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Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579


Metals Extraction from Sulfide Ores with Microorganisms: The

Bioleaching Technology and Recent Developments
Wasim Sajjad1,2 • Guodong Zheng1 • Ghufranud Din3 • Xiangxian Ma1 •

Muhammad Rafiq3 • Wang Xu1,2

Received: 1 January 2018 / Accepted: 7 November 2018 / Published online: 2 January 2019
Ó The Indian Institute of Metals - IIM 2019

Abstract Nowadays, due to fast global industrial progress 1 Introduction

and near diminution of high-grade ore reserves, there has
been massive call to cost-effectively process the resources In human civilization, metal extraction has been a funda-
of low-grade ores and industrial effluents for metal mental activity since Bronze and Iron times. Global rise in
extraction. However, conventional approaches cannot be human population and development of several nations has
used to process such resources due to high capital cost and increased demand of all natural resources, together with
energy, also causing environmental pollution. Alterna- metals. Various mineral product consumption has been
tively, bioleaching is highly environmental friendly and growing rapidly with time as technologies develop, which
economic method to process such resources. Metal recov- eventually causes the reduction of high-grade ore reserves.
ery from metal sulfide ore is carried out by chemolitho- Therefore, more attention has been made on metal
trophic bacteria like Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and extraction from low-grade ores and industrial and mining
Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. The same is done by het- wastes. Hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical tech-
erotrophic microorganisms in non-sulfide ores. Addition- niques are beneficial for high-grade ores; however, for low-
ally, for gold and copper extractions, bioleaching is used to grade ores, these techniques provide low metal extraction
extract cobalt, zinc, nickel, and uranium from low-grade due to high process and energy cost. Such kind of mining
ores and industrial effluents. In this review, the funda- techniques also cause severe water, air, and land pollution.
mental process of bioleaching from low-grade metal sulfide Water drainage from abandoned mines is acidic in nature
ores are discussed with emphasis on mechanism, types, and have soluble metals, that causes damage of water
pathways, techniques, and bioleaching development. bodies and lands. In this scenario, mining industry focuses
on economical, advanced, less energy demanding, and
Keywords Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans  bioleaching  environmental friendly technology for these low-grade ore
Iron-oxidizing bacteria  Pyrite  Acid mine drainage processing [26, 94].
Biohydrometallurgy is potentially more sustainable
approach where microorganisms are used for metal
extraction from their iron and sulfide ores as well as from
& Wasim Sajjad minerals (Fig. 1). Unlike conventional methods, this approach is less energy demanding and eco-friendly having
no discharge of injurious chemicals and gasses into the
Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources, Gansu Province/
Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research, Institute
environment [8, 26]. Both in mineral formation and
of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, decomposition process in earth’s crust, microorganisms
Lanzhou 730000, People’s Republic of China have been active since beginning of life on earth. This
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, natural ability of mineral decomposition by several
People’s Republic of China microorganisms is an ancient practice that dates back to the
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, first century BC to Roman era and possibly before the
Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan Phoenicians. This ability of microorganisms was used in

560 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

Fig. 1 Flow sheet of bioleaching for low-grade sulfide ores

old days for copper leaching without having the knowledge extracted 98.5% zinc and 98% of cadmium under optimum
that the microorganisms were responsible. Rossi [117] conditions. During bench-scale bioleaching experiment,
mentioned in his book (biohydrometallurgy) that microbial ore was inoculated with Halothiobacillus halophilus and
copper recovery was done in 1752 on commercial scale in supplemented with formate (0.3%) that enhanced the nickel
Rio Tinto, Spain. The role of microorganisms in the acid recovery to 70-fold [149]. Chaerun et al. [30] processed
mine drainage (AMD) [35], and description of pioneer low-grade nickel limonite and saprolite ores by using
iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacterium A. ferrooxidans [143] mixotrophic bacterial consortia and achieved 30% and
solved the mystery. Biohydrometallurgical approaches 2.5% of nickel from limonite and saprolite, respectively.
were implemented commercially since 1950s, due to var- Today, only bioleaching is envisaged to process low-
ious factors like metals prices [25, 26], production cost grade ores, mostly when they encompass deleterious ele-
[52], and hurdles in ore exploration via conventional ments, which lead to huge penalties in pyrometallurgical
practices [26]. processing. This review presents the fundamental process
Currently, bioleaching is a reputable biotechnology that of bioleaching from low-grade metals sulfide ore with
is pragmatic globally. Several factors such as construction emphasis on mechanism, types, pathways, and techniques.
progress, designing, and operational management of the Furthermore, metals sulfide-oxidizing microbes, factors
process, well-defined microbial application and monitoring affecting bioleaching, bioleaching developments, life-cycle
of activity has caused spreading of this technology. Natu- assessment and OMICs technology role in upcoming
rally available ores of copper, nickel, and zinc mainly exist microbial aspects exploitation in industrial bioleaching
in metal sulfide form. Under optimized conditions, have been discussed in succinct.
77.68 ± 3.55% of copper and 70.58 ± 3.77% of zinc are
dissolved by using indigenous iron-oxidizing bacterial
consortia [124]. With bioleaching technique, Falagán et al. 2 Bioleaching
[45] achieved more than 90% of copper extraction by using
defined bacterial consortium. Significant copper extraction Bioleaching is the metal-extracting practice from sulfides
(91%) was obtained from copper slag material with bac- and/or iron-containing ores by means of microorganisms. It
terial consortia under aerobic conditions [131]. More than is a specified biohydrometallurgical approach in which
75% of zinc was leached from zinc plant leach residues either the metabolic activities or microbe’s products are
(ZLR) collected from Tres Marias Brazil, using used to convert insoluble compounds into soluble form,
Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans [134]. Ghassa et al. [53] which can then be recovered later [6]. Biological product

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 561

synthesis by these microorganisms includes certain organic and archaea such as Sulpholobus brierleyi and S. thermo-
acids [10], chelates, mineral acids and sometime ammonia sulphidoxidans are vital in bioleaching. Several microor-
or amines [29]. More specifically, it utilizes the catalytic ganisms are listed in Table 1 that can grow in low pH.
effect of metabolic activities from sulfur- and iron-oxi- These metals sulfide oxidizers have autotrophic, mixo-
dizing microorganisms that ultimately results in the trophic, or heterotrophic nature. Physiological and other
chemical degradation of the ores [83]. Bioleaching is related details of all these acidophilic microorganisms can
slightly slower procedure compared to chemical leaching. be found elsewhere [21, 33, 39, 62, 115].
However, it has additional benefits like wastage con-
sumption as substrate by microorganisms during oxidation. 3.1 Nutritional-Based classification
By getting energy from this, microorganisms produce
organic and inorganic acids that extract metals. Bioleach- 3.1.1 Autotrophic (Chemolithotrophic)
ing dramatically reduces the capital costs and eco-pollution
because it is carried out under mild environments, without Autotrophs involved in bioleaching are acidophilic
supplementing toxic chemicals. Main mechanisms that microbes, which can fix CO2 and gain energy by oxidizing
solubilize metals are acidolysis, complexolysis, and the ferrous iron or reduced sulfur. The metabolic end
redoxolysis [22]. product in this process includes ferric iron or H2SO4. These
Natural ores of several metals such as Ni, Zn, Fe, As, end products solubilize metal sulfide and decrease the
and Cu generally exist in metal sulfide form. Unlike oxidic surrounding pH, which further enhances metals solubi-
minerals, metals sulfide is insoluble in normal and weak lization [10], since microbial leaching is best in low pH
acidic conditions. Role of ferrous- and/or sulfur-oxidizing (1.5–3.0) where most of the metals stay in solution.
microorganisms have been studied widely in metal Extreme acidophiles are widely reported within Domain
extraction from metals sulfide [94]. Oxidation of ferrous bacteria (Table 1), like members of phylum Proteobacteria
into ferric and sulfide into sulfate is the requirement of (alpha, beta, and gamma classes), Firmicutes, Nitrospirae,
bioleaching and is carried out by acidophilic microorgan- Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria. Autotrophic bacteria
isms. Most of these microorganisms are reported from involved in leaching comprise both iron and sulfur oxi-
AMD and are characterized in such a way that they can dizers such as A. ferrooxidans, L. ferrooxidans, and A.
tolerate high acidity, sulfate, and metal concentration. thiooxidans. In anaerobic conditions, A. thiooxidans is
Significant characteristic features of some microorganisms capable of propagating by using reduced inorganic sulfide
are given in Table 1. compounds (RISCs) and ferric iron as an electron acceptor
[140]. Application of Thiobacillus and other autotrophs in
commercial-scale bioleaching of fossil fuels originating
3 Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in Bioleaching from shales, schist, and ores, is well establishes [7, 81].
Current exploration establishes the metals recovery, such
Metals extraction with microbes is not a novel approach; it as Al, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, U, V, and radionuclides via che-
has been applied for centuries; however, mechanism stays molithotrophs from acidic environments [7, 93]. Such
unknown. Isolation of A. ferrooxidans proves the role of microbes are utilized for metals extraction from their
microorganism in leaching. Today, A. ferrooxidans is most respective ores [4, 165].
extensively characterized and commercially used for
bioleaching [21]. Since 1970s, the number of microor- 3.1.2 Heterotrophic (Chemoorganotrophic)
ganisms that is involved in metals sulfide oxidation has
increased [23]. Several researchers have explored and Heterotrophic microbes need organic carbon source for
characterized microorganisms from certain extreme envi- their survival and metal leaching. Metabolism of organic
ronments like volcanic regions, hot springs, and mining carbon excretes certain organic acids such as lactic, glu-
operations where these microbes inhabit. Some advanced conic, citric, and oxalic as metabolites, which solubilize
molecular techniques such as randomly amplified poly- metals from their ores. This is indirect bioleaching mech-
morphic DNA (RAPD), terminal restriction fragment anism, which is appropriate for minerals having lower
length polymorphism (T-RFLP), amplified ribosomal DNA sulfur and sulfide sources for H2SO4 production by auto-
restriction analysis (ARDRA), real-time PCR (RT-PCR), trophs [10]. Basically, the organic acid produced by het-
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and next-gener- erotrophs makes the medium suitable for metal
ation sequencing of metagenomic analysis have been solubilization in pH range 4–6, whereas ferric iron is pre-
employed for examination and quantification of bioleach- cipitated. Some heterotrophs can synthesise certain non-
ing microorganisms [86, 123, 130]. Several bacteria like A. acidic metabolites by protein catabolic activity, which can
thiooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, A. ferrooxidans, be utilized in alkaline leaching condition, e.g., ammonia

