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2. Golf
3. Football
4. Cricket
5. Basketball
6. Soccer
7. Ice skating
8. Boxing
1. Catch
2. Knocked out
3. Dribbled
4. Scored
5. Tackling
6. Swing
7. Passed
8. Kicked
1. Have to
2. Are allowed to
3. Aren´t allowed to
4. Have to
5. Have to
6. Have to
7. Aren´t allowed to
8. Have to
1. Have to
2. Are allowed to
3. Have to
4. Don´t have to
5. Don´t have to
6. Are allowed
7. Are allowed
8. Are allowed
1. Go to first base
2. Not Allowed
3. Don´t get
4. Canceled
5. Don´t have to
6. Can keep playing the game
7. You are disqualified from the game
1. Set up
2. Shuffle
3. Deals
4. The dice
5. game piece
6. flip over
7. Draw a card
8. Keep it hidden
9. Land on
1. Shuffle
2. Roll the dice
3. land
4. Draw a card / take / a chance card
5. flip over / keep hidden

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