appropriate gloves
and protective gear, and dispose of them properly.

Be aware of electrical hazards: Avoid electrical hazards by checking that equipment

is grounded, and never use equipment with frayed or damaged cords.

Respond to emergencies quickly: In the event of an emergency, evacuate the lab

immediately, alert others, and follow the lab's emergency procedures.

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