562 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

Table 1 Microorganisms and their physiological properties capable of bioleaching (adopted from [94–96, 127] with modification)
Domain Microorganisms Nutritional type Chief leaching agent pH range Opt. pH Temp °C

Archaea Acidianus ambivalens Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 2–5 2.5 80

Acidianus brierleyi Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 1.5–3.0 1.5–2 45–75
Acidianus infernus Autotrophic H2SO4 2.0 *90
Acidianus sulfidivorans Chemolithoautotrophic 0.35–3.0 0.8–1.4 74
Acidiplasma cupricumulans Facultative autotroph 0–4.0 1.4–1.6 45
Ferroplasma acidarmanus Mixotrophic 1.0–1.7 35–42
Ferroplasma acidiphilum Autotrophic Fe? 1.3–2.2 1.7 15– 45
Metallosphaera hakonensis Facultative autotroph 3.0 70
Metallosphaera prunae Chemolithoautotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 2–3 *75
Metallosphaera sedula Chemolithoautotrophic Fe Acidophilic 2–3 75
Picrophilus oshimae Heterotrophic 0.7 60
Picrophilus torridus Heterotrophic 0.7 60
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius Chemolithoautotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 0.9–5.8 2.0–3.0 55–85
Sulfolobus ambivalens Autotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 Thermophilic
Sulfolobus brierleyi Chemolithoautotrophic Fe , H2SO4 1.5–2.0 *70
Sulfolobus hakonensis Chemolithoautotrophic 1–4 3.0 70
Sulfolobus metallicus autotrophic 2–3 65
Sulfolobus solfataricus Chemolithoautotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 3–4.5 85
Sulfolobus tokodaii Mixotrophic 2.5–3.0 80
Sulfolobus thermosulfidooxidans Autotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 Thermophilic
Sulfolobus yangmingensis Facultative autotroph 2.0–6.0 4 80
Sulfolobus yellowstonii Autotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 Thermophilic
Sulfurococcus mirabilis Mixotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 2–2.6 70–75
Sulfurococcus yellowstonii Mixotrophic H2SO4, Fe? 40–80
Thermoplasma acidophilum Heterotrophic 1–2 59
Thermoplasma volcanicum Heterotrophic 2 60
Bacteria Acetobacter methanolicus Heterotrophic Gluconate 3–6 4
Acidiferrobacter thiooxydans Autotroph 2.0 38
Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans Facultative autotroph *2 45–50
Acidiphilium angustum Heterotrophic Citric acid and Tween 80
Acidiphilium cryptum Heterotrophic Organic acids 2.0–6.0 35–41
Acidiphilium symbioticum Heterotrophic Organic acids 3.0 Mesophilic
Acidithiobacillus albertensis Autotrophic 3.5–4 25–30
Acidithiobacillus caldus Autotroph H2SO4 2.0–2.5 45
Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans Autotroph 2.5 27
Acidobacterium capsulatum Heterotrophic Organic acids 3.0–6.0 Mesophilic
Acidocella spp.
Acidomonas methanolica Heterotrophic
Alicyclobacillus GSM Facultative autotroph 1.8 47
Alicyclobacillus tolerans Facultative autotroph 2.5 37
Arthrobacter spp. Heterotrophic
Bacillus spp. Heterotrophic
Aureobacterium liquifaciens Heterotrophic
Bacillus coagulans Heterotrophic 5.4–6.0 22
Bacillus megaterium Heterotrophic Citrate 4–7 5.0 25
Bacillus licheniformis Heterotrophic 37
Micrococcus varians Mixotrophic 3–5 3.0 30
Bacillus subtilis Heterotrophic 3–5 3.0 35

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 563

Table 1 continued
Domain Microorganisms Nutritional type Chief leaching agent pH range Opt. pH Temp °C

Bacillus pumilus Mixotrophic 6–8 7.0 25

Corynebacterium vitarumen Heterotrophic 4–6 5.0 30
Bacillus polymyxa Heterotrophic
Chromobacterium violaceum Heterotrophic Cyanide
Comamonas testosterone Heterotrophic
Crenothrix spp. Facultative Autotrophic Fe? 5.5–6.2 18–24
Enterobacter cloacae Heterotrophic 22
Enterobacter agglomerans Heterotrophic 5.4–6.0 22
Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum Heterotrophic 2 35
Ferrithrix thermotolerans Heterotrophic 1.8 43
Gallionella spp. Autotrophic Fe? 6.4–6.8 6–25
Kingella kingae
Lactobacillus acidophilus Heterotrophic 37
Leptospirillum ferriphilum Autotrophic 1.3–1.8 30–37
Leptospirillum ferrooxidans chemolithoautotrophic Fe 2.5–3.0 30
Leptospirillum thermoferrooxidans chemolithoautotrophic Fe? 1.7–1.9 45–50
Leptothrix discophora Facultative Autotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 5.8–7.8 5–40
Metallogenium spp. Heterotrophic Fe? 3.5–6.8 4.1
Ochrobacterium anthropic Heterotrophic
Pseudomonas putida Heterotrophic Citrate, Gluconate
Propionibacterium acnes Heterotrophic 37
Pseudomonas cepacia Heterotrophic 5.4–6.0 22
Psychrobacter glacincola Heterotrophic
Serratia ficaria Heterotrophic
Siderocapsa spp. Heterotrophic Fe?
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Heterotrophic
Staphylococcus lactis Heterotrophic 37
Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans Chemolithoautotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 Extr. 50
Sulfobacillus thermotolerans Facultative autotroph 2.0–2.5 40
Thiobacillus acidophilus Mixotrophic H2SO4 1.5–6.0 3.0 25–30
Thermothrix thiopara Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 Neutral 60–75
Thiobacillus albertis Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 2.0–4.5 3.5–4.0 28–30
Thiobacillus concretivorus Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 0.5–6.0
Thiobacillus capsulatus Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 3–7
Thiobacillus delicates Mixotrophic H2SO4 5.0–7.0 25–30
Thiobacillus denitrificans Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 5.0–7.0 30
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Chemolithoautotrophic Fe?, H2SO4 1.4–6.0 2.4 28–35
Thiobacillus intermedius Facultative Heterotrophic H2SO4 1.9–7.0 6.8 30
Thiobacillus kabobis Mixotrophic H2SO4 1.8–6.0 3.0 28
Thiobacillus neapolitanus Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 3.0–8.5 6.2–7.0 28
Thiobacillus novellus Chemolithoheterotrophic H2SO4 5.0–9.0 7.8–9.0 30
Thiobacillus perometabolis Chemolithoheterotrophic H2SO4 2.6–6.8 6.9 30
Thiobacillus organoparus Mixotrophic H2SO4 1.5–5.0 2.5–3.0 27–30
Thiobacillus prosperus Chemolithoheterotrophic H2SO4 1.0–4.5 23–41
Thiobacillus pumbophilus Chemolithoheterotrophic H2SO4 4.0–6 5 27
Thiobacillus rubellus Chemolithoheterotrophic H2SO4 5.0–7.0 25–30
Thiobacillus tepidarius Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 6–7 43–45

564 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

Table 1 continued
Domain Microorganisms Nutritional type Chief leaching agent pH range Opt. pH Temp °C

Thiobacillus thiooxidans Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 0.5–6.0 2.0–3.5 10–37

