I Always find-WPS Office

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always find myself reminiscing about my past and I am astonished at how life unveils itself to me 
everything thats happened to me was for the right purpose good or bad and it all happens at the right
time not a second later nor earlier . Yesterday I was crying over my broken heart, today I am drowning in
a sea of unconditional love and I am having a trip around life with my new sweetheart and we both love
each other's ideals ; which was what I desired in my past relationship , the universe works in mysterious
ways , the Phoenix rises from its ashes and You and me rise from our past temporary defeats then we
are successful . Without the process failures there would be no point in striving to get more out of life ,
the process prepares and enables us to acquire the necessary atitude for reaching our goals .The
circumstances that we consider distressful are meant for us to overcome and expand our territory,
we've all at one time had our backs against the wall by the days tests only to think ourselves out of the
problem and we get our self esteem boosted for even greater future opportunities and abilities .We
often find the task to our satisfaction. I get so joyous whenever I solve a problem and I tend to forget
that for a moment ago I wanted to give up , I felt depleted, hollow but just a little keeping on keeping
made the answer I was looking for appear like with magic out of the blue and like a little key it opens
new doors for me , this is life we all can tell such success stories in our personal life experiences . It all
happens so natural that we convince oneself "it would have happened anyway " truth is it wouldn't
have happened If me and you didn't beget it and we gradually fade our magic. Its a human
characteristic to take things in our environment for granted. Think on the number of people who
actually take the time to gratify the life they've been given , the opportunity to be alive NOW on this
stunning planet , to me life itself is the miracle just to be alive to breathe in and out , to appreciate all
that nature and our fellow people have to serve us to our satisfaction. It all seems obvious it's only when
our health is threatened that we become aware of how dear life Is .We forget the value of life and we
believe life is no longer worth as much as it was when we first acquired

My point of view is Life Is rhythmatic and dynamic. Like the seasons; the rains falls and the dry season
follows , days follow after nights, opportunity follows adversity, slopes climax hills , yin and yang , Good
and Bad , you can't have one without the other there intertwined. So it stands to reason everytime you
are faced with unpleasing circumstance its an opportunity to become successful and grow as a person
build on my strengths and experiences for future reference . The greatest feeling is one of
accomplishment even when we don't notice our mood we are on top of our game while we strive . Time
goes by and we will look back at the situation at some point in the present and only then can we tell
how the unpleasant circumstances was indispensable to my development and sucess. Most of us have a
faulty memory of our past success , we pay too much attentions to our failures and as result gradually
develop fear and eventually fails to notice our wins .We don't introspect ourselves to understand how
things worked out in our life in the past which understanding brings faith and we develop a conviction
we will achieve our objectives on time , . Steve Jobs words stated it accurately he said "You can't
connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust
that the dots will somehow connect in your future".

You will realize a different concept of what life is all about.

I used to live my life superficially  but not anymore , I've learnt that if I pray for success I must prepare
for adversity for without challenge in life there is no triumph to celebrate. Today I pray for more wisdom
and strength not for favourable conditions. This makes life adventurous and worthwhile for me to
express myself and grow . A line in 1 John 5:4 goes "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This
is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith."

All the circumstances have   built my self-image  to get me where I am today  and  to make the person I
am right now . I have been thrown at some of the most threatening situations in  life  and I am sure you 
have too and I always  asked "why is this happening to me Lord ? , " " what have I done to have to go
through this ? " These  kind of questions  always came to my mind whenever I encountered adversity
obviously the answer was "nothing I had done wrong ". Happiness comes to Bestial  people and
misfortune is not only reserved for the evil a portion of it goes to the Noble persons. It's just life and the
law of opposites it all happens natural, all we can do is go with the flow of energy embraces the highs
and lows ; the name of the game is life and death

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