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Viết part 1 : có 5 dạng

Dạng 1: trend

Dạng 3: compare

Dạng 3: mixed

Dạng 4: process ( quy trình tự nhiên và quy trình công nghiệp )

Dạng 5: maps ( sự thay đổi của thành phố)

- Trend và compare:
- giống nhau: phân tích số liệu có trong trục ngang và trục dọc
- khác nhau:
- trend là gì: là có sự dịch chuyển về thời gian
- compare là gì: không có sự dịch chuyển về thời gian
- dạng 1: trend
- trend là gì: trend là gì: là có sự dịch chuyển về thời gian
- viết gì trong bài trend: phân tích sự tăng, giảm, giao động, giữ nguyên giữa các
- động từ chia thì: thường chia thì quá khứ.
- I. từ vựng

- Increase: tăng - (V) : increase= go up= escalate= jump= rise= grow=

improve+ to + số lượng
- ( Cụm N ): S+ witness an increase/ an escalation/ a
jump/ a rise/ a growth/ an improvement+ to to + số
Witness= see= experience
- ( Cụm N ): + S+ be on the rise/ be on the increase/ be
on the jump/ be on the growth to + số lượng
- EX:
- The income of Lovely Loaves increased to nearly
£90,000 in 2001
- The income of Lovely Loaves witnessed an escalation to
nearly £90,000 in 2001
- The earnings of Lovely Loaves was on the rise to nearly
£90,000 in 2001
- The earnings of LL was on the growth to about 85,000
in 2004
- The earnings of BB was on the rise to about 25,000 in
- The income of BB experienced a jump to 60,000 in 2008
- The earnings of BB was on the high jump to nearly
40,000 in 2003
- The income of BB increased to nearly 40,000 in 2003
- The income of BB witnessed an escalation to nearly
40,000 in 2003
- The income of LL rised=> rose to 90,000 in 2004

- Decrease: giảm - ( V): decrease= go down= dip= drop= fall= decline

- ( cụm N): witness a decrease= witness a dip= witness a
drop= witness a fall= witness a decline.
- Witness= see= experience
- ( cụm N): be on the decrease= be on the dip= be on the
drop= be on the fall= be on the decline
- The income of RB was on the decrease to nearly 40,000
in 2008
- The earnings of LL witnessed a decline to nearly 60,000
in 2005
- The income of LL saw a dip to 40,000 in 2009
- The income BB was on the drop to nearly 20,000 in 2002
- The income of LL was on the dop to 80,000 in 2003
- Tăng mạnh: - (V) : double = rocket= shoot up= peak = surge= soar+ to
big increase - ( Cụm N ): witnessed a double= a rocket= a peak + at = a
surge= a soar+ to
- Saw a quantum leap to: chứng kiến một bước nhảy vọt
- Reach a peak at: đạt đỉnh
- Hit a highest point of: tăng lên điểm cao nhất
- Hit a high of: tăng nhanh
- EX
- The income of RB saw a quantum leap in the next,
increasing to nearly 100,000 in 2008 before reaching a
peak at about 110,000 in the last year.
- The income of BB hit a high of nearly 60,000 in 2008
before reaching a peak at about 70,000 in 2018
- The income of RB was on the rocket in the next five
years, going up to approximately 100,000 before reaching
a peak at 110,000 in 2010.
- The income of BB saw a quantum leap in the next two
years, increasing to nearly 60,000 in 2008 before hitting a
highest point of nearly 70,000 in 2010.
- The earnings of BB doubled in the first 4 years, rising to
nearly 40,000 in 2003.
- Giảm mạnh/ - (V): halve, plummet, plunge, bottom out + to
lao dốc/ chạm đáy - ( N): experienced a half= a plummet= plunge + to
- Big decrease - Hit a low of
- Hit a trough of
- Hit the lowest point of
- The income of LL halved in the next 5 years, decreasing
to nearly 40,000 in 2008 before hitting the lowest point of
40,000 in 2010.
- The income of LL hit a low in the next four years, falling
to nearly 60,000 in 2007 before hitting the lowest point of
nearly 40,000 in 2010.
- The number of Gatwick users experienced a growth in
the first 3 years, jumping to 44,4 in 2000 before reaching a
peak at 69,3 in 2003.
- After a jump to the highest point of 48,2 in 2000, the
number of heathrow visitors plummeted in the next 2
years, dipping to about 33,2 in 2002 before escalating
again to 45,6 in the last year.
- The number Heathrow users saw a quantum leap in the
first three years, and reached a peak at 48, 2 in 2000. It
then bottomed out to 33,2 in 2002 before increasing again
to 45.6 in the last year.
- -
- Btvn.




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