Thiobacillus thioparus Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 4.5–10.0 6.6–7.2 11–25
Thiomonas cuprinus Facultative heterotrophic H2SO4 3.0–4.0 30–36
Thiobacillus versutus Chemolithoautotrophic H2SO4 8.0–9.0
Eukarya Actinomucor spp. Heterotrophic Succinate 27
Fungi Alternaria spp. Heterotrophic Citrate, Oxalate 32
Aspergillus fumigatus Heterotrophic
Aspergillus awamori Heterotrophic 28
Aspergillus niger Heterotrophic Oxalate, Citrate, Gluconate, 30
Aspergillus ochraceus Heterotrophic Citrate 28
Cladosporium spp. Heterotrophic
Aspergillus spp. Heterotrophic Citrate, 30
Cladosporium resinae Heterotrophic 28
Coriolus versicolor Heterotrophic Oxalate
Fusarium spp. Heterotrophic Oxalate, Malate,
Mucor racemosus Heterotrophic Citrate, Succinate 27
Paecilomyces variotii Heterotrophic Citrate, Oxalate
Penicillium chrysogenum Heterotrophic 28
Penicillium spp. Heterotrophic 25
Penicillium funiculosum Heterotrophic Citrate
Penicillium notatum Heterotrophic 26
Penicillium simplicissimum Heterotrophic Citrate, Oxalate, Gluconate 22–30
Rhizopus japonicas Heterotrophic
Trichoderma lignorum Heterotrophic 24–26
Trichoderma viride Heterotrophic 32
Yeast Candida lipolytica Heterotrophic 30
Rhodotorula spp. Heterotrophic
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Heterotrophic 28
Torulopsis spp. Heterotrophic
Trichosporon Heterotrophic
Latest information in the table has been included following literature research

leaching [8, 50]. Heterotrophs play a vital role in biomining and assist in providing energy substrate to iron oxidizers by
along with autotrophs. Genera such as Acidocella, Acidis- reducing ferric into ferrous iron [106, 130]. Several het-
phaera, Acidobacterium, and Acidiphillum, have been erotrophs reported from leaching environments are repor-
reported from acidic environments accompanied with A. ted in Table 1.
ferrooxidans that consume several organic substrates but
not iron. Heterotrophic bacteria have been isolated and 3.2 Temperature-Based Classification
characterized from extreme low-pH environment of AMD
and black shale [80, 121, 122]. Such microbes oxidize acid- 3.2.1 Mesophilic
soluble metal sulfide and improve the biomining ability of
autotrophs. During oxidation, autotrophs excrete some Mesophilic acidophiles were the pioneers in mining
inhibitory agents, which can be consumed by heterotrophs industry, where these were utilized for commercial bio-

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 565

oxidation of pyrite-bearing gold ores, arsenopyrite, in metals either by metal ion displacement from the ore via
stirred tank reactors. Later with the development of hydrogen ion or by chelates creation and solubilize metals.
research, these microorganisms have been utilized for low- Leaching with fungus is rather slower compared to bacte-
grade copper ore bioleaching [34]. Several mesophiles, ria; however, despite this, fungal leaching is best if min-
such as A. thiooxidans, A. ferrooxidans, L. ferriphilum, and erals hold enough quantity of organic material, such as
L. ferrooxidans, are metal-tolerant and solubilizing bacteria black shale [8, 9]. Fungus such as Penicillium and Asper-
that are frequently used in bioleaching [95]. Furthermore, gillus spp. play a vital role in metal bioleaching because
certain mesophilic microorganisms belong to genus Sul- they excrete high concentration of organic acids [110, 72].
fobacillus, Acidimicrobium, Alicyclobacillus, and Ferro- They have been used for metal recovery or mineral bene-
plasma have been utilized for biomining [127, 130]. ficiation such as refractory gold and silver ores, copper
Nowadays, mesophilic acidophiles are favored microor- oxides and carbonates, manganese oxides, spodumene,
ganism for heap bioleaching from low-grade chalcopyrite cobalt and zinc ores, oxidic ores of nickel, zircon, removal
ores because it works optimally at normal temperature [99]. of unwanted minerals from bauxites, silicate ores con-
taining chromium, iron, titanium and quartz sands and
3.2.2 Thermophiles silicates [127]. Several fungal strains were used for metals
extraction from black shale [9, 8], incineration fly [157],
Several moderate thermophiles like A. ferrooxidans, A. waste material [65], power plant residues [110], and min-
caldus, S. acidophilus, S. thermosulfidooxidans, S. disulfi- ing deposits [82]. Fungal strains were examined for toler-
dooxidans, T. acidophilum, Alicyclobacillus acidocaldar- ability towards these metals and it was discovered that
ius, and F. acidarmanus are used for bioleaching [127]. several metals are crucial for cellular activity [150]. Nor-
Likewise, extreme thermophiles include Acidianus infer- mally, fungus carry bioleaching at pH 2.0–8.0 and tem-
nus, A. brierleyi, Metallosphaera hakonensis, A. sulfidivo- perature 20–40 °C and tolerate heavy metals and were
rans, M. sedula, Sulfurococcus mirabilis, S. metallicus, M. therefore used in past for mining waste and carbonaceous
prunae, S. yellowstonensis, and S. yangmingensis. Metal low-grade ore processing. Le et al. [69] examined that high
sulfide oxidation rate by thermophilic acidophiles is higher percentage of metals (Cr, Co, Al, Mn, Fe, Cu, Mg, Zn and
compared to mesophilic acidophiles [34, 169]. Since the Ni) deactivate the cellular metabolism responsible for
metal sulfide oxidation is exothermic, temperature rise organic acid production and mineral leaching. Drawbacks
occurs in the heap-bioleaching core, which boosts the like supply of organic substrate that enhance the processing
thermophilic-acidophilic growth [106]. cost, possible contamination with undesired microbes, and
Nowadays, thermophilic biomining is used for gold and pathogen occurrence, prevent industrial applications of
copper [107, 162]. In pyrite-bearing refractory gold con- heterotrophic microbes for leaching till today.
centrates and arsenopyrite-oxidizing bioreactors, the dom-
inant sulfur oxidizer is A. caldus at intermediate
temperature, whereas S. metallicus and Metallosphaera 5 Bioleaching Mechanisms
spp. are dominant above 60 °C [166]. Industrial application
of thermophilic biomining is still under exploration, and Bioleaching of metal sulfide is principally based on innate
factors like cell wall sensitivity to high pulp density and uniqueness of microbes that get their vital energy from
low tolerance toward metals compared to mesophiles have oxidation of ferrous iron and RISCs in acidic environment.
restricted its commercial application [95]. However, stirred Bio-oxidation of metal sulfide happens by transporting
tank bioleaching is the sole effective industrial application electrons from sulfur or/and iron moiety of mineral to the
for the treatment of high-grade gold ores and concentrates final electron acceptor oxygen [6]. There are three mech-
[52, 127]. Heap bioleaching with thermophiles can be an anisms of bioleaching: direct and indirect bioleaching, and
alternate fast chalcopyrite-processing method, where later the terms are replaced with contact and non-contact
desired temperature is obtained for high microbial growth bioleaching. The third one is co-operative bioleaching
and activity [106, 170]. [52, 127].

5.1 Direct Bioleaching

4 Fungal Diversity in Bioleaching
Direct bioleaching means direct electron transfer from
Heterotrophic microbes capable of bioleaching also include metal sulfide to bacterial cells adhering directly to metal
filamentous fungi. Fungi can produce certain organic acids, sulfide. In this mechanism, the cell attaches to metal sulfide
amino acids, and other metabolites, which are involved in with the help of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS)
leaching from ores (Table 1). These metabolites dissolve layers, resulting in sulfide mineral dissolution at the

566 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

interface via electrochemical process. This approach is the uranium recovery; oxidation of insoluble tetravalent
easy to implement, but dissolved metals can negatively uranium occurring in soluble hexavalent. The lixiviant,
affect microbial growth and metabolism, which in turns produced by A. ferrooxidans during pyrite oxidation, is
limits productivity [70]. However, the microorganisms in associated with uranium ore.
direct bioleaching have high resistance toward heavy UIV O2 þ Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 ) UVI O2 SO4 þ 2FeSO4 ð7Þ
metals as described in oil contaminated land study [18]. In
this mechanism, pyrite oxidation occurs, and ferric sulfate Indirect leaching is facilitated with organic and inorganic
is produced [135]. Reactions are the followings: acids produced by microorganisms. Such bioleaching
4FeS2 þ 14O2 þ 4H2 O ) 4FeSO4 þ 4H2 SO4 ð1Þ occurs in two stages: First, the cells are grown in a medium
having optimum cultural conditions to synthesise active
4FeSO4 þ O2 þ 2H2 SO4 ) 2Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ 2H2 O ð2Þ metabolites vital for bioleaching. Secondly, under suit-
Direct oxidation of pyrite via microorganisms is able conditions, the culture-free medium is utilized as
summarized in reaction: mineral-leaching agent [10].

4FeS2 þ 15O2 þ H2 O ) 2Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ2H2 SO4 ð3Þ 5.3 Co-operative Bioleaching
Non-iron metal sulfide such as chalcocite, covellite, galena,
sphalerite, molybdenite, millerite, cobaltite, and stibnite Term ‘‘Co-operative bioleaching’’ refers to sulfur inter-
can also be oxidized by A. ferrooxidans via direct mediates, sulfur colloids and other mineral dissolution by
bioleaching [146]. Therefore, direct bioleaching for entire planktonic cells [111]. This mechanism involves direct and
non-iron sulfide can be described in the following reaction: indirect mechanisms that synchronously affect metal dis-
solution. Certain chemicals released by the attached cells
MS þ 2O2 ) MSO4 ð4Þ
fulfill the energy requirements of planktonic cells [100].
However, direct bioleaching does not seem real since direct Terms like this are beneficial for physical status description
electron transfer between metal sulfide and adhered cells of the cells that perform bioleaching. However, they do not
has not been established till now [95, 127]. Now it is an reflect an idea about original chemical mechanism of
established fact that bioleaching is an integrally chemical metals sulfide dissolution. In an orthodox way, bioleaching
process and microbes produce the essential chemical is established by collaboration of chemical and biological
agents like ferric iron and protons for metal sulfide leach- oxidation. Specific significance must be credited to ferrous
ing and provide reaction compartment of EPS layer and ferric iron cycle.
[95, 152].

