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SESSION: 2023-2024

F.M.: 80
Time: 2 hours

Question 1 [20]
Writea composition (250-300 words) on the topic given below:
Looking out of your window one day, you saw some people cutting down a very healthy tree.
immediate steps.
This senseless felling of atree instantly agitated you and you decided to take
Narrate the incident elaborating on what you did to prevent them and what was the result.

Question 2 [10]
Attempt any gne of the following:
a) Your father staying abroad expressed his displeasure at your poor result last year. Write
letter to your father discussing the reason for your poor result and the efforts you are
taking to live up to his expectation in the upcoming examination.

members in
b) You need to take care of your mother owing to the absence of allother family
your house. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting leave for a week to take
care of your sick mother. Youmust also mention howyou plan to cope up with the classes
that you will miss.

Question 3
a) Youare the Deputy Secretary of the Social Club of your school. Write a notice to be put up
on the school notice board inviting students of classes VIllto Xto participate in acharity drive
to be organised by the Social Club. [5]
b) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school inviting him/her to alBow a team of
five students to participate in the charity drive. (5]

Question 4
Read the following passage carefully and answer th questions that follow:
The Geography Master was absent, and the boys of the First Ahad leisure between three and
three-forty-five on Wednesday.

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Somehow Swaminathan had missed his friends and found himself alone. He wandered along
ho corridor of the Infant Standards. To
Swaminathan, who did not really stand over four feet,
the children of the Infant Standards seemed ridiculously tiny. He felt
vastly superior and old. He
was filled with contempt when he saw them dabbling in wet clay,
trying to shape models. It
seemed such a meaningless thing to do at school! Why, they could as welldo those things
resembling elephants, mangoes and what nots, in the backyards of their houses. Why did they
come all the way to a school to do this sort of thing? Schools were meant for
more serious
things like Geography, Arithmetic, Bible and English.
Inone room he found all the children engaged in repeating simultaneously the
first two letters
of the Tamil alphabet. He covered his ears and wondered how the teacher was able to
stand it.
He passed on. In another room he found an ill-clad, noisy crowd of children. The noise that they
made, sitting on their benches and swinging their legs, got on his nerves. He wrinkled his brow
and twisted his mouth in the hope of making the teacher feel his resentment but unfortunately
the teacher was sitting with his back to Swaminathan.
He paused at the foot of the staircase leading to the senior classes,the Second and the Third
Forms. He wanted to go and inspect those classes which he eagerly looked forward to joining.
He took twO or three steps up and changed this mind. The Head Master might be up there, he
always handled those classes. The teachers táo were formidable, not to speak of the boys
themselves,who were snobs and bullies, He heard the creak of sandals far off and recognised
the foot steps of the Head Master. He did not want to be caught there --that would mean alot
of unsatisfactory explanations.
He was happily surprised when he is stumbled upon his own gang whom he had thought was
not at school. Except Rajam and Mani all the rest were there. They were playing some game
under the huge tamarind tree. Swaminathan joined them with a low, ecstatic cry. The response
disappointed him. They turned their faces to him with a faint smile, and returned to their game.
What surprised Swaminathan most was that even the genial Somu was grim.

(i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the
passage) from the
options provided: [3]
1. contempt
(a) satisfaction
(b) scorn
(c) respect
(d) anger

2. ill-clad
(a) poorly dressed

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(c) untidy
(d) orderly

3. genial
(a) rude
(b) blockheaded
{c) cheerful
(d) confident

(ü) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words:

(a)When and why did the boys of First Ahave a free period? [2]
(b)Which phrase in the passage tells you about Swaminathan's irritation at the noise rnade
bythe children? (1]
(C) Which quality of Swaminathan's character gets revealed by his conternpt towards the
Infant Standards?
(d)Why did Swaminathan change his mind about inspecting the Second and ThirdForrns? (2]
(e) What made Swaminathan realise that somethlng was
wrong? (21
(iii)ln not more than 50 words,describe Swaminathan's visit to the Infant Section and his
reaction watching the noisy crowd of children. [8)
Fill in each of the numbered blank with the correct form of the word
glven In each bracket:
The people of India, as a whole, (1) (be) warm-hearted and hospitable. Any calamity in
any part of the world immediately (2)
(arise) their charity and generosity and a
committee (3). (be) promptly (4) (set) up to collect funds to help the (5)
(distress). The most endearing quality in them(6). (be) the respect they show for the
work done in any capacity. They(7). (believe) in what we (8)_ (call) the dignity
of labour.

Question 6
Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks:
i. Ipromise to return the book Monday.
a) until
b) by
c) since
d) of
ii. The secret plan was kept away_ his own core group.
a) from

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b) by
c) in
d) on
iii. One must be polite everyone.
a) at
c) on
d) beside
iv Ihave always had great respect soldiers.
a) from
b) to
c) for
d) with

Question 7
Do as directed: [10]

i. Either Ratulor Seema (is/are) helping today with stage decorations.

ii. Slow and steady (win/wins) the race.
iii. We planned to have strawberries and cream for (desert/dessert).
iv. The health club of this resort is for the (sole/soul) use of the guests.
v. She knows that she will emerge successful in her new venture. (Underline the clause
and identify its type).
vi. In spite of going through hard times, he does not complain. (Convert the sentence into
vi.We were playing in the garden when the guests arrived. (Identify if the sentence is
simple,compound or complex sentence).
vi. Runa always wears a bracelet which is rmade of gold. (Change the underlined clause
to phrase and rewrite the sentence.)
ix. Give usa callwhen youcome back fromyour worid tour. (Underline the clause and
identify its type).
x. The boy standing in front of the schoolgate is the class topper. (Change the
underlined phrase to clause and rewrite the sentence.)
Question 8
Make sentences with the following idioms: (2)
i. Out of the blue
ii. Eat like a horse

Question 9
Make sentences with the following words to bring out the difference in their meanings: [2]
i. bank
ii. palm

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