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Textile Testing and Machinery(Part B)

(Common questions of 2020-21)

1. Elaborate the points to be considered in measuring the fabric thickness? [20(5a),21(5a)] (3


1. Shape and size of pressure foot: A circular foot is usually used. The ratio of foot
diameter and cloth thickness should not be less than 5:1.
2. Shape and size of anvil: If a circular anvil is used, it should be at least 2”greater
in diameter than the pressure foot. Where the sample is larger than the anvil, the
anvil should be surrounded with a suitable support.e.g. a smooth plane board.
3. Applied pressure: (Recommended pressure is specified as 0.1 lb /inch or 10.0 lb 2

/inch ).Suitable weights may be added to pressure foot to obtain these pressures.

4. Velocity of pressure foot: The pressure foot should be lowered slowly on sample
to keep precision, it needs slow and careful movement.
5. Time: The thickness is read from the dial of the instrument when the movement
of pointer has stopped.
6. Indication of thickness: A clock type dial is usually built into a thickness tester.
It should be rigidly mounted in a suitable frame and, it should be capable of
measuring to an accuracy of 1%.
7. Condition of specimen: During measuring thickness the fabric specimen should
be free from wrinkle or crease but also should not be under tension.
8. Stability of m/c: Jarring may cause the pressure foot to penetrate more deeply in
fabric. So a solid support is necessary.

2.How can you measure bending length by using Shirley Stiffness tester? [20 5(c),21 6(a)]

Test Procedure of Shirley Stiffness Tester:

1. To carry out a test, the specimen is cut to a size of 6 in. x 1 in. with the aid of the template.
2. Both the template and the specimen are transferred to the platform with the fabric underneath.
3. Now both are slowly pushed forward.
4. The strip of the fabric will commence to drop over the edge of the platform and the movement
of the template and the fabric is continued until the tip of the specimen viewed in the mirror cuts
both index lines.
5. The bending length can immediately be read off from the scale mark opposite a zero line
engraved on the side of the platform.
6. Each specimen is tested four times, at each end and again with the strip turned over.
7. In this way three samples are tested .
8. Finally mean values for the bending length in warp and weft directions can be calculated.

Figure: Shirley stiffness tester

3. Write down the principle and working procedure of ICI pilling box test? [20 6(c),21 7(a)]

Principle: This instrument measures the pilling property of a fabric sample by

comparative study. In this method, the fabric is rubbed for a predetermined number of
cycles and comparing the rubbed surface to a standard one, some rating is given to the
tested fabric about its pilling property.
Working Procedure:

 A piece of fabric, measured 5” X 5” is sewn so as to be firm fit when placed a rubber

tube 6” long, 1 ½” outer dia and 1/8” thick.
 The cut ends of the fabric are covered by cellophane tape and 4 tubes are placed in a
box (9” X 9” X 9”).
 The box containing the tube is then rotated at 60 r.p.m. for 5 hrs.
 For garments normally subjected to repeated washing as well as to wear, washing may
be desirable prior to preparing the tubes of fabric.
 Hence it is the practice to apply a standard hand wash in 0.5% soap at 45ºC for 15
mins to Terylene/ Cotton and Terylene /Viscose shirt and dress fabrics.
 After tumbling, the extent of pilling is assessed visually comparison with the arbitrary
standards 1,2,3 as bellows:

Std 1: Become hairy but do not pill.

Std 2: Become hairy and pill slightly.
Std 3: Become hairy and pill more severely
ICI Pilling Box

4.Mention the factors affecting the flame resistance of fabric? [20 8(c),21 8(b)] (3marks)
• Fibre content: The flame resistance of a fabric is partly dependent on the fibre from which it is
made. Cellulosic like as cotton, flax, viscose rayon give fabrics of low flame resistance. Wool
fabrics are difficult to ignite . Nylons and Terylene (polyester), both are thermoplastic fibres,
shrink from the flame and tend not to ignite . Although some stiffening treatments and certain
dyes can may result in the ignition of nylon and terylene.
• Yarn types: Yarn structure does not affect the flammability of a fabric.
• Fabric structure: Flammability is largely independent of fabric structure. It doesn’t matter
whether it is weaved, knitted, laced, bonded, or felted fabric.
• Fabric weight: Fabric weight influences the flammability of the fabric. For a given fibre the flame
resistance rating of the fabric has been found to be directly proportional to its weight in
ounces(Oz) per Yd2.

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