5.2 Indirect Bioleaching 6 Pathways of Bioleaching

Indirect bioleaching occurs through ferric ion (oxidizing With research progression, now it is understood that metal
agent), generated by ferrous-oxidizing bacteria either sulfide dissolution is not similar, and therefore, two dif-
attached or planktonic [152]. This ferric acts as a lixiviant ferent pathways ‘‘thiosulfate’’ and ‘‘polysulfide’’ describe
in acidic solution and solubilizes metal sulfide. this dissolution. The mineral species determine the type of
 pathway to adopt [126, 128]. The crystal structure like
MS þ Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 ) MSO4 þ 2FeSO4 þ S ð5Þ
monosulfide and disulfide does not regulate the pathway,
In this reaction, ferrous iron oxidized to ferric by bacteria but metal sulfide reaction with protons is the appropriate
participates in leaching process. In indirect bioleaching, the principle. This property is controlled by the electronic
cells are not in direct contact with the mineral surface, but configuration of metals sulfide [128]. By nature, metal
they have catalytic activity to speed up the reoxidation of sulfides are conductors, semiconductors, or insulators, and
ferrous iron, which is otherwise very slow in the absence of both sulfur and metal atoms are bound to crystal lattice
microorganisms. At pH 2.0–3.0, ferrous oxidation by [158]. Both molecular orbital and valence band theories
bacteria is 105–106-fold faster than chemical oxidation. reveal that orbitals of atoms and molecules form electron
The sulfur generates is simultaneously oxidized to H2SO4 bands having diverse energy levels. The metal sulfide with
by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria At. thiooxidans. valence band derived only from metal atom orbital cannot
 attacked by protons, and such metal sulfides are acid non-
2S þ 3O2 þ 2H2 O ) 2H2 SO4 ð6Þ
soluble (thiosulfate pathway). Such metal sulfides are
Role of sulfur oxidizers is to provide satisfactory acidic resistant to proton attack, and their bond can only be bro-
condition for optimum survival and function of iron-oxi- ken through oxidant like ferric iron by multistep electron
dizing bacteria. Another example of indirect bioleaching is transfer. However, the valence bands resulting from both

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 567

orbitals of metal and sulfide will be acid soluble (poly- metal sulfide. Only such bacteria can redevelop ferric iron
sulfide pathway). In such metal sulfides, along with ferric, after consumption, since chemically at low pH (2.0), fer-
protons can also remove valence band electrons and thus rous iron is not oxidized significantly [137].
causing metal sulfur bond cleavage [118, 126]. Therefore,
two classes of metal sulfides are present having two dif- 6.2 Polysulfide Pathways
ferent oxidation mechanisms. Intermediate sulfur com-
pound formation in both pathways depends upon metal Unlike pyrite oxidation, the bond between metal and sulfur
sulfide mineralogy and geochemical conditions like exis- in acid-soluble metal sulfide can be broken prior to H2SO4
tence of certain oxidant and pH [129]. Microbes play a oxidation. Metal sulfides like orpiment, realgar, chalcopy-
vital role in oxidation of these intermediates and convert rite, troilite, pyrrhotite, hauerite, galena, and sphalerite can
them into sulfate and protons (H2SO4) [132]. be dissolved by protons. Such metals sulfide is dissolved by
collective action of ferric and proton, i.e., the binding of
6.1 Thiosulfate Pathway proton by the sulfide moiety through valence band elec-
trons. This proton attack cleaves the bond between metal
Metal sulfides such as pyrite, tungstenite, and molybdenite and sulfur moiety and after binding two protons, liberation
holds pair of sulfur atoms, which form nonbonding orbitals of hydrogen sulfide occurs. Though, in the presence of
[151], while the valence bands derive only from metal ferric, sulfur oxidizes in a single-electron step with proton
atoms, therefore, are entirely oxidized via ferric iron. Pyrite attack. At acidic condition, the sulfur moiety of metal
oxidation is extensively studied, and detail can be found sulfide is oxidized to elemental sulfur [78]. Several reac-
somewhere else [41, 129]. Pyrites are exclusively oxidized tions essentially describe the elemental sulfur formation
by ferric iron. When ferric initially attacks on pyrite, the through polysulfide pathway [114, 128], which have been
sulfur part gets oxidized into soluble sulfur intermediates. identified during the dissolution of, chalcopyrite [58],
In such metal sulfides, the bond between metal and sulfur galena [138], and pyrrhotite [144]. The initial sulfur com-
does not cleave until six successive one-electron oxidations pound produced is sulfide cation (H2S?) that can dimerize
have occurred and thiosulfate is liberated. Therefore, this impulsively to free disulfite (H2S2) and further oxidize to
pathway is called thiosulfate pathway. During this path- elemental sulfur by polysulfides and polysulfide radicals
way, the disulfide part of pyrite is oxidized by hydrated [139]. Therefore, acid-soluble metal sulfide oxidation has
ferric ions into sulfonic acid group by extraction of several been called polysulfide mechanism. The elemental sulfur
electrons. The bond between sulfur and iron is broken, and can inert chemically in natural environment, or it can
thiosulfate and hydrated ferrous ions are produced. The oxidize biologically to H2SO4 and conserve acidity of
primary soluble sulfur intermediate that is formed is then medium. In polysulfide oxidation, sulfides ([ 90%) are
oxidized to tetrathionate [133]. Further, tetrathionate converted into elemental sulfur in the absence of sulfur-
degrade into several sulfur compounds, i.e., trithionate, oxidizing bacteria. Some products such as thiosulfate,
pentathionate, sulfite, and elemental sulfur [41, 129]. These sulfate, and polythionates are formed [128, 139]. Oxidation
intermediates are ultimately oxidized to sulfate by bio- by ferric iron is not the only condition for polysulfide
logical and/or chemical reactions. The central role played pathway but can also be oxidized by the action of sulfur
by microorganisms in this pathway is the ferric iron oxidizers. In ferric iron deficiency, these bacteria carry
regeneration from oxidation of released ferrous iron oxidation of free sulfide (H2S) resulting from the proton
(Eq. 8). Thiosulfate pathway can be described by the fol- attack on metals sulfide to H2SO4 and regenerate the
lowing Eqs. 9 and 10: consumed protons. Polysulfide mechanism can be
explained by the following equations [128].
2Fe2þ þ 1=2O2 þ 2Hþ ) 2Fe3þ þ H2 O ð8Þ
MS þ Fe3þ þ Hþ ) M2þ þ 0:5H2 Sn þ Fe2þ ð n  2Þ
FeS2 þ 6Feþ3 þ 3H2 O ) S2 O2
3 þ 7Fe

þ 6Hþ ð9Þ
S2 O2
3 þ 8Fe

þ 5H2 O ) 2SO2
4 þ 8Fe

þ 10Hþ 3þ 2þ þ
0:5H2 Sn þ Fe ) 0:125S8 þ Fe þH ð12Þ
0:125S8 þ 1:5O2 þ H2 O ) SO2
4 þ 2H ð13Þ
Stoichiometry of this pathway has been established in
pyrite oxidation with A. ferrooxidans and oxygen and This pathway agrees with outcomes of bioleaching inves-
sulfur stable isotopes are found as products [17]. From tigation through A. ferrooxidans in which stable isotopes of
electron extraction reaction, it has been proved that only sulfur and oxygen are identified in the products of spha-
ferrous oxidizers are able to solubilize acid non-soluble lerite and chalcopyrite oxidation [16].

568 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

7 Bioleaching Techniques specific measurement in diameter and height to accom-

modate sample weight. Top of the column acts as an inlet
Mineral bioleaching is an effective and simple technology for the lixiviant, O2, and CO2 into column. Principle of
and widely used on practical scale for metals extraction. column leaching is same with percolator leaching and used
The economics and effectiveness of this approach highly as a model for dump or heap leaching. Column bioleaching
depends on microbial activity and mineralogical and ensures bacterial lixiviant flow rate optimization for metal
chemical composition of ores. This, process optimally dissolution. Moreover, this technique offers a clear picture
applied on one type of ores cannot be optimum for other of acid consumption pattern [97, 98], which can assist to
type. Prior to technical application, optimal leaching con- cost estimation for scale-up trials. Based on size, column
ditions must elaborate for each type of ores. Leaching can be made of lined concrete, plastic, glass, and steel.
techniques may be classified into three areas based on Most column systems have fixed devices at various dis-
working volume. tances for sample taking and installation of special instru-
ments for O2, CO2, pH, temperature, and humidity
7.1 Laboratory Techniques monitoring. Ore sample is flooded with lixiviant having
microorganisms, which percolates through the column
7.1.1 Submerged Leaching under gravity. The solution trickling through the column is
again pump backed to column surface for recirculation.
Simple percolator leaching is not efficient enough due to Concurrently, air stream fulfills the aeration requirements
insufficient O2 supply and unfavorable surface ratio. It is of the system. One of the characteristic features of column
gentle and the experiments usually last for 100–300 days. leaching is that it forms several zones within the ore, which
Consequently, percolating leaching has been replaced by have discrete chemical and physical gradients. Such zones
submerged leaching by using finely grinded ores material may show redox potential difference, elemental sulfur
having particle size of \ 100 lm, which are suspended in formation, and iron precipitation. These zones can show
leaching liquid all the time and kept in motion by shaking. similarity with those in large-scale heap and dump leaching
Adequate aeration, precise control, and monitoring of processes [108]. This technology has few disadvantages
several parameters enhance the growth and activity of like being inefficient and slow extraction rate, and series of
microorganisms. Thus, the reaction time is significantly experiments lasting 100–300 days are usual because of
reduced, and metal extraction considerably rises. Sub- insufficient O2 supply and the unfavorable surface ratio
merged leaching can be performed in Erlenmeyer flask, or [100].
in more refined manner, in bioreactor. In addition of
mechanically agitated system, an air lift reactor has been 7.2 Pilot-Plant Technique
provided for industrial waste products, ore concentration,
and bio-desulfurization of coal treatments [145]. It is very Constructions of reliable model for industrial-scale plants
easy technique and has advantage that it can easily be and the laboratory-scale techniques are not considered
regulated and controlled [100]. Particle size \ 100 lm reliable; however, it provides valuable information in short
considerably increases the surface area and leaching level, period of time. Industrial-scale leaching is performed under
which are tough to leach with percolation. But, it has different conditions, and optimum environmental condi-
drawback of constantly fluctuating conditions like dis- tions in laboratory-scale techniques can not be appropriate
solved O2 and pH. This fluctuation makes it hard to study for it. Highly dependable industrial-scale plant can be
the influence of certain factors since they can be intensified designed under optimum and controlled environmental
or negated by continuous fluctuation [54]. Submerged conditions after pilot plant practices, such as column
leaching is implemented to examine the material’s leaching and agitated tanks [75, 141].
amenability toward bioleaching and optimization of several
biological and physicochemical parameters. This labora- 7.3 Industrial Leaching Techniques
tory-scale processing provides a strong base for scaling up
the process. Presently, bioleaching is industrially used for metal
extraction from low-grade ores having metal concentra-
7.1.2 Percolator Column Leaching tion \ 0.5% (w/w). First industrial-scale bioleaching
technique was patented in early 1950s by the copper
Column is specifically designed container inside which the industry, successively followed by gold mining operation
low-grade ore or industrial effluents of specific size are [91], uranium [64] and zinc [2] from low-grade ores. The
subjected to bioleaching. Column designing is according to simplest way of bioleaching is to stack the materials in
heap and let the lixiviant to trickle through it and recollect

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 569

the leachate. Since the bacterial sulfide oxidation is slower 7.3.3 Underground Leaching
as compared to other biotechnical approaches, leachate
recirculates. Underground leaching is generally performed in abandoned
mines. Galleries are drowned or ores from unmined or
7.3.1 Dump Leaching mine waste inside tunnels are trickled or washed away
under pressure. Lixiviant having microorganisms are
This is an oldest process. It involves pile up of uncrushed introduced into boreholes in the ruptured orebody. The
rocks (25–400 m height, 100–300 m width, and leachate is collected in deeper galleries, shafts and pumped
100–2000 m length) and then flooded with dilute H2SO4 to into processing plant. The well-known use of this technique
enhance the microbial growth [117]. Generally, these is at Stanrock uranium mine situated at Elliot Lake in
dumps comprise of about 0.1–0.5% copper, which is very Ontario, Canada [77]. Ore deposits, which are unable to
low to extract with conventional methods. The dump size process by conventional methods since they are of low
varies extensively, and ore amount can range from hun- grade, can be leached in situ. The entire practice needs
dreds to thousand tons. Dump is sprinkled constantly from suitable orebody permeability and impermeability of the
the top or flooded momentarily. Lixiviant can be simple gangue rock so that to prevent the pregnant leaching
water, acidified water, or acidic ferric sulfate solution solution seepage.
obtained from other leaching operation having similar
mining properties, and it depends upon the ore [37]. No 7.3.4 Tank Leaching
microorganisms are inoculated in dump; they are ubiqui-
tous and proliferate when the conditions become appro- Tank leaching construction and operation are more
priate. Lixiviant sprinkling introduces enough air that is expensive than heap and dump leaching, but metal
vital for biological and chemical oxidation. Prior to recir- extraction rate is high. This approach is superbly used for
culation, the leachates can pass over an oxidation basin, refractory gold ore bioleaching. With the construction of
where the bacteria and ferric ions are renewed. pioneer industrial tank bioleaching plant at Fairview Gold
Mine in South Africa for gold processing, efforts have been
7.3.2 Heap Leaching made to process other ores [1]. For high-yield metal
extraction by submerged leaching, the use of bioreactor
Materials are specifically designed to be arranged in dump instead of shaking flask was experienced very early [117].
shape having dimension of height, width, length, and slant Tank leaching establishes the most effective approach for
over water and acid proof membrane. The heap design is bioleaching and [ 80% of Zn is leached from zinc sulfide
somewhat slanted to allow drainage of leachate out of [147].
reservoir [99]. Heap and dump bioleaching procedure is
similar. Heap leaching deals with extra regulation of
chemical, engineering, and biological factors than dump 8 Factors Affecting Bioleaching
bioleaching. This method is used for fine-grinded ores,
which cannot be concentrated by floatation, to enhance the Bioleaching involve microorganisms, therefore, highly
lixiviant–mineral’s interaction and make the base imper- effected by biological, environmental, and physicochemi-
meable to stop the lixiviant loss and water body’s pollution cal factors, which in turn affect the metal extraction yield.
[37, 75]. The heap’s height is the controlling dimension, The bioleaching efficiency largely depends upon the
which ranges from 2–3 to 7–8 m when the larger part of the competence of microorganisms and mineralogical and
ore sample is 60–150 mm or greater [117]. Such leaching chemical composition of ores. High metal extractions can
is performed in large basins holding up to 12,000 tons ores. only be obtained when the leaching conditions (Table 2)
Sometimes in heap bioleaching, pipes are inserted in are an optimum range of bacterial growth conditions.
planned sites, to provide adequate O2 into deeper portion.
Principally, both in dump and in heap bioleaching, the 8.1 pH
lixiviant applications are carried out on the surface and the
recovered leachate that seeps to the bottom by gravity flow. For microorganisms that carry out bioleaching, pH is the
Dilute H2SO4 is sprinkled on the surface that penetrate most important factor. Changes in pH greatly influences the
downwards and lowers the pH and enhances the microor- colonization and metabolism of microorganisms [95]. The
ganism’s growth. This runoff is collected at the bottom and bioleaching medium acidity level results from the proton
is pumped to recovery stations where the metals are balance between net-consuming reactions and reaction of
recovered by cementation, solvent extraction or H2SO4 production and iron hydrolysis. Optimum pH is
electrowining. necessary for optimal microbial growth and metal

570 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

Table 2 Factors affecting bioleaching and their effects

Factors Parameters that affect bioleaching Effect

Physical and pH, temperature, nutrient, redox potential, CO2 and O2 content, Affect microbial composition, activity and leaching rate
chemical homogenous mass transfer, Low pH is needed to achieve high leaching rate and to
parameters keep the ferric iron and metals in solution
Fe(III) concentration and inhibitors, etc. In chemical and biological oxidation of metals sulfide an
electron acceptor (Ferric iron) is needed
Biological Microbial diversity Mixed culture tends to be more strong and efficient than
parameters pure
Inoculum density High inoculum density tends to increase the leaching rate
Metal tolerance, High metal concentration may be toxic for
Adaptation abilities of microorganisms Leaching conditions are usually harsh, so microbes must
be able to adopt such conditions
Microbial activities Ferrous and ferric iron is due to microbial activity. It
must be an optimum range
Spatial distribution and attachment of microorganisms to ore The proper arrangement and attachment of
particles microorganism upon ore surface is essential for
Ore characteristics Composition It provides electron donor and trace elements for growth
Particle size Affects the available minerals/liquid contact area
Surface area Bioleaching is proportional to the increase mineral
surface area
Porosity Particles pores and cracks give rise into internal area and
facilitate solution penetration
Mineral type and distribution Minerals having lowest potential is generally oxidized
first. Minerals distribution in ores also affect
Acid consumption, hydrophobic galvanic interactions, Jarosite All these generally influence the microbial potential of
formation and formation of secondary minerals bioleaching

solubilization because most of the metals are soluble at low been reported that the microbial activity increases many
pH. Optimum pH range for microbial ferrous and sulfide folds by the bacterial strain adaptation to the growth
oxidation is 2.0–2.5. Generally, bacteria like A. ferrooxi- medium at optimum pH [43].
dans are unable to grow on ferrous iron at pH [ 3.0.
Optimal pH range varies among different system and 8.2 Temperature
microorganisms [92]. From thermodynamic point of view,
higher the pH, quicker will be the acid production. On the Microorganisms are categorized based on optimally growth
other hand, low pH close to 1.0 is injurious for microbes temperature: mesophiles (30–40 °C), moderate ther-
and only the acid-tolerant species can withstand, making mophiles (around 50 °C), and extreme thermophiles (above
the biological system delicate. To balance the pH during 65 °C). Cells become inactive below optimum temperature
process, a neutralizing agent like limestone can be added, and destroy above optimum temperature. Sulfide mineral’s
but it boosts the jarosite formation. pH range of 1.4–1.7 is bio-oxidation is an exothermic process and, therefore,
possibly a good compromise between the above-mentioned generates significant heat in stirred tank reactor and heap.
risks and technical feasibility of pH controlling in big Temperature control in heaps is a difficult task. Height of
stirred tank [100]. The influence of wide-range pH condi- heap is a significant factor for temperature rise, which rises
tions on microbial community shifts over DDGE analysis with square of heap height [106]. This is in association with
exposing that At. caldus and S. thermosulfidooxidans an aeration effect and irrigation rate [55, 99]. With tem-
dominate at initial pH 1.0, whereas At. caldus, L. fer- perature alteration, the microbial diversity dynamics alters
riphilum, and S. thermosulfidooxidans are always identified [86]. Industrially, the heap inside temperature may reach
at pH 2.0. The L. ferriphilum growth is repressed at pH 1.0 up to 50 °C on which both the chemical and biological
and 3.0 [162]. The bacterial growth usually starts at lower oxidation reactions cannot be structured, and the attain-
pH and as the pH increases upto medium value, the growth ment of an exceptionally high temperature will noticeably
continues without affecting the cellular activity [11]. It has prevent mesophilic bacterial activity. As temperature rises

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 571

to more than 40 °C, mesophiles are replaced by moderate 0.2 g/dm3 of dissolved O2 concentration is adequate for the
thermophilic sulfur and iron oxidizers. Moderate ther- metabolic activates of bacterium [73]. In laboratory, it can
mophiles can be replaced by extreme thermophiles when be achieved by doing aeration, shaking, or stirring. In
temperature rises above 60 °C [106]. Inside the heap, industrial stage, mainly in dump and heap leaching, ade-
temperature is determined by several factors, as described quate O2 supply can cause hurdles. Air supply to heap may
by Petersen and Dixon [104]. Optimum temperature for A. be carried through pipe network installed at the base. Holes
ferrooxidans to oxidize ferrous and sulfide is 28–30 °C. At of 50 mm diameter are bored at the bottom for air distri-
lower temperature, reduction in metal extraction occurs, bution in pipes [24]. Blowers or low-pressure high-volume
but at 4 °C, two competing factors affect the process: first fans are used to inject air into heaps.
the reaction rate enhancement which are usually carried by
raising temperature, and second the reduction of microbial 8.5 Carbon Dioxide
activity with temperature rise and upper tolerance limit of
the microorganisms. This competition becomes greater if Microorganisms that are used at commercial scale are
mesophiles and psychrophiles are used. Therefore, appro- mostly autotrophic. They use CO2 as a carbon source.
priate temperature range should be adjusted for bioleaching Adequate CO2 supply is the subject of discussion as an
to keep conditions constant for microbial growth and operating parameter in commercial bioleaching. However,
reactions. there is adequate CO2 in air to fulfill the requirements
through air sparging. At higher microbial growth rate,
8.3 Nutrients carbon uptake rate reaches to the levels where CO2 supply
by the injected air is not further adequate and carbon
Microorganisms need nutrients for their cellular metabo- transfer become a rate limiting step for sulfide oxidation.
lism, new cells and metabolites biosynthesis. In bioleach- However, the fact that either the CO2 excess will amplify
ing, most of the microorganisms are chemolithotrophic and or reduce the bacterial growth may vary among microor-
needs inorganic compounds. Generally, the mineral nutri- ganisms [100].
ents are acquired from the material to be leached. For
optimal microbial growth, sulfur and iron compounds must 8.6 Inoculum Density
be supplied into the media together with salts like ammo-
nium, magnesium, and phosphate. Furthermore, nutrient Inoculum density is one of the controlling factors in
supplement must be in optimal concentration; too low or leaching kinetics both in direct and indirect mechanisms.
high concentration may affect the microbial growth. In Denser microbial population may increase the rate and
case of heterotrophs, sucrose has been found to be the best bioleaching efficiency. But several limiting factors like O2
carbon source for citric acid production by A. niger fol- and nutrient supply restrict the inoculum density. There-
lowed by glucose and fructose [56]. Magnesium and fore, an optimum inoculum density should be supplied to
potassium are often available in the ore minerals. It has achieve maximum bioleaching efficiency. Maximum
been considered that jarosite precipitation depends upon microbial population concentration varies between 103 and
the ammonium concentration in the slurry, which can cause 109 cells/mL in continuous stirred tank [63]. Therefore, to
the bacterial activity reduction by sulfide surface passiva- enhance the kinetics, the microbial population must be
tion [100]. increased. The bacterial population in lixiviant can be
increased by harvesting the biomass through centrifugation
8.4 Oxygen or membrane filtration and re-inoculate it in lesser volume
of solution. However, these practices are costly and need
Both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms are capable of complex instrumentation. These challenges can be over-
bioleaching processes. For optimum growth and leaching come by using a biofilm type of reactor known as bacterial
activity of bacteria, adequate supply of O2 is necessary. film oxidation [57]. Most of the acidophilic microorgan-
Inadequate O2 supply will slow down the microbial growth isms have distinctive attraction toward jarosite. Thus, if a
rate and eventually the leaching rate. Bacteria require O2 thin film of jarosite develops under optimum conditions,
during iron and sulfur oxidation. O2 solubility in water at these microorganisms will get essential site for extra
35 °C is 8 g/m3; it decreases with increase in ionic con- growth. Pesic and Kim [103] suggested jarosite formation
centration in the solution [63]. As per the stoichiometry, mechanism and growth of microbes. Other alternative to
bacterium iron oxidation reaction needs 0.07 g of O2 per increase microbial population is to apply electrical poten-
gram of ferrous oxidation, and this amount cannot be tial. Bacterial population depends on the amount of ferric
supplied by the solution in view of O2 solubility. Thus, the iron oxidized. In a rough estimate, for 1 g of biomass
additional O2 supply must be from outside. More than production, it requires 100 g of ferrous iron oxidation.

572 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

Ideally, if iron oxidation and reduction rates are equivalent attachment and original pyrite surface are responsible for
by applied potential, it supports high bacterial population bioleaching that leads to corrosion.
and oxidation potential and enhances sulfide dissolution
kinetics [87]. 8.10 Size, Chemistry, and Pulp Density of Substrate

8.7 Microbial Activity Substrate size also affects the leaching rate. Smaller par-
ticle size increases the total particle surface area; therefore,
Activity of microbes is measured in terms of sulfur and high metal yield can be obtained without changing the
iron oxidation rate. The oxidation rate varies from strain to particles’ total mass. Best metals solubilization rate have
strain [20], due to several factors, like morphology varia- been studied to occur in particle size of the order of few
tion [136], variation in lipopolysaccharides composition tens of microns [117]. Higher the pulp density, higher will
[60], variation in nutrient metabolism [109], resistance be the leaching process because it increases the total par-
toward organic matter [155], and DNA base ratio [112]. ticle surface area. On the other hand, higher pulp density
Best microbial strains can be obtained from mines, UV rises the toxic substances in the leaching environment,
irradiation and by genetic engineering the activities can be which cause the microbial growth inhibition. Therefore, the
enhanced [145]. Bacterial activity can be enhanced by metal extraction process is often best at lower pulp density.
adaptation techniques [15] as most of the metals are toxic Any two ores are not similar, and each ore deposit displays
and adaptation increases the tolerance in alien condition heterogeneity and holds different mineralogical composi-
and curtail the lag period, hence increasing the leaching tion and inclusion, acid demand characteristics, and ele-
kinetics [13]. ments concentration. Bioleaching profiles of each ore
sample are distinctive because of these differences. The
8.8 Metal Resistance of Microorganisms mineralogical composition of substrate is of primary
importance because it affects the bioleaching rate and
Metals concentration in leachate increases as the sulfide efficiency. Pyrite containing minerals are highly important.
mineral leaching progresses. Existence of certain heavy Microbial growth may be inhibited by the presence of
metals such as arsenic, zinc, iron, and copper in high highly toxic metals and reduction of the bioleaching rate
concentration may inhibit the microbial growth [46, 47]. and efficiency occurs. Even in solid substrate, the chemical
Toxicity of several metals on bacteria in 9 K medium was state of the metal compound also disturbs the bioleaching
studied by Escobar and Lazo [44]. High concentration of efficiency. The water and acid-soluble forms of metals
metals demonstrates toxic activity due to four reasons: (1) leach out easily compared to others. Porosity in ore
functional groups blockage of biologically important material greatly enhances the solution penetration into the
molecules, (2) dislocating or replacement of essential orebody [106].
metals from biomolecules and functional cellular units, (3)
inducing conformational changes in polymers, and (4) 8.11 Irrigation
influencing the membrane integrity and transport practices
[49]. Sensitivity to heavy metals varies between different Two types of irrigation exist, continuous, and discontinu-
genus of microorganisms and even strains of the same ous, while it is largely believed that discontinuous irriga-
species. Thus, microbes that have high tolerance towards tion favor metal extraction. In this type, the solution is
heavy metals in leach suspension should be selected. irregularly sprayed onto the heap surface and is allowed to
penetrate before fresh solution supply. Through irrigation,
8.9 Attachment of Microorganisms the liquid is drawn into the ore mass by capillary forces.
When irrigation finishes, the liquid with dissolved metals is
Several studies have confirmed the bacterial attachment to drained out of capillary and stays on the surface and fresh
the ore’s surface and/or presence in the pregnant leach irrigation carries with it and the practice starts again with
solution in commercial procedures. A typical model for the supply of fresh liquid into the capillary. Thus, discon-
bioleaching was proposed by Sand et al. [125], which is tinuous irrigation is highly effective for harsh ores than
principally proceeded by ferric ions complexation by the continuous irrigation, since this alternative draining and
secreted EPS substances. This model, initially considered drying of the capillaries is significantly rapid than simple
for A. ferrooxidans, and applied for L. ferrooxidans, since ionic diffusion through a static capillary full of fluid. This
both these iron-oxidizing bacteria share EPS quality that alternative draining and drying assist to leach coarse par-
enable the bacterial attachment to the ore surface [51, 116]. ticles and washes soluble salts from the surface and
Ferric ion only did not bring any local pyrite corrosion, enhances O2 and CO2 diffusion to the ore surface [106].
which specifies that the reactions between bacterial Some studies reveal that daily irrigation is more effective

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 573

in bacterial presence compared to irrigation after 1 week open-pit mining process is reached. During advanced block
[12]. Industrially, the evaporation rate and metal concen- caving methods, 25–30% of the orebody has left in situ
tration in liquid phase determine the irrigation frequency [153]. Nobody has yet considered employment of in situ
[28]. Though, the irrigation frequency is a vital factor to be bioleaching for the abandoned ores at the time of block
considered. caving during pre-mine planning periods to employ in situ
bioleaching for the abandon ores during block caving. The
8.12 Jarosite Formation worth of mining technology and resource efficiency can be
enhanced by considering in situ bioleaching processing
Jarosite formation in bioleaching is problematic. After during planning stage of large-scale mining projects. The
formation, jarosite precipitates on mineral surfaces and new underground mine at Chuquicamata, Chile, which will
reduces the efficiency of reagents and mineral interactions, be commissioned in 2018, will employ block caving min-
and even metal oxidation inhibition mediated by microor- ing to produce 350,000 t of copper annually [127].
ganisms. This inhibition of bioleaching especially in Therefore, with an expected ore left over of 30% because
chalcopyrite is due to the creation of an intermediate sul- of caving mining, about 105,000 t per annum of copper will
fide passivation layer. This layer is less reactive compared remain in the abandon ores. Additionally, employing a
to original chalcopyrite and can prevent the flow of elec- typical in situ post-bioleaching extraction for copper (50%)
trons and oxidants towards and from chalcopyrite [106]. from dump or stockpile bioleaching can contribute 50,000 t
But exact nature of this layer is complex and it is described of copper recovery annually. For concentrates that are
that it forms from one or both sources: (1) either Fe(OH)3 difficult to process by conventional methods due to pollu-
carry the jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6] formation and coats tant compounds such as bismuth and arsenic and their
the unreacted material to produce a passivating layer and/ unfavorable polymetallic structures or huge transportation
or, (2) the elemental sulfur formed during the process tends expenses, bioleaching is the best alternate way to exploit.
to coat the surface. Ferric iron precipitation and jarosite
formation are pH dependent and jarosite precipitation is 9.2 Use of Thermophilic Microorganisms
more prominent within pH range of 1.9–2.2. But using
thermophilic bacteria rises the temperature to [ 60 °C To date, bioleaching was generally limited to using
disrupting the passivating layer on chalcopyrite in a high- mesophilic bacteria during heap bioleaching. Temperature
temperature heap-bioleaching procedure [148]. rise inside heap generally restrict the proliferation of bac-
teria and subsequently minimize the efficiency of
bioleaching. However, recently the use of thermophilic
9 Developments in Metals Sulfide Bioleaching bacteria during bioleaching has been extensively studied
[53, 45, 90, 120] by amended modeling and monitoring of
Due to depletion of high metal ore deposits or growing thermophilic microbial communities, and high metal
depth of economically feasible deposits, all the conven- extraction rate has been achieved. The material and setup
tional processes such as smelting, roasting, floatation and such as equipments and process control used for high-
grinding will not be more applicable economically. With temperature bioleaching already exists [42]; the only need
conventional processes, the power demand is inversely is to obtain competent microbial community.
proportional to the metal present in the ore; that’s why with
low metal contents these conventional methods become 9.3 Microbial Consortia
expensive. However, this gap can be compensated with
finding new high-grade ore deposits and/or employing new Further study has now been focused to use consortia
bioleaching strategies or methods that can enhance pro- instead of single kind of microorganisms in bioleaching.
duction. Followings are some strategies and methods that Encouraging results have been achieved by using microbial
can enhance extraction rate in bioleaching. consortia, because consortia has great potential to with-
stand against arsenic, copper, and chloride ion [67], prevent
9.1 In Situ Bioleaching Consideration During Pre- iron contamination of leach liquor during manganese
mine Planning Stage extraction and desirable for downstream processing of
metal recovery [5], and hold barotolerant (higher pressure
Caving method, e.g., block caving method, during under- resistant) ability that can contribute in anaerobic iron and
ground mining from porphyry copper deposits is equivalent sulfur cycling in deepest ore deposits that are extremely
both in production capacity and in expenditures to open-pit relevant for in situ bioleaching process [168].
mining. Hence, it can be employed for low-grade ores
especially when the practical and economic depth edge for

574 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

9.4 Use of Solar Energy (44%), Pb (32.5%), Mn (52.2%), Cd (37.7%), Cu (24.1%)

and As (31.6%). Bio-surfactant can enhance the decon-
However, inside heap, the process is exothermic, but the tamination of heavy metals from the sludge and signifi-
efficacy can be further enhanced with an additional heating cantly influence the electro-kinetic process [142]. Bacteria
source suitable for thermophilic bacteria. The use of solar that need iron for their metabolism are already exploited in
energy can provide suitable conditions within heap and the commercial scale for metal extraction. Nowadays, the
enhance metal recovery rate and reduce cost in a sustain- focus is on to study bio-floatation: a technique yet to be
able way. Primarily the copper mines in Chile are sited in fully explored where there will be no more need of living
the Atacama Deserts, which receives huge solar radiation. microorganisms, but these active substances can alter the
These radiations can be unified into heap bioleaching to mineral surface. These may be cell components, biomole-
rise the temperature inside heap and enhance the copper cules or metabolic products. Once appropriate bacteria are
extraction rate. Recently, Murray et al. [85] studied a reported, and the bio-surfactants are isolated, further aim
bioleaching process simulated over 1 year, including solar will be to study the interaction of mineral surface and
thermal collector field and ponds using HeapSim (Heap individual molecule. In a long-term perspective, bio-
Bioleach Simulation tool) and TRNSYS (Simulation Stu- floatation can be integrated into conventional processes.
dio to model the heat gain from the solar collector field). Furthermore, these bioactive substances can degrade nat-
Maximum copper extraction rate without solar energy was urally within environment. How these substances behave
67% with 7 kg/h m2 solution flow rate, while extraction inside the process is the matter to explore further to make
rate of 85% was achieved with collector field to heap area them technologically and commercially viable.
ratio of 1:1 having 10 kg/h m2 solution flow rate. Capital
cost of the solar energy structure to the income generated 9.6 Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning
from extra copper leached was economically compared.
The NPV (net present value) and internal return rate were Recently, bioleaching combined with solvent extraction
positive for collector areas ranged from 10,000 to (SX) and electrowining (EW) technique has been suc-
150,000 m2 within 200,000 m2 of heap area. Highest NPV cessfully implemented to extract copper. However, with
happened at 50,000 m2 and 76% of extraction was SX, several organic chemicals entrain in the form of
achieved by leaching over 1 year. emulsion and get dissolved in aqueous raffinate. These
chemicals are usually entrained during raffinate recycling
9.5 Use of Bio-surfactants in bioleaching and contaminate the system inevitably. The
impact of these organic chemicals on bioleaching ability of
Bio-surfactants produced by bacteria are capable of alter- A. ferrooxidans was studied by Liu et al. [74]. It was
ing the surface of several metals and aggregates on inter- reported that the organic chemicals present in raffinate are
phases and enhancing metal extraction process. The use of directly proportional to LIX984 N concentration, and
bio-surfactant promotes the interaction between ore and concurrently decrease the bacterial metabolic activity.
bacteria. These natural bio-surfactants can reduce or even Contamination with organic chemicals in SX affects the
replace chemical surfactants, and metals extraction can be cellular ultrastructure and morphology. The SX organics
achieved in a more environmentally sustainable way. They adsorb the surface of minerals and hamper its contact with
can enhance the metal recovery that is conventionally hard bacteria that leads to lower extraction rate of metals [161].
to extract such as the molybdenum content. Bacteria such Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the effect of SX
as Bacillus subtilis, Brevibacillus parabrevis, Pseu- process must be considered during bioleaching process for
domonas aeruginosa, and Bacilluspumilus has been the safe recycling of raffinate, which is usually skipped.
reported to produce bio-surfactants and are used in metal Chen et al. [32], successfully investigated a combined
extractions [66, 113]. These natural bio-surfactants have technique of bioleaching–solvent extraction–electrowin-
qualities of emulsification, detergency, dispersion, and ning (L–SX–EW) for sludge-born copper extraction. The
foaming and show advantages over synthetic counterparts, copper solubilization ratio has been found to be more than
like biodegradability, low toxicity, and selectivity 90% and extraction efficiency reaches more than 95% by
[68, 105]. Diaz et al. [40] achieved 63% Fe and 70% Zn using 2% solvent extractant M5640 under optimum con-
extraction by using combined bioleaching and rhamnolipid ditions. Elemental copper powder of more than 90% is
bio-surfactants; however, recovery rate was 50% (Zn) and achieved through electrolysis of acidic aqueous phase.
19% (Fe) with bioleaching alone. In recent studies, Yang During this process, no waste water generation has been
et al. [160] used the bio-surfactant (glycolipid) producing reported, and therefore, L-SX-EW technique has potential
Burkholderia sp. Z-90 for extraction of heavy metal con- to exploit for metal recovery. Ruan et al. [119] discussed
taminated soil and achieved significant results for Zn the use of bioheap leaching–SX–EW technique used at

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 575

Zijinshan copper plant in China to treat secondary copper Improved metal recovery has been reported by treating zinc
sulfide ores. Megaw et al. [79] presented an alternate sulfide ores in microwave due to internal cracks created by
process for copper sulfate production that includes crushing microwave [31].
and screening of the ores, heap-bioleaching, SX, and cop-
per sulfate EW at remote location for Central African 9.9 Using Catalytic Additive Agents
copper belt. Same technique has also been implemented in
South America with full success and targeted to copper Currently, several catalytic agents have been used during
sulfate as a final product mainly for the animal feed addi- bioleaching to enhance the metal extraction from metal
tive market. Basically, the satellite copper sulfate produc- sulfide ores. Such agents can decrease the recalcitrant
tion is beneficial because the copper units provided to behavior of sulfide ores for leaching the metals and improve
refinery for cathode production need less secondary pro- dissolution behavior of the ores. Several studies have
cessing compared to dense media separation (DMS) con- reported the use of silver as catalysts to improve dissolution
centrate. The final product is favorable for copper cathode of low-grade ores in the presence of meso-acidophiles
processing as that have unused SX and EW capacity. When [46, 47, 84, 163]. The use of sodium chloride to boost copper
copper sulfate is added to SX, the associated sulfate is dissolution rate has been proposed recently [19, 46, 47, 71].
collected as sulfuric acid in the raffinate and fulfill the acid However, these catalysts are uneconomical, sometime
requirement of bioleaching. related with deleterious effect on microorganisms, for
example silver is expensive and chloride ion create stress
9.7 Combination of Electro-Kinetic Technology conditions and inhibit growth of microorganisms for which
and Bioleaching they try to combat these challenges with several adaptation
mechanisms [164]. The use of suitable catalytic agent is
Combination of electro-kinetic technology and bioleaching favorable for bioleaching such as the waste newspaper used
not only dissolves or stabilize fraction of the heavy metals by Panda et al. [94–96] is economical, eco-friendly, and
but also improves recycling of heavy metals and eradicate enhance the copper recovery (99%). Suitable catalytic
their hazard [102]. The bioleaching part is to extract metals agents that can control oxido-reduction reaction during
as ionic fraction that migrates toward cathode, precipitates bioleaching enhance the metal dissolution and are capable of
and is recycled. Also, bioleaching can be combined with scaling up which will considerably contribute to enhancing
advanced oxidation process (AOPs) such as Fenton-like metal recovery from low-grade sulfide ores.
reaction (Fe3þ/H2O2) that reduces shortages and enhance
the metal recovery [159]. Bioleaching is performed first by 9.10 Controlled Slurry Potential
providing acidic environment and catalysts for Fenton-like
reaction, which in turn shorten the bioleaching period Metal recovery rate can be enhanced through controlled
[171]. The iron-oxidizing bacteria convert ferrous to ferric slurry potential. The effect of redox potential on metal
iron. The ferric iron not only oxidizes metal sulfide but also dissolution has been extensively studied and it reveals that
enhances H2O2 conversion to OH, which oxidizes organic redox potential plays crucial role in copper dissolution
components and destroys extracellular polymeric sub- [3, 59]. Recently, it has been reported that with electro-
stances (EPS) and releases metals [61]. Conditions have chemical redox control in continuous bioleaching, higher
been successfully optimized for bioleaching combined with copper dissolution and faster leaching kinetics are achieved
Fenton-like reaction to enhance trace metal recovery and [76]. The copper dissolution rate enhances significantly by
dewaterability of dredged sediments [167]. Zhu et al. [171] reducing the redox potential. The bioleaching and elec-
successfully recovered Cu (75.3%), Zn (72.6%), Pb trochemical investigation of metals sulfide dissolution are
(34.5%), Cd (65.4%) by using this technique. controlled by redox potential. Bioleaching of chalcocite
and pyrite is carried under constant redox potential
9.8 Pre-treatment of Ore Bodies (\ 760 mV, vs SHE) and copper extraction of 90–98% is
achieved, which is tenfold time than iron recovery [156].
Microwave and ultrasonication treatment of ores can Under oxygen limited conditions, populations of iron oxi-
improve bioleaching efficacy by causing grain boundary dizers are reduced; however, Acidithiobacillus having
fracture. This approach has potential advantage in down- sulfur reducing ability are an alternate controller of redox
stream recovery stage such as energy conservation during potential. Therefore, maintenance of controlled redox
following comminution because of particle weakening and potential during bioleaching technique is one of the
high exposure or release of value grains. Such kind of effective approaches to balance iron and acid production.
treatment enhances metal recovery, as kinetics and extent Several other technologies are focused to optimizing the
of bioleaching depend upon grain accessibility to lixiviant. commercial-scale metal extractions or passivation. These

576 Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579

include ion exchange, filtration, chemical precipitation, Zambia combinedly contribute 50% copper production
adsorption on activated carbon, electrochemical treatment, [106]. Currently, bioleaching is used for U, Au and Cu,
membrane technology etc. [14, 154]. Although, great effort however, in future it will be vital for Co, Zn, Ni, and Mo
has been made to improve bioleaching technology, yet etc. recovery. In present scenario, demand and prices of
there are some limitations which delay the pervasive metals are increasing, thus, bioleaching application is also
application of technology. increasing. Investment and processing cost of bioleaching
are much lower compared to conventional processes. Also,
the operational plant can be constructed in the close
10 Life-Cycle Assessment vicinity of the ores to save the transport expenses. Besides
the metals extracted in the leachate, certain insoluble
High-grade ores of metals are falling worldwide as their metals are left behind in the residues like lead. Therefore,
reserves are processed first and are depleted progressively. the inferior lead sulfide concentrate can be converted into
Simultaneously, demand of metals extracted from these high value concentrate by metal leaching, e.g., Cd, Zn and
ores has probably increased, even with high level of de- Cu, which interfere in conventional extraction. Such pro-
materialization and reusing. Sustainability alarms have cedures can also be applied for Ag and other precious
emphasized the requirements to meet these demands, while metals that are blocked by As, Cu, Fe and Zn sulfide.
at the same time, reducing resource consumption and Commercially, certain challenges are present in using
environmental release. Several studies have been carried microbes for metals extraction from low-grade ores in
out to undertake life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology more engineered fashion. Mineralogical composition of
to scrutinize several other processing ways for metal each orebody is different. Therefore, appropriate knowl-
extraction from low-grade ores. Norgate and Jahanshahi, edge of several process parameters like minerology, ore
[89] used LCA methodology to inspect the impact of ore characteristics and physical parameters is necessary for
grades (down to 25%) and grind sizes (down to 5 lm) based effective metals recovery. For this purpose, detailed labo-
on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission of ratory and pilot scale testing is necessary to up-scale
nickel and copper extraction by conventional methods commercially. Hence, modeling aspects in bioleaching
(pyrometallurgical processing). The findings reveal that the should be focused on dynamic aspects like actual predic-
impact of declining ore grade on environment is significant tion of leaching behavior in freshly designed heap as well
at grade below 1%, because extra energy is consumed, and as at different time intervals of leaching [38]. Also, the
greenhouse gases are emitted during mineral processing to microbiological aspects specifically the dynamics of active
move and treat additional gangue material. LCA of several communities is less-understood. Therefore, diverse simu-
alternate routes of ore processing for metal extractions has lation in bioleaching on microbial community dynamics
been studied by Norgate and Jahanshahi, [88] and they will help to understand the interaction mechanisms, sur-
reported the least embodied energy consumption and vival and diversity in such diverse and heterogeneous
greenhouse gas emission with different grade ores during systems.
heap leaching. Compared to metal extraction through Several environmental pollutants like industrial effluents
conventional approaches at high temperature, the and AMD will be reduced by exploiting ultrasonically
microorganisms working in bioleaching are functional at enhanced bioleaching and bioremediation techniques.
ambient temperature and produce very few direct con- Slowly, bioleaching is gaining importance in the waste-
taminants and greenhouse gases. No external addition of treatment because microorganisms are the main agents
chemicals is required during bioleaching and the lixiviant capable of metal dissolution. Mostly industrial waste
is processed under controlled environment and it prevents products such as fly ash and slag comprise high concen-
water pollution. tration of valuable metals in oxide form rather than sul-
fides. It has been proved that these metals can be recovered
by the acid produced by microorganisms. Thiobacillus has
11 Future Prospects detoxification potential of soil and sediment polluted with
heavy metals and sewage sludge. Geomicrobiological
Future of bioleaching is quite encouraging. With fast technologies intend to chase certifying commercialization
consumption of high-grade ores, it is essential to process policy. Fresh strategic coalitions can help to improve the
the low-grade ores and industrial effluents for metal full range of applications for new technologies and direct
extraction. Today, many countries have a substantial authorization of the targeted mining companies will lead to
amount of low-grade ore assets, which on exploitation may fast commercialization.
contribute to their economic development. Several devel- It is an established fact that the microbial consortium is
oping countries such as Indonesia, Chile, Peru, Mexico and more effective in bioleaching compared to pure culture

Trans Indian Inst Met (2019) 72(3):559–579 577

[48]. Introduction and advancement of genetically engi- Compliance with Ethical Standards
neered microbes in consortia may enhance the bioleaching
Conflict of interest There is no conflict of interest.
and bioremediation [27]. No study has been conducted to
emphasize the novel consortium development that effi-
ciently dissolve metals. Recently, web server has been References
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